View Full Version : Selling all the services.

01-02-2023, 09:20 PM
Updates as things sell out, and also on Fridays (my current Lumnis reset day). Bold = for sale, not bold = for reservation only.

Enchanting - 675 bonus, 3m/week (60/essence), 163k essence available. (Enough for up to +45.)

Ensorcelling - 705 bonus, 3m/week, 50k energy available. (Enough for T1 only.)

Loresong unlocking - Any difficulty, 1m/week, 50k lore available.

Resistance - 1200 bonus, 2.5m/week, 200k grace available. (Enough for any tier.)

Sanctifying - holy fire only - 705 bonus, 26m (6.5m/week). Currently sold out January 2, but open to a reservation for the next one on the 28th or 29th.

Sanctifying - any kind - 516 bonus, 5m/week, 125k devotion available. (Enough for up to S4.)

Tattooing/recharging - Any tier, 2m/week or 40k/charge, 94k motes available. (Enough for up to T2 or recharging all but the emptiest tattoos.)

WPS - 715 bonus on weapons, 511 bonus on armor, 650k/service. Currently sold out January 2.