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10-07-2023, 11:55 PM
I am writing a musical production, perhaps an opera, and it will be entitled as follows:

"The Fires of Alexandria"

It will be in the key of the following (at least the 1st and every other movement, ending on the same key in the last movement with one interspersed - possibly inversed - key):

2 flats : c, and a

Possible themes for the play/piece:

Fire, turmoil, love, wreck, death, divorce, ending in the fiery pits of emotional hell

I have one of the themes so far, which I won't share just yet.

This "member's blog" will be my account of how I write this piece (and possibly subsequent pieces) because I need a place to write all this stuff down and I think of ideas as I play gemstone.

10-08-2023, 10:40 AM
I am brainstorming some more regarding the meaning of the title and the theme/plot of the opera or piece.

Alexandria can be a play on words for the main character's mother and love at the same time. In other words, Alexandria is both the name of his mother and his girlfriend (or wife).

I want there to be scorching scenes of his mother coming down on him with a fiery wrath. I want it to be accusatory.

There should be fire in the sequences. Consider Mozart's Magic Flute with the Queen of the Night and her daughter.

Something similar...

10-08-2023, 08:36 PM
Here is me, working out a theme for one of the parts. It is an accusatory scene where the mother, Alexandria, is confronting her son. I will make it more orchestral, obviously:
