View Full Version : Box Thieves

05-12-2005, 06:13 PM
First time this has ever happened to me, really, and wanted to let you guys know about it so you can be aware. Staff has been notified of the incident.

Respital and I had been cash hunting in Icemule and we found Malikhan to pick our boxes. We were also going to invite him to come along with us, but we didn't get that far. Malikhan was still picking for us when the incident occurred.

[Tavern Burrow, Barley Lane]
Barley Lane turns sharply north here, its forward progress blocked by a community well. This section of town is somewhat quieter, although occasionally, the voices of parties heading home or to a tavern echo off the narrow buildings. You also see a weathered thanot coffer, an enruned thanot coffer, a weathered thanot trunk, an engraved modwir strongbox, a badly damaged maoral strongbox, the Nilandia disk, an engraved tanik box, a sturdy tanik box, a plain steel box, some tattered cloth, the Respital disk and a small sign.
Also here: Malikhan who is sitting, Respital
Obvious paths: north, west
Malikhan begins to meticulously examine an engraved monir strongbox.
You tickle Respital and are rewarded with his laughter.
You softly exclaim, "No quiet!"
Malikhan chuckles.
You grin.
Malikhan removes a bone-inlaid ivory golvern lockpick from in his narrow lockpick case.
Simcha just arrived.
With a quick flick of the wrist, Malikhan spins his lockpick around in his palm, stopping it as the tip enters an engraved monir strongbox...
Then...CLICK! It opens!
Malikhan offers you an engraved monir strongbox. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Simcha picks up an enruned thanot coffer.
Simcha put an enruned thanot coffer in his black leather pack.
You accept Malikhan's offer and are now holding an engraved monir strongbox.
Malikhan put a bone-inlaid ivory golvern lockpick in his narrow lockpick case.
Simcha picks up a weathered thanot trunk.
Simcha put a weathered thanot trunk in his black leather pack.
Simcha picks up an engraved modwir strongbox.
Simcha put an engraved modwir strongbox in his black leather pack.
You ponder the meaning of Simcha's existence.
Simcha picks up a weathered thanot coffer.
You softly say, "Erm..."
Simcha picks up a badly damaged maoral strongbox.
Simcha put a badly damaged maoral strongbox in his black leather pack.
Simcha just left.

This person had obviously seen that we were not sleeping, as Malikhan and I had both moved when they were there.

Any suggestions on handling the situation? I do realize that the boxes could have been taken because they were on the ground, but the person had logged out before we could do anything and there was nothing we could do.


05-12-2005, 06:15 PM
<<Staff has been notified of the incident.>>

Holy shit, shut the fuck up.

<<You also see a weathered thanot coffer, an enruned thanot coffer, a weathered thanot trunk, an engraved modwir strongbox, a badly damaged maoral strongbox, the Nilandia disk, an engraved tanik box, a sturdy tanik box, a plain steel box, some tattered cloth, the Respital disk and a small sign.>>

I'd take them too.

This thread makes me sad.

05-12-2005, 06:16 PM
Oh, and I also stole many boxes from people's disks as Shay. I also killed them when they retaliated.

Staff cared 0 times.

05-12-2005, 06:17 PM
Go to a table next time?:wtf:

05-12-2005, 06:22 PM
It's a bitch move, but it is considered roleplaying to an extent. I think you're out of luck in this situation as far as staff goes.

05-12-2005, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<Staff has been notified of the incident.>>

Holy shit, shut the fuck up.

<<You also see a weathered thanot coffer, an enruned thanot coffer, a weathered thanot trunk, an engraved modwir strongbox, a badly damaged maoral strongbox, the Nilandia disk, an engraved tanik box, a sturdy tanik box, a plain steel box, some tattered cloth, the Respital disk and a small sign.>>

I'd take them too.

This thread makes me sad.
Love you, too, Bob.

I do not report things to staff lightly. I have not had to report a conflict before. The only reason I did was because the person slammed. As you would well know, logging off to avoid the consequences of your actions is against policy. That is the reason why I notified staff.

I realize that there was the possibility of someone taking boxes. I would not have been as upset with the person had they taken the boxes and run so that we could at least react. It was the slamming that I object to.

So please, Bob, stop trying to find a conflict where there is none. I'm not trying to find sympathy. I am trying to notify people of what happened so they can be careful.


05-12-2005, 06:31 PM
I dunno is it roleplaying? Perhaps it could have been but the only part that really sucks is they logged out right after they did it.

05-12-2005, 06:32 PM
Boo hoo, you dropped them, :stfu: I'd take them too, and I also used to steal boxes from people's disks when they left them open. It's a rogue thing, or a thief thing, or just a dick thing.


05-12-2005, 06:34 PM
But Kuyuk do you log out? My issue isn't that they were an ass and took the boxes, but that they didn't have the balls to stand behind it. Even Bob said when he did it he'd kill whoever retaliated, he didn't run.

05-12-2005, 06:41 PM
I had it done to me on 4Winds, I know who and all that. I was ticked for a few minutes then laughed about it. I basically have that person highlighted red and if they ever needed my assistance in the future I'd tell em to go fuck themselves. I usually pick in a major sanctuary.

If Falgrin were still about, I would have also told him who the character was that did it.
That would have been amusing.

[Edited on 5-12-2005 by TheRoseLady]

05-12-2005, 06:42 PM
No grounds to report here, you left shit on the ground, wtf you expect?

I also like taking things from peoples open disks.

I also like replacing said things with cursed items.

05-12-2005, 06:43 PM
How long ago have you folks stolen from disks? I thought that you had to be in their group or are you stalking them?

05-12-2005, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
I also like replacing said things with cursed items.

I've learned from being with Falgrin so often that this is barely an inconvenience. A pure potion or a cast of uncurse. :yawn:

05-12-2005, 06:46 PM
Well, you can now see why the removal of the "logging to avoid conflict" clause pissed me off so much. Be safer with your boxes...it's a fucking jungle out there.

05-12-2005, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady
How long ago have you folks stolen from disks? I thought that you had to be in their group or are you stalking them?

Yeah, just stalk them.

That's why so many people leave them open, they don't realize that... or they just forget/don't care.

05-12-2005, 06:52 PM
As others have said, mark the person in red, and torture them for as long as you can each and every time you see them outside of town. Take your time, tear them to pieces but keep them alive. Should they log out while you are having your fun, report them for slamming.

05-12-2005, 06:52 PM
I must be weird, I always put friends regular red and enemies dark red, heh.

05-12-2005, 06:54 PM
I've learned from being with Falgrin so often that this is barely an inconvenience. A pure potion or a cast of uncurse. >>

Use the Stance guarded curse, this way the thief will be clearly marked to everyone in the room without fail. If it is within your power at the time, kill them. If not, make a mental note and do it later when well prepared.

05-12-2005, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by DeV
It's a bitch move, but it is considered roleplaying to an extent. I think you're out of luck in this situation as far as staff goes.

It's not RP, if they had stayed IG and told them to piss off, and then WALK off, sure, but no, they LOGGED. Staff WOULD support a complaint, not that it would amount to alot right now.


05-12-2005, 07:19 PM
>news 5 8


In a world where millions of items are constantly being manipulated, there is a lot of potential lag associated with making the calculations that track the state of those items. The "janitor" is part of our object and memory management system - it is there to reduce lag, increase the number of players that can exist in the game, and generally improve the overall performance of the game.

The janitor is a normal game mechanic (see NEWS Category 5, item 7) and items lost to it cannot be replaced. In the Platinum version of the game, this would include items lost due to dropping at death and depart. Yes, it may be an out of character loss, but that is a concession we have to make in order to make the game playable.

There is never a reason to put your items on the ground except to get rid of them. If something of yours gets put on the ground for you, retrieve it as quickly as possible. However, if the item is lost before it can be recovered, then there is nothing we can do to replace it for you. We apologize for any inconveniences associated with the system, but hope you understand the need for its existence.


Sounds to me like you had an imposter janitor!!!

05-12-2005, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Kuyuk
Boo hoo, you dropped them, :stfu: I'd take them too, and I also used to steal boxes from people's disks when they left them open. It's a rogue thing, or a thief thing, or just a dick thing.


Got to go with dick thing on this one.

Originally posted by Hulkien

No grounds to report here, you left shit on the ground, wtf you expect?

I also like taking things from peoples open disks.

The grounds for reporting were leaving immediately after doing it.

Doing that is being an asshole mechanics abuser, not roleplaying of any type.

Just a loser move.

05-12-2005, 07:32 PM
Didn't read that he logged off.

I skimmed, sorry Nilandia.

05-12-2005, 07:36 PM
I put people that I hate in that dark brown poopy like color. :D As far as the box theif, I always get my boxes picked a table, I never trust public places. Never know when a rogue is going to blow the place up or your going to get quaked by immature players.

05-12-2005, 08:01 PM
If I leave my boxes on the ground and someone steals them and logs?

I'd report them for slamming. If they didn't log? I'd just kill them.

05-12-2005, 08:33 PM
Mmm, Nilandia, you are staff, shut the fuck up. You left it on the ground, it's open game. Go see the thrak. Bad manners, yes, illeagal, only for logging. Those were free boxes.

05-12-2005, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by drigore
Bad manners, yes, illeagal, only for logging.
That would be why I had a problem with it at all. I don't care about the stealing right now. I might that he logged. Couldn't even let me play with him a bit.


05-12-2005, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by Fallen

Use the Stance guarded curse.

Thats the one that lowers TD.. you want clumsy.. or itchy.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
05-12-2005, 09:56 PM
Nilandia is staff?

05-12-2005, 10:25 PM
Slammers are dumb and Malikhan rules.


05-12-2005, 10:30 PM
Stance neutral is itchy (gear dropper) with regards to curse.

05-12-2005, 10:51 PM
Raging Warrior Thrak would be rolling over in his grave! Like.. if he was dead?

05-12-2005, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Slammers are dumb and Malikhan rules.

Yep, Malikhan is a great guy. Dragged him off hunting with us and shared the profits evenly between the three of us. Was a lot of fun.


Doyle Hargraves
05-13-2005, 02:21 AM
While I think the guy was an ass for taking the boxes, you have no grounds to report him, not even for slamming. The reason being is that if you drop an item on the ground, it's fair game for whoever wants to take it. By dropping an item on the ground you're giving up all rights to it. Therefore he didn't technically steal anything.

Of course this would vary depending on which GM you talked to, their mood, how much they like/dislike you and the other guy, etc. but for argument's sake we'll just pretend that isn't the case and assume that all GMs are consistent with policy. *cough*

A good rule of thumb with items is to just assume there's always some jerkoff in the shadows waiting for you to drop something so they can scoop it up and run off.

Be paranoid, it'll save you the grief.

[Edited on 5-13-2005 by Doyle Hargraves]

05-13-2005, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by Nilandia

Originally posted by SpunGirl
Slammers are dumb and Malikhan rules.

Yep, Malikhan is a great guy. Dragged him off hunting with us and shared the profits evenly between the three of us. Was a lot of fun.


I know I do don't I?? :D Heh. Thanks again for dragging me, my Lock Mastery reps thank you! heh.

Seriously though it was a setup. He had to have someone watching us because the second he walked in he grabbed em and logged. Pure ass in my opinion. No one steals from my customers!!!


05-13-2005, 04:15 AM
You should be dragging your customers to our table then! :lol:

05-13-2005, 08:42 AM
Malikhan does rule...

Anyway I cannot stand folks who slam. At least give us the change to take a limb or something.




[Edited on 5-13-2005 by Amaron]

05-13-2005, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by Nilandia
First time this has ever happened to me, really, and wanted to let you guys know about it so you can be aware.

So you are warning people of a box thief or a slammer?

Seemed like the former to me :shrug:

05-13-2005, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by DeV
It's a bitch move, but it is considered roleplaying to an extent. I think you're out of luck in this situation as far as staff goes.

It was considered roleplaying up until the point he logged out immediately.

It's now considered game mechanic abuse. Personally, I wouldn't let GMs handle it.. I would torture that poor bastard until he begged me to stop.

05-13-2005, 08:59 AM
[Raging Thrak Inn, Trophy Room]
You notice a thrak hide, a simple wooden wastebasket and a thrak hide curtain.

You point at the curtain.

Listen to such things in there and maybe you can prevent some ones opportunity in the future?

05-13-2005, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by Fallen

Use the Stance guarded curse.

Thats the one that lowers TD.. you want clumsy.. or itchy. >>

This will work if you have a level 80+ sorcerer to curse your gems, as you know you will ward most of Elanthia's thieves. However, if you are younger, and the thief is able to ward your curse, NO MESSAGING will be given for when the curse activates. No one will see the warding check.

The stance guarded curse requires no warding check, and as such, is seen at all times by everyone in the room. This has two primary benefits. First, everyone in the room, including the victim, will know of the theft, and be on guard. Second, the TD of the thief will be dropped a significant amount (Approx -25), which may enable you to stun/torture/kill said fool with greater ease.

If you ARE a high level, or simply wish a chance to see the thief fall under the effects of the spell, know that there will still be no shown warding roll. You will only start to see the thief suffer under the effects of the curse, so try to remember which curse you utilize and watch for the warning signs.

Finally, the warding CS of the curse you put into the gem remains the same regardless if you increase your level. If you are the sorcerer putting the curse into the gems, be sure to update the curses every few levels to increase your likelihood of warding the thieves.

I hope this helps all of those who enjoy punishing those foolish enough to rob jewels from a sorcerer.

05-13-2005, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by DeV
It's a bitch move, but it is considered roleplaying to an extent. I think you're out of luck in this situation as far as staff goes.

It was considered roleplaying up until the point he logged out immediately.

It's now considered game mechanic abuse. Personally, I wouldn't let GMs handle it.. I would torture that poor bastard until he begged me to stop.

I only have two names in poison green on my wizard, and that is what they mean: torture until they log then torture more when they return. Generally, people who abuse policy/mechanics like that rarely stick around.

You also have to ask yourself is running around after this person worth it? Many times, I've decided no. -Just pick at that tart place next time hon. Though I will agree that it's a shame that roleplayers have to isolate themselves from mechanic abusers like this, that's why my brood lives pretty much in River's Rest. I've found that not living in a start town cuts down on this crap a lot (at least I don't think RR is a start town?).

who found Icemule too damn cold for her characters :P

edited because my language is just horrible this morning.

[Edited on Fri, May th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]

05-13-2005, 09:26 AM
Wow, I hope you tough guys don't take my boxes if I leave them on the ground! :lol: I'm sure you hardasses would kill me if I so much as raised an eyebrow.

Seriously, though, it's a dick thing. I'd absolutely love it if someone stole some boxes from my disk/my ground. :D

Sean of the Thread
05-13-2005, 09:27 AM
Respital doesn't pick anymore?

Well the guy did slam out after taking them so I guess he was uber rolelplaying.

PS I like stealing boxes.

05-13-2005, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by Tea & Strumpets
Wow, I hope you tough guys don't take my boxes if I leave them on the ground! :lol: I'm sure you hardasses would kill me if I so much as raised an eyebrow.

Seriously, though, it's a dick thing. I'd absolutely love it if someone stole some boxes from my disk/my ground. :D

What the hell would you do? Run away screaming "ALLIANCE, ALLIANCE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

Oh wait.. different game.

05-13-2005, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

What the hell would you do? Run away screaming "ALLIANCE, ALLIANCE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

Oh wait.. different game.

I would keep my head down and eyes averted! Please take the boxes and spare my life!

05-13-2005, 10:01 AM
So sad, too bad.

Seriously, this seems more like an issue with someone "jacking" your boxes than logging out. How'd I guess? Well, I did read the title.

Anyway, no boxes were stolen and he didn't slam at all. As far as I'm concerned, he picked up some boxes on the ground and then had to log out. He didn't get caught theiving or anything. If it's on the ground, it isn't yours.

It's also this fucking mentality that's driving me away from Gemstone. "WAAA *REPORT*" Christ, this makes my stomach turn. No wonder why I feel so at home on a PvP server.

- Arkans

Sean of the Thread
05-13-2005, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
So sad, too bad.

Seriously, this seems more like an issue with someone "jacking" your boxes than logging out. How'd I guess? Well, I did read the title.

Anyway, no boxes were stolen and he didn't slam at all. As far as I'm concerned, he picked up some boxes on the ground and then had to log out. He didn't get caught theiving or anything. If it's on the ground, it isn't yours.

It's also this fucking mentality that's driving me away from Gemstone. "WAAA *REPORT*" Christ, this makes my stomach turn. No wonder why I feel so at home on a PvP server.

- Arkans

Heheh I have to agree with all that. What server are you on?

05-13-2005, 11:12 AM
The only one that matters :P

05-13-2005, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
It was considered roleplaying up until the point he logged out immediately.

It's now considered game mechanic abuse. Personally, I wouldn't let GMs handle it.. I would torture that poor bastard until he begged me to stop. I was thinking more along the lines of a)the boxes were on the ground and not in a disk, which is usually the norm for bitch ass box thieves. The fact that he logged out directly after could be considered slamming but then again that is also arguable.
And last but not least, the boxes were already on the ground, which is why I felt the GM's wouldn't do much in the way of intevening. If they do, good stuff.

05-13-2005, 07:21 PM
Yes, the only one that matters. AKA: Dunemaul.

- Arkans

05-13-2005, 07:24 PM
How can it be argued that it was slamming? There were boxes on the ground. Fair game. They were picked up by someone else and they logged out of game. They had every right to do it. Should we be not allowed to log out right after we loot a monster next? Seriously, they were nobodies property, no slamming occured, and anyone that whines about this has absolutely no ground to stand on. Don't drop shit on the ground if you don't want it gone, how hard is that to understand?

- Arkans

05-13-2005, 07:37 PM

Couple sits at a table in a public place. Couple sets cell phone on table. Cell phone is lying on table in plain view. Something catches their attention and causes them to look in the opposite direction of where their phone is sitting. Person walking by sees an opportunity and 'pulls' the phone off the table without missing stride. Couple never sees the pull nor notices the phone missing until later on and can do nothing about it except report it missing.

Moral of the story. Dont leave stuff lying around that you care enough about not to have wind up missing.

Sean of the Thread
05-13-2005, 07:56 PM
There are cell phones in GS now? Sweet.

Sean of the Thread
05-13-2005, 07:57 PM
Dunemaul SUCKS. Arthas is and always has been the real deal.

05-13-2005, 08:57 PM
There are WoW threads, none of which exist in the GS complaints folders.

And by every definition it is slamming. Logging off to avoid a conflict that you instigate is a violation of the TOS.

Theft of any kind is considered instigation. Logging off the moment you have all of the boxes (that belong to another person) you can carry is slamming.

There can be no comparison to a real life instance simply because you can't type "quit" and slam in real life. You get away with it or you cough up nuts/ovaries.

05-13-2005, 10:46 PM
The problem is, Tsa'ah, is that technically, no theft occured. These boxes wern't taken off the person nor where they from the disks. They were on the ground. A person merely picked something up and then logged out. It looks like the person that feels wrong in this is just claiming over property that they no longer owned.

- Arkans

05-13-2005, 10:48 PM
The person obviously logged out to avoid conflict. Saying otherwise is just arguing to be arguing.

05-13-2005, 10:48 PM
Arkans... Lets put it this way...

Squatters Rights. She's squatting the boxes and he comes in and tries to squat the same boxes. Someone is stealing from someone.

05-13-2005, 10:55 PM
Squatters rights? Give me a break. That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. Unforuntately, GMs don't agree with you either. Someone gets disarmed in an invasion and you decide to keep that Vorpal Sword of FUCKING PWNED!!!11, then guess what? You're up one sword and you have one sore player on your hands.

Seriously, have all the little quasi rules you want that you think protect your boxes or your gear on the ground. It's been stated and precidented before that the gear you put on the ground is no longer safe. Thrak tells you, GMs tell, even common fucking sense tells you. It was unclaimed treasure on the ground. No matter how you cut this one.

- Arkans

05-13-2005, 10:56 PM
Just because something's not against the rules doesn't mean it isn't fucking dumb.

05-13-2005, 10:58 PM
I agree, but you know what's even dumber? Putting shit on the ground and thinking it will be safe. No one did anything against the rules and Nilandia just further pushed my belief that the majority of people in GS just love to whine and report.

- Arkans

05-13-2005, 11:03 PM
Her complaint is very valid... to say otherwise is ridiculous.

05-13-2005, 11:05 PM
Very valid? She's complaining about something that she gave up ownership to. She has only herself to blame.

- Arkans

05-13-2005, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
She has only herself to blame.

- Arkans Which equates to not being able to complain about someone stealing from her? You lost me.

05-13-2005, 11:12 PM
Yes, because in all technicality she wasn't stolen from. An item on the ground is fair game. It is no longer hers. It was discarded.

- Arkans

05-13-2005, 11:36 PM
I'm not following. I don't even agree that this is a matter that much can/should be done about as far as the GM's are concerned, but hell, she has a right to complain even if she fucked up herself.

She got ganked, and there is no denying that.

05-13-2005, 11:43 PM
Once those boxes were put on the ground they ceased being her property as far as the game and the rules are concerned, thus she was never stolen from.

- Arkans

05-13-2005, 11:51 PM
And that is from an in game perspective, granted. This is OOG though.

05-13-2005, 11:53 PM

- Arkans

05-13-2005, 11:55 PM
I thought the Thrak also said that items on the ground were not automatically a free for all. I might be wrong I haven't seen Thrak in a very long time.

[Edited on 5-14-2005 by Brattt8525]

05-13-2005, 11:56 PM
This was concerning when adventurers were busy fighting off monsters and havn't gotten to the treasure yet. He only said it was polite not to start grabbing stuff though.

- Arkans

05-14-2005, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
Once those boxes were put on the ground they ceased being her property as far as the game and the rules are concerned, thus she was never stolen from.

- Arkans

Even so, Common sense and just general politness would cause someone to ASK if they belonged to someone. Three of us were sitting there, he saw me picking boxes, common sense would tell you they belonged to someone. To say he innocently logged after grabbing them is bull. It was an ass move and to say otherwise is just stupid. You said earlier it's whining and complaining that's driving you from GS? It's people being ass's like that and people defending them that makes me sick. There is no need for assery like that to be pulled.

P.S. Assery is a nifty new word I all think we should use :D

05-14-2005, 12:03 AM
lol @ assery. Yeah, it's just common sense that someone just might find fault with you taking something by way of a technicality that doesn't belong to you, but that you might get away with. I don't know any other way to put it quite frankly.

05-14-2005, 12:06 AM
I think had said person RP'ed the situation this thread would not exist. Fom my viewpoint all I see is mechanics abuse, and a missed chance at RP.

05-14-2005, 12:09 AM
Arkans... You know as well as I do... If you put boxes on the ground for a picker; Someone steals them...

You'll kill that guy. You know it; I know it; Everyone knows it.

05-14-2005, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by Brattt8525
I think had said person RP'ed the situation this thread would not exist. Fom my viewpoint all I see is mechanics abuse, and a missed chance at RP.

I agree completely. No one steals from Malikhan's customers and gets away with it! ::shakes fist::


05-14-2005, 12:19 AM
I'd kill someone just for looking at Arkans funny so that doesn't really work that well.

- Arkans

Doyle Hargraves
05-14-2005, 02:02 AM
I don't think anybody's arguing the fact that the guy that took the boxes is a dickhead, and I'm sure everyone that read this thread appreciates the heads up so that they will be sure not to leave anything on the ground if he's in the area if they otherwise would have for some reason.

What's being said is that reporting him for it isn't going to get jack shit accomplished, because from a policy standpoint, he broke no rules, not even slamming because once you drop something on the ground, it's fair game.

It's shitty, but that's the way it is and has always been.

[Edited on 5-14-2005 by Doyle Hargraves]

05-14-2005, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
Squatters rights? Give me a break. That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. Unforuntately, GMs don't agree with you either. Someone gets disarmed in an invasion and you decide to keep that Vorpal Sword of FUCKING PWNED!!!11, then guess what? You're up one sword and you have one sore player on your hands.

- Arkans

I have NO problem with that at all actually. I DO have a problem if I am in an invasion, drop my vorpal sword, someone picks it up and IMMEDIATELY LOGS OUT. That is called slamming and IS against policy.

Putting anything on the ground or in a disk is consent to losing the items. Him taking the boxes off the ground was an initiation of a CvC interaction. Him typing quit as soon as he picked up the boxes to avoid CvC conflict is clearly against the policy and spirit of the game.

He was a dick.. not for taking the boxes.. but for slamming like a scared little bitch.

05-14-2005, 01:24 PM
i'd roleplay that shit, esse

>recite I am the box thief, boxes up my sleeves;I steal your boxes and then I leave

And then maybe throw in a SIMPER for good measure, because it's a cool, cool word.

Doyle Hargraves
05-14-2005, 02:02 PM
:rofl: I'll have to try that sometime just to see the reactions it gets.

Oh wait, I forgot I don't play anymore.

Someone else do it and post the log.

Sean of the Thread
05-14-2005, 02:30 PM
Tsin pissed me off one time and I tried to open implode his box stash in otf. He had one of his slaves sanct the place. Fucker. At least I tried.

Doyle Hargraves
05-14-2005, 02:38 PM
A glass amulet will fix that. Go in invisible, drag all his boxes off and implode the next room.

05-15-2005, 05:52 PM
Alright, let me explain my motivations about the post, as it seems that people have misunderstood why I posted.

Was I upset about being stolen from? Undoubtedly. I'd hardly imagine anyone NOT being upset. However. I also know that me leaving boxes on the ground left myself open to being stolen. Heck, I even explained that in my original post.

I do realize that the boxes could have been taken because they were on the ground, but the person had logged out before we could do anything and there was nothing we could do.

As you can see, I was more upset over a person logging out to avoid us than the actual theft.

Many people know me as someone who loves RP. If someone wants to RP, I'll jump at the chance. On the same line, if a person wanted to RP out a theft, I'm all for it. Heck, I don't care if I get the stuff back or no. Just RP with me.

In this case, I didn't get the RP. I didn't even get a chance to respond other than trying to catch the guy's attention.

I also know that slamming is against policy, and I still feel that the person had slammed.

Staff has been notified of the incident.

Notice that I did not say that I expected anything to come from it. To be honest, I'd have been surprised if anything DID come of it.

The reason why I reported the incident was to let staff know that something happened. I've been told many times over that staff will look at a person's history in deciding on some sort of action. They look to see if there is some sort of patten of behavior. I reported to get the incident on record in case stuff happened later so staff would know about it.

Now, why did I title the thread "Box Thieves?" Pretty much, I was still upset about the incident. It had only happened a few minutes ago. Respital, Nilandia and Malikhan went hunting soon after, however, and we've pretty much let things go.

Do I still believe that the person should have been reported? Absolutely. He could have gotten away with taking the boxes according to policy, most likely, but that doesn't mean that everyone act according to policy. It's reasonable that the person thought that we would act, and we may have, and slammed to avoid it. For now, the incident is on record, and that's about the best I could hope for. :shrug:


05-15-2005, 07:22 PM
I agree with Parkbandit, but a disarm is a bit different as is a vorpal sword to a box. The fact remains is that the boxes were voluntarily given up.

- Arkans

05-15-2005, 07:25 PM
Well, I would be annoyed by that too....the RP might kill you, but so wouldn't taking the boxes, in a realistic setting, right?

If you want to steal, pay the consequences when caught.

05-15-2005, 07:28 PM
I agree 100%, but in this case, no theft occured.

- Arkans

05-15-2005, 07:29 PM
I see a theft...it was understood who the owners of the boxes were, and they obviously weren't his...isn't that stealing?

05-15-2005, 07:36 PM
When an item is put on the ground it ceases becoming yours.

- Arkans

05-16-2005, 09:47 AM
Well, if it's not his, as is evidenced, (According to your statement) by the box's residence on the ground, he shouldn't be taking it, or it would be theft, yes?

Sean of the Thread
05-16-2005, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by Parker
Well, if it's not his, as is evidenced, (According to your statement) by the box's residence on the ground, he shouldn't be taking it, or it would be theft, yes?


05-16-2005, 11:11 AM
...a fair answer, but you need to elaborate.

05-16-2005, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by Parker
Well, if it's not his, as is evidenced, (According to your statement) by the box's residence on the ground, he shouldn't be taking it, or it would be theft, yes?

No, and here's why...

Putting an item on the ground you give up claim to said item. That being said the item is then "free for grabs" meaning you're not stealing the item as it is not owned by anyone.

In GemStone an item placed on the ground is common property. Common courtesy dictates you treat the item as it still belongs to the person who placed it on the ground but common courtesy is not law.

05-16-2005, 11:39 AM
Good point. :)
You win!

05-16-2005, 11:50 AM
Now personally I'd make this kids life a living hell, I'd stalk him hunting and after every kill I'd take his loot. It's not his since it's on the ground. Sure common courtesy says it is but if he wants to play the game then by all means let's play the game.

Sean of the Thread
05-16-2005, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Now personally I'd make this kids life a living hell, I'd stalk him hunting and after every kill I'd take his loot. It's not his since it's on the ground. Sure common courtesy says it is but if he wants to play the game then by all means let's play the game.


05-16-2005, 11:52 AM
True. I have to take a bit more direct approach, seeing as how Ranad wouldn't be able to stalk him, and would probably just walk around and grab what he found.

05-16-2005, 11:53 AM
That works too.

05-16-2005, 11:54 AM
Damnit Xyelin that is a hilarious avatar.

On Parker make sure as you pick up his shit you say this is for box number one, this is for box number two, etc. And make sure you goad him into an ass beating :cool:

05-16-2005, 11:55 AM
You're devious, Anticor, so devious.

05-16-2005, 02:02 PM
Continuously jacking his loot can be seen as harassment, so be careful. He did it once, so it can't really be harassment, but he can be seen as a cock smoke.

- Arkans

05-16-2005, 03:14 PM
There's mechanics to prevent the loot thing.

05-16-2005, 06:05 PM
Correct but not everyone knows them. Plus when he puts away his weapon to get the loot just push his nose through his ass and tell him that's what losing smells like.

05-18-2005, 07:01 PM
All you fucksticks getting on Nil's ass about having boxes taken from the ground need to shut the fuck up. You are all well aware that doing shit like that is akin to disarming someone, grabbing their weapon, then slamming. I'll bet if that ever happened to you would cry like a little girl to any GM you could find. In fact, I've seen it happen several times on these boards.

05-19-2005, 04:28 AM
I think a larger portion would just wait around and kill the offender. Assisting for slamming is pointless.

05-19-2005, 02:34 PM
Thrak was mentioned earlier along the lines of putting things on the ground. However, this part of Thrak's lesson is in relation to the janitor, not someone taking these items. Thrak also discusses how a character should not walk into a room and start grabbing stuff if someone else is around. You should always ask first. In short, your use of Thrak in an attempt to prove your point is simply wrong.


05-19-2005, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by Meges
Thrak was mentioned earlier along the lines of putting things on the ground. However, this part of Thrak's lesson is in relation to the janitor, not someone taking these items. Thrak also discusses how a character should not walk into a room and start grabbing stuff if someone else is around. You should always ask first. In short, your use of Thrak in an attempt to prove your point is simply wrong.



Box thieves = Snerts :thumbsdown:

05-19-2005, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Meges
Thrak was mentioned earlier along the lines of putting things on the ground. However, this part of Thrak's lesson is in relation to the janitor, not someone taking these items. Thrak also discusses how a character should not walk into a room and start grabbing stuff if someone else is around. You should always ask first. In short, your use of Thrak in an attempt to prove your point is simply wrong.


He also talks about the my verb because if you put an item in a container on the ground and someone gets it you lose. The Thrak is a valid argument in this instance still. Gear adrift is gear a gift.

Do I agree with it? No. But that is the reality.

05-19-2005, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Forged
All you fucksticks getting on Nil's ass about having boxes taken from the ground need to shut the fuck up. You are all well aware that doing shit like that is akin to disarming someone, grabbing their weapon, then slamming. I'll bet if that ever happened to you would cry like a little girl to any GM you could find. In fact, I've seen it happen several times on these boards.

I have zero problem with the guy taking the boxes off the ground. That is not against policy.

I have a big problem when he picks up the boxes and then logs out to avoid consequences.

05-19-2005, 04:17 PM
Yeah....punkass manuver....and totally OOC.

One thing to take it and roleplay out a chase and such at least.

But this person 'poofed' away instantly and is thus a loser.

Would still tick me off if they took stuff and ran, as i probably could not find them, but to be honest I never put a box down before its empty so its unlikely to happen..

05-19-2005, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Forged
All you fucksticks getting on Nil's ass about having boxes taken from the ground need to shut the fuck up. You are all well aware that doing shit like that is akin to disarming someone, grabbing their weapon, then slamming. I'll bet if that ever happened to you would cry like a little girl to any GM you could find. In fact, I've seen it happen several times on these boards.

I have zero problem with the guy taking the boxes off the ground. That is not against policy.

I have a big problem when he picks up the boxes and then logs out to avoid consequences.

Agreed. Very cocksmoker-ish, and deserving of as many deaths as deemed necessary to appease yourself. 1 per box ought to do it.