View Full Version : This is Weird, Large Scale Purchase of Land Around Air Force Base Raises Concerns

07-08-2023, 08:02 AM
As reported by the WSJ the company Flannery Associates have purchased over 1 Billion in land around Travis Air Force Base in California. And Democrats in the state are asking why, and who Flannery Associates’ backers are.


There is not a whole hell of a lot of anything in the area, it's not much good for farming, so why are they spending so much money to purchase all of it?

07-08-2023, 09:04 AM
As reported by the WSJ the company Flannery Associates have purchased over 1 Billion in land around Travis Air Force Base in California. And Democrats in the state are asking why, and who Flannery Associates’ backers are.


There is not a whole hell of a lot of anything in the area, it's not much good for farming, so why are they spending so much money to purchase all of it?


07-08-2023, 10:42 AM
It's sort of like... watch California, New York, Michigan, etc....

Where you see immense crime/homelessness/bad policies... Long term it's not really about what's happening to the individuals there... It's who's buying up the depressed land/territory.

Want to really go down a rabbit hole... try and research that shit.

07-08-2023, 10:48 AM
Not saying it's a shady version of insider trading but it's a shady version of insider information. Someone with closely held info knows there is a planned expansion possible in the future.

07-08-2023, 02:22 PM
As reported by the WSJ the company Flannery Associates have purchased over 1 Billion in land around Travis Air Force Base in California. And Democrats in the state are asking why, and who Flannery Associates’ backers are.


There is not a whole hell of a lot of anything in the area, it's not much good for farming, so why are they spending so much money to purchase all of it?

https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExdTVldngxc3B5bGJ4ZHVicDdvbWxjMnE 4MDdvM210bWN4dDhma29uOCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfY nlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/11uV3l0wNmMIr6/giphy.gif

07-09-2023, 12:26 AM
I realize that something screwy is going on, but I cannot believe they can just tell the gov't to go pound sand when asked about where the money is coming from, and who exactly is backing Flannery. You would think a little thing called national security, that was brought up, would at least enable the gov't to either block the sale (eminent domain?) or at the very least force them to disclose who their backers are.

07-09-2023, 12:28 AM
I realize that something screwy is going on, but I cannot believe they can just tell the gov't to go pound sand when asked about where the money is coming from, and who exactly is backing Flannery. You would think a little thing called national security, that was brought up, would at least enable the gov't to either block the sale (eminent domain?) or at the very least force them to disclose who their backers are.

You would think so, as typically land purchases are a matter of public record... but guaranteed - someone in Government is involved or getting kickbacks somehow from it.

07-09-2023, 12:19 PM
While buying land for normal rates if you know some sort of base expansion was due to come, paying many multiples of value would be pretty stupid, the land would be lost and they wouldn't recover what they paid since actual value is used when payment is determined not whatever ridiculous payment you may have made for it.

07-10-2023, 11:55 AM
I'm fairly certain that Lex Luthor is involved.


07-10-2023, 01:59 PM
As reported by the WSJ the company Flannery Associates have purchased over 1 Billion in land around Travis Air Force Base in California. And Democrats in the state are asking why, and who Flannery Associates’ backers are.


There is not a whole hell of a lot of anything in the area, it's not much good for farming, so why are they spending so much money to purchase all of it?

Almost certainly it's for export farming, especially given the fertile Sacramento Delta area has great soil and parcels adjacent to a body of water are granted legacy water rights. You can take a look at the issues Arizona is also having with export farming being done by a company being owned by Saudi royals growing alfalfa for feedstock in Saudi Arabia. Those farms are pumping so much groundwater that area homes and farms are going dry and new communities cannot be built due to being unable to guarantee multi decade water supplies. This is sadly a very common issue in California/Arizona with Big Ag voraciously using up finite water.

07-10-2023, 08:30 PM
I'm fairly certain that Lex Luthor is involved.


As long as he promises to nuke the San Andreas fault, I am good with that.