View Full Version : Empaths.
09-23-2003, 04:00 AM
I'm afk. I didn't ask for healing at any point.
Pure, unadulterated log.
Agnella whispers, "wish healing"
Delerium just went west.
Agnella meditates over you.
Agnella takes your right arm damage.
Agnella meditates over you.
Agnella takes your left arm damage.
Agnella meditates over you.
Agnella takes your left leg damage.
Adahain says, "saw some really light stuff for sale"
Coronae just went west.
Agnella meditates over you.
Agnella takes all of your blood loss.
So does saying 'wish healing' give you permission to heal, or somehow save you from being a vulture?
I think not.
09-23-2003, 04:50 AM
Pathetic. People like that give the profession a bad name. There are polite, caring and professional empaths out there (I like to think I play one of them) that must spend their lives fighting this kind of images. Sad.
Here's an idea. How about implementing a verb to give consent for healing? Same general idea as linking with the dead before resurrecting or the challenge verb. Trying to heal someone would yield "So-and-so doesn't look like she wishes to be healed (something like what you get from a cold demeanor)." The verb could be something like consent.
>consent Agnella
You signal to Agnella that you wish to be healed.
Empath has a certain amount of time (a few minutes?) to perform the healing after which the consent is reset to nobody, and/or there could be a <consent clear> function to reset it manually.
I'm trying to find an idea that has the anti-vulture side of cold demeanor without having the price (limited interaction with others.)
[Edited on 9-23-2003 by Adhara]
09-23-2003, 04:57 AM
I like the consent idea.
I'd like to elaborate a bit more but... It's 5 A.M. and I've had several beers.
09-23-2003, 05:06 AM
Heh, she did it again.
Didn't even ask this time, just did it.
I won't bitch, because my character more than likely doesn't give a shit, but it twists my nips when that happens.
09-23-2003, 07:57 AM
If Tayre had seen that, he'd raise hell.
He boiund an empath in the Landing last night for healing a corpse he dragged in. That pisses me off so badly. I'm not allowed to RP anymore before I take care of a body. I have to claim it like property or the other empaths jump all over it. In the Landing, anyways. Icemule is a little more civilized.
09-23-2003, 07:57 AM
Do you think she could possibly be a clueless idiot? Maybe she doesn't know better. I probably wouldn't completely "go off" but she would get a glance and a raised eyebrow, and then whispered to that it's rather "vulture-y".... but that's just me. :D
09-23-2003, 08:02 AM
She would have knew better when I was done with her.
09-23-2003, 08:11 AM
I see things have not changed that much in the empath profession. It really is a shame that people cannot put that all-important "experience gain" aside for a moment and give a bit of thought to the fact that the wounded person you just violated is, in fact, a person! ::snarl::
HarmNone hates to see this
09-23-2003, 08:17 AM
ok stupid question of the day. Over the years I've heard this over and over about paths, vulturing ect. ect.
I really don't care who heals me so I want to know why y'all care. You want your friends to do it.. you like sitting around bleeding or you like your scars? Just curious.
09-23-2003, 08:22 AM
It's like this.
You're in Best Buy, browsing for a CD. A salesman walks up, picks up a CD, puts it in your hand, takes your money, walks away and collects his comission. To hell with whether you like the CD or not, it's the one you have now so deal with it.
Same concept. Help should be offered and recieved. Not given forcefully.
09-23-2003, 08:30 AM
That's not how I see it. I see it as more as you going to the hospital and as soon as you walk in a doctor sits you down and starts examining you, even though you were looking to find your own doctor, or perhaps someone else you feel comfortable with. So now you can either get up and tell him that you appreciate the help but would like someone else, or let him finish what he started. The first stance is for people who are particular about who treat them and the other is for those who just want to be cured and don't care by who. It's a preference, really.
The Best Buy reference doesn't make any sense to me since empaths don't give you anything, don't steal your money (unless they have that ability) and walk away. A better way would be that you were just browsing and the salesman comes along and gives you advice on what to buy. Either you tell him you're fine and don't need his help, or you take it.
09-23-2003, 08:36 AM
I used to bitch at empaths that healed me ambush-style.
But lately I've been doing my best to keep my stress level down. So, instead of bitching or beating the crap out of them, I simply try to give a bigger, better reward to non-vultures. Like shiny diamonds or emeralds, and sometimes 219 mana.
09-23-2003, 08:36 AM
Either way you look at it, analogies blow. Although I like yours better.
09-23-2003, 08:38 AM
It's "kthxbai".
Get it right you wannabe 1337 H4XX0R
09-23-2003, 09:13 AM
Over you, not on you. There's a difference. They don't place their hand on the wound, they place them over the wound, as in hovering slightly over it. I suppose that's why I don't consider it as intrusive as others see it because I have never considered empath healing to mean touching me in any way.
09-23-2003, 09:25 AM
Let's take the hospital reference. You walk in covered in wounds from a car wreck do you want 1 or 2 doctors fixing you or a team running in causing more stress and panic to you, some knowing what they are doing others are just interns, etc. It's one on one professional and personal care that most people want. Why? Alot less stress and alot less can go wrong when there is that communication. If someone heals me and I don't ask I get pissed. I can handle my own wounds with scrolls just fine but I like giving empaths the opportunity to learn, when they take that for granted it's bullshit.
I don't go out hunting with the sole intent of bring them back exp.
09-23-2003, 09:29 AM
By changing your demeanor you can prevent the attack of ambush healers. But then again, you will have to change it back once you actually ask for healing. Should you have to? No.
Great idea Adhara. I think a consent verb would be a great solution to vulture empaths aswell as clerics.
Miss X
09-23-2003, 09:38 AM
ugh, thats horrible! I usually wait for someone to ask for healing, but if I do whisper, like if I see someone bleeding badly and im the only empath around I would never heal them without them giving permission.
Ive been healing a lot in TSC lately, and although most of the empaths dont nod or speak to their patients, I refuse to heal like that, it basically means I'm not fast enough to heal that many people, because the vultures are all over the injured like a rash.....but its a price I'm willing to pay, I'd rather use a few manors when healing than just sit there for hours typing .heal<name>.
09-23-2003, 09:38 AM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
It's a violation for someone to heal you without your consent. Have you seen the descriptions for healing? Their hands are all over you. I personally wouldn't want someone groping me without having my express permission first, and whispering 'wish healing' and not waiting for an answer does NOT suffice.
To me it seems rather like going into a bar to have a drink and meet your friends. Some stranger comes over, whispers in your ear, 'Want to play touchy feely?' and before you say yes or no, they just start groping you. Now maybe you don't care, cos you enjoy playing touchy feely, but personally I'd have to kick him in the teeth for it.
interesting connection... healing = sexual groping...
09-23-2003, 09:41 AM
Heh, if I'm covered in wounds from a car wreck, I don't care who or how many people help me, just make the pain and bleeding go away now! :D
09-23-2003, 10:48 AM
Hey, there is the song "Sexual Healing"....but do I now belie my age? :: snicker ::
Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-23-2003, 11:46 AM
I'd rather be healed by someone without asking, than ask 5 times and then have to give consent.
Only one of my characters cares who heals her... and that's only because she's very fastidious and snobby, and she doesn't want some unknown idiot dripping other people's blood all over her, or even just getting that close to her.
I can't stand it when people vulture her and heal her immediately when she walks in. She always picks a healer from those available that look as though they're awake and moving, and whispers her request personally. Cuts down on tip divisions that come from asking out loud. She's partial to female elven empaths.
Dighn Darkbeam
09-23-2003, 12:33 PM
Demeanor reserved or cold will stop this. If your the friendly type try to mark the robo healers and Befriend person reserved or cold.
09-23-2003, 12:51 PM
Again... demeanor doesn't work when you're dead (until GS4). And honestly, the character I was playing could care less. It still offends me when people treat other people like a bucket of experience they have to slurp down.
09-23-2003, 01:50 PM
I used to care. Ask Tijay, heh. There was a 2-3 month period where I absolutely refused to get healed by any empaths except for maybe 2 or 3 close friends.
It was actually cheaper compared to what I tip to buy herbs, just wasn't a big fan of the wait time. Now, I'll ask for healing in a sort of blunt way, wait 10 seconds, then go to the herbalist.
Dighn Darkbeam
09-23-2003, 02:38 PM
Again... demeanor doesn't work when you're dead (until GS4). And honestly, the character I was playing could care less. It still offends me when people treat other people like a bucket of experience they have to slurp down. >>
Depart confirm. The Arkati are good healers. Charge a pretty steep rate, however.
09-23-2003, 03:09 PM
Hello everyone.
I am a empath, I like to think I am a kind healer. I try to ask everyone if they wish to be healed, even if they are dead. I feel like they deserve to be treated like a person, not an experance gain. Some feel like I vulture, that is up to them. I do know I do not gain experance in anything I do in Gemstone. I heal and fog to people cause I love helping people. I do not consider hey there is a piece of experance for me. They are decent people who deseve respect, dead or alive.
Ask around, most will say I do not heal much in TC, why?
well, I was told I was taking ezperance from other healers. So if in TC if I get asked by someone to heal them I do not heal, unless no other empath there awake.
I do not like robo healers, healers that use scripts. I have never usesd a script, not even to exchange wounds with another healer. I just feel it takes from the game.
So call me what you will, I just do not care what epople say anymore. I know what I do and do not do, so go chew on that.
09-23-2003, 03:21 PM
I just have one complaint regarding Skyfawn's comments.
I'm not who believes she, and other capped empaths, shouldn't heal... however, it's frustrating when her, Keemac, and sometimes Alanamarie do this tag teaming of sorts in Icemule, effectively causing numerous empaths to waste mana to get to a dead body only to find that Keemac, Skyfawn, or Alanamarie has already swooped in and claimed it to take it back to Voln. Sure, it's really about helping the person, but for an empath or cleric to go through the routine of getting to a body only to find one of the three have already taken it back to share among themselves.. it gets quite frustrating. Granted, Skyfawn does usually let any empath that arrives do the healing, but the whole mechanic feel to their method gets tiring after a while.
Just my unwelcome two cents. Carry on.
09-23-2003, 03:21 PM
Uh maybe I missed something, but did anyone say, "Hey Skyfawn is a vulture." ?
Anyhow, its great you don't use auto heal scripts and ask before healing. More empaths need to do that. :)
09-23-2003, 03:38 PM
me again. No none did say that, here. In another thread yes they did, and some in game has.
Tayre, if you notice I have not beenfogging that much of late, I been staying away from everyone cause of that one complaint.
Tayre, I will say one thing about you to, you have been fogging more then a lot of healers, everytime I look to see if they are being cared for there you are, then you complain about us?
Keemac hardly here anymore, as for Alanamarie I don't know what she does half the time.
When Keemac is here he likes to help, and you get mad cause when he is actually here he fogs?
This is a shame, fighting over bodies. I think everyone should relax and say good they being helped, mana is not that hard to gain back. I alway locate before fogging to someone, if they being helped that is good, if not I fog. Sorry if you fog in right after I get there. I try to announce I with someone right after I fog to them.
Guess I am wrong to try to do anything anymore, oh well.
Be damned if I do, be damned if I don't
09-23-2003, 03:47 PM
I am well known for NOT healing, actually. I'd say 60% of the time I"m in Gemstone, I'm not healing. I'm talking, goofing, RPing, etc. I will flat out tell people no when they ask for healing in TC sometimes. I have a variety of excuses too... ranging from I don't feel like it to I don't heal on days that start with N (Niiman, etc.). The times I do actually gather up the energy to fog, etc., one or two people end up monopolizing most of it, so I generally end up falling back into my laziness.
Speaking of RPing, I'd love to do it with you one day, Skyfawn. But hermits don't make for good company. Just because you're in public doesn't mean you have to heal. Trust me, I know this.
[Edited on 9-23-2003 by Tayre]
I feel so special that you've saved my ass like 3 times now. :yes:
I don't think I've ever had a problem with healers... the few times that I've been healed without actually having to ask were life or death experiences.
I do have favorite empaths, though, that I would much prefer to be healed by other than some random stranger. That's probably the case with most people, though.
09-23-2003, 04:39 PM
I know who your favorite healer better be Michiko!!
And as for vulturing, I think its just flat out wrong. I rarely heal anyway, and when I do, I ask first. The few times I've healed without asking is if I either know the person well.. or I see they are about to die, and I'll just grab their blood, then ask if they want me to heal the rest. I don't think its that hard to do, and its just a matter of common courtesy.
09-23-2003, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by Dighn Darkbeam
Depart confirm. The Arkati are good healers. Charge a pretty steep rate, however.
Whoever thinks they need an empath when they're alive are dead, should decay, because they're dumb.
Dighn Darkbeam
09-23-2003, 09:07 PM
Whoever thinks they need an empath when they're alive are dead, should decay, because they're dumb. >>
Or they could attempt to make some sense.
09-24-2003, 07:14 AM
Exhibit A.
Reyek comes out of hiding.
Reyek hauls off and slaps Frostravin up'side his head!
Neico murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
>l rey
Neico gestures.
Neico's right hand looks better.
You see Great Lord Reyek Kleusenstein the Churchwarden.
He appears to be a Giantman of the Araime Clan.
He appears to be senescent and very tall. He has tired blue-grey eyes and tanned skin. He has shoulder length, tied back chestnut hair with a black streak running through it. He has a square face and a freckled nose.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a rune-etched vultite kite shield in his left hand.
He is wearing a ruby-studded invar triple chain, a rugged tan rune-etched pack, some polished black leather armor, a malachite tanik tree pin, an agate-inset imflass stickpin, an etched gold clan crest buckle, a single pink rosebud boutonniere, a tightly woven silver mesh gem pouch, a mithril Twilight Hall pin, an engraved blue starstone brooch, a small traveller's satchel, some golden crown-shaped prayerbeads, a gold and silver knot earring, a braided golden band, a round-bellied golden lute locket, a rune-stitched black silk gem pouch, some grey fox fur mittens, some onyx black doeskin boots, a rune-etched weapons harness, a silver-bound dark crystal bracelet, some sharply creased khaki pants, and a deep black spidersilk cloak.
>slap rey
You haul off and slap Reyek up'side the head!
>prep 219
You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Spell Shield spell...
Your spell is ready.
>Neico begins chuckling at Reyek!
You gesture.
An opalescent aura surrounds you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
(Forcing stance down to guarded)
>gaze my hand
You examine your fingernails.
>prep 120
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Lesser Shroud spell...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture.
You suddenly feel a lot more powerful.
You are surrounded by a white light.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Reyek traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Reyek gestures at you.
CS: +232 - TD: +210 + CvA: +12 + d100: +50 - -5 == +89
Warded off!
>prep 107
Wait 1 sec.
>You don't have a spell prepared!
Frostravin says, "reyek it took about 5 falchions fallon says"
>prep 107
You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Warding II spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A deep blue glow surrounds you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Neico chuckles.
Reyek traces a sign while beseeching the spirits for empowerment...
Reyek gestures at you.
CS: +232 - TD: +225 + CvA: +12 + d100: +67 - -5 == +91
Warded off!
prep 101
>You gesture while calling upon the lesser spirits to aid you with the Spirit Warding I spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
A light blue glow surrounds you.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Roelaren quietly says in guild speak, "anyone need a clean"
prep 1119
>You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Strength of Will...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture.
You feel an aura of resolve surround you. The exhilarating sensation sends your heart racing and a warm flush tingling through your body.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Frostravin chuckles.
You nod.
Reyek chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
>slap rey
Bennjamin allows the bagpipes to wander up and down aural peaks, a trail of chords rising and falling in his wake.
Reyek gestures at you.
CS: +257 - TD: +249 + CvA: +12 + d100: +42 - -5 == +67
Warded off!
You haul off and slap Reyek up'side the head!
Neico snickers.
>prep 1106
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Empathic Focus...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture.
You center yourself and focus your concentration.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Delerium just arrived.
Frostravin faces you, closes his eyes and begins chanting. Suddenly, a small bolt of energy arcs between the two of you. You gain 81 mana points!
Frostravin opens his eyes, looking slightly drained.
Reyek removes an enruned ancient eonake mace from in his weapons harness.
You snicker.
Reyek swings an enruned ancient eonake mace at you!
AS: +156 vs DS: +100 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +37 = +122
... and hits for 14 points of damage!
Bones in right arm crack.
>snort rey
You snort at Reyek.
Frostravin removes a well-balanced jagged vultite machete from in his veniom-laced scabbard.
Neico cackles!
You remove a dark eonake falchion embedded along the length of the blade with elven runes from in your leather weapons harness.
>sance off
I don't understand what you typed.
Frostravin swings a well-balanced jagged vultite machete at Reyek!
AS: +294 vs DS: +223 with AvD: +34 + d100 roll: +74 = +179
... and hits for 46 points of damage!
Left leg mangled horribly.
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
You put a dark eonake falchion embedded along the length of the blade with elven runes in your leather weapons harness.
You stare at nothing in particular.
>'Well that works
A swirling gust of notes emerges from Bennjamin's bagpipes as he fingers the chanter with perhaps unwarranted confidence.
You say, "Well that works"
Neico blinks.
Delerium blinks.
Frostravin wiggles his ears.
Imliss just went west.
Neico chuckles.
>l frost
You see Frostravin Ohano the Blademaster.
He appears to be a Vaalor Elf.
He appears to be wizened with age and shorter than average. He has bright crystal blue eyes and pale skin. He has very short, straight blonde hair shaved at the temples. He has a narrow face, a thin nose and bushy eyebrows.
He has an ice elemental tattoo on his head, a black raven tattoo on his arm, and a flying raven tattoo on his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a well-balanced jagged vultite machete in his right hand and a vultite wall shield in his left hand.
He is wearing a soft dark blue spidersilk cloak edged with silver velvet trim, a black-banded crimson glaes hauberk, a jade-clasped deep black silk satchel, a rune-etched fire opal ring, some icy blue gloves, a veniom-laced scabbard, a carved maoral snowflake locket, some icy blue leather boots, a Warrior Guild member pin, a White Haven bear head pin, an intricately folded paper icicle, an ice blue frost-dusted snowflake, an ice white crystal-flecked snowflake, and an iron-banded ogre horn.
Roelaren meditates over Reyek.
Roelaren takes all of Reyek's blood loss.
Frostravin put a well-balanced jagged vultite machete in his veniom-laced scabbard.
>glance roe
You glance at Roelaren.
Roelaren smiles at Reyek.
Roelaren meditates over Reyek.
Roelaren takes Reyek's left leg damage.
>l roe
You see Lady Roelaren Tharbirieign the Empath.
She appears to be a Loenthra Elf.
She appears to be mature and taller than average. She has sultry jade green eyes and alabaster skin. She has very long, tousled copper red hair swept back from the temples. She has a delicate face, an aquiline nose and a generous mouth.
She has a fractured and bleeding left leg.
She has old battle scars on her right arm, old battle scars on her left arm, old battle scars on her right leg, old battle scars on her left leg, old battle scars on her left hand, an old battle scar across her chest, an old battle scar across her abdominal area, an old battle scar across her back, a black-and-blue right eye, a black-and-blue left eye, and a scar across her neck.
She is bleeding from the left leg.
She is holding an enruned mithril strongbox in her right hand.
She is wearing an embroidered green silk satchel, a green emerald trident pin, some smoky grey leathers, a bright blue iceblossom, an enruned blue dreamstone stickpin, a scarab-shaped glimaerstone pendant, a soulstone studded pewter torc, some hunter green velvet slippers, a volcano pin, a shimmering glaesine orb, a brass-inlaid ebony leather sheath, an emerald silk sash, a hammered pewter stickpin, an amber and gold charm bracelet, a tooled red dreamstone barrette, a topaz-inset silver alloy ring, a soft grey penguin feather, a green silk pouch, a green toadstool pin, a small wild rose, a polished rosewood locket, a mithril Twilight Hall pin, an elegant green ribbon, a jet black vultite helm, a garnet inlaid white puma hide sheath, a dangling crystal earring, a simple green spinel pin, a beveled green spinel band, a vultite bound puma hide ankle sheath, a delicate gold vaalin chain, a gold-bound bloodjewel wristlet, a carved opal teardrop-shaped locket, a pearl and dragonfire opal pin, a web-draped white spidersilk cloak edged with golden silk trim, a butterfly charm, an eonake kite shield, and an iridescent white pack.
>'Um.. wow.
You say, "Um.. wow."
Delerium asks, "are we taking legs and such on purpose?"
Frostravin nods to Delerium.
>squint roe
You squint at Roelaren.
Delerium says, "ok"
Reyek says, "cause its fun"
Reyek stands up.
Frostravin says, "i was bored they were havin fun"
Bennjamin makes a deft adjustment to the chanting beads, modulating the song of his bagpipes this way and that.
Neico chuckles.
A faint silvery glow fades from around Bennjamin.
Roelaren quietly says in guild speak, "hey this is my very good friend"
Neico exclaims, "i want fun too!"
You hear the voice of Delerium say, "i'm out"
Roelaren quietly says in guild speak, "i dont like to see him hurt"
Reyek chants a reverent litany and clasps his hands while tightly focusing his thoughts...
Reyek says, "ok"
>'He's my friend too.. but he's also not a piece of meat to me.
You say, "He's my friend too.. but he's also not a piece of meat to me."
Reyek gestures at Neico.
CS: +257 - TD: +88 + CvA: +12 + d100: +98 - -5 == +284
Warding failed!
Her eyes cloud over, becoming a milky blue.
Reyek cackles!
Roelaren quietly says, "and neither is he to me"
Bennjamin allows the last chords from the bagpipes to fade.
Roelaren quietly says, "i dont want to see him hurt"
Reyek gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
>'Then cllose your eyes.
Reyek gestures at Neico.
Neico regains her clarity and focus.
The glazed look leaves Neico.
You say, "Then cllose your eyes."
You say, "Close."
Fallon dances around the room to music only he can hear.
Neico says, "That's not exactly what I meant.."
Reyek licks Neico's cheek sloppily. Yuck!
Neico smirks at Reyek.
Roelaren quietly says, "and if he were a piece of meat i wouldnt heal him"
Roelaren quietly says, "i would let him rot"
The dim aura fades from around Fallon.
Neico says, "I would eat him."
Neico nods.
Neico gives Reyek a playful bite.
>glance roe
You glance at Roelaren.
Roelaren quietly says, "like some other people i know do"
Frostravin stretches.
>"Your vulturing is getting tiresome.
You say, "Your vulturing is getting tiresome."
>'He's not the first.
You say, "He's not the first."
Roelaren quietly says, "and i am not vulturing "
>'I just don't say anything usually.
You say, "I just don't say anything usually."
Roelaren quietly says, "and your comments are tiresome"
Reyek just left.
Reyek just arrived.
>'Just because someone is injured doesn't give you the right to jump all over htem.
You say, "Just because someone is injured doesn't give you the right to jump all over htem."
Reyek yawns.
>'It's rude.
You say, "It's rude."
Neico says in Sylvankind, "Ahh, she's so good with the retorts.."
>'And in poor taste.
You say, "And in poor taste."
Roelaren quietly says, "i would not of if he were not my fiend"
Roelaren quietly says, "and you are rude"
Reyek says, "dont argue over me"
Siannai's group just arrived.
Reyek chuckles.
Siannai's group just went west.
>"He's my friend too, but I don't use that as an excuse for vulturing.
Roelaren quietly says, "i see your comments all over the place"
You say, "He's my friend too, but I don't use that as an excuse for vulturing."
Paandoraa just arrived.
Paandoraa just went west.
Roelaren quietly says, "no you just vulture your opions all over the place" (Yey, let's talk about PC in game!!!)
Prizon stands up.
Imliss just arrived.
Bennjamin's spirit appears to be lifted by the singing.
Bennjamin renews his songs.
>'That made no sense.
You say, "That made no sense."
>'Try again.
You say, "Try again."
Neico says in Sylvankind, "eh.."
Neico meditates over you.
Neico takes your right arm damage.
Roelaren quietly says, "and generally they are rude"
Imliss just went south.
>trnas nei r arm
I don't understand what you typed.
Neico exclaims in Sylvankind, "ha! I vultured!"
>trnas nei r ar
I don't understand what you typed.
Neico snickers.
>trans nei r arm
You meditate over Neico.
Neico's right arm damage is transferred to you.
>prep 1102
You concentrate while murmuring the simple, mystical chant for Limb Repair...
Your spell is ready.
>You concentrate.
Your right arm feels better.
Cast Roundtime 3 seconds.
Great Lord Reyek just went west.
Neico starts chortling.
Roelaren quietly says, "and you know excatly what i am talking about"
>"I'm rude when the moment calls for it.
You say, "I'm rude when the moment calls for it."
>'And no, you've lost me.
You say, "And no, you've lost me."
Neico leans on you, giving you a companionable grin.
Neico sticks out her tongue and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from her lips!
>"I don't speak 'stupid'.
You say, "I don't speak 'stupid'."
Roelaren quietly says, "i read your opinions"
>'Read them? I didn't know I was an author.
You say, "Read them? I didn't know I was an author."
Frostravin says, "enough you two"
Frostravin says, "whine like children"
Frostravin smirks.
Roelaren quietly says, "you speak stupid most of the time or if it suits you"
You feel at full magical power again.
Neico whines at Frostravin!
Frostravin pokes Roelaren in the ribs.
Ithellios just arrived.
Roelaren quietly says, "no you are not"
Neico giggles.
>'Again with the not making sense.
You say, "Again with the not making sense."
Ithellios put a mithril-bladed glaive in his leather sheath.
Roelaren quietly says, "far from it"
Ithellios sits down.
Roelaren quietly says, "oh it makes sense"
Neico sighs.
Frostravin grins at Neico.
Siannai's group just arrived.
Siannai's group just went east.
Neico leans back.
Neico gazes up into the heavens.
Ithellios removes a scratched modwir chest from in his heavy backpack.
Roelaren quietly says, "dont try to deny what you do "
>think Can I get a translator to TC please? You must be fluent in stupid.
You focus on projecting your thoughts...
Round time: 5 seconds.
You hear the faint thoughts of You echo in your mind:
"Can I get a translator to TC please? You must be fluent in stupid."
Roelaren quietly says, "i see it"
Neico murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Neico concentrates.
Neico's left hand looks better.
Kezia's group just arrived.
Great Lord Reyek just arrived.
Kezia's group just went west.
Neico blinks.
Neico gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
You hear the voice of Delerium say, "personally i'm lost in the entire convo ... except the point from which you started has completely been distraut"
Great Lord Reyek just went east.
Frostravin just went east.
>'I'm lost too.
You say, "I'm lost too."
>get map
You remove a wrinkled vellum map from in your kelyn-threaded rucksack.
>open map
You carefully unfold your vellum map.
Neico stands up.
>turn map
You study your vellum map closely, but nothing seems to make sense. With a slight blush, you realize the map is upside down! You quickly turn it over and resume your study of it.
Neico starts chuckling at you!
>peer map
You study your vellum map closely, trying to determine just where you are!
Lady Neico just went west.
Ithellios put a scratched modwir chest in his heavy backpack.
You shrug.
>close map
You carefully fold your vellum map, taking care not to tear it.
Prizon says, "Well Roelaren, if you should happen to see me bleeding, by all means help at anytime. Seems some empaths believe its best to just sit around and watch the injured."
Roelaren quietly says, "you are always lost unless it suits your perposes"
>put map in my ruck
You put a wrinkled vellum map in your kelyn-threaded rucksack.
Prizon grins at you.
Prizon shrugs.
Roelaren quietly says, "tahnk you"
Siannai's group just arrived.
Siannai kneels down and begins to meditate.
Roelaren quietly says, "that is what i try to do"
Peja leaves Siannai's group.
Paandoraa leaves Siannai's group.
Paandoraa joins Peja's group.
>"It's poor taste to act like people cannot think or speak for themselves.
You say, "It's poor taste to act like people cannot think or speak for themselves."
Peja's group just went west.
Roelaren quietly says, "there are some who would have people beg to be healed"
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
The bustling town comes together in this square. Halflings dressed in varying fashions stand about, some chattering happily, others reclining on cloaks laid on the ground. One ancient halfling leans against the base of the large ice statue of a mule, snoring blissfully. A feeling of community pervades the area, putting you immediately at ease. You also see the Delerium disk, a carved ice bench with some stuff on it and a painted sign.
Also here: Siannai who is kneeling, Ithellios who is sitting, Fallon, Bennjamin who is sitting, Lady Roelaren, Prizon
Obvious paths: north, south, east, west
You sigh.
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Reyek.
Prizon says, "It's poor taste to assume someone would rather be left injured, then not."
Prizon just went south.
I don't understand what you typed.
You stare at nothing in particular.
You say, "Right..."
09-24-2003, 09:18 AM
Just to let you know Roelaren as a agreement with Reyek to auto heal him upon arrival. Same with Frostravin. We have told her that if we ever get hurt or anything and she knows it she can heal us. Shes a friend in game and in RL. I dont know if Tayre knows that but she always had my permission to auto heal me. Unless my ingame "girlfriend" is there. then she gets to do it. but Roelaren knows this. Vulturing on its own right is wrong. I agree with that but pre stated understandings to be healed should be let go. tayre never bothered to ask me nor her about it that im aware of.
[Edited on 9-24-2003 by Reyek]
Miss X
09-24-2003, 10:46 AM
Zalion just arrived, dragging the body of Voltath behind him.
Medykal exclaims in guild speak, "I get the corpse!"
You softly ask in guild speak, "we stake claims on corpses now?"
Could only happen in TSC.......
09-24-2003, 12:22 PM
Landing has issues
09-24-2003, 01:14 PM
Lets say you are juggling some tennis balls outside a subway station for tips and while you are juggling you notice a woman at the newstand next to you. She has a very shapely derriere perfectly encased in a tight short leather skirt and the greatest set of legs you have seen in quite a while. You involuntarily whistle and it is loud enough for her to hear. She turns and you realize, its your SISTER! Blushing furiously you drop your balls, and a passing stray dog snaps one up in its teeth and runs off with it.
Thats what vulturing empaths are like.
Oh wait, a its not.
Hmmm, I better work on my analogies.
09-24-2003, 01:52 PM
Roelaren hasn't just done that with you though, Reyek. She does it with anyone who gets injured in TC or walks into TC injured. I don't even get to enjoy watching people bleed before she yanks the wounds off them.
She makes STAB very hard to play, too. It's ok though. I bound her after she did it again. I felt better.
09-24-2003, 02:58 PM
Heh, you all seemed to miss one pretty important point here, where Delerium asks, "are we taking legs and such on purpose?" and then Frostravin nods to Delerium. Can anyone say game mechanics abuse? Forget the stupid posturing and vulturing.
I'll spare you my philosophy on how mechanics should work for the mindlessness that passes for dueling in GS3. Just pissing contests to give empaths and clerics experience they're too lazy to go out and get genuinely.
Demeanor Cold is a perfectly good solution to not waiting to be healed, there's no need for another redundant command. You have Befriend to set people you like to friendly or warm, and the only folks you snub are casual acquaintances or strangers. How long does it take to type Demeanor (flavor) anyways if you know you're going AFK?
You were AFK in a public place twice, and you're complaining about getting healed by someone who at least had the courtesy to ask first? But you want other people to be able to interact with you in a friendly way, even though you might be AFK? Simple solution. Accept your choice or hide or go to a table.
My cleric doesn't ask more than once or twice if a body cares to be raised, and doesn't assume the person might be asleep or ignoring them. I figure they might be having ISP problems, she figures they'd rather be alive than dead. She could care less about getting a tip, although a thank you is appreciated. So tipping other clerics instead of me isn't going to make me cry or stop from trying to help people.
I'm amazed again at the things people whine about here, when the solution is simple and logical. Set your demeanor, set your befriends, don't go AFK in public, and don't assume empaths are mindreaders. Communicate. If you don't want her to heal you without asking, say something to her or befriend HER cold.
09-24-2003, 04:20 PM
I dunno bout empaths, but I'd like to see clerics not get learning from raising a body. It sure would bring out the true spirit in which people rescue and raise others. I died today and was fogged in and immediately healed and raised by someone who owned both a cleric and healer on the same account..... blatantly logged out out, logged the next in, and went on about his business of raising me.
In my opinion, empaths can't hunt like clerics can, they should be getting learning from healing -- but what about doing some kind of "cap" where in order to fry they have to hunt at least 1/10th of the time or something?
And I do have a cleric char myself, and would still like to see clerics not get exp for raising. Probably 95% of my exp comes from hunting. Clerics have gotten disgustingly aggressive, rude, and inconsiderate body-stealers as of late. They hide under the "I'm just trying to help" mentality.... but if that's the case then why do I get the haughty attitude from clerics when I simply walk into a room with a dead body and I ask if the dead body has a cleric with them? Grr. Back to hunting.
09-24-2003, 04:59 PM
but I'd like to see clerics not get learning from raising a body.
I wouldn't, I hate decaying.
09-24-2003, 05:08 PM
Exactly! I have never once accepted a tip for fogging/raising a body... and I make sure that anyone who's dead "in range" has help as long as they announce that they're going to be somewhere.
I particularly like that Chapiblak and Sabastord always announce on the net that they're going hunting in "xxx" spot -- it makes me more mentally aware should they die and I'm more apt to remember that they were local and needed a rescue.
09-24-2003, 05:08 PM
Yeah, but you're not all around all the time.
09-24-2003, 05:10 PM
I will make a special point to stalk you 24x7 now :P
09-24-2003, 06:28 PM
Sounds good to me, as long as you rase me when I die.
09-24-2003, 06:57 PM
Regarding the mechanics abuse:
I did tell Roelaren the next time they started swinging "They're not beating eachother up for your benefit". She didn't seem to take the hint that she was in fact breaking a rule. They should have been CHALLENGEing eachother and she could have gotten in trouble for healing them. I know this because it happened to me.
09-24-2003, 07:49 PM
Ugh. Now I know why I switched over to being a rogue. It's just too hard to be an empath these days.
09-24-2003, 08:44 PM
tayre ya need to give it a rest, roelaren is a good friend and she did nothing wrong yet you brought her name up, if ya gunna post please look into it AT least, some of the comments ya post i see are funny some arent called for whatsoever(really....), we play to have fun and not to worry about people breathing down our back if a mistake is done(if there even was ), if it somethin really funny or just plane dumb have a field day lol i would ;-)
as for vulturing...i dont really care much whoever heals me heals me, i know roelaren pretty well and she is far from a vulture :cool: but i do think that if there are many empaths around that you shouldnt just JUMP to it and heal the person, yet ther has been many times that there were no empaths around...or ones that dont care to heal even if asked
but yea we need to stop breathing down everyones back and give it a rest! and bitch about the important stuff *reguarding the log*
<<<< Danios morph?! RUN!!! >>>>
09-24-2003, 09:03 PM
Me and Frostravin attack each other all the time. Its not so Empaths such as Roe can get Exp from it. Were just playin around and we happen to hit each other once in a while big deal. We dont have to use the challenge verb for that. True Simutronics doesnt like PVP or CVC. but as long as its consented between us we are allowed to do so. IF an empath is around to heal us when we are beating each other up so beat it. I personally dont care if i get healed or not by them. If i Die from playing with my buddy Frosty then so be it not like it hasnt happened before and wouldnt happen again. Big whoop i lose a deed or he does and maybe a fine or two. we really dont care about it. Roe is my pal. she has perma right to heal me. Actually, i expect her to heal me when i walk in TC or where ever she may be. its presumed that she will.
09-24-2003, 10:15 PM just here to stick up for Roelaren...
she is a all around nice person in general, and will always protect her friends...if that means healing, then she does it..if that means sticking up for someone because they need the support, she does it....i have not known her to heal someone she doesnt know without asking, or being asked to do so
09-24-2003, 10:17 PM
and also...she doesnt sit in TC like many empaths do just to be there for healing...she's mostly in voln, for a more private, quieter, and yes, even a place where she GAINS LESS EXPERIENCE.
09-25-2003, 04:01 AM
Me and Frostravin attack each other all the time. Its not so Empaths such as Roe can get Exp from it. Were just playin around and we happen to hit each other once in a while big deal. We dont have to use the challenge verb for that. True Simutronics doesnt like PVP or CVC. but as long as its consented between us we are allowed to do so. IF an empath is around to heal us when we are beating each other up so beat it.
Still should be using CHALLENGE so you prevent getting one of those nasty chats about abusing game mechanics.
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