View Full Version : "I could care less what you think"

02-13-2024, 09:19 AM
Lindsey Graham is fed up with Poland! Poland's prime minister tweeted that the US Senate should pass Ukraine aid and, he said, Ronald Reagan must be turning over in his grave.

To the Prime minister of Poland, I could care less what you think. To the Prime minister of Poland, if Ronald Reagan were alive today, we wouldn't have this broken border. To the Prime minister of Poland, I want to help Ukraine. I want to help make a stronger NATO. But my country is on fire. We've had seven million people come across a broken border. How would you feel if seven million people came in illegally into Poland?

More... (https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a46687760/ukraine-israel-aid-bill-advances/)

To prove just how little he cared about what Poland's PM thinks, Graham had an enlarged copy of the tweet made and put it on an easel on the Senate floor while Graham was speaking. That's how Graham shows his complete indifference.

Graham asked how Poland would feel if immigrants were coming into their county. Indeed. What do they know about immigrants coming into their country?

And what would Ronald Reagan, famous for his love of border walls, say if he were alive today? We can only guess based on his past statements..

“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems, make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit,” he said. “And then while they’re working and earning here, they pay taxes here. And when they want to go back they can go back.”

The border, he said, should be open “both ways” — and border security policy should take into account the economic challenges facing Mexico.

Reagan’s words that night, and his stance in countless other public and private statements as president, contrast starkly with the false history lesson President Trump offered Friday in an early-morning tweet, hours before a potential government shutdown over funding for the president’s border wall.

“Even President Ronald Reagan tried for 8 years to build a Border Wall, or Fence, and was unable to do so,” the president wrote in a tweet. “Others also have tried. We will get it done, one way or the other!”

Trump’s simplified characterization of Reagan’s policies are not accurate.

“There was not any discussion at the senior policy levels during the Reagan administration about fencing or a wall that I can recall,” Doris Meissner, who was executive associate commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service during the Reagan administration, wrote in an email.

More... (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/12/21/what-ronald-reagan-actually-said-about-border-security-according-history-not-donald-trump/)

Finally, don't even get me started on the could/couldn't thing, which is what attracted me to this topic in the first place.

02-13-2024, 09:52 AM
Lindsey Graham is fed up with Poland! Poland's prime minister tweeted that the US Senate should pass Ukraine aid and, he said, Ronald Reagan must be turning over in his grave.

To prove just how little he cared about what Poland's PM thinks, Graham had an enlarged copy of the tweet made and put it on an easel on the Senate floor while Graham was speaking. That's how Graham shows his complete indifference.

Graham asked how Poland would feel if immigrants were coming into their county. Indeed. What do they know about immigrants coming into their country?

And what would Ronald Reagan, famous for his love of border walls, say if he were alive today? We can only guess based on his past statements..

Finally, don't even get me started on the could/couldn't thing, which is what attracted me to this topic in the first place.


Cool 6 year old paywall article loser :rofl:

Know what wasn't a problem at the time the article was written? Record breaking numbers of illegals crossing the border.

02-13-2024, 10:15 AM
Why are we confiscating hard earned money from us taxpayers and sending BILLIONS of it to foreign countries to fight their wars?

02-13-2024, 10:25 AM
Why are we confiscating hard earned money from us taxpayers and sending BILLIONS of it to foreign countries to fight their wars?

ClydeRetard will use anything as a reason to create attention whoring thread #9498324032 like he does every week. Nobody actually gives a fuck about Lindsey Graham because everyone knows he's a piece of shit.

Stop being a giant loser ClydeRetard.

02-13-2024, 11:38 AM
Know what wasn't a problem at the time the article was written? Record breaking numbers of illegals crossing the border.

True. The article was written early in Trump's term as President, where there was no huge border crisis. The huge border crisis began more than a year later, also during Trump's term.

02-13-2024, 11:51 AM
True. The article was written early in Trump's term as President, where there was no huge border crisis. The huge border crisis began more than a year later, also during Trump's term.

It didn't. It started during the Biden Administration. Let's review the numbers real quick:

2017 - 526,901
2018 - 683,178
2019 - 1,148,024
2020 - 646,822

2021 - 1,956,519
2022 - 2,766,582
2023 - 3,201,144
2024 - 4 months in: 988,819

It spiked in 2019, went back down in 2020, and it then doubled and tripled in 2021, 2022 and 2023. 2024 will break those records.


02-13-2024, 12:02 PM
The huge border crisis began more than a year later, also during Trump's term.


It didn't. It started during the Biden Administration. Let's review the numbers real quick:

2017 - 526,901
2018 - 683,178
2019 - 1,148,024
2020 - 646,822

2021 - 1,956,519
2022 - 2,766,582
2023 - 3,201,144
2024 - 4 months in: 988,819

It spiked in 2019, went back down in 2020, and it then doubled and tripled in 2021, 2022 and 2023. 2024 will break those records.


https://media2.giphy.com/media/26tknCqiJrBQG6bxC/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952ah1bddfiaipabyqezztyleq0s98a 315r6wihzjcf&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g

02-13-2024, 12:21 PM
It didn't. It started during the Biden Administration. Let's review the numbers real quick:

2017 - 526,901
2018 - 683,178
2019 - 1,148,024
2020 - 646,822

2021 - 1,956,519
2022 - 2,766,582
2023 - 3,201,144
2024 - 4 months in: 988,819

It spiked in 2019, went back down in 2020, and it then doubled and tripled in 2021, 2022 and 2023. 2024 will break those records.


It's impressive that you linked to an official source. Notice, though, that the years at the link are each preceded by "FY." They are not calendar years. The government's fiscal year begins on October 1. Several months of each FY are in the preceding calendar year, and a President's term does not begin until the end of January. If you shift the numbers to calendar years, a clearer timeline emerges, and even this fails to account for the actual starting date of a presidential term..

Migrant encounters at the Mexico–U.S. border began to surge in late 2020, reaching a record number of 1.73 million migrant encounters in fiscal year 2021, 2.76 million in fiscal 2022, and more than 2.8 million in fiscal 2023.

More... (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico%E2%80%93United_States_border_crisis#cite_no te-:1-5)

02-13-2024, 12:24 PM
It's impressive that you linked to an official source. Notice, though, that the years at the link are each preceded by "FY." They are not calendar years. The government's fiscal year begins on October 1. Several months of each FY are in the preceding calendar year, and a President's term does not begin until the end of January. If you shift the numbers to calendar years, a clearer timeline emerges, and even this fails to account for the actual starting date of a presidential term..

According to Seran, the election didn't even happen until 2021.

Suppressed Poet
02-13-2024, 12:27 PM
It didn't. It started during the Biden Administration. Let's review the numbers real quick:

2017 - 526,901
2018 - 683,178
2019 - 1,148,024
2020 - 646,822

2021 - 1,956,519
2022 - 2,766,582
2023 - 3,201,144
2024 - 4 months in: 988,819

It spiked in 2019, went back down in 2020, and it then doubled and tripled in 2021, 2022 and 2023. 2024 will break those records.


In 2019 Remain in Mexico was introduced as a policy and was fully put into place by DHS & DOJ on July 16th of that year. Soon after it was implemented we saw a sharp decline of illegal border crossings. That’s what happens when you have a president that is actually committed to solving the problem & securing our border. No legislation was necessary.

02-13-2024, 01:15 PM
It's impressive that you linked to an official source. Notice, though, that the years at the link are each preceded by "FY." They are not calendar years. The government's fiscal year begins on October 1. Several months of each FY are in the preceding calendar year, and a President's term does not begin until the end of January. If you shift the numbers to calendar years, a clearer timeline emerges, and even this fails to account for the actual starting date of a presidential term..

It's impressive that you just spout nonsense without actually checking into it, in hopes that no one will.

Let's take a look at your claim.

Oct 2020: 71,929
Nov 2020: 72,113
Dec 2020: 73,994
Jan 2021: 78,414
Feb 2021: 101,099
Mar 2021: 173,227
Apr 2021: 178,795
May 2021: 180,597
Jun 2021: 189,034
Jul 2021: 213,593
Aug 2021: 209,840
Sep 2021: 192,001

SPOILER: Joe Biden's first full month as President was Feb 2021.


Care to make another weak ass excuse that is defeated so soundly just by simple math?

02-13-2024, 01:17 PM
In 2019 Remain in Mexico was introduced as a policy and was fully put into place by DHS & DOJ on July 16th of that year. Soon after it was implemented we saw a sharp decline of illegal border crossings. That’s what happens when you have a president that is actually committed to solving the problem & securing our border. No legislation was necessary.

Very true.

And we are now experiencing what happens when you have a President that is actually committed to flooding this country with illegals and causing widespread social and economic issues.