View Full Version : Greater Somnis Longbow - +29, S5, T4, Heavily Sighted

05-23-2024, 07:30 PM
Auctioning a Greater Somnis Longbow. Will go standard once, twice, sold, updating once per day. MB: $500, BO $750, CB 200m.

a polished somnis yumi with ivory nocks
It imparts a bonus of +29 more than usual.
It appears to weigh about 2 pounds.
It is estimated to be worth about 140,850,000 silvers.
It is sighted to assist in aiming, but exactly how much requires assessment.
It is predominantly crafted of somnis. It is greater somnis.
It has been ensorcelled 5 times.
It has been sanctified 4 times.
It may be enchanted up to a bonus of 35 by a wizard and was last enchanted by Brisbobar.
It is a complex project (682 difficulty) for an adventurer to modify.

05-23-2024, 08:58 PM
May I bid 200mil?

05-23-2024, 09:34 PM
Sure. We'll call that the min bid.

05-24-2024, 04:38 PM
Sold on buyout.