View Full Version : I have saved a life this night.

05-15-2005, 01:01 AM
Kainok gasps in pain and shock as a blood red teardrop-etched scarab pulsates, drawing the blood from his body!
>get kat
You remove a katana from in your leather weapons harness.
Myasarie meditates over Kainok.
Myasarie takes all of Kainok's blood loss.
Vitruvian just arrived.
Joldir removes some cactacae spine from on some stone benches.
Toder murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Toder gestures.
Toder looks a little better.
Arafin just arrived.
Kainok gasps in pain and shock as a blood red teardrop-etched scarab pulsates, drawing the blood from his body!
Arafin just went west.
Arafin just arrived.
>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
Joldir takes a bite of his cactacae spine.
Joldir makes a horrible face!
Joldir's left hand looks better.
Arafin sits down.
Myasarie murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Myasarie concentrates.
Myasarie looks a little better.
The powerful look leaves Joldir.
Reim meditates over Kainok.
Reim takes all of Kainok's blood loss.
Kainok gasps in pain and shock as a blood red teardrop-etched scarab pulsates, drawing the blood from his body!
Myasarie meditates over Kainok.
Myasarie takes all of Kainok's blood loss.
Reim murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Reim concentrates.
Reim looks a little better.
Myasarie murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Toder says, "Them bugs ever get full? dang."
Kainok gasps in pain and shock as a blood red teardrop-etched scarab pulsates, drawing the blood from his body!
Myasarie concentrates.
Myasarie looks a little better.
>drag kain
You are now automatically attempting to drag Kainok when you move.
Joldir just went northeast.
Reim meditates over Kainok.
Reim takes all of Kainok's blood loss.
Kainok gasps in pain and shock as a blood red teardrop-etched scarab pulsates, drawing the blood from his body!
*** MoveAhead queued "n" to be sent when more room descriptions have been received.
*** MoveAhead queued "e" to be sent when more room descriptions have been received.
You grab Kainok and drag him northwest with you...

[Town Square, Northwest]
This corner of the square is lively and hectic even at night. A number of representatives of the Landing's population, including several elven loggers and a party of rough-looking dwarves, loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, where the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter.
Also here: a stunned Kainok
Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, south
*** MoveAhead sent "n" to the game in response to the new room description.
Roundtime: 10 sec.
>*** MoveAhead detected a movement failure, and has discarded all queued moves.

...wait 10 seconds.
...wait 10 seconds.
...wait 10 seconds.
Joldir just arrived.
>amb kain left arm
...wait 3 seconds.
Hadrians just arrived.
>amb kain left arm
Kainok gasps in pain and shock as a blood red teardrop-etched scarab pulsates, drawing the blood from his body!
...wait 2 seconds.
>amb kain left arm
...wait 2 seconds.
Joldir just went north.
>amb kain left arm
Taebaek just arrived.
...wait 1 seconds.
Nomenoe just arrived.
Hadrians just entered the Raging Thrak Inn.
>amb kain left arm
Nomenoe just went south.
...wait 1 seconds.
>amb kain left arm
You swing a katana at Kainok!
AS: +230 vs DS: +131 with AvD: +39 + d100 roll: +76 = +214
... and hit for 106 points of damage!
Awesome slash severs Kainok's left arm!
A jagged stump is all that remains!
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Taebaek just went north.
Joldir just arrived.
Joldir just went south.
Hadrians just arrived.
Hadrians just went north.
[Town Square, Northwest]
This corner of the square is lively and hectic even at night. A number of representatives of the Landing's population, including several elven loggers and a party of rough-looking dwarves, loiter around the door of the Raging Thrak Inn, where the rowdy cheers of patrons and voices raised in songs of many sorts, from snatches of heroic ballads to blushingly bawdy tunes, beckon you to enter.
Also here: Kainok
Obvious paths: north, east, southeast, south
Kainok says, "What the hell."
Taebaek just arrived.
A blood red teardrop-etched scarab suddenly crawls out of Kainok's severed limb!
Reim just arrived.
>drag kain se
Taebaek just went north.
You grab Kainok and drag him southeast with you...

[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a cowering woodland spirit that is flying around, the Ambrey disk and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Kainok, Arafin who is sitting, Vitruvian, Myasarie who is sitting, Ratoosh, Toder who is sitting, Lord Kkorrik, Lady Ambrey, Mikeke
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Reim just arrived.
Myasarie meditates over Kainok.
Myasarie takes some of Kainok's blood loss.
Arafin just left.
>'Scarab northwest
You say, "Scarab northwest."
Myasarie murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Myasarie concentrates.
Myasarie looks a little better.
Vitruvian loses some awareness.
Grodon just arrived.
Reim utters a light chant and raises his hands, beckoning the lesser spirits to his aid...
Vitruvian just went northwest.
Eidann just arrived.
Kainok says, "Whoa."
* Aratmar just bit the dust!
Reim just went northwest.
>'You should be thanking me
You say, "You should be thanking me."
Toder just left.
>grin kain
You grin at Kainok.
Myasarie meditates over Kainok.
Myasarie takes Kainok's left arm damage.
>wt kshe
You place your katana on your foot, pause to visualize your stunt and then kick the katana into the air. You watch as it falls and position your body just right so it lands in your leather weapons harness.

Round time: 3 sec.
Eidann just went west.
Kainok says, "Cut the scarab out."
Myasarie murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Myasarie concentrates.
Myasarie looks a little better.
Reim just arrived.
Grodon just went northwest.
Myasarie murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Myasarie concentrates.
Myasarie looks a little better.
Reim removes a ragged saw-edged vultite shortsword from in his snakeskin cloak.
Kainok says, "Wow, haven't seen that before.. thank you."
Myasarie meditates over Kainok.
Myasarie takes all of Kainok's blood loss.
You smile.
>'My pleasure
You say, "My pleasure."
Kainok asks, "Never would've stopped would it?"
Myasarie murmurs a simple, mystical chant...
Reim just went northwest.
Myasarie concentrates.
Myasarie looks a little better.
Nomenoe just arrived.
Nomenoe just went over to an old well.
>'Not until you died
You say, "Not until you died."
Jayvn's group just arrived.

Kainok says, "Many thanks to all 3 of you."
Kainok bows to you.
Myasarie put some wolifrew lichen on some stone benches.
Kainok bows to Myasarie.
Myasarie removes some sovyn clove from in her cotton cloak.
Myasarie takes a bite of her sovyn clove.
Myasarie's left arm is fully restored.
Hypolyta suddenly appears in a flash of brilliant light.
Demiloa draws Hypolyta close to him and gazes deeply into her eyes, making it clear that he wishes her to linger near.
Demiloa's group just went northwest.
Andeclies screams at you!
>warsalute bow kain
You bow deeply at the waist, honoring Kainok.
Andeclies kicks you!
Andeclies appears to be checking his pockets for something, but finds them empty.
A cowering woodland spirit hurriedly flits out of sight.
The black cat prances off.
>thump and
You thump Andeclies!

05-15-2005, 01:06 AM
Good going there.

Have to love a tear jerking ending.

::thump wacko::

05-15-2005, 01:39 AM
Should have killed the scarab too.

05-15-2005, 01:45 AM
I don't carry magic weapons.

05-15-2005, 03:37 AM
Me too!

[Landing: Outside Gate]
You see: Stuff
Also here:Bobmuhthol
>sneak gate
You sneak thru a gate, without killing Bob.
You sense that Bobmuhthol is thankful.

J/K bob. After the time a few years ago when you helped one of my chars kill a bastard and throw all his shit in a barrel I got nothin but love for ya bud.

05-15-2005, 03:40 AM
That was a good log! Thanks for posting it, Bob. :)

05-15-2005, 04:45 AM
Me = Andeclies. :D

05-15-2005, 04:56 AM
Hee! I really enjoyed the log. It's been so long since I played, and that log brought back some good memories, somehow. It's even better knowing that you were Andeclies! :lol:

05-15-2005, 05:42 AM
You're a hero man. So is that why you hang in TSC all day, watching for scarabs?
Nice action. :D

05-15-2005, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by Tayre
Me = Andeclies. :D

prep 210

Nice to have you back, Drew! :lol:

05-20-2005, 12:42 PM
THat is an awesome log

05-20-2005, 01:04 PM
A blood red teardrop-etched scarab suddenly crawls out of Kainok's severed limb!

Way to leave that on the ground for some poor person to get tangled up with.

You may have saved one life, but you put others in jeopardy.

A hero? Hardly. People like you make me sick. Only thinking of the limelight and the name in the headlines... when the real threat still exists and by you doing a half ass job saving someone.. you inevitably caused more pain and death.

05-20-2005, 02:17 PM
I think you can stomp a scarab to kill it too.

05-20-2005, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
A blood red teardrop-etched scarab suddenly crawls out of Kainok's severed limb!

Way to leave that on the ground for some poor person to get tangled up with.

You may have saved one life, but you put others in jeopardy.

A hero? Hardly. People like you make me sick. Only thinking of the limelight and the name in the headlines... when the real threat still exists and by you doing a half ass job saving someone.. you inevitably caused more pain and death.


Dear Bob,

Please turn in your gun and badge and consider yourself fired. Have a nice day!


PS Don't forget someone in GemStone always has their camcorder running...

05-20-2005, 08:11 PM
Fuck, like Bob did something a zillion of us havn't already done. Boring. Sorry Bob, but true.


05-20-2005, 08:11 PM
Except most of us probably also kill the scarab.
