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08-08-2022, 02:50 PM
Senate Democrats defeated a budget-reconciliation amendment Sunday that would have limited federal pregnancy programs to biological females, rejecting the Republican challenge to gender-inclusive terms such as “pregnant people.”

The amendment brought by Sen. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican, failed on a 51-50 vote during the marathon vote-a-rama on the sweeping $740 billion climate, tax and healthcare package.

More... (https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/aug/7/marco-rubio-amendment-only-women-get-pregnant-reje/)

“Let’s be here about what’s going on here: This is a procedural attempt by Republicans to derail our ability to get this bill across the finish line and deliver for families in our country,” Ms. Murray said. “You know, it’s actually outrageous that Republicans are trying to talk about pregnancy when in this country right now, they are forcing women to stay pregnant no matter their circumstances, pushing cruel and extreme abortion bans.”

The bill said that federal programs for pregnancy would be available to "pregnant people." Rubio wanted to amend it so that it would apply only to "pregnant women." He said science shows that only women can get pregnant. Obviously this amendment was not designed to slow things down, as Democrats complained. Rubio was trying to prevent federal money from being wasted on pregnant men.

08-08-2022, 05:46 PM
$740 billion climate, tax and healthcare package.

So... the "Inflation Reduction Act" has absolutely nothing to do with reducing inflation.

I'm fucking shocked.

08-08-2022, 07:20 PM
So... bah.

I'm a frothily angry old man.


08-08-2022, 08:53 PM
Yeah, 87000 new IRS agents. That will surely help inflation with the IRS nearly doubling in size.

08-08-2022, 09:16 PM
I am trying my hardest to be just like Ashliana


08-08-2022, 09:20 PM
Yeah, 87000 new IRS agents. That will surely help inflation with the IRS nearly doubling in size.

More than doubling in size. IRS currently employs 78,661 full time staffers.

If they are actually successful in their endeavor, the IRS will employ more bureaucrats than the Pentagon, FBI, State Department, and Border Patrol. Combined.

08-08-2022, 09:20 PM
Yeah, 87000 new IRS agents.

Are you sure the 87,000 IRS employees to be added over the next 10 years will be agents? That seems unlikely.

08-08-2022, 09:21 PM

What is he talking about? What is a "Soros backed prosecutor"? Who is?

08-08-2022, 09:43 PM

What is he talking about? What is a "Soros backed prosecutor"? Who is?

A large number of local and state officials who are Democrats are majorly bankrolled by several PACs and NGOs who are funded/controlled by Soros. The guy that DeSantis just suspended is a prominent one.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-08-2022, 11:33 PM
CBO says government spending will go up over 100 billion dollars next three years and increases the deficit every year through 2027 https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2022-08/hr5376_IR_Act_8-3-22.pdf,

won't reduce inflation https://www.budget.senate.gov/ranking-member/newsroom/press/cbo-confirms-to-graham-dems-inflation-reduction-act-wont-reduce-inflation "Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today released this statement after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) confirmed the Manchin-Schumer “Inflation Reduction Act” would do nothing to address inflation. "

and doesn't account for the spending https://www.cbo.gov/publication/58366 "CBO’s estimate of H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act, as passed by the House of Representatives on November 19, 2021, also did not include an estimate of the spending that would result from enacting a similar provision, section 136701"

It's a complete shell game that will fuck our economy for the coming decade.

08-08-2022, 11:43 PM
Just catching on to that? It's a full on grift/payback system set up by the Politicians.

But, dumbasses think their lives will just go on as normal. They don't see what's coming.

08-09-2022, 12:18 AM
CBO says government spending will go up over 100 billion dollars next three years and increases the deficit every year through 2027 https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2022-08/hr5376_IR_Act_8-3-22.pdf,

won't reduce inflation https://www.budget.senate.gov/ranking-member/newsroom/press/cbo-confirms-to-graham-dems-inflation-reduction-act-wont-reduce-inflation "Senate Budget Committee Ranking Member Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) today released this statement after the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) confirmed the Manchin-Schumer “Inflation Reduction Act” would do nothing to address inflation. "

and doesn't account for the spending https://www.cbo.gov/publication/58366 "CBO’s estimate of H.R. 5376, the Build Back Better Act, as passed by the House of Representatives on November 19, 2021, also did not include an estimate of the spending that would result from enacting a similar provision, section 136701"

It's a complete shell game that will fuck our economy for the coming decade.

CBO expects that the provisions in title I that would increase funding for tax enforcement activities also would increase revenues. However, under guidelines agreed to by
the legislative and executive branches, that change is not included in this cost estimate, although it would be reflected in CBO’s baseline budget projections after the
legislation was enacted. (For more information on those guidelines, see Congressional Budget Office, CBO Explains Budgetary Scorekeeping Guidelines, January 2021,
www.cbo.gov/publication/56507.) CBO estimates that as a result of those increases in outlays, revenues would increase by $204 billion over the 2022-2031 period.

Of course you didn't bother to read the post you linked.

08-09-2022, 05:28 AM
Of course you didn't bother to read the post you linked.

The coming interest rate hikes are going to cost 10's of billions of dollars on this bill alone.

This is the dumbest government move possible at a time of high inflation and interest rate hikes. It's literally the opposite of what should be done.

08-09-2022, 12:51 PM
The coming interest rate hikes are going to cost 10's of billions of dollars on this bill alone.

This is the dumbest government move possible at a time of high inflation and interest rate hikes. It's literally the opposite of what should be done.

136 other countries have already signed a deal to set a 15% minimum corporate tax rate for booked earnings, representing 90% of global business. Why wouldn't the United States, with the highest GDP in the world not follow suit when US corporations rathole earnings from US operations into tax advantageous countries? Luxembourg and the Bahamas don't get to set tax policy for the rest of the world as tax havens.

At a time of record corporate earnings, setting a sane tax policy that prevents corporate tax avoidance is exactly the right time to proceed. Instead of using those earnings to do massive stock buybacks, they will have to use cash earnings to pay for capital expenditures to offset tax obligations. A win all the way around for our country.

08-09-2022, 01:32 PM

You know your creativity is absolute bottom tier diarrhea when you have to rely on Ashliana wall of text memes for literally anything at all.

Loser. :rofl:


08-09-2022, 02:09 PM
136 other countries have already signed a deal to set a 15% minimum corporate tax rate for booked earnings, representing 90% of global business. Why wouldn't the United States, with the highest GDP in the world not follow suit when US corporations rathole earnings from US operations into tax advantageous countries? Luxembourg and the Bahamas don't get to set tax policy for the rest of the world as tax havens.

At a time of record corporate earnings, setting a sane tax policy that prevents corporate tax avoidance is exactly the right time to proceed. Instead of using those earnings to do massive stock buybacks, they will have to use cash earnings to pay for capital expenditures to offset tax obligations. A win all the way around for our country.

That's cute that you think corporations are who will be impacted the most by this.

Since you're unemployed and useless, you think that this won't directly affect you. But for normal working lower/middle class people, that's who's going to get hit the hardest. You're just too stupid to understand anything more complicated than operating a light switch, and you already struggle with that.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-09-2022, 02:54 PM
Of course you didn't bother to read the post you linked.

Troll says what?

I provided three documents from the non partisan CBO that show in many different ways how it's going to screw the economy and you picked an estimate that I did call out in my very first sentence, and choose to look at the 10 year period and ignore the next three. If you think the bill won't be changed over 10 years... well, why am I bothering responding to a troll.

08-09-2022, 03:02 PM
That's cute that you think corporations are who will be impacted the most by this.

Since you're unemployed and useless, you think that this won't directly affect you. But for normal working lower/middle class people, that's who's going to get hit the hardest. You're just too stupid to understand anything more complicated than operating a light switch, and you already struggle with that.

A worthless post as always, full of incorrect assumptions, half assed insults and vague references to revealing a narrative without committing to something you could be held accountable for. Sad

You /seem/ to be implying that fair taxes is going to result in higher prices, yet clearly don't understand that cost-push inflation isn't absorbed by consumers eager to pay whatever the hell they're charged. Corporations will raise prices, they always raise prices, lower quality or quantity to increase profits, but that will in turn drive consumers to competitors who are more willing to see slightly lower after tax profits to maintain market advantage.

Corporations seeing lower tax bills has never resulted in savings for consumers, just more cash for corporations and a higher tax rate for everyday Americans to fund a voracious federal budget. That dog and pony show Republicans have put on about trickle down economics has been a lie exposed decade after decade. Now it's time corporations pay taxes just like every other person living in a country with a tax system.

08-09-2022, 03:10 PM
I provided three documents from the non partisan CBO that show in many different ways how it's going to screw the economy and you picked an estimate that I did call out in my very first sentence, and choose to look at the 10 year period and ignore the next three. If you think the bill won't be changed over 10 years... well, why am I bothering responding to a troll.

You ignored a line from your own CBO estimate that shows resulting increases of revenue as a result of the legislation. Your point was contradicted by your very own reference, you've only got yourself to blame.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-09-2022, 03:22 PM
You ignored a line from your own CBO estimate that shows resulting increases of revenue as a result of the legislation. Your point was contradicted by your very own reference, you've only got yourself to blame.

Troll says what?

08-09-2022, 03:24 PM
A worthless post as always, full of incorrect assumptions, half assed insults and vague references to revealing a narrative without committing to something you could be held accountable for. Sad

You /seem/ to be implying that fair taxes is going to result in higher prices, yet clearly don't understand that cost-push inflation isn't absorbed by consumers eager to pay whatever the hell they're charged. Corporations will raise prices, they always raise prices, lower quality or quantity to increase profits, but that will in turn drive consumers to competitors who are more willing to see slightly lower after tax profits to maintain market advantage.

Corporations seeing lower tax bills has never resulted in savings for consumers, just more cash for corporations and a higher tax rate for everyday Americans to fund a voracious federal budget. That dog and pony show Republicans have put on about trickle down economics has been a lie exposed decade after decade. Now it's time corporations pay taxes just like every other person living in a country with a tax system.

You're dumb and gullible. Everyone on the planet except you knows this.

The IRS isn't coming for the corporations. They're coming for you. You're just too busy mindlessly repeating everything that "the rich" that you claim to hate so much keep telling you to think.

08-09-2022, 03:46 PM
What's even more suspect are the omissions by Republicans to acknowledge the direct savings on Medicare outlays by finally being able negotiate or obtain other sources for some of its most expensive medications. Seniors now will see caps on their out of pocket maximums, but since that will only benefit seniors rather than pharmaceutical companies, they omit that fact.


08-09-2022, 07:06 PM
You're dumb and gullible. Everyone on the planet except you knows this.

The IRS isn't coming for the corporations. They're coming for you. You're just too busy mindlessly repeating everything that "the rich" that you claim to hate so much keep telling you to think.

I doubt the IRS is coming for Seran.

He's a net negative for the Government.

08-09-2022, 08:57 PM
What's even more suspect are the omissions by Republicans to acknowledge the direct savings on Medicare outlays by finally being able negotiate or obtain other sources for some of its most expensive medications. Seniors now will see caps on their out of pocket maximums, but since that will only benefit seniors rather than pharmaceutical companies, they omit that fact.


How many billion did they cut from Social Security?

It's funny that you think this will help anyone. The last time wage and price controls were put in place, it turned out bad. Look at the 50s.

08-09-2022, 09:55 PM
How many billion did they cut from Social Security?

It's funny that you think this will help anyone. The last time wage and price controls were put in place, it turned out bad. Look at the 50s.

The bill has nothing to do with some Social Security. Prescription price caps being tied to Medicaid has phenomenally and there was no reason why Medicare Part D to not have the same. Private health insurance has nothing but reimbursement caps, out of pocket maximums and the ability to shop around for better prescription prices. To say Medicare or Medicaid for that matter shouldn't have the same capabilities would be taxpayer waste.

08-10-2022, 05:06 AM
“Inflation dropped from a record high of 9.2% to a near record high of 8.7%. The inflation reduction act is already working!” - Seran probably

08-10-2022, 08:42 AM
“Inflation dropped from a record high of 9.2% to a near record high of 8.7%. The inflation reduction act is already working!” - Seran probably


08-10-2022, 08:58 AM
The MSM isn't talking about the failure of the "Inflation Reduction Act" actually reducing inflation anymore.

Now it's talking about Trump.

08-10-2022, 11:04 AM
“Inflation dropped from a record high of 9.2% to a near record high of 8.7%. The inflation reduction act is already working!” - Seran probably

Wrong thread. Also, the inflation reduction act hasn't been passed, get your facts checked.

08-10-2022, 11:05 AM
Wrong thread. Also, the inflation reduction act hasn't been passed, get your facts checked.

Him posting about the inflation reduction act in a thread called inflation reduction act is the wrong thread?

08-10-2022, 11:07 AM
Him posting about the inflation reduction act in a thread called inflation reduction act is the wrong thread?

Seran is a little slow.

A lot slow, actually.

08-10-2022, 11:08 AM
Him posting about the inflation reduction act in a thread called inflation reduction act is the wrong thread?

"Seran" needs to be a verb at this point.

"Stop Seraning up this thread!"

It can also be used as a noun.

"Get your head out of your Seran!"

08-10-2022, 02:39 PM
Committee on Taxation released its figures and Republicans are /crowing/ that tax estimates show a higher cost to people making between $200,000-$500,000. For tax year 2023, they're going up $7 dollars.

Shows you just how desperate the GOP is, trying to spin this potential legislative accomplishment via talking points. Lol.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-10-2022, 02:48 PM
Committee on Taxation released its figures and Republicans are /crowing/ that tax estimates show a higher cost to people making between $200,000-$500,000. For tax year 2023, they're going up $7 dollars.

Shows you just how desperate the GOP is, trying to spin this potential legislative accomplishment via talking points. Lol.


So, Biden lied again.

08-10-2022, 03:07 PM
If your only take away from a bill helping save hundreds of billions for Medicare, helping its longterm financial solvency, or that hundreds of billions in tax revenue will help to reduce the deficit, is that it'll cost people making up to $500,000 a year another $7. Well then you might just be a Trump Conservative after all.

08-10-2022, 03:10 PM
This is a huge win for the Democratic Party, for climate change action and green energy, for Medicare (though it's sad that something as small as negotiating drug prices is even an issue), and for the national deficit. The CBO numbers confirm the $300B in savings from this bill.

08-10-2022, 03:12 PM
The CBO numbers confirm the $300B in savings from this bill.

I like how Democrats call increased taxes "savings."

The Democrats are raising taxes in the middle of a recession, when inflation is at the highest it's been in the history of our nation, and the "liberal elite" view this as a good thing.

08-10-2022, 03:15 PM
If your only take away from a bill helping save hundreds of billions for Medicare, helping its longterm financial solvency, or that hundreds of billions in tax revenue will help to reduce the deficit, is that it'll cost people making up to $500,000 a year another $7. Well then you might just be a Trump Conservative after all.

"It's only $7 a year!" - A committee made up of mostly Democrats..

This is the same Party that named this legislation "The Inflation Recovery Act"... and you parade it around like it's worth something.

Makes you look dumber than usual.

08-10-2022, 03:15 PM
I like how Democrats call increased taxes "savings."

The Democrats are raising taxes in the middle of a recession, when inflation is at the highest it's been in the history of our nation, and the "liberal elite" view this as a good thing.

Inflation has been higher.

08-10-2022, 03:17 PM
This is a huge win for the Democratic Party, for climate change action and green energy, for Medicare (though it's sad that something as small as negotiating drug prices is even an issue), and for the national deficit. The CBO numbers confirm the $300B in savings from this bill.

But not for actual inflation.

Also, if I could get just a dollar per million that the CBO has been off by in the past 20 years of their "predictions".. I would be one of the richest men in the world.

08-10-2022, 03:23 PM
"It's only $7 a year!" - A committee made up of mostly Democrats..

This is the same Party that named this legislation "The Inflation Recovery Act"... and you parade it around like it's worth something.

Another sign of a true Trump Conservative. Bludgeon facts like deficit reduction and Medicare solvency to death with baseless allegations of bias or corruption!

08-10-2022, 03:31 PM
Another sign of a true Trump Conservative. Bludgeon facts like deficit reduction and Medicare solvency to death with baseless allegations of bias or corruption!

I'm far from a "Trump Conservative", but you wouldn't understand so why bother explaining it to you.

Also, I do like how you took "a committee made up of mostly Democrats" and came to the conclusion of "bias or (should be and here...) corruption."

Might be the only non-retarded thing you have posted on this message board in 3 years.


08-10-2022, 03:40 PM
Inflation data released on Wednesday revealed that price increases slowed in July, easing the strain on household budgets as the Federal Reserve fights inflation with a series of borrowing cost hikes.

While still elevated, price hikes waned from the near-historic pace reached in June, giving hope to policymakers and consumers that inflation has peaked.

More... (https://abcnews.go.com/Business/july-inflation-data-show-latest-sky-high-prices/story?id=88109695)

It's already starting to work.

08-10-2022, 03:57 PM
3 Democrats and 2 Republicans on the Joint Committee on Taxation and Conservashits like Parkbandit wanna imply the single extra Democrat calls their work into question. Lol, such a Trumper.

08-10-2022, 04:48 PM
"It's only $7 a year!" - A committee made up of mostly Democrats..


This is the same Party that named this legislation "The Inflation Recovery Act"... and you parade it around like it's worth something.

Makes you look dumber than usual.

Dude...it says "Inflation Reduction" right there in the name, what more proof do you want?????

08-10-2022, 06:13 PM
Because a bill that reduces Medicare costs for enrollees, provides EV pricing incentives for majority American built cars isn't inflation prohibitive enough for Republicans. Nevermind the Medicare prescription inflation cost caps. That's probably not inflation reducing in coming years either, right Conservashits?

08-10-2022, 06:18 PM
Because a bill that reduces Medicare costs for enrollees, provides EV pricing incentives for majority American built cars isn't inflation prohibitive enough for Republicans.

Right. A single mother of 4 struggling to put food on the table for her kids is totally gonna feel the relief from inflation because of a subsidy for an EV that she was never going to buy.

08-10-2022, 06:22 PM
Right. A single mother of 4 struggling to put food on the table for her kids is totally gonna feel the relief from inflation because of a subsidy for an EV that she was never going to buy.

Ah, so your argument against the Inflation Reduction bill isn't that you oppose inflation, but rather it doesn't reverse all inflation ever. Gotcha, the Conservative argument makes much more sense when you consider their unwillingness to allow any progress whatsoever.

08-10-2022, 06:45 PM
Ah, so your argument against the Inflation Reduction bill isn't that you oppose inflation, but rather it doesn't reverse all inflation ever. Gotcha, the Conservative argument makes much more sense when you consider their unwillingness to allow any progress whatsoever.

I don't know how every post you make manages to be dumber than the previous one, but that's literally your only "talent."

08-10-2022, 07:23 PM
Right. A single mother of 4 struggling to put food on the table for her kids is totally gonna feel the relief from inflation because of a subsidy for an EV that she was never going to buy.

So we should increase food stamps?

08-10-2022, 07:26 PM
So we should increase food stamps?

I mean I guess?

Or Democrats could stop taxing and spending like a bunch of drunken sailors so inflation won't continue to spiral out of control.

08-10-2022, 08:29 PM
I mean I guess?

Or Democrats could stop taxing and spending like a bunch of drunken sailors so inflation won't continue to spiral out of control.

80% of inflation found to be from energy prices affecting all levels of the supply chain, and you're blaming government spending. Go back go bed.

08-10-2022, 09:34 PM
80% of inflation found to be from energy prices affecting all levels of the supply chain, and you're blaming government spending. Go back go bed.

So here is an interesting piece discussing the energy sector issues and how the administration could fix them without spending a dime. But you are a self rightious moron and won't read it. Keep in mind, each of these things involves policies and actions the current administration has taken that get in the way of domestic energy production.

The first solution involves lifting restrictions and reinstating canceled sales and valid leases on federal lands and waters. The API called for the U.S. Department of the Interior to issue a 5-year program for the Outer Continental Shelf and hold mandated quarterly onshore lease sales with equitable terms.

The second suggests the administration designate critical energy infrastructure projects to support the production, processing and delivery of energy. The third urges Congress to fix the National Environmental Policy Act process by establishing agency uniformity in reviews, among other reforms.

The fourth is to accelerate exports and approve pending liquified natural gas (LNG) applications. Congress should amend the Natural Gas Act, the API argues, to streamline the Department of Energy’s approval process for all U.S. LNG projects. This is something U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, has advocated for that’s helped expand LNG projects in Texas.

The fifth is to expand access to capital and mandate the Securities and Exchange Commission to drop its “overly burdensome and ineffective climate disclosure proposal,” which is hampering investment in oil and natural gas production. Currently, access to capital is based on “artificial constraints based on government-preferred investment allocations” rather than on individual company merit, API argues.

The Western Energy Alliance and U.S. Oil and Gas Association called on the SEC last month to rescind its climate change disclosure rule after the Supreme Court ruled against the EPA in a landmark case. It ruled the EPA doesn’t have the authority to regulate greenhouse gases from power plants, therefore, they argue, the SEC doesn’t have the authority to regulate greenhouse gases related to financial disclosures.

The high court ruled “an agency cannot conjure up regulatory authority without a basis in law. It’s really that simple,” Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Alliance, said. “The SEC is not an environmental regulatory agency. It cannot be a driver of climate change policy to force a societal transition away from oil and natural gas. It cannot impose a rule that requires companies to reduce their GHG emissions.”

The sixth solution is to dismantle supply chain bottlenecks by rescinding steel tariffs, which will reduce the price of steel, a critical component of energy production, transportation and refining. The seventh is to lower carbon energy tax provisions. Congress should expand and extend Section 45Q tax credits for carbon capture, utilization, and storage development and create a new tax credit for hydrogen produced from all sources, the API says. Instead, Congress passed massive taxes on the industry, which Cruz warned will only drive up energy costs.

The eighth ensures that future federal agency rulemakings will enable U.S. refineries to use the existing critical process technologies to produce the fuels needed for global energy markets. The ninth proposes ending the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission from obstructing permitting for natural gas projects. The commission has overstepped its permitting authority, API argues, under the Natural Gas Act.

Richard Welch, a board member of the Houston-based Oil & Gas Workers Association, told The Center Square, that reducing regulations is imperative “for growth and speed of process. Over-regulating causes unnecessary funds that could be used for production equipment to be delegated elsewhere.

“ESG ratings coupled with over-regulating makes acquiring funding for projects unfavorable to potential investors,” he adds. While Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has proposed fighting “woke” ESG ideology, the reality is that “the banking system already discriminates against the oil and natural gas industry,” he says. It imposes “higher than average, government approved, loan rates of up to an additional 2.5 interest points above other companies not in the industry.”

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., who cosponsored the bill, argues it imposes “tax fairness,” including imposing spending more money on “technologies needed for all fuel types – from hydrogen, nuclear, renewables, fossil fuels and energy storage – to be produced and used in the cleanest way possible.” The technologies will help reduce domestic methane and carbon emissions and “decarbonize around the world as we displace dirtier products,” he says.

The tenth solution prioritizes domestic energy production and expanding a domestic oil and natural gas workforce through federally funded training and education in the industry. Instead, the bill includes Green New Deal tax credits of $257 billion and solar company loan guarantees of $250 billion.


08-10-2022, 10:34 PM
They're also things that even the Republicans didn't want, as evidenced by the lack of any movement by Bush or Trump. Pie in the sky wishes from the Oil & Gas industry aren't anyone's priority but theirs.

08-10-2022, 11:25 PM
I mean I guess?

Or Democrats could stop taxing and spending like a bunch of drunken sailors so inflation won't continue to spiral out of control.

Oh sure, THAT will happen (the day after Hell freezes over)...

08-10-2022, 11:33 PM
They're also things that even the Republicans didn't want, as evidenced by the lack of any movement by Bush or Trump. Pie in the sky wishes from the Oil & Gas industry aren't anyone's priority but theirs.

Yeah, no. Most are things the current administration did during it's reign. So keep sucking Biden dick and covering for the scum hurting Americans to push a retarded "green" agenda.

08-11-2022, 06:00 AM
Oh sure, THAT will happen (the day after Hell freezes over)...

I know, I got a little carried away there. Taxing and spending like drunken sailors is in their DNA.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-11-2022, 08:39 AM
If your only take away from a bill helping save hundreds of billions for Medicare, helping its longterm financial solvency, or that hundreds of billions in tax revenue will help to reduce the deficit, is that it'll cost people making up to $500,000 a year another $7. Well then you might just be a Trump Conservative after all.

Another sign of a true Trump Conservative. Bludgeon facts like deficit reduction and Medicare solvency to death with baseless allegations of bias or corruption!

3 Democrats and 2 Republicans on the Joint Committee on Taxation and Conservashits like Parkbandit wanna imply the single extra Democrat calls their work into question. Lol, such a Trumper.

Because a bill that reduces Medicare costs for enrollees, provides EV pricing incentives for majority American built cars isn't inflation prohibitive enough for Republicans. Nevermind the Medicare prescription inflation cost caps. That's probably not inflation reducing in coming years either, right Conservashits?

All posts of no substance. Troll says what?

08-25-2022, 04:58 PM
Really sad just how much corporations get away with driving inflation by taking advantage of the anticompetitive markets they've created. The conversation shouldn't be how the government is going to increase interest rates to tame inflation, but how corporate profits are taxed in relation to the spread of per unit cost, versus price margin.

This fifty year high in profit margins at a time when Republicans are fighting to reduce corporate taxes at every turn at the expense of our federal solvency.

US Corporate Profits Soar With Margins at Widest Since 1950

A measure of US profit margins has reached its widest since 1950, suggesting that the prices charged by businesses are outpacing their increased costs for production and labor.

After-tax profits as a share of gross value added for non-financial corporations, a measure of aggregate profit margins, improved in the second quarter to 15.5% -- the most since 1950 -- from 14% in the first quarter, according to Commerce Department figures published Thursday.

The data show that companies overall have comfortably been able to pass on their rising cost of materials and labor to consumers. With household budgets squeezed by the rising cost of living, some firms have been able to offset any slip in demand by charging more to the customers they’ve retained -- though others like Target Corp. saw their inventories swell and were forced to discount prices in order to clear them.

The surge in profits during the pandemic era has fueled a debate about whether price-gouging companies carry a share of the blame for high inflation -- an argument pushed by President Joe Biden’s Democrats. Most economists have been skeptical about the idea.

US inflation has surged this year and stood at 8.5% in July, not far short of the previous month’s four-decade high. Federal Reserve officials have pointed to rising wages as one of the big risks that could keep inflation entrenched. But some economists say that historically elevated profit margins mean there’s room for businesses to accommodate worker demands for better pay without setting off a wage-price spiral.


08-25-2022, 05:47 PM
Really sad just how much corporations get away with driving inflation by taking advantage of the anticompetitive markets they've created. The conversation shouldn't be how the government is going to increase interest rates to tame inflation, but how corporate profits are taxed in relation to the spread of per unit cost, versus price margin.

This fifty year high in profit margins at a time when Republicans are fighting to reduce corporate taxes at every turn at the expense of our federal solvency.

Not going to lie.. I'm making a killing this year.

Democrats might be bad for the economy and the country.. but for me, they aaaaalways deliver the $$$.

11-10-2022, 06:59 PM
That Inflation Reduction Act really did the trick. The annual inflation dropped half a percent in just one month. Mortgage rates are plummeting (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/10/mortgage-rates-fall-sharply-to-under-7percent-after-inflation-eases.html).

11-11-2022, 11:52 AM
That Inflation Reduction Act really did the trick. The annual inflation dropped half a percent in just one month. Mortgage rates are plummeting (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/10/mortgage-rates-fall-sharply-to-under-7percent-after-inflation-eases.html).

Whoa whoa, you mean legislation passed with provisions to better infrastructure, reduce prescription drug prices, make startups for new businesses challenging market monopolies and improving energy efficiency and independence would /reduce/ prices and inflation?! One would wonder why Repubtards cry themselves to sleep over it.

11-11-2022, 12:00 PM
Whoa whoa, you mean legislation passed with provisions to better infrastructure, reduce prescription drug prices, make startups for new businesses challenging market monopolies and improving energy efficiency and independence would /reduce/ prices and inflation?! One would wiener why Repubtards cry themselves to sleep over it.

You enjoy eating poop.

11-11-2022, 12:02 PM
One would wiener why Repubtards cry themselves to sleep over it.


11-11-2022, 12:03 PM

He obviously has wiener on the brain.

11-11-2022, 12:39 PM
Antics on this board are a perfect representation of why Republicans whiffed such an easy midterm election. So busy crying over Biden that they forgot elected officials actually have work to do! Imagine how effective they could be doing even a tiny bit of policy creation.

11-11-2022, 01:01 PM
Antics on this board are a perfect representation of why Republicans whiffed such an easy midterm election. So busy crying over Biden that they forgot elected officials actually have work to do! Imagine how effective they could be doing even a tiny bit of policy creation.

Dear Seran;

Please stop surplanting.

Thank you.

11-11-2022, 01:45 PM
Whoa whoa, you mean legislation passed with provisions to better infrastructure, reduce prescription drug prices, make startups for new businesses challenging market monopolies and improving energy efficiency and independence would /reduce/ prices and inflation?! One would wonder why Repubtards cry themselves to sleep over it.

It did none of that. Not one bit. It's clear you didn't read it and have no understanding of it at all.

11-11-2022, 01:55 PM
It did none of that. Not one bit. It's clear you didn't read it and have no understanding of it at all.

In other news, water remains one of the world's wettest substances.

11-11-2022, 04:58 PM
It did none of that. Not one bit. It's clear you didn't read it and have no understanding of it at all.

Yeah, we'll just ignore all the allocations in the bill written specifically to accomplish all those things. In case you are confused.


Blatant denial of everything that's written in front of your eyes, that's got to be pretty depressing to Republicans to lie outright so much. No wonder they don't vote.

11-11-2022, 05:37 PM
Yeah, we'll just ignore all the allocations in the bill written specifically to accomplish all those things. In case you are confused.


Blatant denial of everything that's written in front of your eyes, that's got to be pretty depressing to Republicans to lie outright so much. No wonder they don't vote.

Republicans didn't vote so much that they have the House now and probably the Senate too.

11-11-2022, 08:31 PM
Republicans didn't vote so much that they have the House now and probably the Senate too.

Really need to get them out bigly for the runoff in Georgia. Leftist, out of state pac spending is already skyrocketing for Mr. "God Damn America" the Reverend that supports murdering babies.

11-11-2022, 08:38 PM
In other news, water remains one of the world's wettest substances.

Excuse me, please don't label water without asking it, if it considers itself wet or not. I don't care what the science says. Water can decide for itself.


11-11-2022, 09:31 PM
Republicans didn't vote so much that they have the House now and probably the Senate too.

That red wave appears to be a pick up of seats that MAY give them a majority even slimmer than that of what the Democrats currently have. Let's not forget that their control of the Senate is now coming down to a runoff in Georgia. Meaning they'll have potentially gained a single seat if they win that contest. That red wave is a real tsunami, lol.

11-11-2022, 11:40 PM
That red wave appears to be a pick up of seats that MAY give them a majority even slimmer than that of what the Democrats currently have. Let's not forget that their control of the Senate is now coming down to a runoff in Georgia. Meaning they'll have potentially gained a single seat if they win that contest. That red wave is a real tsunami, lol.

The Red Wave is Biden and the Leftist agenda is dead. Period. We might get some real investigations, some real truth seeking and possibly a few impeachments out of it. It's a win for America all around. OH, and the lovely part is, Conservatives won the popular vote.

So, how is this not a Red Wave? OH, and the map is the clearest and most accurate illustration of the importance of the Electoral College ever designed.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/315119682_10229153712285610_3405284434894892007_n. jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=vjFXhkU4e5IAX-BqdgF&tn=LCI0xfiHfig-xse9&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=00_AfCfzCdYe37GfIL2RzLN4PxxYS7RZMd_H2CpqwUU0boC sA&oe=6374DBD9

11-12-2022, 08:54 AM
The Red Wave is Biden and the Leftist agenda is dead. Period. We might get some real investigations, some real truth seeking and possibly a few impeachments out of it. It's a win for America all around. OH, and the lovely part is, Conservatives won the popular vote.

So, how is this not a Red Wave? OH, and the map is the clearest and most accurate illustration of the importance of the Electoral College ever designed.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/315119682_10229153712285610_3405284434894892007_n. jpg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=vjFXhkU4e5IAX-BqdgF&tn=LCI0xfiHfig-xse9&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=00_AfCfzCdYe37GfIL2RzLN4PxxYS7RZMd_H2CpqwUU0boC sA&oe=6374DBD9

Considering most of those states have only a couple of representatives, the fact they're Republican has about no impact whatsoever when you consider the electoral college votes of California, New York, etc. As a matter of fact, due to its population, California at 55 electoral college votes has a combined total of most of the Upper Midwest and Northern Rockies combined. So, next time you wanna phone it in and say, there is more red than blue and claim an Electoral College landslide by mere balance of color, just remember there's been more Democrats in the Whitehouse in the last thirty years than not. The Republican Party is dying.

11-12-2022, 09:42 AM
Yeah we lost, but we didn't lose as bad as people were expecting, so that's really a win! Special thanks to MSNBC for telling me how to cope.

Even if we just get the House, that'll be good enough to put the brakes on most if not all of the dumb shit you and losers like you support, and probably result in some investigations that are long overdue too, and then for the most part nothing at all will happen for the next 2 years. Which is good, because the less shit the government is doing, the better.

But the best part is no more Pelosi.

Considering most of those states have only a couple of representatives, the fact they're Republican has about no impact whatsoever when you consider the electoral college votes of California, New York, etc. As a matter of fact, due to its population, California at 55 electoral college votes has a combined total of most of the Upper Midwest and Northern Rockies combined. So, next time you wanna phone it in and say, there is more red than blue and claim an Electoral College landslide by mere balance of color, just remember there's been more Democrats in the Whitehouse in the last thirty years than not. The Republican Party is dying.

There have been more republicans in the White House in the last 40 years than not.

Holy shit look how easy that was.

11-12-2022, 10:56 AM
The Republican Party is dying.

I remember a past Retard Champion saying the same exact thing. I thought no one would ever take that title away from Backlash...

And then Seran stepped up his retard game and the rest is history.

11-12-2022, 11:39 AM
Even if we just get the House, that'll be good enough to put the brakes on most if not all of the dumb shit you and losers like you support, and probably result in some investigations that are long overdue too, and then for the most part nothing at all will happen for the next 2 years. Which is good, because the less shit the government is doing, the better.

But the best part is no more Pelosi.

There have been more republicans in the White House in the last 40 years than not.

Holy shit look how easy that was.

I’ll disagree. Republicans are more willing to vote with the Dems than the Dems are to vote with the republicans.

11-12-2022, 11:59 AM
I’ll disagree. Republicans are more willing to vote with the Dems than the Dems are to vote with the republicans.

It's still better than democrats requiring 0 republican votes to ram shit through. And still no Pelosi as Speaker.

11-12-2022, 04:32 PM
Considering most of those states have only a couple of representatives, the fact they're Republican has about no impact whatsoever when you consider the electoral college votes of California, New York, etc. As a matter of fact, due to its population, California at 55 electoral college votes has a combined total of most of the Upper Midwest and Northern Rockies combined. So, next time you wanna phone it in and say, there is more red than blue and claim an Electoral College landslide by mere balance of color, just remember there's been more Democrats in the Whitehouse in the last thirty years than not. The Republican Party is dying.

So you're saying the Democrats - the party of Slavery, Jim Crow, and the KKK - who lost the first Civil War, is winning the second "Civil War"?

Guess you motherfucking slavers are finally winning after 150+ years.

Only took you all taking over the institutions of learning and dumbing down people to the point of utter ignorance.

11-12-2022, 05:27 PM
Wow that's a whole load of steaming garbage, I'm impressed by the pure disconnect from reality. Apparently Shaps thinks slavery was on the ballot this past Tuesday.

11-12-2022, 07:10 PM
Wow that's a whole load of steaming garbage, I'm impressed by the pure disconnect from reality. Apparently Shaps thinks slavery was on the ballot this past Tuesday.

You enjoy eating poop.

11-12-2022, 09:10 PM
It's still better than democrats requiring 0 republican votes to ram shit through. And still no Pelosi as Speaker.

Concur, if they try to ram anymore of this gender shit through, I’ll seriously consider going independent or swapping to red.

11-12-2022, 09:59 PM
Wow that's a whole load of steaming garbage, I'm impressed by the pure disconnect from reality. Apparently Shaps thinks slavery was on the ballot this past Tuesday.

You are the absolute GOAT retard champion, no one is ever going to take your crown and belt.

11-13-2022, 12:18 AM
Hey look, Democrats kept the Senate. So much for the Red Wave

11-13-2022, 01:18 AM
What are the chances the dems keep the house?

11-13-2022, 02:05 AM
What are the chances the dems keep the house?

Even far left "news" organizations are saying the chances of that happening are almost nil.

Then again they are going by traditional vote counting processes, not ballot dumps that skew 70% Democrat arriving one week after election day. So who knows?

11-13-2022, 02:21 AM
Even far left "news" organizations are saying the chances of that happening are almost nil.

Then again they are going by traditional vote counting processes, not ballot dumps that skew 70% Democrat arriving one week after election day. So who knows?

what happens if they can't agree on a speaker?

11-13-2022, 02:54 AM
what happens if they can't agree on a speaker?

I guess there is no speaker until they agree on one. The constitution says the speaker vote requires a majority vote. It has never been a problem before so I guess we might find out.

11-13-2022, 09:40 AM
What are the chances the dems keep the house?

Depends on how long the vote is dragged out. The longer the voting process, the more Democrat votes can be found.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-14-2022, 09:25 AM
Depends on how long the vote is dragged out. The longer the voting process, the more Democrat votes can be found.

Funny how that happens, right?

11-14-2022, 09:41 AM
Funny how that happens, right?

I am all for the state being in control of the election process... but some of these states need to get their shit together.. and the only way they will is when they get new leadership and that leader forces a change.

If Hobbs wins Gov in Arizona, we will be talking about this same election process in 2 years. If Lake wins, you will see an immediate change for the better.

11-14-2022, 11:27 AM
Depends on how long the vote is dragged out. The longer the voting process, the more Democrat votes can be found.

Yet another way that Trump keeps losing elections for Republicans. You have to wonder how many votes Republicans have lost because Trump basically told people not to vote early or absentee. After that, absentee votes have been heavily weighted towards Democrats. It probably hasn't had as much of an effect as promoting candidates in the primaries that can't get elected in the general election, but it can't help.

It used to be evenly split, or even weighted towards Republicans. Not all of those voters who stopped early/absentee voting because Trump poopoo'd it went ahead and voted in person. That shift remains true this midterm, and Republicans are going to have to do some work to get those votes back. Some states aren't allowed to start counting votes till election night. That's why you see the delayed results, and why the results that aren't from election day lean Democrat.

11-14-2022, 12:35 PM
Yet another way that Trump keeps losing elections for Republicans. You have to wonder how many votes Republicans have lost because Trump basically told people not to vote early or absentee. After that, absentee votes have been heavily weighted towards Democrats. It probably hasn't had as much of an effect as promoting candidates in the primaries that can't get elected in the general election, but it can't help.

It used to be evenly split, or even weighted towards Republicans. Not all of those voters who stopped early/absentee voting because Trump poopoo'd it went ahead and voted in person. That shift remains true this midterm, and Republicans are going to have to do some work to get those votes back. Some states aren't allowed to start counting votes till election night. That's why you see the delayed results, and why the results that aren't from election day lean Democrat.

TDS is real.

Trump is costing Republicans elections because he said to vote in person.

That's a new one... it literally makes no sense... but people infected with TDS rarely make any sense.

11-14-2022, 01:56 PM
Yet another way that Trump keeps losing elections for Republicans. You have to wonder how many votes Republicans have lost because Trump basically told people not to vote early or absentee. After that, absentee votes have been heavily weighted towards Democrats. It probably hasn't had as much of an effect as promoting candidates in the primaries that can't get elected in the general election, but it can't help.

It used to be evenly split, or even weighted towards Republicans. Not all of those voters who stopped early/absentee voting because Trump poopoo'd it went ahead and voted in person. That shift remains true this midterm, and Republicans are going to have to do some work to get those votes back. Some states aren't allowed to start counting votes till election night. That's why you see the delayed results, and why the results that aren't from election day lean Democrat.

Imagine the number of people who told themselves they'd vote before or after work in person, then couldn't for one reason or another. All because they were told that was the only legit way to vote, by an Orange Man who votes exclusively by mail. Ironic.

11-14-2022, 02:34 PM
Imagine the number of people who told themselves they'd vote before or after work in person, then couldn't for one reason or another. All because they were told that was the only legit way to vote, by an Orange Man who votes exclusively by mail. Ironic.

You are legally allowed to leave work to vote. Anyone - regardless of their side - that uses they couldn't find time to vote as an excuse isn't someone that was going to vote anyway. I know in MN, this is the law about leaving work to vote (hopefully the same applies to all other states):

You have a right to take time off work to vote without losing your pay, personal leave, or vacation time.
Your employer must pay you for the time you need to vote, if it falls within your scheduled work time. Your employer cannot require you to use personal leave or vacation time (see Minnesota Statutes 204C.04 and 204C.08 subd. 1d).

Take only as much time as you need to vote and go to work.

Your employer cannot directly or indirectly refuse, limit, or interfere with this right, including what time you choose to vote.

Your employer can ask that you tell them when you will be gone, and ask that employees coordinate their absences to minimize workplace disruptions.

You have the right to time off work to vote in all state and federal elections, and in all regularly scheduled local elections.

11-14-2022, 03:11 PM
You are legally allowed to leave work to vote. Anyone - regardless of their side - that uses they couldn't find time to vote as an excuse isn't someone that was going to vote anyway. I know in MN, this is the law about leaving work to vote (hopefully the same applies to all other states):

You have a right to take time off work to vote without losing your pay, personal leave, or vacation time.
Your employer must pay you for the time you need to vote, if it falls within your scheduled work time. Your employer cannot require you to use personal leave or vacation time (see Minnesota Statutes 204C.04 and 204C.08 subd. 1d).

Take only as much time as you need to vote and go to work.

Your employer cannot directly or indirectly refuse, limit, or interfere with this right, including what time you choose to vote.

Your employer can ask that you tell them when you will be gone, and ask that employees coordinate their absences to minimize workplace disruptions.

You have the right to time off work to vote in all state and federal elections, and in all regularly scheduled local elections.

then couldn't for one reason or another.

They have only themselves and Trump to blame in that scenario, agreed!

11-14-2022, 03:14 PM
They have only themselves and Trump to blame in that scenario, agreed!

Please limit your surplanting to only 1 thread.

You are surplanting all over the place.


11-14-2022, 03:22 PM
They have only themselves and Trump to blame in that scenario, agreed!

Dumb ass.....

It has nothing to do with either party. It has to do with people finding excuses to shift the blame (like you do when you're called out for stupid stuff). I know a lot of people that didn't vote because they don't want either party in office. They didn't want to even vote in the lesser evil this time around and that's on them.

Trying to spin things to fit your agenda or story is pathetic. Then again, someone that surplants all the time I guess I'd expect nothing less.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-14-2022, 03:27 PM
With the way things are going, people should at the very least vote to vote OUT the incumbents. When in doubt, vote em out. Another 2 or more years of this shit is just going to be more of the same? More spending, more debt, more funding of foreign wars, more government give-a-ways, more divisiveness, more riots, more burnt down areas.

I mean, I have my retirement mostly planned and paid for, but folks under 40? I think you are fugged. Who's gonna pay your bills in 30 years? Do you even save today? But at least you got your 10k of college debt paid for by my generation right?

11-14-2022, 03:29 PM
As a reminder, "surplanted" is a word that Seran has coined.

Parkbandit has provided us with a definition for it. For those that are curious I will provide a link and an image:



11-14-2022, 03:34 PM
With the way things are going, people should at the very least vote to vote OUT the incumbents. When in doubt, vote em out. Another 2 or more years of this shit is just going to be more of the same? More spending, more debt, more funding of foreign wars, more government give-a-ways, more divisiveness, more riots, more burnt down areas.

I mean, I have my retirement mostly planned and paid for, but folks under 40? I think you are fugged. Who's gonna pay your bills in 30 years? Do you even save today? But at least you got your 10k of college debt paid for by my generation right?

Guy at my work is pissed about where his Democrats took things. He said his 401K is down over $100K in the past two years. He said he voted republican this time around because he was tired of this horrible job Biden and the dems have been doing the past 22 months.....not even two years of Biden being in office and his 401k has dropped $100k+ and he doesn't want democrats in the office anymore.

11-14-2022, 03:37 PM
But at least you got your 10k of college debt paid for by my generation right?

That got wrecked in court the other day.


11-14-2022, 03:51 PM
lmao, I was wondering why google didn't know what surplanting was.

11-14-2022, 04:16 PM
With the way things are going, people should at the very least vote to vote OUT the incumbents. When in doubt, vote em out. Another 2 or more years of this shit is just going to be more of the same? More spending, more debt, more funding of foreign wars, more government give-a-ways, more divisiveness, more riots, more burnt down areas.

I mean, I have my retirement mostly planned and paid for, but folks under 40? I think you are fugged. Who's gonna pay your bills in 30 years? Do you even save today? But at least you got your 10k of college debt paid for by my generation right?

Our generation - Those born between 1965-1985 got to experience the best standard of living of any people in the history of the world IMO. Just enough technology to have fun, not to much that work ethic was demolished, just enough Rock-n-Roll/Rap attitude without the TicTok (spelling?) mess to haunt people for the rest of their lives, abundant food and latch-key kids, etc.

This current generation is boring as all get out. Everything recorded, or posed. Limits on speech, thought, expression. I feel for them. Shame they let themselves be led that direction.

Our generation definitely fucked them up some with all the "helicopter parenting", "participation trophy " crap.. but dang... it "feels" like it's just getting worse.

11-14-2022, 07:31 PM
Dumb ass.....

It has nothing to do with either party. It has to do with people finding excuses to shift the blame (like you do when you're called out for stupid stuff). I know a lot of people that didn't vote because they don't want either party in office. They didn't want to even vote in the lesser evil this time around and that's on them.

Trying to spin things to fit your agenda or story is pathetic. Then again, someone that surplants all the time I guess I'd expect nothing less.

Surplanting, is that the new GOP buzzword? When two people were discussing one party leader who tells their people not to vote by mail, despite the convenience and security of doing so, then said party has low mid-term turnout despite having a fully opposition party and Whitehouse in control? That isn't surplanting, it's called supposition or perhaps cause and effect.

11-14-2022, 07:54 PM
Surplanting, is that the new GOP buzzword? When two people were discussing one party leader who tells their people not to vote by mail, despite the convenience and security of doing so, then said party has low mid-term turnout despite having a fully opposition party and Whitehouse in control? That isn't surplanting, it's called supposition or perhaps cause and effect.

I know Trump has bashed mail voting in the past, but I can't find any quote of him specifically telling people not to vote by mail. Perhaps you're the one that misunderstood what he's said or you're remembering something he said, incorrectly.

Also, it's okay if you forgot what you use surplated for, here's what it means again.

/ˈsərplanted /
past tense: surplanted;

post something in response to something that makes absolutely no sense.

11-14-2022, 09:03 PM
TDS is real.

Trump is costing Republicans elections because he said to vote in person.

That's a new one... it literally makes no sense... but people infected with TDS rarely make any sense.

Hah hah hah. Not TDS, I'm relishing this. Your boy Trump was a giant flop and continues to cost you seats since republicans keep listening to him. The last thing you want to do when you're running for office is have your voters questioning their voting in any way, including how they vote.

11-14-2022, 11:36 PM
I know Trump has bashed mail voting in the past, but I can't find any quote of him specifically telling people not to vote by mail. Perhaps you're the one that misunderstood what he's said or you're remembering something he said, incorrectly.

Also, it's okay if you forgot what you use surplated for, here's what it means again.

/ˈsərplanted /
past tense: surplanted;

post something in response to something that makes absolutely no sense.

"Republicans should fight very hard when it comes to state wide mail-in voting. Democrats are clamoring for it," Trump tweeted.

"Tremendous potential for voter fraud, and for whatever reason, doesn't work out well for Republicans."

Trump also has weighed in, saying at a recent rally that voting on Election Day was best because "it's much harder for them to cheat that way."

"We don’t like mail-in ballots," Trump said last weekend during a rally in Robstown, Texas. "You know what you really want? You want paper ballots and same day voting with voter ID."

This even though Trump has often voted by mail himself.

This fucker has done nothing but attack a method of voting he himself cherishes and yet he's singlehandedly making sure folks take a gamble whether they'll actually wait in line on election day to vote. If Republicans so anything, it should be to get their clan to vote however they can.

Or you can spend all your time making up news definitions for words to help distract from your inability to support your point!

11-15-2022, 03:18 AM
I know Trump has bashed mail voting in the past, but I can't find any quote of him specifically telling people not to vote by mail. Perhaps you're the one that misunderstood what he's said or you're remembering something he said, incorrectly.

Also, it's okay if you forgot what you use surplated for, here's what it means again.

/ˈsərplanted /
past tense: surplanted;

post something in response to something that makes absolutely no sense.

Well, if the president is bashing mail in voting, saying it’s not safe, etc etc, isn’t that the same thing?

11-15-2022, 03:41 AM
i do believe that the context is not all there, I personally feel it should not be done on a state level unless it's a state election when deciding the house and senate it should be standard across the board.

11-15-2022, 08:41 AM
But at least you got your 10k of college debt paid for by my generation right?


President knew he couldn't get that passed legally... it was just another pre-election promise to get out the young vote. Now the play will be to claim Republicans are stealing money from the Student Loan Forgiveness Fund and the retarded leftists will believe it.

11-15-2022, 08:51 AM
Surplanting, is that the new GOP buzzword? When two people were discussing one party leader who tells their people not to vote by mail, despite the convenience and security of doing so, then said party has low mid-term turnout despite having a fully opposition party and Whitehouse in control? That isn't surplanting, it's called supposition or perhaps cause and effect.

No. Surplanting is the made up word you used when saying that the MRI "surplanted" the x-ray. I'm pretty sure you meant "supplanted" but then you doubled down on your stupidity and claimed you never said that the MRI replaced the x-ray.. which is the exact definition of supplanted.

Talk to your other personality that posted that.. he/she/it may have not kept you in the loop.

For reference, here is your post.. I used the original because that was extra "Seran" and even though you went back a couple hours later, you left in "surplanted":

You're confusing new technologies with with replacing existing technology with a new and improved technology. No one argued an MRI was devil technology because it surplanted xrays. Meanwhile some people did argue covid-19 vaccinations, which is a component of existing immunology science, is attempts to magnetize blood or implement government tracking

11-15-2022, 08:54 AM
Hah hah hah. Not TDS, I'm relishing this.

It made no sense whatsoever, so I just chalked it up to TDS. I didn't know it was just stupidity on your part. My bad.

Your boy Trump was a giant flop and continues to cost you seats since republicans keep listening to him. The last thing you want to do when you're running for office is have your voters questioning their voting in any way, including how they vote.

Trump has never been "my boy" until it came down to him vs. Hillary and him vs. Biden. I would have voted for ANYONE but those two. Look at the abject disaster that Biden has been for clarification if you are still confused.

11-15-2022, 08:56 AM
This fucker has done nothing but attack a method of voting he himself cherishes and yet he's singlehandedly making sure folks take a gamble whether they'll actually wait in line on election day to vote. If Republicans so anything, it should be to get their clan to vote however they can.

Or you can spend all your time making up news definitions for words to help distract from your inability to support your point!

Seems like he was correct. State wide mail in voting is a perfect example of ways to undermine a democratic republic. You have zero chain of custody with a mail in ballot to every single person in the state.

11-15-2022, 08:57 AM
Well, if the president is bashing mail in voting, saying it’s not safe, etc etc, isn’t that the same thing?

Wait.. do you believe mail in voting statewide is a safe thing?

Adorably naive.

Make sure you are a good boy for the next month and a half.. because Santa Claus is watching.

11-15-2022, 09:04 AM
Seems like he was correct. State wide mail in voting is a perfect example of ways to undermine a democratic republic. You have zero chain of custody with a mail in ballot to every single person in the state.

Voting is a good example of undermining a Democratic Republic, really? That's batshit crazy.

11-15-2022, 09:12 AM
Voting is a good example of undermining a Democratic Republic, really? That's batshit crazy.

Posts like these are why everyone just makes fun of you for how dumb and full of shit you are.

11-15-2022, 09:14 AM
No. Surplanting is the made up word you used when saying that the MRI "surplanted" the x-ray. I'm pretty sure you meant "supplanted" but then you doubled down on your stupidity and claimed you never said that the MRI replaced the x-ray.. which is the exact definition of supplanted.

Talk to your other personality that posted that.. he/she/it may have not kept you in the loop.

For reference, here is your post.. I used the original because that was extra "Seran" and even though you went back a couple hours later, you left in "surplanted":

Imagine being so self unaware like Seran is that this needed to be spelled out despite his stupidity being pointed out to him multiple times since he made the original "surplanted" post.

11-15-2022, 09:19 AM
Voting is a good example of undermining a Democratic Republic, really? That's batshit crazy.

Yeah, your guys have been beating the drum for 6 months now that a vote for a Republican is undermining our Democracy. You know, the simplest and most fundamental action, voting, is undermining the Democracy. The level of retard is strong with your team.

11-15-2022, 10:43 AM
Voting is a good example of undermining a Democratic Republic, really? That's batshit crazy.

I know you tried.. so desperately.. to make an intelligent point... and once again failed miserably.

Stop surplanting again, retard.

11-15-2022, 01:50 PM
I know you tried.. so desperately.. to make an intelligent point... and once again failed miserably.

Stop surplanting again, retard.

I mean, you've got to do something to distract from your lack of intelligence, the failure of the party you supported through their attempted coup and their current internal war between DeSantis and Trump. Keep on trucking with your critiques on style, in lieu of offering substance in your posts, that's been a winning bet for the GOP so far.

11-15-2022, 06:01 PM
I mean, you've got to do something to distract from your lack of intelligence, the failure of the party you supported through their attempted coup and their current internal war between DeSantis and Trump. Keep on trucking with your critiques on style, in lieu of offering substance in your posts, that's been a winning bet for the GOP so far.

You are literally surplanting again.

Stop, retard.

12-13-2022, 10:19 PM

Biden took a victory lap after another improved inflation report today.

12-13-2022, 10:51 PM
Reducing inflation, passing a gay and interracial marriage law, rescuing an athlete from Russia, being the President to announce a breakthrough in clean energy? Biden's having a good year.

12-13-2022, 10:57 PM
Meanwhile, I hear House Republicans are about to hold a press conference that after two years, they've successful hacked Hunter Biden's Netflix account and have been boosting DVD rentals for months.

12-14-2022, 10:01 AM
Reducing inflation

Reducing inflation from a 40 year high that he helped get it to...

passing a gay and interracial marriage law

Wasn't it already a law?

rescuing an athlete from Russia

2nd worst prisoner exchange in the past decade.

being the President to announce a breakthrough in clean energy

That's now an accomplishment of Biden?


That's just sad you have to put that on the list.

Biden's having a good year.

Biden is having a good couple of weeks...

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-14-2022, 01:17 PM
How's the border going?
How's 7+% inflation going?
How's the Ukraine money laundering campaign going?
How's the American political presence on the world stage going?
How many missiles has lil Kim sent flying now?
How much of Russia's military is being supplemented by Iran and vice versa now?

In short, we are weaker at the border, at the cash register, flooding foreign campaigns with US tax dollars at a rate greater than Afghanistan and with no accountability, closer to war with multiple nuclear powers than ever under Trump... but we can say gay marriage is still legal, and just learned in recent weeks that one of the largest social platforms in the world was being shadow run by the US government for political favor and power.

It's almost like you are trolling us by being completely ignorant of anything happening in the world.

01-23-2023, 10:51 AM
Wage gains have outpaced inflation for the lowest 10% of earners and outpaced it amongst median income earners as well. Those whose incomes are largely spent on goods and services having more money to spend benefits them and the economy equally, something the Biden administration has shown conclusively.

Biggest Raises Went to Black, Young and Low-Wage Workers in 2022

Median weekly earnings rose 7.4% last year, outpacing inflation, and some groups notched double-digit gains.

Black workers, young workers and people on the bottom of the income scale were among those who saw the largest pay increases last year, when employers were readily handing out raises in a tight labor market and high inflation environment.

Median weekly earnings for all workers were 7.4% higher, year over year, at the end of 2022, according to an analysis of newly released Labor Department data. That outpaced the consumer inflation rate of 7.1% in the fourth quarter, from a year earlier.


01-23-2023, 11:33 AM
So, even in the pie in the sky best case scenario.... real wages went up 0.3% last year?

And you are bragging about it?

Imagine being this fucking stupid.

01-23-2023, 11:48 AM
So what you're butt hurt about is people doing better financially? That is petty.

01-23-2023, 12:49 PM
So what you're butt hurt about is people doing better financially? That is petty.

I realize you don't have to actually worry about a wage being on welfare and all.. but I have never rejoiced over getting a raise of 0.3%

01-23-2023, 12:54 PM
So what you're butt hurt about is people doing better financially? That is petty.

0.3% = Someone making $100 per hour is now making $100.30 per hour.

Someone making $20 per hour is now making $20.06 per hour.

Someone making $7.25 per hour is now making $7.27 per hour.



01-25-2023, 11:02 AM
Shocker, the Inflation Reduction Act is saving Americans money and ended big pharmaceutical monopolies and Republicans are trying to end both savings and reinstate monopolies. The GOP represents oppressive business practices and oligarchs, not everyday Americans.

I voted for the Inflation Reduction Act and it's already saving Americans money

Patricia lives in Orange County, Virginia. She turns 75 this year, and she is on Medicare. Despite her family history with shingles, Patricia was unable to get the shingles vaccine — that was, until the Inflation Reduction Act made it free for hundreds of thousands of Virginia seniors like her.

I’m happy to report that Patricia received her first dose of the shingles vaccine this month. And in the coming weeks, she will receive a second free dose. This vaccine will protect her from an excruciatingly painful condition that affects more than 1 million Americans every year — sometimes causing severe complications for those over 60, who are at the greatest risk of developing the disease.

Patricia has seen the debilitating effects of shingles up close — because her uncle suffered from the disease. She knows how crippling the condition can be. But thanks to the free vaccine provision in the Inflation Reduction Act — which was signed into law last year — she’ll be better protected from getting sick and winding up in the hospital.

I was proud to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act, because I’m already hearing stories about Virginians who can now afford the preventative healthcare they need. And we are already seeing consequential savings and lower healthcare costs for families, small business owners, and seniors across our Commonwealth. One of my top priorities in Congress has been to lower costs for Virginians — and this law is delivering.

But thankfully, the Inflation Reduction Act ends drug corporations' monopoly control over the prices of some of the most expensive and most used drugs in Medicare Part D. It gives Medicare the power to negotiate for lower prices. It caps out-of-pocket costs for Medicare beneficiaries at $2,000 per year. And it creates penalties for transnational pharmaceutical companies that raise their prices faster than the rate of inflation.

The bill also caps the price of insulin at $35 a month after a decade marked by rising prices that quadrupled out-of-pocket spending in Medicare between 2007 and 2020. A cap on this lifesaving medicine for Medicare enrollees is something we can all celebrate — regardless of political party — and one that I believe we should seek expand, so that Americans of all ages have guaranteed access to affordable insulin.


01-25-2023, 12:09 PM
Shocker, I'm still retarded.

While this is correct, nobody is shocked.

01-29-2023, 02:46 PM
Democrat policies and legislation continue to show significant headway in lowering inflation.

Republicans meanwhile are trying to reinstate cost cuts in medications for seniors and are trying to sell to their sheep that the only way to fix the budget is by slashing taxes for the wealthy few and increasing them for everyone else.

US inflation and consumer spending cooled in December

The Federal Reserve’s preferred inflation gauge eased further in December, and consumer spending fell — the latest evidence that the Fed’s series of interest rate hikes are slowing the economy.

Friday’s report from the Commerce Department showed that prices rose 5% last month from a year earlier, down from a 5.5% year-over-year increase in November. It was the third straight drop.

Consumer spending fell 0.2% from November to December and was revised lower to show a drop of 0.1% from October to November. Last year’s holiday sales were sluggish for many retailers, and the overall spending figures for the final two months of 2022 were the weakest in two years.

The pullback in consumer spending will likely be welcomed by Fed officials, who are seeking to cool the economy by making lending increasingly expensive. A slower pace of spending could boost their confidence that inflation is steadily easing. Still, the decline in year-over-year inflation matches the Fed’s outlook and isn’t likely to alter expectations that it will raise its key rate by a quarter-point next week.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-29-2023, 02:49 PM
Working so well the government is trying to give government employees a 8.7% raise. You know, cause they can.

01-29-2023, 05:41 PM
Democrat policies and legislation continue to show significant headway in lowering inflation.

Republicans meanwhile are trying to reinstate cost cuts in medications for seniors and are trying to sell to their sheep that the only way to fix the budget is by slashing taxes for the wealthy few and increasing them for everyone else.


Weird how I didn't even need to read the article to know that raising interest rates reduces consumer spending.

Weird how Janet Yellen said we didn't need to do that until inflation got out of control.

01-29-2023, 08:16 PM
Weird how I didn't even need to read the article to know that raising interest rates reduces consumer spending.

Weird how Janet Yellen said we didn't need to do that until inflation got out of control.

I take what you meant to say was you did not even need to read the article to understand that raising interest rates causes consumers to buy less, with the end result and goal of making producers lower their prices to entice consumer spending once more. Amazing how at the end of the day it all boils down to corporations over charging.

Suppressed Poet
01-29-2023, 08:52 PM
I take what you meant to say was you did not even need to read the article to understand that raising interest rates causes consumers to buy less, with the end result and goal of making producers lower their prices to entice consumer spending once more. Amazing how at the end of the day it all boils down to corporations over charging.

You really are retarded.

Higher interest rates means borrowing money becomes more expensive. When the cost of money lending is high, businesses can’t grow & consumers spend less. The only reason inflation is reduced is because people have less disposable income to spend. This is not a good thing.

01-29-2023, 09:41 PM
I take what you meant to say was you did not even need to read the article to understand that raising interest rates causes consumers to buy less, with the end result and goal of making producers lower their prices to entice consumer spending once more. Amazing how at the end of the day it all boils down to corporations over charging.

Turns out, people open business's to make money and not to break even.

Thankfully, we live in a country that allows you to fill that gap. You're welcome to get right on that.

01-30-2023, 08:24 AM
I take what you meant to say was you did not even need to read the article to understand that raising interest rates causes consumers to buy less, with the end result and goal of making producers lower their prices to entice consumer spending once more. Amazing how at the end of the day it all boils down to corporations over charging.


Jesus fucking Christ...

It's about 8:30am and this will be the dumbest thing I have read on the Internet today.

01-30-2023, 09:22 AM
I take what you meant to say was you did not even need to read the article to understand that raising interest rates causes consumers to buy less, with the end result and goal of making producers lower their prices to entice consumer spending once more. Amazing how at the end of the day it all boils down to corporations over charging.

We need some legitimate scientists to do a study of your brain and why you're so much more retarded than even the 2nd most retarded person on the planet.

01-30-2023, 10:22 AM
You really are retarded.

Higher interest rates means borrowing money becomes more expensive. When the cost of money lending is high, businesses can’t grow & consumers spend less. The only reason inflation is reduced is because people have less disposable income to spend. This is not a good thing.

Business can grow without borrowing money dude, you understand using profits for capital expenditures is a thing, right? Idiot.

You're like that guy who claims Big Oil is unable to pay for it's own operations because they spent their 190 billion in profits on shareholder dividends and stock buybacks and so blames Congress for taxation.

01-30-2023, 10:58 AM
Business can grow without borrowing money dude, you understand using profits for capital expenditures is a thing, right? Idiot.

You're like that guy who claims Big Oil is unable to pay for it's own operations because they spent their 190 billion in profits on shareholder dividends and stock buybacks and so blames Congress for taxation.

^ The bitter rantings of the unemployable :rofl:

Stop pretending you know anything about anything and just accept the fact that you're a brain dead NPC.

01-30-2023, 11:06 AM
Business can grow without borrowing money dude, you understand using profits for capital expenditures is a thing, right? Idiot.

That's not how business works.

I don't expect you to understand anything when it comes to business or employment since you have zero experience in it.

You're like that guy who claims Big Oil is unable to pay for it's own operations because they spent their 190 billion in profits on shareholder dividends and stock buybacks and so blames Congress for taxation.

You're not like the guy who claimed Palm Oil was in Big Oil.. you are literally the guy.

01-30-2023, 11:07 AM
Hey Seran, have you ever stopped and wondered why even other leftists think you're a ginormous tard? Asking for Latrin's mom.

01-30-2023, 11:21 AM
Business can grow without borrowing money dude, you understand using profits for capital expenditures is a thing, right? Idiot.

You're like that guy who claims Big Oil is unable to pay for it's own operations because they spent their 190 billion in profits on shareholder dividends and stock buybacks and so blames Congress for taxation.

So, you can grow a business without a credit card, loan, line of credit or borrowing from other people or against your assets. That's your assertion, right?

So, how many people can start a delivery business or something by buying a vehicle cash? Even a quality bicycle for a courier is likely out of most people's range for cash purchase. How about a computer and internet service? Education for this business they want to start? Just what businesses do you think that are going to be economy building businesses that employ people are going to be started out of someone's pocket? How many are going to be viable within the founder's lifetime without using any corm of credit or borrowing?

Suppressed Poet
01-30-2023, 12:06 PM
Business can grow without borrowing money dude, you understand using profits for capital expenditures is a thing, right? Idiot.


You should stop posting comments about topics that exceed your mental capacity to comprehend.

Suppressed Poet
01-30-2023, 12:37 PM
Hey Seran, have you ever stopped and wondered why even other leftists think you're a ginormous tard? Asking for Latrin's mom.

https://media4.giphy.com/media/AJwnLEsQyT9oA/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952gmtuxsbam13f74aqvlc8bye1vs4so kenefwb1p6k&rid=200w.gif&ct=g

01-30-2023, 05:52 PM
That's not how business works.

I don't expect you to understand anything when it comes to business or employment since you have zero experience in it.

You're not like the guy who claimed Palm Oil was in Big Oil.. you are literally the guy.

Wait are you fuggin serious, you think businesses with positive cashflow exclusively rely on loans with interest rates to fund cap ex? You're a moron

01-30-2023, 06:04 PM
Wait are you fuggin serious, you think businesses with positive cashflow exclusively rely on loans with interest rates to fund cap ex? You're a moron

Exclusively? No.

But that is not what you wrote. What you wrote was wrong.

And you don't know this because you've never held a job, let alone owned a business.

Maybe leave this discussion for those of us who have.

You're a fucking retard.

01-30-2023, 07:41 PM
So let's recap. I post something correct, you misread it and attempt to correct me with incorrect information. Subsequently you're called out and are now attempting to move the goalpost to save face. Awesome, it's like every conversation you've ever been in on this board.

Suppressed Poet
01-30-2023, 09:15 PM
So let's recap. I post something correct, you misread it and attempt to correct me with incorrect information. Subsequently you're called out and are now attempting to move the goalpost to save face. Awesome, it's like every conversation you've ever been in on this board.

Not at all.

You posted something really dumb, and all who witnessed your stupidity called you out on it. It’s like every conversation you’ve ever been in on this board.

01-30-2023, 09:51 PM
Not at all.

You posted something really dumb, and all who witnessed your stupidity called you out on it. It’s like every conversation you’ve ever been in on this board.

Let's not forget this guy's repeated attempts to repeat the infamous PB formula. I take it you share his belief that hamstringing yourself with interest bearing debt in lieu of utilizing normal cashflow and reserves is the sign of a business genius?

01-31-2023, 08:37 AM
Let's not forget this guy's repeated attempts to repeat the infamous PB formula. I take it you share his belief that hamstringing yourself with interest bearing debt in lieu of utilizing normal cashflow and reserves is the sign of a business genius?

Why do you insist on doubling/tripling/quadrupling down on something stupid you posted?

Stop defending stupidity.

Most businesses expand using loans.

I just expanded my fleet by 1 vehicle yesterday. I had plenty of cash on hand, but instead I took out a loan for this vehicle and will pay it off over the course of 2 years and then depreciate it over the next 5.

01-31-2023, 08:39 AM
It’s like every conversation you’ve ever had.


Seran's stupidity is not just limited on this forum.

His stupidity knows no bounds.

It is unlimited.

01-31-2023, 08:39 AM
Why do you insist on doubling/tripling/quadrupling down on something stupid you posted?

Stop defending stupidity.

Most businesses expand using loans.

I just expanded my fleet by 1 vehicle yesterday. I had plenty of cash on hand, but instead I took out a loan for this vehicle and will pay it off over the course of 2 years and then depreciate it over the next 5.

Seran (probably): That's not how business works! Your stupid and you should know that cash has surplanted loans!

01-31-2023, 08:46 AM
Let's not forget this guy's repeated attempts to repeat the infamous PB formula. I take it you share his belief that hamstringing yourself with interest bearing debt in lieu of utilizing normal cashflow and reserves is the sign of a business genius?

Tell us you've never had a job without saying you've never had a job.

Allowing megatards like you to vote was a mistake.

01-31-2023, 10:07 AM
I just expanded my fleet by 1 vehicle yesterday. I had plenty of cash on hand, but instead I took out a loan for this vehicle and will pay it off over the course of 2 years and then depreciate it over the next 5.

So in other words you're gleefully paying interest on a two year loan that you could have self funded, because losing money is smart. I understand your retardation now.

01-31-2023, 10:21 AM
So in other words you're gleefully paying interest on a two year loan that you could have self funded, because losing money is smart. I understand your retardation now.

Fun fact: Despite being one of the richest people on the planet, Mark Zuckerberg financed his $6 million home with a 30 year mortgage instead of paying cash.

Is Zuckerberg just being a retard who's pissing away money on interest by doing this?

01-31-2023, 10:42 AM
So in other words you're gleefully paying interest on a two year loan that you could have self funded, because losing money is smart. I understand your retardation now.

Tell us you don't understand business or employment without telling us you don't understand business or employment.

01-31-2023, 10:58 AM
Tell us you don't understand business or employment without telling us you don't understand business or employment.

The shorter list would be the list of things Seran does understand.

The list of things Seran understands:


02-14-2023, 05:51 PM
This is working as intended I see....

Now waiting for Seran the Retard Champion to somehow blame this on Trump.

02-14-2023, 10:11 PM
So in other words you're gleefully paying interest on a two year loan that you could have self funded, because losing money is smart. I understand your retardation now.

Someone doesn't understand the time value of money and loves eating poop.

02-16-2023, 10:05 AM
This is working as intended I see....

Now waiting for Seran the Retard Champion to somehow blame this on Trump.

Fun fact: Despite being one of the richest people on the planet, Mark Zuckerberg financed his $6 million home with a 30 year mortgage instead of paying cash.

Is Zuckerberg just being a retard who's pissing away money on interest by doing this?

Can't imagine why Seran doesn't answer this. :lol:

02-16-2023, 08:20 PM
More on the supply and demand myth. We're told if demand exceeds supply, prices go up. But now excessive supply is also driving up prices. Consumers never win against businesses only caring about increasing their profit at any cost.

There’s a new inflation warning for consumers coming from the supply chain

As the markets prepare for the latest consumer price index data to be released on Tuesday, logistics managers are warning of a persistent source of inflation in the supply chain and saying consumers should be ready for the effect it will have on their wallets.

While many sources of supply chain inflation that stoked higher goods prices have come down sharply — including ocean freight rates and transportation fuels — bloated inventories due to a lack of consumer demand are sustaining upward pressure on warehouse rates.

"In 2022, we saw rate levels for international air and ocean and domestic trucking fall back down to earth," said Brian Bourke, global chief commercial officer at SEKO Logistics. "But inflationary pressures remain where demand outpaces supply in 2023, including in warehousing through most of the United States, domestic parcel and labor."

One reason for the imbalance between warehouse supply and demand is the lack of new facilities coming into the market.

"National warehousing capacity remains low and will remain tight for the foreseeable future as U.S. industrial construction starts have fallen considerably year-over-year due to rising interest rates," said Chris Huwaldt, vice president of solutions at WarehouseQuote.


Suppressed Poet
02-16-2023, 09:10 PM
More on the supply and demand myth. We're told if demand exceeds supply, prices go up. But now excessive supply is also driving up prices. Consumers never win against businesses only caring about increasing their profit at any cost.


You have posted many dumb things before, but this may be the dumbest post you have ever made.

It’s called the LAW of supply & demand because it’s a mathematical certainty in economics. I’m going to let you in on a little secret of capitalism. Businesses always want to make money, and consumers always want to buy goods at the lowest possible price. This is not a new concept.

02-16-2023, 09:45 PM
You have posted many dumb things before, but this may be the dumbest post you have ever made.

It’s called the LAW of supply & demand because it’s a mathematical certainty in economics. I’m going to let you in on a little secret of capitalism. Businesses always want to make money, and consumers always want to buy goods at the lowest possible price. This is not a new concept.

A mathematical certainty that inflation is caused by businesses heedlessly raising their profits until such time as they're bought out or destroy their market and so file for bankruptcy, thereby screwing all their creditors. That's a looters paradise, not sound economic theory you dumb fuck.

02-16-2023, 11:43 PM

Yup... not Biden's fault at all. Nope, not an ounce... but hey! inflation fell .1%!!!!!! Great job Biden!

Keep on keeping on... morons.

02-17-2023, 08:59 AM
A mathematical certainty that inflation is caused by businesses heedlessly raising their profits until such time as they're bought out or destroy their market and so file for bankruptcy, thereby screwing all their creditors. That's a looters paradise, not sound economic theory you dumb fuck.

Jesus... I can't even decipher this stupidity? Did you mean "needlessly"? Also, can you just proof read the rest of the first "sentence" and translate it into normal English so the non-retarded can understand it?

If I'm reading your retardation correctly, you suggest that businesses are just raising their prices because they know they can get the money and if they can't, they can just file for bankruptcy?

That is most certainly the dumbest thing I have read on the Internet today.. and definitely in the running for most retarded post in 2023.

02-17-2023, 09:53 AM
You have posted many dumb things before, but this may be the dumbest post you have ever made.

It’s called the LAW of supply & demand because it’s a mathematical certainty in economics. I’m going to let you in on a little secret of capitalism. Businesses always want to make money, and consumers always want to buy goods at the lowest possible price. This is not a new concept.

Seran can't even type a coherent sentence, do you really think he's capable of understanding things like basic math, supply & demand, etc.?

The only thing he understands is how to collect welfare and be a greasy unwashed waste of life made of pure soy.

02-17-2023, 09:56 AM

Yup... not Biden's fault at all. Nope, not an ounce... but hey! inflation fell .1%!!!!!! Great job Biden!

Keep on keeping on... morons.


I'm sure pictures work better with Seran than reading words, even though he's too stupid to understand this too. Because he doesn't understand anything other than how to eat shit and collect welfare.

Suppressed Poet
02-17-2023, 10:32 AM
A mathematical certainty that inflation is caused by businesses heedlessly raising their profits until such time as they're bought out or destroy their market and so file for bankruptcy, thereby screwing all their creditors. That's a looters paradise, not sound economic theory you dumb fuck.

No…just no. It’s hard to even interpret this nonsense. Those creditors as you call it often include investors. People don’t like losing their investment. Bankruptcy is not a goal of any business. As I mentioned, businesses always seek to maximize their profits. That doesn’t make them immoral nor is that a new concept.

You calling the relationship of supply and demand on prices a myth is right up there in bat-shit crazy land with the flat earthers. It’s akin to saying something like gravity is a myth and Sir Isaac Newton was just a dumb cunt that got it wrong.

Suppressed Poet
02-17-2023, 10:36 AM
Seran can't even type a coherent sentence, do you really think he's capable of understanding things like basic math, supply & demand, etc.?

The only thing he understands is how to collect welfare and be a greasy unwashed waste of life made of pure soy.

His stupidity never ceases to amaze me. He deserves an A&E biography.

02-24-2023, 01:55 PM
How's that "inflation reduction" going?

Dow drops more than 300 points as a hot inflation report rattles Wall Street


02-24-2023, 02:21 PM
How's that "inflation reduction" going?


How's being a corporate shill going?

Year over year inflation is significantly lower than it was at the prior post-outbreak peak, record unemployment has been reached, personal savings is growing and personal salaries as well. We've got a strong economy despite worldwide pressures of Russia's failing war and artificially high energy prices. The market is panicking because they're rightly anticipating the Feds to continue rate increases through their charted soft landing approach.

02-24-2023, 02:23 PM
How's being a corporate shill going?

Year over year inflation is significantly lower than it was at the prior post-outbreak peak, record unemployment has been reached, personal savings is growing and personal salaries as well. We've got a strong economy despite worldwide pressures of Russia's failing war and artificially high energy prices. The market is panicking because they're rightly anticipating the Feds to continue rate increases through their charted soft landing approach.

When do we land?

02-24-2023, 02:25 PM
How's being a corporate shill going?

Year over year inflation is significantly lower than it was at the prior post-outbreak peak, record unemployment has been reached, personal savings is growing and personal salaries as well. We've got a strong economy despite worldwide pressures of Russia's failing war and artificially high energy prices. The market is panicking because they're rightly anticipating the Feds to continue rate increases through their charted soft landing approach.

"Soft landing approach"


How's being a Democrat shill going?

02-24-2023, 02:25 PM
When do we land?

Magically in 2024 when a Republican gets into Office.

02-24-2023, 02:51 PM
I wonder if Seran realizes he has just admitted that the Biden administration has been purposefully keeping inflation high for 2+ years now because they want to give us a "soft landing."

"Sorry, single mother of four working 2 jobs to keep food on the table, we're keeping food prices high in order to have a 'soft landing.' Just remember to vote blue no matter who!"

Pretty sure, like most subjects, Seran has no actual idea of what he is talking about.

02-24-2023, 03:29 PM
How's being a corporate shill going?

Year over year inflation is significantly lower than it was at the prior post-outbreak peak, record unemployment has been reached, personal savings is growing and personal salaries as well. We've got a strong economy despite worldwide pressures of Russia's failing war and artificially high energy prices. The market is panicking because they're rightly anticipating the Feds to continue rate increases through their charted soft landing approach.

Are you a bot?


02-24-2023, 03:31 PM
Magically in 2024 when a Republican gets into Office.

Seran in 2025: "This is Biden's policies starting to kick in and DeSantis is trying to steal all the credit!!!!!"

Suppressed Poet
02-24-2023, 04:08 PM
The smart-kid bean counters at the big financial institution I work for anticipate that Q1 will be the peak high for market indexes this year. We already had a round of layoffs earlier this month (I survived, thank you). Turns out we don’t need as many mortgage bankers or treasury management officers when there are not as many new loans issued. Everything is not awesome with the economy.

02-24-2023, 04:16 PM
Not everything is awesome with the economy, no, but things are undeniably strong. For those of you who want to continue pretending otherwise, knock yourselves out. It doesn't change the facts. :)

02-24-2023, 04:29 PM
Not everything is awesome with the economy, no, but things are undeniably strong. For those of you who want to continue pretending otherwise, knock yourselves out. It doesn't change the facts. :)

Translation: "As long as I get to keep collecting my welfare checks, everything is fine. :)"

02-24-2023, 04:29 PM
Seran in 2025: "This is Biden's policies starting to kick in and DeSantis is trying to steal all the credit!!!!!"

I really hope you are right about DeSantis...

I KNOW you are right about Seran.

02-24-2023, 04:38 PM
Not everything is awesome with the economy, no, but things are undeniably strong. For those of you who want to continue pretending otherwise, knock yourselves out. It doesn't change the facts. :)

"I got a raise in my welfare check, so everything is great for me!" -Seran the Retard Champion 2023

03-09-2023, 09:05 AM
Shocker, analysts and economists have realized corporations are only raising prices in order to increase profits. "Excuseflation", also known as profiteering is what President Biden identified in his State of the Union and in the thread namesake Inflation Reduction Act. Fuck greedy corporations and the Republicans being bribed by them.

Supply and Demand, the myth the Right uses to explain how they support the supply of money being stolen by corporations that demand higher profits.

How ‘Excuseflation’ Is Keeping Prices — and Corporate Profits — High

Now, a growing body of analysts and researchers see this pattern playing out across Corporate America, with companies using unusual disruptions as an excuse to raise prices for their goods and services, thereby allowing them to expand profit margins.

And over the last few years, businesses have been able to point to a smorgasbord of “once-in-a-lifetime” emergencies stemming from the pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which together have effectively roiled everything from semiconductor production to commodities markets and shipping.

The key question is, in an economy where the consumer continues to spend freely, how sticky this ‘excuseflation’ proves to be and how high the Federal Reserve will have to drive up interest rates to prompt businesses to lower prices, or at least stop raising them. At 6.4%, annual inflation is down from its peak last year but still well above the Fed’s 2% target.

“A lot of companies had these one-off or very, very rare excuses to raise prices and begin to find how much the consumer would take,” Samuel Rines, a managing director at Corbu LLC, says in the latest episode of the Odd Lots podcast. “Once you get that price push, once you figure out that the consumer’s willing to pay it, that is margin expansive over time, as you begin to have a normalization in your input cost.”

It’s a point picked up by UMass Amherst economists (and frequent Odd Lots guest) Isabella Weber and Evan Wasner,. They cite an explosion in corporate profit margins to a record 13.5% in the second quarter of 2021 as evidence that companies are going beyond simply passing on higher input costs to customers.

In new research published last week they named the phenomenon “sellers’ inflation,” noting that a series of “overlapping emergencies” in recent years had effectively given companies the peg they need to collectively raise prices.

“Bottlenecks can create temporary monopoly power which can even render it safe to hike prices not only to protect but to increase profits,” Weber says. “This implies that market power is not constant but can change dynamically in a changing supply environment. Publicly reported supply chain bottlenecks and cost shocks can also serve to create legitimacy for price hikes and create acceptance on the part of consumers to pay higher prices, thus rendering demand less elastic.”


03-09-2023, 09:56 AM
And of course the European Union who requires data to be uniformly reported, unlike the United States is showing the exact same thing: corporate profiteering.

ECB confronts a cold reality: companies are cashing in on inflation

Frankfurt, Mar. 5 (BNA): Huddled in a retreat in a remote Arctic village, European Central Bank (ECB) policymakers faced up last week to some cold hard facts: companies are profiting from high inflation while workers and consumers foot the bill.

The prevailing macroeconomic narrative over the past nine months has been that sharp increases in prices for everything from energy to food to computer chips were ramping up costs for companies in the 20 countries that make up the euro zone, Reuters reported.

The European Central Bank (ECB) responded by raising interest rates by the most in four decades to cool demand, arguing it faced the risk that higher consumer prices would push up wages and create an inflation spiral.

But at the retreat in the Finnish village of Inari intended to give the bank's Governing Council a chance to delve into themes only touched upon at regular meetings, a slightly different picture emerged, three sources who attended the meeting said.

Data articulated in more than two dozen slides presented to the 26 policymakers showed that company profit margins have been increasing rather than shrinking, as might be expected when input costs rise so sharply, the sources told Reuters.

An ECB spokesperson declined to comment for this story. "It's clear that profit expansion has played a larger role in the European inflation story in the last six months or so," said Paul Donovan, chief economist at UBS Global Wealth Management. "The ECB has failed to justify what it's doing in the context of a more profit-focused inflation story."

The idea that companies have been raising prices more than their costs at the expense of consumers and wage earners is likely to anger the general public.

But it has implications for central bankers too. Inflation fueled by higher corporate margins tends to self-correct as companies eventually put the brakes on price rises to avoid losing market share, making it a very different beast to tame than a wage-price stampede.

So, a new inflation narrative focused on margins could give the more dovish members of the Governing Council some ammunition to fight against further rate rises after their resistance proved largely futile over the past year, according to economists interviewed by Reuters.

The debate is due to resume at the ECB's next policy meeting on March 16, when the bank has promised to raise rates to their highest level since the height of the financial crisis in 2008.

The received inflation narrative in the euro zone has been slowly starting to shift. Businesses are anticipating smaller price rises as the outlook for costs and demand becomes less clear, according to surveys published by the ECB and Germany's Ifo institute.

Some European countries such as Greece have tabled measures to curb inflation in essential goods while France and Spain are debating similar steps.

"The economics of profitability suggest we might see more of a profit squeeze coming up," ECB chief economist Philip Lane told Reuters. "European firms know that if they raise prices too much, they will suffer a loss in market share."

In the United States, the profit margin expansion started earlier and has already started to reverse, albeit slowly and unevenly.

But unlike the United States, there is no official corporate margin data for the euro zone. Instead, national accounts and earnings reports from listed companies are being used as proxies to paint the inflation picture.

Euro zone consumer good companies, for example, boosted operating margins to an average of 10.7% last year, up by a quarter over 2019, before the global pandemic and the war in Ukraine, Refinitiv data shows.

The 106 companies included in the survey ranged from French resort owner Pierre et Vacances to carmaker Stellantis to luxury goods group Hermes and Nordic retailer Stockmann.

Similarly, profits rather than labour costs and taxes have accounted for the lion's share of domestic price pressures in the euro zone since 2021, according to ECB calculations based on Eurostat data.


Suppressed Poet
03-09-2023, 10:10 AM
I’m not sure if you have kept up with the news this week, but stocks are tanking after Jerome Powell stated to expect further rate hikes (another 50 bps likely to come later this month). Inflation is still an issue, and the feds are putting us into a recession.

Businesses are hurting just like the rest of us. Inflation is still an issue. The so-called Inflation Reduction Act isn’t doing anything to curb inflation. Double digit interest rates just might though at the cost of a serious recession.

03-09-2023, 11:17 AM
I’m not sure if you have kept up with the news this week, but stocks are tanking after Jerome Powell stated to expect further rate hikes (another 50 bps likely to come later this month). Inflation is still an issue, and the feds are putting us into a recession.

Businesses are hurting just like the rest of us. Inflation is still an issue. The so-called Inflation Reduction Act isn’t doing anything to curb inflation. Double digit interest rates just might though at the cost of a serious recession.

We've been hearing quite a bit about the Feds putting us into a recession from hardliners on the right, but where is it? Wages are growing, employment numbers continue to improve and if I'm not mistaken you've not given any thought whatsoever into the two articles showing the steadily rising profits of businesses whose increasing margins have an outsized role in keeping inflation high.

03-09-2023, 11:26 AM
Ever notice - their argument is always... ALWAYS...

Someone else isn't paying enough... we're doing a great job, it's just those OTHER people who are doing this to you...

Democratic playbook circa 1800s when they were forcing blacks to be slaves.

Such an evil political entity.

03-09-2023, 11:53 AM
We've been hearing quite a bit about the Feds putting us into a recession from hardliners on the right, but where is it? Wages are growing, employment numbers continue to improve and if I'm not mistaken you've not given any thought whatsoever into the two articles showing the steadily rising profits of businesses whose increasing margins have an outsized role in keeping inflation high.

I agree that we should tell Pfizer and Moderna to fuck off. They've made plenty of billions off of retards like you.

03-09-2023, 11:58 AM
I’m not sure if you have kept up with the news this week, but stocks are tanking after Jerome Powell stated to expect further rate hikes (another 50 bps likely to come later this month). Inflation is still an issue, and the feds are putting us into a recession.

Businesses are hurting just like the rest of us. Inflation is still an issue. The so-called Inflation Reduction Act isn’t doing anything to curb inflation. Double digit interest rates just might though at the cost of a serious recession.

We've been hearing quite a bit about the Feds putting us into a recession from hardliners on the right, but where is it? Wages are growing, employment numbers continue to improve and if I'm not mistaken you've not given any thought whatsoever into the two articles showing the steadily rising profits of businesses whose increasing margins have an outsized role in keeping inflation high.

Just as a note, in the past 52 weeks of Biden's leadership and the federal reserve's inflation fighting measure, the majority of indexes are in the green. And the recession still has not occurred.

U.S. & Americas Stock Indexes (wsj.com) (https://www.wsj.com/market-data/stocks/us/indexes)

03-09-2023, 12:06 PM
Just as a note, in the past 52 weeks of Biden's leadership and the federal reserve's inflation fighting measure, the majority of indexes are in the green. And the recession still has not occurred.

U.S. & Americas Stock Indexes (wsj.com) (https://www.wsj.com/market-data/stocks/us/indexes)

Anything is possible when you just change the definitions of words to fit the narrative, such as "recession," "vaccine," "woman," etc.

03-09-2023, 12:15 PM
We were literally in a textbook defined recession... they changed the fucking definition and their media cohorts just didn't say the word.

The amount of insanity the morons believe is astounding.

03-09-2023, 03:35 PM
Democrats believe that there are 2 ways to get inflation under control: Increase spending and raise taxes.

I'm sure it'll work THIS time........................

03-09-2023, 03:53 PM
Just as a note, in the past 52 weeks of Biden's leadership and the federal reserve's inflation fighting measure, the majority of indexes are in the green. And the recession still has not occurred.

U.S. & Americas Stock Indexes (wsj.com) (https://www.wsj.com/market-data/stocks/us/indexes)

As of right now, this very moment, the dow is down 2.53% for the YTD.

03-09-2023, 04:40 PM
As of right now, this very moment, the dow is down 2.53% for the YTD.


03-09-2023, 06:50 PM
As of right now, this very moment, the dow is down 2.53% for the YTD.

Uh huh. What's a more accurate snapshot of the fiscal conditions of the markets, the prior twelve months or the ten weeks of the current calendar year? I'll give you a hint, the first quarter isn't even over so earnings data and federal reports of industry reporting aren't even available yet for 2023.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-09-2023, 07:14 PM
Uh huh. What's a more accurate snapshot of the fiscal conditions of the markets, the prior twelve months or the ten weeks of the current calendar year? I'll give you a hint, the first quarter isn't even over so earnings data and federal reports of industry reporting aren't even available yet for 2023.

Keep putting your fingers in your ears and yelling. No one, anywhere, is positive about our economy right now. Not anyone with any actual sense who's given it real thought. Unless you are blindly following your socialist overlords, that is.

03-09-2023, 07:14 PM
Uh huh. What's a more accurate snapshot of the fiscal conditions of the markets, the prior twelve months or the ten weeks of the current calendar year? I'll give you a hint, the first quarter isn't even over so earnings data and federal reports of industry reporting aren't even available yet for 2023.

We can get an even tighter view, if that's the direction you want to go.

In the past 4 weeks the DOW in down 4.77%.

There's nothing good about the economy, no matter how hard you pucker your butthole.

Hiding your cash is literally the best anyone can do right now, if you have any cash at all.

03-09-2023, 09:09 PM
Are we in a recession yet? No? Kthx

03-10-2023, 07:33 AM
As of right now, this very moment, the dow is down 2.53% for the YTD.

Why do you believe that Seran would care about the DJIA?

His welfare check is the exact same amount as it was last month... which is why Seran believes the economy is good.

Suppressed Poet
03-10-2023, 09:32 AM
Are we in a recession yet? No? Kthx

We likely are right now, but it will take 6 months to declare it a recession. In 6 months you will be trying to change the definition of economic recession and also blame it on Trump.

03-10-2023, 11:01 AM
We can get an even tighter view, if that's the direction you want to go.

In the past 4 weeks the DOW in down 4.77%.

There's nothing good about the economy, no matter how hard you pucker your butthole.

Hiding your cash is literally the best anyone can do right now, if you have any cash at all.

DJIA is down 2.94% ytd
S&P 500 is up 1.4% ytd
NASDAQ is up 7. 4% ytd

You're painting a picture by looking at a single index and crying apocalypse and yet the broader picture is far different.

03-10-2023, 02:18 PM
DJIA is down 2.94% ytd
S&P 500 is up 1.4% ytd
NASDAQ is up 7. 4% ytd

You're painting a picture by looking at a single index and crying apocalypse and yet the broader picture is far different.

DOW slides today as Silicon Valley bank fails. The largest bank failure since 2008. Banking sector getting hammered today.

S&P -5.43% for the month.

NASDAQ -4.9% for the month.

Russel index -8.3% for the month

DOW -5.75% for the month

03-10-2023, 09:16 PM
DOW slides today as Silicon Valley bank fails. The largest bank failure since 2008. Banking sector getting hammered today.

S&P -5.43% for the month.

NASDAQ -4.9% for the month.

Russel index -8.3% for the month

DOW -5.75% for the month

Moving that goalpost as usual. High risk bank fails, Feds seize control, now liquidate it and move on.

Suppressed Poet
03-10-2023, 10:29 PM
Moving that goalpost as usual. High risk bank fails, Feds seize control, now liquidate it and move on.

You missed a couple parts. SVB had to be more risk adverse in lending due to increased rates. Startups and other business clients had to dip into depository accounts because they could not get funding through loans. Next SVB sells a lot of their bonds at a big loss (due to current high interest rates those low interest bonds are worth a lot less) to cover withdrawals. Next their clients & investors learn of this and begin pulling out tons of money in fear of the bank collapsing, which exacerbated the problem and ultimately it did.

Thanks Biden for out of control post Covid government spending which caused inflation, and the feds for continuing to raise rates until we reach an economic decline.

03-11-2023, 12:13 AM
You missed a couple parts. SVB had to be more risk adverse in lending due to increased rates. Startups and other business clients had to dip into depository accounts because they could not get funding through loans. Next SVB sells a lot of their bonds at a big loss (due to current high interest rates those low interest bonds are worth a lot less) to cover withdrawals. Next their clients & investors learn of this and begin pulling out tons of money in fear of the bank collapsing, which exacerbated the problem and ultimately it did.

Thanks Biden for out of control post Covid government spending which caused inflation, and the feds for continuing to raise rates until we reach an economic decline.

Bank opens, gobbles up the deposits of it's members.
Bank over leverages deposits, investing more than it controls in assets in risky sub-par ventures.
Bank can't cover it's bad bets, who demand more loans to cover the past unpaid investments. CEO cashes out.
Bank announces it's upside down and begs for outside funding or a bailout. More executives cash out.
Bank is taken over by the FDIC, placed into conservatorship to wind down it's operations. Chapter 7 to follow.
Republicans desperately begin to hope no one notices they and Trump rolled back Dodd-Frank regulation created in post-2008 to stop this.

03-11-2023, 08:19 AM
Bank opens, gobbles up the deposits of it's members.
Bank over leverages deposits, investing more than it controls in assets in risky sub-par ventures.
Bank can't cover it's bad bets, who demand more loans to cover the past unpaid investments. CEO cashes out.
Bank announces it's upside down and begs for outside funding or a bailout. More executives cash out.
Bank is taken over by the FDIC, placed into conservatorship to wind down it's operations. Chapter 7 to follow.
Republicans desperately begin to hope no one notices they and Trump rolled back Dodd-Frank regulation created in post-2008 to stop this.

Which regulation, specifically, did President Trump roll back that would have prevented this?

Just wondering.. because you made the same claim about the train derailment in Ohio that was proven to be retarded.

Which 99.98% of your claims turn out to be.... and I'm being very generous with the .02%

03-11-2023, 10:52 AM
Which regulation, specifically, did President Trump roll back that would have prevented this?

Just wondering.. because you made the same claim about the train derailment in Ohio that was proven to be retarded.

Which 99.98% of your claims turn out to be.... and I'm being very generous with the .02%

.02% would be your literacy rate I understand. Below are the financial regulation changes by Trump which applied to Silicon Valley Bank, their filing noting they act under the loosened requirements and lastly their regulatory filing announcing they got an exemption to risk-liquidity standards as their portfolio grew.

How the White House Rolled Back Financial Regulations

Under President Trump, agencies have eased bans on Wall Street risk-taking and loosened consumer protections and anti-discrimination laws.

Capital requirements: Banks are required under Dodd-Frank to hold a certain amount of capital in reserve as a buffer against crisis. Bank executives dislike high capital requirements, which force them to limit stock buybacks and dividend payments, both of which can help lift share prices. Mr. Quarles, the Fed vice chair for supervision and a Trump appointee, has favored regulatory tweaks that give banks more certainty about their future capital requirements. Critics say that over time, having that certainty could allow banks to reduce the amount of capital they actually hold, since many had held extra capital to avoid big swings from year to year.

Last year, Mr. Quarles, a former private equity investor, instituted greater transparency around bank stress tests, which assess how their capital would hold up against a shock. More recently, the Fed streamlined the process for setting capital requirements, including tweaks that Governor Lael Brainard said might allow some banks to lower their buffers.

Tailoring: It isn’t just the biggest banks that have gotten a regulatory break under the Trump administration. Smaller institutions, including banks that are sometimes called “super-regional,” have also benefited. An October 2019 “tailoring” rule reduced risk-related compliance requirements for banks with up to $700 billion in assets. While much of that was mandated by legislation, the Fed extended the break to firms including Capital One, PNC Financial and U.S. Bancorp.

Supervision: Bank supervision — the act of applying rather than just setting the rules — is one of the most important functions of the Fed. Under the Trump administration, a quiet, but potentially profound, shift is underway that could eventually limit the role of supervisors. Currently, supervisors have wide discretion and have sometimes applied rules strictly. Mr. Quarles has suggested that lawyers should look into whether they have too much leeway.



Trump's deregulation exempting banks with assets under 250B led to Silicon Valley Banks downfall. Having less than 250 in assets, increasing the exemption permitted SVBs poor stewardship. Their own regulatory filing highlights how Trump's changes under the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act allowed their increased risk taking.

As of December 31, 2020, on a consolidated basis, we had total assets of $115.5 billion, total investment securities of $49.3 billion, total loans, amortized cost, of $45.2 billion, total deposits of $102.0 billion and total SVB Financial stockholders' equity of $8.2 billion.

In October 2019, the federal banking agencies issued rules that tailor the application of enhanced prudential standards to large bank holding companies and the capital and liquidity rules to large bank holding companies and depository institutions (the “Tailoring Rules”) to implement amendments to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”) under the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (the “EGRRCPA”). Under the EGRRCPA, the threshold above which the Federal Reserve is required to apply enhanced prudential standards to bank holding companies increased from $50 billion in average total consolidated assets to $250 billion. The Federal Reserve may also impose enhanced prudential standards on bank holding companies with between $100 billion and $250 billion in average total consolidated assets. Under the Tailoring Rules, banking organizations are grouped into four categories based on their U.S. G-SIB status, size and four other risk-based indicators. The most stringent standards apply to U.S. G-SIBs, which represent Category I, and the least stringent standards apply to Category IV organizations, which have between $100 billion and $250 billion in average total consolidated assets and less than $75 billion in all four other risk-based indicators. SVB Financial, as a banking organization with less than $100 billion in average total consolidated assets, currently is not subject to most of the enhanced prudential standards, but will be subject to heightened requirements when we surpass $100 billion in average total consolidated assets over four consecutive financial quarters, which we expect to occur in 2021


Lastly, under Trump's administration Silicon Valley Bank applied for and received an exemption to regulatory requirements reducing the number of risky investments they held.

On June 6, 2017, we received notice that the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve approved the Company’s application for an extension of the permitted conformance period for the Company’s investments in certain “illiquid” covered funds. The approval extends the deadline by which the Company must sell, divest, restructure or otherwise conform such investments to the provisions of the Volcker Rule until the earlier of (i) July 21, 2022 or (ii) the date by which each fund matures by its terms or is otherwise conformed to the Volcker Rule.


Suppressed Poet
03-11-2023, 10:59 AM
.02% would be your literacy rate I understand. Below are the financial regulation changes by Trump which applied to Silicon Valley Bank, their filing noting they act under the loosened requirements and lastly their regulatory filing announcing they got an exemption to risk-liquidity standards as their portfolio grew.


Trump's deregulation exempting banks with assets under 250B led to Silicon Valley Banks downfall. Having less than 250 in assets, increasing the exemption permitted SVBs poor stewardship. Their own regulatory filing highlights how Trump's changes under the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act allowed their increased risk taking.


Lastly, under Trump's administration Silicon Valley Bank applied for and received an exemption to regulatory requirements reducing the number of risky investments they held.


Of course it’s Trump’s fault. Tell me then, why didn’t your dementia-ridden leader do something about that in the 2+ years he has been President?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-11-2023, 12:01 PM
Of course it’s Trump’s fault. Tell me then, why didn’t your dementia-ridden leader do something about that in the 2+ years he has been President?

Imagine being so predictable that everyone on these forums knows he'll say something to the tune of "It's Trump's fault", for literally anything he perceives as bad. Can you imagine if you knew Seran in person how triggered 24/7 he must be? So pathetic.

03-11-2023, 12:09 PM
Of course it’s Trump’s fault. Tell me then, why didn’t your dementia-ridden leader do something about that in the 2+ years he has been President?

Of course it's not the fault of the President that caused the problem, easier to blame someone for not undoing the incompetence of the prior administration than it is acknowledging Republicans were at fault for both the 2008 crash, and the Silicon Valley Bank failure.

03-11-2023, 12:12 PM
Imagine being so predictable that everyone on these forums knows he'll say something to the tune of "It's Trump's fault", for literally anything he perceives as bad. Can you imagine if you knew Seran in person how triggered 24/7 he must be? So pathetic.

Tell me, which part of these below wasn't the fault of Trump's administration?

How the White House Rolled Back Financial Regulations

Under President Trump, agencies have eased bans on Wall Street risk-taking and loosened consumer protections and anti-discrimination laws.

Capital requirements: Banks are required under Dodd-Frank to hold a certain amount of capital in reserve as a buffer against crisis. Bank executives dislike high capital requirements, which force them to limit stock buybacks and dividend payments, both of which can help lift share prices. Mr. Quarles, the Fed vice chair for supervision and a Trump appointee, has favored regulatory tweaks that give banks more certainty about their future capital requirements. Critics say that over time, having that certainty could allow banks to reduce the amount of capital they actually hold, since many had held extra capital to avoid big swings from year to year.

Last year, Mr. Quarles, a former private equity investor, instituted greater transparency around bank stress tests, which assess how their capital would hold up against a shock. More recently, the Fed streamlined the process for setting capital requirements, including tweaks that Governor Lael Brainard said might allow some banks to lower their buffers.

Tailoring: It isn’t just the biggest banks that have gotten a regulatory break under the Trump administration. Smaller institutions, including banks that are sometimes called “super-regional,” have also benefited. An October 2019 “tailoring” rule reduced risk-related compliance requirements for banks with up to $700 billion in assets. While much of that was mandated by legislation, the Fed extended the break to firms including Capital One, PNC Financial and U.S. Bancorp.

Supervision: Bank supervision — the act of applying rather than just setting the rules — is one of the most important functions of the Fed. Under the Trump administration, a quiet, but potentially profound, shift is underway that could eventually limit the role of supervisors. Currently, supervisors have wide discretion and have sometimes applied rules strictly. Mr. Quarles has suggested that lawyers should look into whether they have too much leeway.



Trump's deregulation exempting banks with assets under 250B led to Silicon Valley Banks downfall. Having less than 250 in assets, increasing the exemption permitted SVBs poor stewardship. Their own regulatory filing highlights how Trump's changes under the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act allowed their increased risk taking.

As of December 31, 2020, on a consolidated basis, we had total assets of $115.5 billion, total investment securities of $49.3 billion, total loans, amortized cost, of $45.2 billion, total deposits of $102.0 billion and total SVB Financial stockholders' equity of $8.2 billion.

In October 2019, the federal banking agencies issued rules that tailor the application of enhanced prudential standards to large bank holding companies and the capital and liquidity rules to large bank holding companies and depository institutions (the “Tailoring Rules”) to implement amendments to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”) under the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (the “EGRRCPA”). Under the EGRRCPA, the threshold above which the Federal Reserve is required to apply enhanced prudential standards to bank holding companies increased from $50 billion in average total consolidated assets to $250 billion. The Federal Reserve may also impose enhanced prudential standards on bank holding companies with between $100 billion and $250 billion in average total consolidated assets. Under the Tailoring Rules, banking organizations are grouped into four categories based on their U.S. G-SIB status, size and four other risk-based indicators. The most stringent standards apply to U.S. G-SIBs, which represent Category I, and the least stringent standards apply to Category IV organizations, which have between $100 billion and $250 billion in average total consolidated assets and less than $75 billion in all four other risk-based indicators. SVB Financial, as a banking organization with less than $100 billion in average total consolidated assets, currently is not subject to most of the enhanced prudential standards, but will be subject to heightened requirements when we surpass $100 billion in average total consolidated assets over four consecutive financial quarters, which we expect to occur in 2021


Lastly, under Trump's administration Silicon Valley Bank applied for and received an exemption to regulatory requirements reducing the number of risky investments they held.

On June 6, 2017, we received notice that the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve approved the Company’s application for an extension of the permitted conformance period for the Company’s investments in certain “illiquid” covered funds. The approval extends the deadline by which the Company must sell, divest, restructure or otherwise conform such investments to the provisions of the Volcker Rule until the earlier of (i) July 21, 2022 or (ii) the date by which each fund matures by its terms or is otherwise conformed to the Volcker Rule.


Suppressed Poet
03-11-2023, 01:38 PM
Of course it's not the fault of the President that caused the problem, easier to blame someone for not undoing the incompetence of the prior administration than it is acknowledging Republicans were at fault for both the 2008 crash, and the Silicon Valley Bank failure.

Keep coping. It’s the fault of the current President for rampant inflation due to bad fiscal & monetary policy, and that the only way this administration has to combat that issue is having the Feds put us into a recession. Your Trump whataboutism doesn’t mask the failures of this administration.

Further, I find it laughable that you berate SVB as taking unnecessary risks funding innovative startups and technology companies. Of course you would be anti-small business because you hate success & capitalism.

Suppressed Poet
03-11-2023, 01:42 PM
Imagine being so predictable that everyone on these forums knows he'll say something to the tune of "It's Trump's fault", for literally anything he perceives as bad. Can you imagine if you knew Seran in person how triggered 24/7 he must be? So pathetic.

It’s laughable and sad at the same time. If gas prices drop a penny in a week he eagerly awaits to give Biden a reach around, but when anything bad happens it’s always Trump’s fault. I’ve been saying for awhile now that Seran = Mao’s wet dream of a perfect subject.

03-11-2023, 02:58 PM
Keep coping. It’s the fault of the current President for rampant inflation due to bad fiscal & monetary policy, and that the only way this administration has to combat that issue is having the Feds put us into a recession. Your Trump whataboutism doesn’t mask the failures of this administration.

Further, I find it laughable that you berate SVB as taking unnecessary risks funding innovative startups and technology companies. Of course you would be anti-small business because you hate success & capitalism.

Yeah, I didn't think you could come up with a valid argument. Just ignore the deregulation that allowed the bank to become so illiquid and conveniently forget why all the protections were put into place little more than a decade ago.

Suppressed Poet
03-11-2023, 05:46 PM
Yeah, I didn't think you could come up with a valid argument. Just ignore the deregulation that allowed the bank to become so illiquid and conveniently forget why all the protections were put into place little more than a decade ago.

It’s like you are blaming the victim (SVB) for not wearing enough body armor (liquidity reserves) while simultaneously excusing the shooter (Biden administration) for the violent act of murder (uncontrolled spending -> rampant inflation -> sharp increases to interest rates).

03-11-2023, 07:09 PM
It’s like you are blaming the victim (SVB) for not wearing enough body armor (liquidity reserves) while simultaneously excusing the shooter (Biden administration) for the violent act of murder (uncontrolled spending -> rampant inflation -> sharp increases to interest rates).

Liquidity reserves as armor? Please. Reserves are the bone marrow of the operation and that bank took on so many toxic and radioactive investments in the private sector they destroyed their ability to produce red blood cells and died. If anything Biden and the Democrats were the doctors who told them to stop their deadly business model, which they promptly ignored until they died.

03-11-2023, 08:29 PM
It’s like you are blaming the victim (SVB) for not wearing enough body armor (liquidity reserves) while simultaneously excusing the shooter (Biden administration) for the violent act of murder (uncontrolled spending -> rampant inflation -> sharp increases to interest rates).

20+ years of free money.

Go to some of these venture capitalist websites. It's a fucking joke, they look like middle school attempts at HTML. The entire institution was smoke and mirrors.

P.S. Basically any one of us could have thrown together a website, brag about diversity hires on said website and we would receive a loan.

03-12-2023, 07:23 AM
You missed a couple parts. SVB had to be more risk adverse in lending due to increased rates. Startups and other business clients had to dip into depository accounts because they could not get funding through loans. Next SVB sells a lot of their bonds at a big loss (due to current high interest rates those low interest bonds are worth a lot less) to cover withdrawals. Next their clients & investors learn of this and begin pulling out tons of money in fear of the bank collapsing, which exacerbated the problem and ultimately it did.

Thanks Biden for out of control post Covid government spending which caused inflation, and the feds for continuing to raise rates until we reach an economic decline.

SVP wasn’t diversified enough, it is also a big reason for its collapse.

03-12-2023, 11:15 AM
SVP wasn’t diversified enough, it is also a big reason for its collapse.

But but but, how can this happen, the Biden economy is the strongest in decades, the Inflation Reduction Act fixed everything and handed out unicorns and rainbows to everyone and they were inclusive as all fuck? Trump, Jan 6th, Russia Collusion, Racism, DEI, ARGGGGGGGGGGG!

so guys, how is my Seran impression?

03-12-2023, 01:02 PM
It's interesting that the day of the FDIC takeover that SVB paid out bonuses to it's employees, with an average payout between $12,000 and $140,000, at a bank with the highest salaries in the industry averaging 240k a year. Paying out millions, perhaps tens of millions in bonuses when your executives are begging for a capital infusion or a bailout? Why, that's just synonymous with the sort of bad faith institution one my expect was only in existence to earn money for it's employees.

Fortunately it's already been announced that there will be no Government bailout for the institution and the depositors will receive up to the insured limit of $250,000 if they're not made whole by liquidation proceedings.

Suppressed Poet
03-12-2023, 01:39 PM
SVP wasn’t diversified enough, it is also a big reason for its collapse.

Yes, that bank had its issues. They needed to diversify their bonds in a Wu Tang Financial way.


Suppressed Poet
03-12-2023, 01:44 PM
20+ years of free money.

Go to some of these venture capitalist websites. It's a fucking joke, they look like middle school attempts at HTML. The entire institution was smoke and mirrors.

P.S. Basically any one of us could have thrown together a website, brag about diversity hires on said website and we would receive a loan.

It has become that, but Silicon Valley was (and still largely is but that is changing too) the technology center of the world. Most of the tech startups fail, but funding them is the price of innovation. VCs are absolute vultures.

Suppressed Poet
03-12-2023, 01:55 PM
It's interesting that the day of the FDIC takeover that SVB paid out bonuses to it's employees, with an average payout between $12,000 and $140,000, at a bank with the highest salaries in the industry averaging 240k a year. Paying out millions, perhaps tens of millions in bonuses when your executives are begging for a capital infusion or a bailout? Why, that's just synonymous with the sort of bad faith institution one my expect was only in existence to earn money for it's employees.

Fortunately it's already been announced that there will be no Government bailout for the institution and the depositors will receive up to the insured limit of $250,000 if they're not made whole by liquidation proceedings.

Bonuses (we call them annual incentives where I work) commonly make up 50% or more of the total compensation for employees that work in the financial service industry. That is business as usual. If they don’t payout on expected annual compensation, talent would immediately leave them. The FDIC takeover and sudden collapse was not obviously imminent.

03-12-2023, 02:25 PM
Bonuses (we call them annual incentives where I work) commonly make up 50% or more of the total compensation for employees that work in the financial service industry. That is business as usual. If they don’t payout on expected annual compensation, talent would immediately leave them. The FDIC takeover and sudden collapse was not obviously imminent.

Few points in reverse order:

1) They did know they were insolvent days, up to weeks in advance while they were seeking rescue funding. The run on the bank occurred and their ability to fund deposits by cash on hand was exceed by a little over $1 billion.
2) Their payout of bonuses was mere /hours/ prior to the FDIC publicly announcing their being placed in receivership. Don't be naïve in assuming their executive management wasn't aware in advance of paying out bonuses.
3) In a bankruptcy proceeding, which will be occurring due to their insolvency, any incentive/performance based bonuses are subject to trustee claw back in both chapter 7 and 11. Their executives would have known this, but raided their remaining cash on hand anyhow.

In 2008 any, speculative investments and bad loans caused a domino effect of bank failures as due diligence went right out the window. Now in 2023, a bank which confused itself with a venture capital funding firm in violation of the Dodd-Frank reforms it was given exemptions for. Just like in 2008, all of those companies and banks which gave massive bonuses will see themselves subject to claw back and investigations. See Sam Bankman-Freid.

03-12-2023, 02:52 PM
It has become that, but Silicon Valley was (and still largely is but that is changing too) the technology center of the world. Most of the tech startups fail, but funding them is the price of innovation. VCs are absolute vultures.

I don't have any issues with VC's as long as they adhere to capitalism when the cleansing takes place. Within hours of Fridays announcement we had billionaires calling for a bailout who just days prior were saying there should be no student loan relief.

03-12-2023, 06:44 PM
Down goes another and it's not even Monday.

Crypto-Friendly Signature Bank Shut Down by State Regulators


Joe Serans economy is the best economy ever.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-12-2023, 10:55 PM
Tell me, which part of these below wasn't the fault of Trump's administration?


Trump's deregulation exempting banks with assets under 250B led to Silicon Valley Banks downfall. Having less than 250 in assets, increasing the exemption permitted SVBs poor stewardship. Their own regulatory filing highlights how Trump's changes under the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act allowed their increased risk taking.


Lastly, under Trump's administration Silicon Valley Bank applied for and received an exemption to regulatory requirements reducing the number of risky investments they held.


What will you say in year three of Let's Go Brandon's administration? How about year 4, and then years 5 and 6 under a Republican?

03-12-2023, 10:57 PM
Down goes another and it's not even Monday.


Joe Serans economy is the best economy ever.

Bad lenders do bad things, after bad Cheetos regulate the industry. To protect the market, the good President's administration shut them down. Go figure, prudent oversight authority in action and Republican is complaining.

03-13-2023, 12:34 AM
Bad lenders do bad things, after bad Cheetos regulate the industry. To protect the market, the good President's administration shut them down. Go figure, prudent oversight authority in action and Republican is complaining.

Uncle Joe is trying to deflate the tire and pump air into it at the same time.


03-13-2023, 06:09 AM
Down goes another and it's not even Monday.


Joe Serans economy is the best economy ever.

That’s what happens when you fuck with crypto!

03-13-2023, 11:32 AM
Keep putting your fingers in your ears and yelling. No one, anywhere, is positive about our economy right now. Not anyone with any actual sense who's given it real thought. Unless you are blindly following your socialist overlords, that is.

Seran has no reason to give a shit about the economy as long as his welfare checks keep coming in, of which $0 will be spent on soap or shampoo.

03-13-2023, 11:52 AM
What will you say in year three of Let's Go Brandon's administration? How about year 4, and then years 5 and 6 under a Republican?

When it's Republican legislation which precipitates a crisis, why wouldn't Republicans receive blame? Those trying to blame the fall in treasuries prices are pretty retarded too, as no one forced banks to purchase said bonds and no one is forcing them to not hold them to maturity when their full value is paid out. If a bank buys a ten year bond and chooses to sell it three years in at a loss, that's their own poor business management and not the governments. Banks which don't know how to manage their loans and receivables are again the problem just as they were in 2008.

03-13-2023, 11:56 AM

https://i.imgur.com/v9QtUAb.png (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11848705/Woke-head-risk-assessment-Silicon-Valley-Bank-accused-prioritizing-diversity-issues.html)

03-13-2023, 12:51 PM
When banks aren't regulated, they commit heinous financial malfeasance and fail. A lesson that should have been learned in 2008 and every prior banking sector failure.

Silicon Valley Bank collapse puts new spotlight on a 2018 bank deregulation law

The failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank are putting new scrutiny on a 2018 law that rolled back some banking regulations, with some Democrats calling to restore those rules as the federal government steps in to protect depositors.

"Congress, the White House* and banking regulators should reverse the dangerous bank deregulation of the Trump era. Repealing the 2018 legislation that weakened the rules for banks like S.V.B. must be an immediate priority for Congress," Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., wrote in a New York Times opinion piece Monday.

Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., who is running for Senate, said she's working on legislation in the House to reverse the 2018 law, which was led by Republicans and signed by then-President Donald Trump.

President Joe Biden also said in a speech Monday announcing federal actions that the deregulation law played a role and called on Congress to toughen bank rules.

"During the Obama-Biden administration, we put in place tough requirements on banks, like Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, including the Dodd-Frank law to make sure that the crisis we saw in 2008 would not happen again," he said. "Unfortunately, the last administration rolled back some of these requirements. I’m going to ask Congress and the banking regulators to strengthen the rules for banks to make it less likely this kind of bank failure would happen again and to protect American jobs and small businesses."

“Had Congress and the Federal Reserve not rolled back the stricter oversight, S.V.B. and Signature would have been subject to stronger liquidity and capital requirements to withstand financial shocks,” Warren wrote Monday. “They would have been required to conduct regular stress tests to expose their vulnerabilities and shore up their businesses. But because those requirements were repealed, when an old-fashioned bank run hit S.V.B*., the* bank couldn’t withstand the pressure — and Signature’s collapse was close behind.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who also opposed the 2018 law, blamed it for Silicon Valley Bank's collapse.

“Let’s be clear. The failure of Silicon Valley Bank is a direct result of an absurd 2018 bank deregulation bill signed by Donald Trump that I strongly opposed,” he said in a statement. “Five years ago, the Republican Director of the Congressional Budget Office released a report finding that this legislation would ‘increase the likelihood that a large financial firm with assets of between $100 billion and $250 billion would fail.’”

The 2018 battle featured intense lobbying by banks — including Silicon Valley Bank and an array of smaller community banks — that were seeking regulatory relief.


03-13-2023, 02:50 PM
Stock market indexes are still in the green, while the riskiest banks are all falling. Larger, more stable banks like Wells Fargo and Bank of America are down only a fraction of the various crypto banks and banks specializing in risky loans.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-13-2023, 04:57 PM
So the democrat parties "ATM" failed. Expect bailouts and more printed money.

03-13-2023, 05:44 PM
So the democrat parties "ATM" failed. Expect bailouts and more printed money.

Lawl, because Republicans did a massive tax cut during a war and without balancing the budget? You understand we've got to pay for all those services no one wants to cut and so long as we have a deficit the treasury is going to keep selling bonds and everyone's still going to buy stable issuances.

03-13-2023, 06:15 PM
So the democrat parties "ATM" failed. Expect bailouts and more printed money.

This is a direct quote from the homepage of one of the VC's that's yelling and screaming on Twitter.

Backstage Capital:

"We invest in the very best founders who identify as women, People of Color, or LGBTQ. I personally identify as all three."

Damn near every one of these VC's connected to these banks it's the same shit. This is in your face racism/sexism.

I have very little doubt that this was not a planned bank run.

03-13-2023, 08:17 PM
This is a direct quote from the homepage of one of the VC's that's yelling and screaming on Twitter.

Backstage Capital:

"We invest in the very best founders who identify as women, People of Color, or LGBTQ. I personally identify as all three."

Damn near every one of these VC's connected to these banks it's the same shit. This is in your face racism/sexism.

I have very little doubt that this was not a planned bank run.

Aside from your sourceless information, you really double down on the irresponsible bank taking needless risks until they failed? Virtue signaling isn't a good business model, you'd think the 16th largest bank would have some accounting talent.

03-13-2023, 09:07 PM
Aside from your sourceless information, you really double down on the irresponsible bank taking needless risks until they failed? Virtue signaling isn't a good business model, you'd think the 16th largest bank would have some accounting talent.

If you know that the government is going to take the FDIC money, turn around and give that money to DNC donors (just like the unions) and bail out the banks failed long term bet.

03-13-2023, 09:38 PM
If you know that the government is going to take the FDIC money, turn around and give that money to DNC donors (just like the unions) and bail out the banks failed long term bet.

The banks depositors are only DNC donors? Lol you fucking idiot

Suppa Hobbit Mage
03-13-2023, 10:15 PM
Lawl, because Republicans did a massive tax cut during a war and without balancing the budget? You understand we've got to pay for all those services no one wants to cut and so long as we have a deficit the treasury is going to keep selling bonds and everyone's still going to buy stable issuances.

Relax bro, I'm not gonna shame you for thousands of posts being triggered. You be you. Get some sunlight now and again though, it's good for you.

03-14-2023, 09:07 AM
Relax bro, I'm not gonna shame you for thousands of posts being triggered. You be you. Get some sunlight now and again though, it's good for you.

Seran thinking about what it's like to go outside:
