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05-08-2005, 01:17 PM
This section entitled: "Getting to know Me"

First: Melissa
Middle: None
Last: Yea, right.
Like My Name: Yes
Chosen Middle Name: Marie-Antoinette (after my father's mother)

D.O.B.: 03/18/1980
Hometown: King of Prussia, PA
Eyes: grey to blue to blue-green to dark blue
Hair: Blonde or Red, Naturally Blonde.
Height: 5'7" Weight: 145 lbs.
Hand: Ambidextrous

Posting on PC since: 2001
Occupation: Trader and Student (BS in Biochemistry followed by MS in Bioinformatics hopefully then a PhD)
Career: Biotechnologist -- I want to cure diseases.
Quote: "Love steals a flag from heaven and paints it in its own likeness" -- Me

Bad Habits: Obsessive weight checking, rubbing my face when stressed, eating when stressed.
Good Habits: Walking/Running, writing, debating, planning, brainstorming
Compliment: Nice eyes/Nice smile.
Criticism: Stubborn
Mindset: Opto-pessimist, also called a realist.
Underlying Mood: Happy

National Food: Cheetos Puffs, B&J "Phish Food"
Regional Food: Any dead animal on an Amaroso roll will do. Also, NY style pizza.
Activity: Writing
Active Activity: Volleyball, Walking, Running with my Greyhound (known as walking to my Greyhound :D ).
Stress Relief: Writing
Music: I like most genres of music too much to pick a favorite. While not overly fond of rap or country, there are a few songs/artists I like in these genres as well.

High Priority: Finishing School, caring for friends/family.
Low Priority: Getting married/starting a family.
Smoker: Occasionally, about a pack a year of designer cigarettes.
Drinker: No
Drugs: No
Read the Newspaper: Yes
Read the News Online: Yes
Pray: Yes
Go to Church: I don't belong to an organized religion; my church is all around me.
Sleep with Stuffed Animals: Yes
Walk in the Rain: Absolutely.
Drive: Yes
Politics: Inde

Love and Attraction
Sex Orientation: Straight
Boyfriend: Yes
Does he read PC: Not usually.
Turn-ons: Laid back, skinny guys with dark hair and light eyes who love animals and respect women. Educated/Well-read men.
Turn-offs: Alpha males in general. Opposite of what I wrote above. Bad Grammar. Chewing Tabacco. Drunk people.

...At this moment
Wearing: Lucky Brand button fly jeans, Vicky Secret crap, and Emily Le Strange longsleeve, oh and fuzzy girlie bootie socks with Docs.
Worried: About my ferret.
Book I'm reading: The DaVinci Code
Mousepad: looks like the front cover of a black and white composition book.
Lonely or content: Content
Planning: to take my ferret and dog out for some sun.
Music: Church bells across the street -- Rise by Disturbed


Thanks for taking the time to get to know a little about me. I look forward to sharing my musings/snippets/triumphs/failures/daily routine in the future.


05-13-2005, 06:20 PM
Been somewhat exciting here lately, and I've been basically exhausted every night -- I'm not sure that that's a great thing. Yesterday was my father's birthday, so he needed to be spoiled :D

My ferret had a bad day yesterday and today; the pred actually seems to be losing its effect. I may have to up it again, but I don't want to do that to her until I know absolutely that it's not a fluke thing (like she's rubbing the tumors against her hammock). She also had her first low blood sugar in quite awhile yesterday, and it was a bad one -- to the point of nearly causing a hypoglycemic seizure.

It's the quiet moments that make you love animals

Most of today, I actually spend putting away boxes -- yes, I am making a "real" house -- so I've started swing trading more than day trading. That's also in preparation for heading back to school, when I won't have as much time anyway :) For those who don't trade stocks, swing trades are trades lasting more than one session, anywhere to a month.

Active plays:
May 11, 2006 -- Sold Short PII 56.12 below it's 8 period exponential moving average -- moved stop to 54.42 today.
Why -- fib regression shows strong resistence at 54.30.


Day Trades today:
Sold short LEH at 87.09 confirmation of uptrend reversal below swing lows.
Bought to cover LEH 86.37 on confirmation of 2:50 PM reversal doji

Sold short 350 AAPL at 34.91 12:30 bar
Bought to cover 350 AAPL (premature) at 34.85 break of the 8 moving average.
(scratch -- meaning, I covered comissions)

Bought 300 PD at 82.00 on an upside break of triangle. Triangle failed at 81.74 -- stop out -.26

Sold Short 300 PD at break of next flag 81.28
Bought to cover 300 PD 79.25 at a break through the 8 EMA.

AAPL for a break below its 200 EMA at 31.90.
RIMM for a break below its 20 EMA at 68.80

facts about what I do and definitions
Selling short (SS): Most people are very familiar with the concept of buying long: Buy low, sell high. Selling short works in the reverse. You borrow shares from your broker to sell at a high price with the mind that the stock price will fall. You then buy to cover (BTC) at the lower price, booking a profit.

Many many swing traders and investors, as well as options traders, don't care for selling short or opening puts. They feel that the risk/reward ratio isn't as good as buying long because your potential gain is limited to the price of the stock, which can't fall below 00.00. My general opinion of this is that in this market, I will absolutely take whatever it's willing to give me.

Doji -- what the heck is a doji? A doji is a candlestick where the shadows above and below the body of the candle are equal. A doji by itself after a large move doesn't necessarily mean the move is ending (it could be flagging). If a doji appears, however, it's wise to look for a place to move your stop that indicates a failure in the pattern.

Any questions can be directed here. I love to teach, and it keeps my mind off of other things, so absolutely, I welcome them. Also, if anyone trades and has author/book suggestions, (I am always looking to learn more too), I'd love to hear those.

For now, ciao

edited to fix bandwith issues and make the pics viewable. Enjoy.

[Edited on Fri, May th, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]

05-13-2005, 06:35 PM
I got caught up in the day trading mania a few years ago. I plunked down about 7-8 grand in my etrade. I hard heard some interesting things about this wireless company, so I went long on it. A few days later, at the end of trading, the company releases a record earnings. I'm pretty damn happy. The next day, before trading opens, some two bit brokerage house I'd never heard of DOWNGRADES the stock and it plummets like a sack of rotten potatoes. I lose about two grand. I was pretty much soured on doing my own trading after that.

I withdrew the rest and played blackjack in one of connecticut's fine casinos. I made $800 bucks of it back.

05-13-2005, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
Mindset: Opto-pessimist, also called a realist.

Also known as existentialist. You had some rocking avatars back in the day. Your current one disturbs me. No offense.

Oh, I am going to steal the first part of this for a new thread. Great idea, you get credit and thanks. :)

05-13-2005, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Farquar
I got caught up in the day trading mania a few years ago. I plunked down about 7-8 grand in my etrade. I hard heard some interesting things about this wireless company, so I went long on it. A few days later, at the end of trading, the company releases a record earnings. I'm pretty damn happy. The next day, before trading opens, some two bit brokerage house I'd never heard of DOWNGRADES the stock and it plummets like a sack of rotten potatoes. I lose about two grand. I was pretty much soured on doing my own trading after that.

I withdrew the rest and played blackjack in one of connecticut's fine casinos. I made $800 bucks of it back.

With all respect, that sounds more like investing. A day trader never holds over earnings. It's too risky. What we'll do (if coming up on earnings) is short about a week ahead of them, then buy to cover the day before. We do that because of the situation that you just described. There is a lot (a lot) of mania in the market before a company releases earnings. It is buy the rumor, sell the news basically.

Stastically, the most money is made playing long above 200 day ema and playing short below the 200 day ema, but news trumps all of that.


My current icon is my dog sleeping. -Looks dead though, doesn't he? :D

Steal Steal Steal away -- I'm going to head over and check out yours.

ps. I'm sorry the pictures are down. I have no idea what's causing that.

05-16-2005, 05:49 PM
I worked all day today, but it paid off; I made about 1200 usd and took things easy and slow (posted the charts for you to follow as well if interested). Doing this everyday is probably going to end up looking like "more of the same!" eventually.

Today's VLO chart throws a hammer at lows into the mix. A hammer is another reversal bar and supported a long position after its confirmation (next bar closed above the hammer). I however wanted to see the stock clear all the moving averages in the way before I committed any capital (hence the second, later entry).

Wynn was just a beauty today. It had a series of triangles (I love triangles because they define your entry point so easily and also your stop point). My broker lets me basically submit if/else statements so today's went something like this: if wynn breaks 43.58 to the downside, short the bastage. If it breaks 43.80 to the upside, play her long :) - Payed off nicely.

I guess there are some days where things just seem to go better than others, where everything is very clear. I wish I could have more days like today.

Overall, it's been very busy and hectic around here, so that is probably contributing to my overextended feeling. I took my parents out to dinner yesterday, so I wasn't around here a whole lot (yes, I bet you missed me).

I'm also brainstorming up a game with a friend, so I'm trying to reign in on my "I want to write!!!" impulses and stay focused on that, rather than feeding my need to make baseless horror novels that I don't have the courage to submit to publishers anyway :P .

Maxienne is doing a little better. She no longer falls over when she tries to ferret hop outside, but the ugly tumors are still there -- albeit they are drying out and shrinking a little.

I took a new pic of me for my icon. My hair is blonde again. Well, enough slacking off. Back to work!

