View Full Version : Holy cross-RP's.
05-15-2005, 06:50 PM
Alright, I don't know if anyone was around Vaalor for this, but holy shibbley-bibbles.
Alright, I lack the log, since I'm not at home, but a young man, who's been trying to start trouble in Vaalor lately, verbally, finall snapped. One of his characters Major-ewaved several times, in town, till he was arrested, he then disconnected, and in came another of his. This character walked into the picker's area, cast at and killed three pickers, (All higher level, but who happened to be sitting down) and was arrested. Then his healer came into the pickers area, cast at and killed another, managed to stun a second, and was then arrested...I don't know the results, if any, there were of his actions, but am I the only one who believes that crap like this should result in instant banning? Just my thoughts.
05-15-2005, 07:03 PM
I'd think it should result in instant banning, but it wont. Seeing as how often things like that happen and how little seems to actually be done about it...I'd have to say that you're better off ignoring the person and moving on instead of getting pissed off.
05-15-2005, 07:04 PM
I'm not so much pissed off as I am appalled...he caused something like a dozen deaths, and didn't get any worse than the buggy Vaalor justice system.
05-15-2005, 07:06 PM
I attacked this one guy and then he ambushed me with his other character (note: I was Shay, so you know he missed). I killed the alt and then he meteor swarmed Hearthstone, killing himself and multiple others. I think I killed him 3 times before getting pulled.
[Edited on 5-15-2005 by Bobmuhthol]
05-15-2005, 07:15 PM
Much as I hate to admit it, Shay was a bad bitch. I was always in awe of her abilities.
05-15-2005, 07:28 PM
I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of meeting her.
05-15-2005, 10:11 PM
I think actions such as that should be examined briefly to ensure the validity of the complaint, then result in a 10-30 day suspension. First offense. Second offense, 30-60, third offense, account banning.
05-15-2005, 10:16 PM
Shay was a bitch to everyone but my empath; heck, she might have stolen from my empath, but it's not like I would have noticed. She was fun to watch be a bitch on the dais. My empath :heart: Shay.
05-15-2005, 10:18 PM
I don't like vaalor much for what was just mentioned here. Before whomever this last attack was, it was Penidiamond and his crew running around killing everyone.
Start towns just seem to be composed of 1. little characters who don't realize how stupid they're being. 2. older characters who like to victimize younger characters because it makes them feel important. :shrug: Not my crowd.
I say ban them all.
05-16-2005, 01:40 AM
Being present for the events in question.. the "player" controls several characters and planned on leaving the game. I am rather sure he was banned, but he fully expected it.
And it was not Major ewave, just regular ewave.
As for Vaalor.. it's more and more fun all the time. You people should come check it out recently before you bash it.
Sooner rather than later, as Xand is already too old for the Bog.
05-16-2005, 02:09 AM
Time you stepped out of that playpen of a town, Xandalf.
05-16-2005, 04:29 AM
Having had my char in Vaalor for a while now.. a lot of the "older char's picking on younger chars" comes from the smaller ones being shitheads. Enforest finally pissed off my sorceress enough to where I killed him everytime he walked out of town.. and my char doesnt usually start stuff.. much less kill people. I got pulled for non-consensual pvp.. when I asked what I should do I was told to assist and report it. Thats not an avenue I like taking unless I have NO other choice. I bet several minutes of being stunned would have calmed his ass down.. but it's illegal to stun people now.. so it was just easier to kill him. I used to play by the rules.. but after 2 bad experiences were nothing was done, it doesn't feel like there's any reward to it.
05-16-2005, 04:31 AM
Enforest is a complete tool. My little paladin cringes when he enters the room as I know there's going to be trouble. Vaalor is a haven for childish activity though. I just tend to ignore it. Otherwise I'd end up killing everyone.
05-16-2005, 06:06 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Enforest is a complete tool. My little paladin cringes when he enters the room as I know there's going to be trouble. Vaalor is a haven for childish activity though. I just tend to ignore it. Otherwise I'd end up killing everyone.
Heh. Enforest is one of the characters that this very thread is about. He, Healardo and a few others are all the same player. Enforest was created (I only learned this recently) for the express purpose of pissing people off. Now if you have a player who is intent on causing trouble, they're going to do it. That does not and should not be a reflection of the other patrons of the town.
Merely saying that Vaalor is a haven for childish activity based on the rantings of one angry player is nescient.
And Kainen, you did the only thing you could do. Xandalf never killed Enforest but he did just stun him into next week a few times and let him think it off. It accomplished nothing.
05-16-2005, 06:10 AM
The problem is this isn't just one random player or random thread. TV's problems are well documented elsewhere by others as well.
05-16-2005, 06:13 AM
711(no fines+death:)) > 706(fines+stun:()
Having been in Vaalor for six months-ish, I can safely say that most deaths are from the younger characters killing each other or from goading the older ones. About half of the new players still want to attack anything that moves even at lvl15+. Occasionally someone will wander in from out of town in hopes of being the town badass (usually lvl 20-50) and will kill off a bunch of the younger characters. It takes a few of them dying for any of the older chars to care and run said badass out. Its an amusing place, but definitely not the one I would choose to raise a char from 0-20.
05-16-2005, 09:55 AM
Everytime I log in to Vaalor I log out within a half an hour. It frustrates me to be a PC there.
I do not mind mentoring at least the novices I talk to listen and I can try and make a difference.
My older Vaalor elf has more trouble from jerks who keep telling me in OOC whispers that I should NOT speak elven in Vaalor as common is the language of the lands.
She is a Vaalor elf but she is certainly not that extreme.. except when it comes to being healed or raised by a non elven character. Poor Bartain drug her about the whole new NPC cleric area trying to find the elven one before she departed one night.
On a second note... my Vaalor elf is a healer and Healardo just started cleaning her up without asking so she bitched him out. Elven characters would then Ask her for healing and she would nod back to them and he would heal them.
He is a vulture... and I leave the VC whenever he enters.
Anyone who knows Quessara knows she is NOT that much of a hardcore Vaalorian but she does not want a non elven to touch her.
[Edited on 5-16-2005 by Amaron]
05-16-2005, 10:04 AM
I don't like vaalor much for what was just mentioned here. Before whomever this last attack was, it was Penidiamond and his crew running around killing everyone.
Start towns just seem to be composed of 1. little characters who don't realize how stupid they're being. 2. older characters who like to victimize younger characters because it makes them feel important. Not my crowd.
I say ban them all.
Penidiamond is actualyl back, as Kamischatten, and causing just as much trouble.
Also, My character has interacted with Quessara many times, and being a Vaalor elf himself can agree with her views.
I haven't left Vaalor much, in all honesty, I've had a couple short-lived characters in the Landing, and I hated it there...icemule...well, I didn't like Icemule very much. I feel like when I'm there, if I stop hunting for 5 minutes to talk to someone and RP for a bit, a lightning bolt's going to streak out of the sky and blast my character into oblivion.
Oh, and By the way. :heart: Quessara
05-16-2005, 10:20 AM
Oh, and By the way. :heart: Quessara
Awww smooch Ranad..
Stop jumping about town and sit and talk with her more!
05-16-2005, 10:22 AM
Just as soon as I manage to find my way back from landing...Ranad's lost somewhere along the way ;)
05-16-2005, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Parker
Just as soon as I manage to find my way back from landing...Ranad's lost somewhere along the way ;)
Ranad is really a ranger dressed up as a rogue....
05-16-2005, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by Amaron
Originally posted by Parker
Just as soon as I manage to find my way back from landing...Ranad's lost somewhere along the way ;)
Ranad is really a ranger dressed up as a rogue....
True enough, except that he's a warrior, darling ;)
I'll bring him back to Vaalor soon, I look in landing TSC and it hurts my head with the amount of conversation going on there.
Scrolling at an incredible rate, trying to concentrate on all of it just...hurts.
05-16-2005, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Parker
Originally posted by Amaron
Originally posted by Parker
Just as soon as I manage to find my way back from landing...Ranad's lost somewhere along the way ;)
Ranad is really a ranger dressed up as a rogue....
True enough, except that he's a warrior, darling ;)
I'll bring him back to Vaalor soon, I look in landing TSC and it hurts my head with the amount of conversation going on there.
Scrolling at an incredible rate, trying to concentrate on all of it just...hurts.
Ok since when is he a warrior... he was a picker and was doing guild work...
So he was picking and doing warrior guild.
05-16-2005, 10:42 AM
You're nuts...he's never picked in his entire life, darling, but we'll forgive you...transferring head wounds all the time must addle the brains. ;)
05-27-2005, 06:28 AM
Originally posted by Parker
Originally posted by Amaron
Originally posted by Parker
Just as soon as I manage to find my way back from landing...Ranad's lost somewhere along the way ;)
Ranad is really a ranger dressed up as a rogue....
True enough, except that he's a warrior, darling ;)
Was he always a warrior?
(Sorry about the bump)
05-27-2005, 08:43 AM
He's been a warrior for a few years now...I think WAY back when I started, I had him as a rogue for about 20 minutes.
never made him to guild though.
05-27-2005, 08:45 AM
Are you the only ever owner of Ranad?
I'm asking because I seem to have different memories of his early days.
05-27-2005, 08:55 AM
I was the first, and then a friend took him for a little while, while I took a hiatus. I have him back...his "Early days" How long ago?
Is it possible that I chose a name that had been taken before?
05-27-2005, 08:57 AM
No it's definitely within the current character's lifetime...from a couple of years or so back.
05-27-2005, 09:00 AM
Unless I'm very very confused, Ranad's always been a warrior. I can't ever remember him NOT being one, since several years ago, when I had first started GS and was just learning the ropes, I think he was every class at least once, but I finally settled on a warrior. That entire process lasted maybe 3 months though? It wasn't really enough time for him to get to fact, he never went to guild as anything but a warrior.
05-27-2005, 09:05 AM
Yeah he definitely didnt get to guild...he was a few levels in before he changed....and the reason he changed was because he was getting grief from other people about his profession.
05-27-2005, 09:08 AM
hmm...Alright, I can't barely remember that long ago.
I can remember that I was doing a lot of that class-changing back when Tycine used to haunt Amaranth Court in Ta'Vaalor. I honestly don't have the mental capacity to trace that all the way back tonight.
I REALLY can't remember him ever being a rogue though.
I think my first rogue carried a different name.
05-27-2005, 09:10 AM
He wasnt a rogue, but the fact that you mentioned Tycine is good.
My recollection was that Ranad was friends with Rikkan and Droch and Tycine who took him under their wing.
Ranad was originally an empath but due to the infighting between the empaths in VC re-rolled.
05-27-2005, 09:15 AM
Yup, that's about the shape of things.
and the reason he changed was because he was getting grief from other people about his profession.
You're correct, it seems. It just took me some thinking to recall why I eventually changed him over.
So now, I'm confused. This would put you as the brain behind...who at the time?
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