View Full Version : Carpe Diem Guild

06-05-2005, 09:08 PM
For those looking for a new alliance guild on Dunemaul

Contact Toj

06-05-2005, 10:33 PM
Seize the day and get your ass kicked by the Barren Fury.

Sounds fun.


06-05-2005, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Seize the day and get your ass kicked by the Barren Fury.

Sounds fun.


sounds like I already have more active members than your guild

06-05-2005, 10:49 PM
uh oh.

If Toj started a guild I feel a serious rivalry coming on.

This should be fun.


06-05-2005, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by Parkbandit
Seize the day and get your ass kicked by the Barren Fury.

Sounds fun.


sounds like I already have more active members than your guild


Sure you do Toj. I bet they are all level 60 too, right?

Come on now.. don't pull a Tabor on us.

06-05-2005, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by theotherjohn

Originally posted by Parkbandit
Seize the day and get your ass kicked by the Barren Fury.

Sounds fun.


sounds like I already have more active members than your guild


Sure you do Toj. I bet they are all level 60 too, right?

Come on now.. don't pull a Tabor on us.

Even considering his many exploits on these boards I don't Tabor deserves to be put ahead of Tamral.

Tamral was downright offensive to many people and was an asshat.

Tabor was an asshat and then when people pissed on his parade he got defensive.

I guess I just have more of a vendetta against Tamral and would like to see his name mericlessly befouled by PC members.

Personal preference.

Oh, and seize the day, Toj.

PS - did you keep your same name?

06-05-2005, 11:06 PM
Does your guild not suck as bad at helping new members? If so I might switch sides.

06-05-2005, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
sounds like I already have more active members than your guild


Sure you do Toj. I bet they are all level 60 too, right?


I was just fucking with you.

We currently have 12 active. highest is 20

06-05-2005, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Iqxero
Does your guild not suck as bad at helping new members? If so I might switch sides.

My guild is not teh suck.

and yes I am Toj the NE Druid

06-05-2005, 11:13 PM
Barren Fury does anything but suck at helping new members. Shit, it was because of them that I tore through the starter levels, got my first few instances, started money, equipment, spell components, containers, and a ton of equipment towards me. Pretty dumb statement there, if you ask me.

- Arkans

06-05-2005, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
Barren Fury does anything but suck at helping new members. Shit, it was because of them that I tore through the starter levels, got my first few instances, started money, equipment, spell components, containers, and a ton of equipment towards me. Pretty dumb statement there, if you ask me.

- Arkans

and how many of those who helped you are still in the guild?

other than some token linen and two items crafted then only help I got was from Alorg.

06-05-2005, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
Barren Fury does anything but suck at helping new members. Shit, it was because of them that I tore through the starter levels, got my first few instances, started money, equipment, spell components, containers, and a ton of equipment towards me. Pretty dumb statement there, if you ask me.

- Arkans

Amusing you say that. The only person to go beyond promises of help was you, Arkans.

06-05-2005, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by Iqxero
Does your guild not suck as bad at helping new members? If so I might switch sides.

Being new is the easiest part of the game.

You don't really need the aid of others (more than once or twice) till your higher up in levels anyway.

06-06-2005, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by Hulkein
Being new is the easiest part of the game.

You don't really need the aid of others (more than once or twice) till your higher up in levels anyway.

Oringinally posted by Hulkein in another thread

My take on the way the guild is right now is really positive.

Higher levels helping out, people who have already done quests doing them again to help those who haven't. No one is stingy, they are willing to give away most items if it will help another member.

I think the fact that a lot of us know eachother here makes it more conducive to helping out in game.

You first tell us the guild is great because they help eachother out, and the fact that we know eachother from PC is even more helpful. Then you inform us that at the begining we don't need help. Which is it? The guild only helps people who are 40+?

You let me know the next time you manage to go through RFC or WC with a cleric and a warrior only. :)

Fact is, we went 12 levels or so before asking for any assistance at all. At 12, I put in a request for bags. I never asked for the best bags in the world, just some bags period. a few wool bags would have worked! But insted, we had to buy/make our own bags after being told we'd get some.

About level 15, we started asking around for assistance in RFC. Someone spoke up and said they would help. We waited for 3 days. The third day, we asked if someone else would help us (Thank you Arkans. We are both greatful for the assistance you gave us.) When the person logged on this morning offering to finally take us through RFC, we informed them we'd finished RFC already and would be more then happy to do WC. The responce was "I don't feel like doing WC". The cave would have taken the same ammount of time for a level 60.

So in told, we made three small requests, all of which were of very little trouble to the guild. We sent what little we could to people that needed/wanted it (mostly low level gems we found.). But our three small requests were shot down. :shrug:

Finally, I'll just place this out. We joined Dunemaul and the guild in hopes we'd actually get to play with the other members. We both understand that we were of low level, and not yet skilled enough to join in the fun. But if someone would have stepped up like Arkans and helped us out, we would still be there right now, and most likely getting close to level 22-25. By next weekend, we'd be pushing 30. :shrug:

06-06-2005, 12:15 AM
How many people are in the guild? Actually, I'm willing to be all of them. In fact, everyone I know from day one is still around and a regular at the guild helping out. Just today, without me even asking, Sade mailed me reagents for water walking and water breathing. Before that, I had a really nice shield mailed to me out of the blue. How can anyone look at this and say the guild isn't helpful to other members?

I'd like to also state that Guild members volunteered to take me to the WC, I didn't even know what a fucking instance was. All I was told is to put some time aside and if I wanted to go (thanks Silthar for that, even though you aggro'd a ton of monsters at the end and got us all killed!)

Go on the guild channel, make small talk, be productive, make yourself known. Don't go in expecting everything to be done for you just like that. I put a lot of my own time and effort into my character. I earned the vast majority of my money and I give back to the guild by giving them EVERY gem I find.

Also, people do have hectic scheduals and previous engagements. Remember when I had to leave because I promised to quest with other people? It happens and its nothing against you, but you need to understand that the guild has been around for a while and people do make plans to quest, do raids, and instances. Keep at it, I'm sure it'll work out for you, after all, its the reason I helped. You were part of the guild!

Happy hunting!

- Arkans

06-06-2005, 12:17 AM
Adredrin, I actually had a similiar request a while ago and Sade put it to me in terms that I really understood. Sure, you'd tear through the quests faster, but the experience you'd lose from the mobs would be enourmous and hurt you in the long run. People forget things, we are all only human and sometimes we get busy, but if you need more help I'll be glad to do what I can!

- Arkans

06-06-2005, 12:21 AM
WTF you people need a backbone, OMG I GOT TO LVL 12 WITH OUT HELP that takes like 5 hours playing time if that. I mustve posted 20 times in the old barren fury request folder, you need leather items? find it on thotbot say plz make me this, you need potions? find it on thotbot say plz make me this, I'd like to see one person who asked me for help or an item to be made that didnt get it as soon as i had the time, please go join Carpe Diem so i can no you repeatedly as i wipe the floor with your carcass. I've gotten 3 characters to 39-45. With MINIMAL help, I enjoy every moment im in the guild, except when you whiney asses complain omg no ones taking me through wc, im 15 wtf help me!!!

06-06-2005, 12:23 AM
I'm in the guild too and nobody gives me anything, *cry.

06-06-2005, 12:24 AM
soon as i find out who you are, DEMOTED.

06-06-2005, 12:26 AM
Ehh.. It's a claim that does have merit, but seriously, you do need to put in the majority of your effort by yourself. That's how I"m questing at this moment right now!

- Arkans

06-06-2005, 12:49 AM
I was joking by the way, hahahaha.

I'm Irasmus the initiate..what's lower then that?

06-06-2005, 01:13 AM
We did quest alone. We did everything on our own that was possible on our own. In joining the guild, we thought we'd get to do instances with guild members, not be expected to go find random people to do the instances with.

We never asked for help questing. We never asked to be silver spooned. We followed what we were told to do (if you need help, ask.) and everyone except Arkans ignored us.


Thats what happened in our point of view. I'm sure other guild members will view us as whiners because we did not go from 1-60 on our own power. We joined the guild expecting to be able to do things with the members, not do what we've been doing on other servers the whole time (ie roomies playing a game with no interaction other then a chat channel with other people.)

06-06-2005, 01:31 AM
Problem is is that a lot of the members have been already in WoW for quite some time, so finding lower level guild members might be tough. Also, I have a hard time putting the generousity of guild members in question when I see green gear being offered on the guild channel for free constantly.

- Arkans

The Korean
06-06-2005, 01:40 AM
I've yet to see anything I hunt or instance drop any green items that are 10-18.

edited to say: Currently that is.

[Edited on 6-6-2005 by The Korean]

06-06-2005, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by Adredrin

Originally posted by Hulkein
Being new is the easiest part of the game.

You don't really need the aid of others (more than once or twice) till your higher up in levels anyway.

Oringinally posted by Hulkein in another thread

My take on the way the guild is right now is really positive.

Higher levels helping out, people who have already done quests doing them again to help those who haven't. No one is stingy, they are willing to give away most items if it will help another member.

I think the fact that a lot of us know eachother here makes it more conducive to helping out in game.

You first tell us the guild is great because they help eachother out, and the fact that we know eachother from PC is even more helpful. Then you inform us that at the begining we don't need help. Which is it? The guild only helps people who are 40+?

You let me know the next time you manage to go through RFC or WC with a cleric and a warrior only. :)

Fact is, we went 12 levels or so before asking for any assistance at all. At 12, I put in a request for bags. I never asked for the best bags in the world, just some bags period. a few wool bags would have worked! But insted, we had to buy/make our own bags after being told we'd get some.

About level 15, we started asking around for assistance in RFC. Someone spoke up and said they would help. We waited for 3 days. The third day, we asked if someone else would help us (Thank you Arkans. We are both greatful for the assistance you gave us.) When the person logged on this morning offering to finally take us through RFC, we informed them we'd finished RFC already and would be more then happy to do WC. The responce was "I don't feel like doing WC". The cave would have taken the same ammount of time for a level 60.

Two questions.

1 - Where in my post in this thread did I say that no one in our guild helps lower level people? I just said, in my experience, it isn't required to gain levels any faster. Sure if you have someone with you at all times it's going to be somewhat quicker, but that's not practical, and it's not hard alone.

2 - Where in my post which you quoted did I say anything about level ranges? I just said people were helpful. 'Higher levels helping out' doesn't equal everyone in the guild older than the new member saying 'HELLO, MY NAME IS GROBAGS, WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP YOU, YOUNGIN'????'

PS. I'm Grolock in the game and I'm pretty sure I offered to send one of you bags. I only had 8-slots to give, and you already had a full set of 8 slot bags or better.

[Edited on 6-6-2005 by Hulkein]

06-06-2005, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by Hulkein
1 - Where in my post in this thread did I say that no one in our guild helps lower level people? I just said, in my experience, it isn't required to gain levels any faster. Sure if you have someone with you at all times it's going to be somewhat quicker, but that's not practical, and it's not hard alone.

Why is it so hard to grasp this concept for some people? We never asked to be babysat from 1 to cap. All we asked for was a little help in RFC. We asked in channel multiple times, and I even posted on these boards about it. Only one person responded. That person never actually came through. We were told over and over we'd do it. Finally, the last time I asked in channel, Arkans agreed to come with us.

We already know quests are easy at our level. Hince, us not asking about them. Instances, on the other hand, are not.

2 - Where in my post which you quoted did I say anything about level ranges? I just said people were helpful. 'Higher levels helping out' doesn't equal everyone in the guild older than the new member saying 'HELLO, MY NAME IS GROBAGS, WHAT CAN I DO TO HELP YOU, YOUNGIN'????'

I'm sorry you misunderstood my post. What I was trying to point out is that you'd posted conflicting things. One saying the guild is great and helps members out all the time. The other saying low levels don't need help. Read my part above for the same answer to the second half of this question.

PS. I'm Grolock in the game and I'm pretty sure I offered to send one of you bags. I only had 8-slots to give, and you already had a full set of 8 slot bags or better.

Then you have us mistaken for someone else. I've got three people on Dunemaul. Out of those three, one person has a bag bigger then 6 slots. Iqxero has all six slot bags that he bought himself. So you have us mixed up with someone else. :)

06-06-2005, 02:22 AM
Why is it so hard to grasp this concept for some people? We never asked to be babysat from 1 to cap. All we asked for was a little help in RFC. We asked in channel multiple times, and I even posted on these boards about it. Only one person responded. That person never actually came through. We were told over and over we'd do it. Finally, the last time I asked in channel, Arkans agreed to come with us.

We already know quests are easy at our level. Hince, us not asking about them. Instances, on the other hand, are not.

Where in my post did I say otherwise?

All I said from the very beginning was that it's easier at young levels to gain quickly with the least amount of help. I didn't say anything about your specific situation.

I'm sorry you misunderstood my post. What I was trying to point out is that you'd posted conflicting things. One saying the guild is great and helps members out all the time. The other saying low levels don't need help. Read my part above for the same answer to the second half of this question.

I'm sorry that again you're not understanding my post.

Members of the guild do help. It isn't necessary for younger members to receive help in order to gain levels quickly.

Those statements don't conflict, Adredrin.

Then you have us mistaken for someone else. I've got three people on Dunemaul. Out of those three, one person has a bag bigger then 6 slots. Iqxero has all six slot bags that he bought himself. So you have us mixed up with someone else.

I guess, sorry I wasn't on when you were asking for bags, I have some 8-slots if you still need them. Just send me mail - Grolock.

[Edited on 6-6-2005 by Hulkein]

06-06-2005, 02:28 AM
To Hulkein: cloth sent.

06-06-2005, 03:19 AM

06-06-2005, 08:35 AM

How the fuck did I get Bayne to level 60 without anyone's help?

Oh that's right, I played the game.

I simply do not understand this hand holding all of the time.. I had zero help playing the game as I was the first one on this server. I didn't have someone sending me gold to get started with.. I didn't have someone making me weapons.. I didn't have someone making me bags... I didn't have someone sending me low level cloth to get ranks in.. I didn't have shit. I seemed to have something that others lack I guess.

Hell.. one of the reasons I play Stabbed now is so that I can do instances with younger guild members. I have a level 60 I could go pound out raids with.. I could go farm for gold and farm for honor. Last night, we had a group of 5 of Barren Fury members go in and DECIMATE Dun Garok. It was awesome. I love doing instances and quests with people I know.. but it's not always possible. It couldn't be easier to get a 5 man group up on normal days. You do a /who warrior 20-25 and then whisper to the ones around you not already in an instance. Taking members your own level gains you MUCH more experience than just taking a high level in.

I just don't get the hand holding requirement.

Liberi Fatali
06-06-2005, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Come on now.. don't pull a Tabor on us.

I think from this moment on, after each and every post you make, I shall reply with the same comment.

You're an idiot.

06-06-2005, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by Tabor

Originally posted by Parkbandit
Come on now.. don't pull a Tabor on us.

I think from this moment on, after each and every post you make, I shall reply with the same comment.

You're an idiot.


Wait.. is he lying about really thinking that? I guess we'll never know since we can never tell.

06-06-2005, 08:37 AM

06-06-2005, 08:37 AM
I wonder if he can post a scan of a piece of paper with "Parkbandit is an idiot" written all over it. But then I guess Peam would delete it or he wouldn't have time inbetween all his surgery classes.

Liberi Fatali
06-06-2005, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Tabor

Originally posted by Parkbandit
Come on now.. don't pull a Tabor on us.

I think from this moment on, after each and every post you make, I shall reply with the same comment.

You're an idiot.


Wait.. is he lying about really thinking that? I guess we'll never know since we can never tell.


06-06-2005, 08:42 AM

06-06-2005, 08:56 AM
It's really about levels. The lower level guys can tear through the levels and get up to the late 20's to early 30's quite quickly and still be in the general range of the groups that have been forming. Try that! You also have to understand that the guild (last I knew) did have a bit of a problem with getting people to higher levels (50-60) and people could still be trying to remedy that by power levelling their characters.

- Arkans

06-06-2005, 08:59 AM
I dont think we have a problem getting people to higher levels per se. I think the problems we have had have come from people thinking that at higher levels we are going to be likely to compete with the Likes of Black Ogre Clan, Onibatsu Clan and Band of Brothers etc. in terms of instance runs and raiding.
Clearly that's not going to happen.

06-06-2005, 09:00 AM
I don't understand all the complaints about lack of help, either. I didn't join the guild so that you guys could be my item/instance whores.

It does seem that a lot of guilds try to recruit by offering items & help, but that's usually how you attract assholes to your guild.

Maybe I'm biased because I never had the option of asking higher level guildmates to come do low level instances with me...but the last thing I'd do is villainize them if they didn't have the time or inclination to help.

06-06-2005, 09:02 AM
I doubt we'd compete with guilds like that, but I do think that we will be making, at least, a decent name for ourselves once Battlegrounds come out.

- Arkans

06-06-2005, 09:19 AM
Let me just say I am not familiar with the pc members other than reading the boards. I am not someone you all know and try to kiss up with. (You may if you feel the need) Heheh

Everytime I have asked for something from the guild I have received. I got tons of leather to help me further my skills in leatherworking, I have a locker full of the stuff I can't use yet that was sent to me. I got a ton of health potions when I was in an area that was not dropping. Every night I have seen people offering green stuff to the rest of the guild before they sell or disenchant. Yes Sade did me bags but I also made sure I sent her a pile of silk.

I am not one to get on channels and beg for people to take me through instances so my first one was BFD the other night and I had a blast. The guild has been wonderful to me. Everyone very helpful. And TOJ was a major part of that. I will miss him cause he was close to my level and fun to be around, but I am excited about the new people and hope I can help them the way he helped me.

I can make leather items like vests, pants quivers etc so if anyone needs please send me a mail requesting it. I can't help with instances because Heh I only been in one.


06-06-2005, 09:28 AM
But you can come on some more instance runs.
We need to get you through RFD next while you can learn from it...or maybe SM would be next?

06-06-2005, 09:49 AM
If you guys are doing RFD, give me a shout out. I've been meaning to try and get through there for a bit now, just been putting it off.

- Arkans

06-06-2005, 09:56 AM
RFD is a level 40 instance.
Maybe you mean RFK?

06-06-2005, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

How the fuck did I get Bayne to level 60 without anyone's help?

Oh that's right, I played the game.

I simply do not understand this hand holding all of the time.. I had zero help playing the game as I was the first one on this server. I didn't have someone sending me gold to get started with.. I didn't have someone making me weapons.. I didn't have someone making me bags... I didn't have someone sending me low level cloth to get ranks in.. I didn't have shit. I seemed to have something that others lack I guess.

Right. Guess what? I've done it too. So has Iqxero. We've both leveled high levels from scratch. But we did it on a different server. Iqxero wanted to experience playing WoW with an actual guild of people. People who help eachother and do instances together. So, he went to Dunemaul. I already had my guys there, so I joined him. Why Dunemaul? Because the guild is there. It is established, and you all had said before you'd like more people to come try it out. We did. To be honest, if we wanted to start from scratch and claw our way up (again), we would have never joined a guild in the first place. We only expected what we, personally have given out in the past.

Bags take next to nothing to make. A few stacks of wool, and you have a happy newber. An RFC or WC at level 60 would take someone a whole whoppin 30 min. Yes, we loose a bit of exp for having you with us. But we also get a level and a half of exp from the quests in less then 30 min. Like I said, what we were requesting was no more then what we would have offered had the positions been reversed. I, personally, have done VC on Khadgar at least 20 times now. The first time being for me, the rest helping friends and total strangers.

Hell.. one of the reasons I play Stabbed now is so that I can do instances with younger guild members. I have a level 60 I could go pound out raids with.. I could go farm for gold and farm for honor. Last night, we had a group of 5 of Barren Fury members go in and DECIMATE Dun Garok. It was awesome. I love doing instances and quests with people I know.. but it's not always possible. It couldn't be easier to get a 5 man group up on normal days. You do a /who warrior 20-25 and then whisper to the ones around you not already in an instance. Taking members your own level gains you MUCH more experience than just taking a high level in.

I just don't get the hand holding requirement.

To repeat what Iqxero said, we did not join the guild so that we could go questing with random people we don't know. We joined the guild so we could quest with you. We now understand that the guild plays by a different standerd then we follow, which is fine. You all play your way. We'll just go back to our normal servers and play ours. No hard feelings, just kinda disappointed.

06-06-2005, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by Tea & Strumpets
I don't understand all the complaints about lack of help, either. I didn't join the guild so that you guys could be my item/instance whores.

It does seem that a lot of guilds try to recruit by offering items & help, but that's usually how you attract assholes to your guild.

Maybe I'm biased because I never had the option of asking higher level guildmates to come do low level instances with me...but the last thing I'd do is villainize them if they didn't have the time or inclination to help.

If we would have been told "I'm sorry, we don't have the time to help you." Then we would have just shrugged and moved on. The thing is, Barron Fury members are always talking about how they go out of their way to help eachother. We made a couple requests. People said sure, we will help. We said yay...then we waited, and waited. It's not like the people who offered to help were not in game. We spent hours in game at the same time. As I stated before. We went in expecting something different from a guild. Things like that happen.

06-06-2005, 12:28 PM
Yeah that's pretty much why I joined the guild too, so I understand how they feel.

I wanted to try out PvP. I actually enjoy soloing most of the time on other servers because I don't normally join guilds unless I know the people after a while. I don't just join one for the sake of joining. Since I wanted to try out PvP with others I knew, I figured it would be a good idea since everyone kept saying that they help people and would like more to join.

I really don't want to solo until I'm in my 40's and 50's simply because I'm already at the point where my quests have me going to contested areas, let alone the instances that are now green to me. Granted I don't play half as much there as I once did, I will admit that I'm not one for begging. If I say that I have quests or instances I can't do myself, I was hoping for someone to ask to help. That was my own fault for not insisting on it. Bags I ended up giving myself as my alt learned them. Weapons and equipment I DID get from guild members, but honestly, without downplaying the good intentions, that's not what I wanted the guild for.

It actually made me feel bad one time when Dar was with me and others in an instance and Bayne was upset that he was with us rather than him with his quests. In my heart I was hoping he'd join us but he didn't. Whether he was being his usual joking self (and I have a feeling he was) or if he was serious, it still made me feel inadequate that I had to be of a certain level to play with the group. That's not why I joined and I don't like to beg for attention either, so I'm stuck between a rock and hard place, ergo went back to my other servers again.

I DO appreciate the help that I've gotten, but it's nothing more than I received from random people on the other servers. I was hoping for more. :shrug:

06-06-2005, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
It actually made me feel bad one time when Dar was with me and others in an instance and Bayne was upset that he was with us rather than him with his quests. In my heart I was hoping he'd join us but he didn't. Whether he was being his usual joking self (and I have a feeling he was) or if he was serious, it still made me feel inadequate that I had to be of a certain level to play with the group.

It's the latter. He's grumpy without his Dar.

06-06-2005, 02:34 PM
I just don't think it's a "I don't have time to help you" attitude. Instead of expecting folks to come bearing gifts, be loud and vocal about your demands. I can't imagine you'd have any difficulty getting help with an instance if you didn't expect it to be done on your schedule :D.

Maybe if you posted on the boards and asked if any of the higher level members felt like setting aside an hour on X day at Y time to walk you and your roomie thru an instance you would have better luck. That's a far easier way of getting a guild group together than asking on the guild channel and hoping no one has any plans.

Originally posted by CrystalTears
It actually made me feel bad one time when Dar was with me and others in an instance and Bayne was upset that he was with us rather than him with his quests.

I was just glad that he didn't start a thread here about me being a selfish fuck for not helping him :D. (that is a joke Adrenin!)

Originally posted by CrystalTears
I wanted to try out PvP. I actually enjoy soloing most of the time on other servers because I don't normally join guilds unless I know the people after a while. I don't just join one for the sake of joining. Since I wanted to try out PvP with others I knew, I figured it would be a good idea since everyone kept saying that they help people and would like more to join.

Well, it's tough with everyone starting months apart. It takes about 3 months to cap (give or take a month), so ideally you want to find another guild member you can quest with. On the plus side, I'd think that as we get closer to each other's level ranges with at least one character, that we'll be able to team up more often.

I have a rogue that's level 11 if anyone is coming up the ranks. I also think that as a gesture of good faith to the newcomers to the guild, that all level 55+ members should devote the next week to helping with instances/quests in order to get us all closer to being able to hunt together on a regular basis.*

*Coincidentally, I'll probably get my computer back and start playing again around the time that week ends.

06-06-2005, 02:37 PM
Doh! I mean to stop hijacking Toj's thread.

06-06-2005, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Tea & Strumpets
Doh! I mean to stop hijacking Toj's thread.

yes I do think a mod should move all that shit out of my thread and into the shit thread i.e Barren Guild folder

06-06-2005, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by CrystalTears
It actually made me feel bad one time when Dar was with me and others in an instance and Bayne was upset that he was with us rather than him with his quests. In my heart I was hoping he'd join us but he didn't. Whether he was being his usual joking self (and I have a feeling he was) or if he was serious, it still made me feel inadequate that I had to be of a certain level to play with the group.

It's the latter. He's grumpy without his Dar.

Exactly.. Dar was my bitch first. Find your own!

06-14-2005, 02:39 PM
over 15 members now with 7 very active.

so if you are looking to kick everyone ass that is a member of the PC contact me

06-14-2005, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
over 15 members now with 7 very active.

so if you are looking to kick everyone ass that is a member of the PC contact me

So all I have to do is contact you with a time and place and I get to Seize the Day against your guild?

Happy day!!

Just let me know where to bring my little itty bitty rogue Stabbed. I'll meet you tonight.

06-14-2005, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by theotherjohn
over 15 members now with 7 very active.

so if you are looking to kick everyone ass that is a member of the PC contact me

So all I have to do is contact you with a time and place and I get to Seize the Day against your guild?

Happy day!!

Just let me know where to bring my little itty bitty rogue Stabbed. I'll meet you tonight.

If I am online before your old ass goes to bed I will contact you :D

06-14-2005, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
over 15 members now with 7 very active.

so if you are looking to kick everyone ass that is a member of the PC contact me

I'll take on all 7 active players at the same time. :saint:

06-14-2005, 03:25 PM
This is gonna be a good stomping session :D

- Arkans

06-19-2005, 09:19 AM
You rerolled Alliance on Dunemaul as Toj? Why's that?

06-19-2005, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Blazing247
You rerolled Alliance on Dunemaul as Toj? Why's that?

To kill BF:D

actually I did not like being horde and after looking at the different builds I decided NE druid would suit me best.

I rerolled because I will not ebay the name Toj

[Edited on 6-19-2005 by theotherjohn]

07-06-2005, 12:15 PM
finally quit being lazy and got a tabard for the guild
