05-06-2005, 01:59 AM
The shadows swirl around Larktrill's black ora lance.
Speaking to Tsanah, Fammka asks, "Would you like some refreshment?"
Fammka offers Tsanah a glass of vivid green absinthe.
Charna rubs her eyes.
Tsanah says, "Perhaps we should sell you into slavery, though i doubt I get two wooden coins for you."
Fammka says, "It's tasty."
Rooster darkly says, "Wonder how this will play out."
Tsanah scowls.
Charna takes off a pair of warped copper-framed spectacles with mirrored lenses.
Sagoth gives Velvette a friendly hug.
Charna folds up the earpieces of her spectacles.
Charna removes a sleek burnished silver spectacles case from in her wide-necked robes.
Blizzerdd nods to Tsanah.
Charna put a pair of warped copper-framed spectacles with mirrored lenses in her spectacles case.
Riok just arrived.
Riok hands over some silver, writes his name on a ticket, then drops the ticket in the raffle barrel.
Charna just closed a sleek burnished silver spectacles case.
Charna put a sleek burnished silver spectacles case in her wide-necked robes.
Fammka looks rather confused.
Krellin says, "I'll bid 3 silvers."
Krellin nods to Tsanah.
Riok just went out.
Fammka gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Laleena nods.
Laleena glances around the room.
Tsanah asks, "Really?"
Alyssea gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Tsanah glances at Krellin.
Laleena tucks her hand into the crook of Wulfhen's arm as she moves next to him.
Krellin nods to Tsanah.
Jullius recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Jullius gestures.
Jullius appears somehow changed.
Dazmar says, "Umm no thanks."
Tsanah asks, "What would you do with it?"
Rooster darkly says, "Bah gnome ate all my wooden coins."
Dazmar says, "No bidding on my fiance, thanks."
Velvette just went out.
Wulfhen gives Laleena a gentle kiss on the cheek.
Wulfhen rubs his black leather collar, causing darkness to stream across its surface briefly.
Wulfhen gets an odd look on his face.
Krellin ponders.
Alyssea smiles.
Laleena nods.
Krellin asks, "End table?"
Krellin grunts.
Speaking in Dark Elven, Fammka asks something you don't understand.
Great Lord Sagoth just went out.
Charna just went out.
Tsanah says, "Stay out of this Dazmar, we are conducting business."
Alyssea says, "I am not for sale."
Alyssea looks over at Tsanah and shakes her head.
Great Lord Sagoth just arrived.
Dazmar says, "Dont scare me with your tactics."
Blizzerdd begins chuckling at Tsanah!
Krellin shrugs.
Sagoth joins Odevalis's group.
Fammka shrugs.
Tsanah says, "We didn't ask you either, speak when you are spoken too."
Dazmar asks, "What will you do, send me to the rift?"
Dazmar laughs!
Velvette just arrived.
Tsanah asks, "End table, huh?"
Inana leans against Padaxus, resting her head on his chest and turning her eyes to meet his.
Toleena looks thoughtfully at Dazmar.
Sirona just arrived.
Dazmar says, "I beg of you."
Alyssea says, "I am however, wanting to hold that waraxe."
Lightning flares from the end of the staff and the stench of ozone becomes heavy in the air. A bolt shoots directly into the altar which begins to glow and then begins to bleed.
Sirona just vanished.
Velvette just vanished.
Sagoth just vanished.
Toleena just vanished.
Annelie just vanished.
Rooster just vanished.
Aljian just vanished.
Bloodthorn just vanished.
Niadja just vanished.
Faulkil just vanished.
Qar just vanished.
Hawker just vanished.
Evrem just vanished.
Wulfhen just vanished.
Fammka just vanished.
Greymalkyn just vanished.
Willowlea just vanished.
Queshu just vanished.
Boadus just vanished.
Murdawk just vanished.
Inana just vanished.
Padaxus just vanished.
Delonkin just vanished.
Amerith just vanished.
Blizzerdd just vanished.
Darkdelon just vanished.
Kyntair just vanished.
Gob just vanished.
Celeerial just vanished.
Odevalis just vanished.
Elvenwlf just vanished.
Grubbel just vanished.
Doughboy just vanished.
Krellin just vanished.
Kieana just vanished.
Alyssea just vanished.
Dazmar just vanished.
You feel yourself pulled away.
[The Rift]
The ground beneath you is white, strangely grainy and light. Tunnels lead off to the northeast and southwest, winding erratically through the odd earth. Walls made of a hard, transparent material close about you, distorting the images beyond them. Looking carefully, it almost seems that a small human sits just beyond the glass, staring at you with great interest.
Also here: High Lord Dazmar, High Lady Alyssea, Kieana, Great Lord Krellin, Doughboy, Grubbel, Lord Elvenwlf, Lady Odevalis, Celeerial, Gob, Great Lord Kyntair, Darkdelon, Blizzerdd, Amerith, Delonkin, Padaxus, Inana, Murdawk, Boadus, Great Lord Queshu, Willowlea, Greymalkyn, Great Lady Fammka, Wulfhen, Great Lord Evrem, Hawker, Qar, Faulkil (sitting), Niadja, Great Lord Bloodthorn, Aljian, Lord Rooster, Annelie, Toleena, Great Lord Sagoth, Velvette, Sirona
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
Mandy just materialized from nowhere.
Divid just materialized from nowhere.
Teshara just materialized from nowhere.
Larktrill just materialized from nowhere.
Johannia just materialized from nowhere.
Jullius just materialized from nowhere.
Lucos just materialized from nowhere.
Jullius says, "I think Krellin simply said that your assessment of the situation was inaccurate. Therefore, he defied you with a bid contrary to what you said."
Dazmar says, "Tried to get a free trip early."
Odevalis blinks.
Alyssea gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Larktrill changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...
As Lucos whispers to the ivory white skull on his equipment case, one of its arms unfreezes and swings out carrying a eahnor key. It carefully inserts it into the lock and with a *click* it opens!
Lucos carefully moves the skeleton hands out of the way and opens his equipment case.
Lucos removes a stark black prayer veil from in his equipment case.
You say, "Umm..."
Lucos puts on a stark black prayer veil.
Lucos removes a blackened skull-shaped buckler from in a dark vaalin equipment case entombed within a shattered bone skeleton.
Jullius's group just went northeast.
Lucos removes an ivory-hilted skeleton-cut falchion from in his equipment case.
As Lucos closes his case, a skeletal hand swings down from the skeleton perched on top holding a eahnor key and carefully locks the equipment case and returns to its side.
Larktrill skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.
The sonic barrier surrounding Larktrill dissipates.
Larktrill begins singing and focuses her voice into a vortex of air centered around her body.
Celeerial says, "Uh."
Jullius's group just arrived.
>get no-da from my cloa
Boadus sighs.
Larktrill drops all defense as she moves into a battle-ready stance.
You remove a white ora no-dachi from in your spidersilk cloak.
You hear the sound of a thousand voices wailing discordantly as a lost soul floats in!
Speaking in Dark Elven, Fammka asks something you don't understand.
>post def
Wulfhen ponders.
You move into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Odevalis says, "Uhm.."
Dazmar makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Dazmar gestures.
His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
Inana says, "Oh wonderful."
Toleena just went northeast.
Jullius slings a lightning scorched vaalorn-edged eahnor tower shield off from over his shoulder.
Mandy chuckles menacingly.
Grubbel smirks.
Toleena just arrived.
Wulfhen just went northeast.
High Lord Dazmar's group just went southwest.
>sign striking
>sign smiting
Willowlea screams!
>sign warding
>sign defending
>cman surg
You grip your white ora no-dachi with renewed vigor!
You grip your white ora no-dachi with renewed vigor!
Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
Toleena just went southwest.
Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
>sign shield
You focus deep within yourself, searching for untapped sources of strength.
You feel a great deal stronger.
>sign deflection
You flinch as the flames surrounding your white ora no-dachi flare out suddenly!
>sign sword
>sign staunching
Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
Wulfhen just arrived.
You feel magical energies distort and flow around you.
You grip your white ora no-dachi with renewed vigor!
Your veins throb and your blood sings.
High Lord Dazmar's group just arrived.
Velvette slings an intricately carved sylvan bow off from over her shoulder.
Wulfhen just went southwest.
A n'ecare pads in silently!
Alyssea drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Alyssea's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Amerith drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Amerith's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Dazmar drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Dazmar's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Johannia drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Johannia's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Teshara drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Teshara's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Divid drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Divid's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Mandy drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Mandy's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
You drop to your knees in utter despair! Overcome by the foul stench of pure evil emanating from the lost soul, your arms fall slack at your sides and feel your limbs slipping away as an utter and complete fear seizes a suffocating control of your mind and body!
Kieana drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Kieana's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Krellin drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Krellin's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Doughboy drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Doughboy's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Grubbel drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Grubbel's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Elvenwlf drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Elvenwlf's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Odevalis drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Odevalis's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Celeerial drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Celeerial's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Gob's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes fill with paralyzing fear!
Kyntair drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Kyntair's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Darkdelon drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Darkdelon's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Blizzerdd drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Blizzerdd's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Delonkin drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Delonkin's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Padaxus drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Padaxus's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Inana drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Inana's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Murdawk drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Murdawk's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Boadus drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Boadus's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Queshu drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Queshu's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Willowlea drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Willowlea's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Greymalkyn drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Greymalkyn's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Fammka drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Fammka's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Evrem drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Evrem's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Hawker drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Hawker's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Faulkil's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Niadja drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Niadja's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Bloodthorn drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Bloodthorn's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Aljian drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Aljian's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Rooster drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Rooster's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Annelie drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Annelie's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Sagoth drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Sagoth's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Velvette drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Velvette's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Sirona drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Sirona's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
A lost soul points both spectral hands at Lucos!
CS: +384 - TD: +319 + CvA: +2 + d100: +40 - -5 == +112
Warding failed!
Lucos suddenly looks terrified!
Lucos suddenly bolts southwest!
Jullius recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Jullius gestures.
Jullius looks considerably more imposing.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +410 + CvA: +25 + d100: +93 == +201
Warding failed!
... and hits for 22 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 40 points of damage!
Brutal blow to the neck sends head flying!
The head floats up and settles back in place as easily as a hat.
What is this, a haberdashery?
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 70 points of damage!
Amazing shot cleaves the torso in half at the waist!
You watch agape as the misty form knits itself back together!
... 35 points of damage!
Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf.
New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old.
A lost soul swings a gleaming silvery scythe at Rooster!
AS: +408 vs DS: +138 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +99 = +397
... and hits for 134 points of damage!
Deep slash to Rooster's right forearm!
A dark shadowy tendril rises up from Rooster's skin, writhes its way up a gleaming silvery scythe towards a lost soul and lashes out malevolently...
CS: +150 - TD: +410 + CvA: +25 + d100: +65 == -170
Warded off!
A dull grey beam snakes out toward the lost soul, but dissipates upon impact.
A lost soul floats in!
Fammka just left.
Gob regains control of his senses!
A n'ecare swings a long blackened jeddart-axe at Greymalkyn!
AS: +386 vs DS: +101 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +94 = +407
... and hits for 157 points of damage!
Wicked slash slices open Greymalkyn's chest!
Heart and lungs pureed!
* Greymalkyn drops dead at your feet!
The n'ecare howls in evil delight!
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
The Greymalkyn disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
The shadows surrounding Larktrill's black ora lance wrap tighter around her hand.
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +394 + CvA: +25 + d100: +11 == +135
Warding failed!
... and hits for 25 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 40 points of damage!
A strong blow cleaves the left wrist!
The hand dangles, spinning slowly, and then snaps back in place!
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 50 points of damage!
Hard strike to the abdomen.
Ethereal entrails seem to spill from the lost soul's mangled substance,
vanishing into misty tendrils as they strike the ground.
... 25 points of damage!
Strong attack rips through the neck!
To your horror, the lost soul's substance flows around the wound without leaving a trace!
Velvette struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 195 + FvP: 16 + d100(L): 51 = 160
Warding failed!
Velvette remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Sagoth struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 177 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 93 = 236
Warding failed!
Sagoth chatters his teeth rapidly!
Boadus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 69 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 46 = 299
Warding failed!
Boadus babbles hysterically, drool running down his chin!
Annelie struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 57 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 49 = 309
Warding failed!
Annelie gibbers fitfully!
Rooster struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 87 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 64 = 299
Warding failed!
Rooster cowers in fear!
Aljian struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 81 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 80 = 320
Warding failed!
Aljian rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Bloodthorn struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 168 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 50 = 192
Warding failed!
Bloodthorn cowers in fear!
Niadja struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 35 = 281
Warding failed!
Niadja gibbers fitfully!
Hawker struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 81 = 246
Warding failed!
Hawker moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Sirona struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 72 + FvP: 40 + d100(L): 47 = 303
Warding failed!
Sirona moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Evrem struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 61 = 196
Warding failed!
Evrem moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Johannia struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 117 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 78 = 275
Warding failed!
Johannia rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Alyssea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 210 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 84 = 192
Warding failed!
Alyssea is racked by convulsive shivers!
Willowlea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 114 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 70 = 268
Warding failed!
Willowlea wails in exquisite fear!
Elvenwlf struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 19 = 256
Warding failed!
Elvenwlf rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Teshara struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 21 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 26 = 323
Warding failed!
Teshara opens her mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Queshu struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 123 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 39 = 233
Warding failed!
Queshu gibbers fitfully!
Murdawk struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 72 + FvP: 28 + d100(L): 43 = 287
Warding failed!
Murdawk clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Doughboy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 33 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 97 = 385
Warding failed!
Doughboy babbles hysterically, drool running down his chin!
Odevalis struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 86 = 250
Warding failed!
Odevalis babbles hysterically, drool running down her chin!
Darkdelon struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 77 = 238
Warding failed!
Darkdelon moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Mandy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 213 + FvP: 21 + d100(L): 52 = 148
Warding failed!
Mandy clutches herself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down her chin!
Grubbel struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 48 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 74 = 348
Warding failed!
Grubbel moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 144 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 21 = 196
Warding failed!
Your eyes grow wider as the crushing terror increases, every bad dream and fear materializing vividly in your mind's eye!
Krellin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 129 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 67 = 249
Warding failed!
Krellin remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Celeerial struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 77 = 246
Warding failed!
Celeerial moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Kieana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 171 + FvP: 20 + d100(L): 31 = 168
Warding failed!
Kieana babbles hysterically, drool running down her chin!
Inana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 99 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 59 = 274
Warding failed!
Inana gibbers fitfully!
Kyntair struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 30 = 159
Warding failed!
Kyntair eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Delonkin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 82 = 254
Warding failed!
Delonkin babbles hysterically, drool running down his chin!
Dazmar struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 216 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 91 = 194
Warding failed!
Dazmar wails in exquisite fear!
Padaxus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 96 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 91 = 309
Warding failed!
Padaxus eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Blizzerdd struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 177 + FvP: 35 + d100(L): 39 = 185
Warding failed!
Blizzerdd moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Amerith struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 10 = 192
Warding failed!
Amerith opens her mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Divid struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 126 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 15 = 210
Warding failed!
Divid remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Faulkil struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 47 = 228
Warding failed!
Faulkil rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
A n'ecare swings a long blackened jeddart-axe at Qar!
AS: +386 vs DS: +590 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +11 = -163
A clean miss.
A lost soul gestures and utters a phrase of arcane magic.
A lost soul points both spectral hands at Celeerial!
CS: +369 - TD: +191 + CvA: +12 + d100: +39 - -5 == +234
Warding failed!
Celeerial suddenly looks terrified!
Celeerial turns and runs screaming into the distance . . . you don't hear her stop for quite some time.
A lost soul floats in!
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Kyntair beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Kyntair appears as if a great weight has been lifted from his shoulders!
The glazed look leaves Kyntair!
Jullius grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
[The Rift]
The ground beneath you is white, strangely grainy and light. Tunnels lead off to the northeast and southwest, winding erratically through the odd earth. Walls made of a hard, transparent material close about you, distorting the images beyond them. Looking carefully, it almost seems that a small human sits just beyond the glass, staring at you with great interest. You also see a lost soul, an enruned haon box, an engraved haon trunk, a lost soul, a n'ecare and a lost soul.
Also here: a stunned High Lady Alyssea (kneeling), a stunned Amerith (kneeling), a stunned High Lord Dazmar (kneeling), a stunned Johannia (kneeling), Larktrill, a stunned Teshara (kneeling), a stunned Divid (kneeling), a stunned High Lady Mandy (kneeling), a stunned Kieana (kneeling), a stunned Great Lord Krellin (kneeling), a stunned Doughboy (kneeling), a stunned Grubbel (kneeling), a stunned Lord Elvenwlf (kneeling), a stunned Lady Odevalis (kneeling), Gob, Great Lord Kyntair (kneeling), a stunned Darkdelon (kneeling), a stunned Blizzerdd (kneeling), a stunned Delonkin (kneeling), a stunned Padaxus (kneeling), a stunned Inana (kneeling), a stunned Murdawk (kneeling), a stunned Boadus (kneeling), a stunned Great Lord Queshu (kneeling), a stunned Willowlea (kneeling), the body of Greymalkyn (prone), a stunned Great Lord Evrem (kneeling), a stunned Hawker (kneeling), Qar, a stunned Faulkil (sitting), a stunned Niadja (kneeling), a stunned Great Lord Bloodthorn (kneeling), a stunned Aljian (kneeling), a stunned Lord Rooster (kneeling), a stunned Annelie (kneeling), a stunned Great Lord Sagoth (kneeling), a stunned Velvette (kneeling), a stunned Sirona (kneeling)
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
A lost soul gestures and utters a phrase of arcane magic.
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
A pale, shimmering barrier coalesces around the lost soul for a brief instant!
CS: +493 - TD: +458 + CvA: +25 + d100: +64 == +124
Warding failed!
... and hits for 24 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 40 points of damage!
A massive blow to the right shoulder hoists the lost soul high into the air.
It hangs there a moment, suspended, before falling forward.
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 15 points of damage!
The lost soul slumps silently to the ground, his red eyes fading to grey.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a lost soul.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a lost soul.
You feel at full magical power again.
You feel fully energetic again.
A n'ecare swings a long blackened jeddart-axe at Niadja!
AS: +386 vs DS: +49 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +50 = +416
... and hits for 164 points of damage!
Mighty swing separates head from shoulders.
* Niadja drops dead at your feet!
The n'ecare howls in evil delight!
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +394 + CvA: +25 + d100: +100 == +224
Warding failed!
... and hits for 33 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 35 points of damage!
Right arm ripped in half at elbow!
The fallen arm evaporates as a new one materializes.
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 35 points of damage!
Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf.
New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old.
The lost soul slumps silently to the ground, his red eyes fading to grey.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a lost soul.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a lost soul.
The shadows surrounding Larktrill's black ora lance wrap tighter around her hand.
>inc 1614
Sirona grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that she isn't there anymore.
You are still stunned.
A lost soul floats in!
Velvette struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 195 + FvP: 16 + d100(L): 6 = 115
Warding failed!
Velvette opens her mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Sagoth struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 177 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 22 = 165
Warding failed!
Sagoth cries out in sheer terror!
Boadus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 69 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 50 = 303
Warding failed!
Boadus wails in exquisite fear!
Annelie struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 57 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 56 = 316
Warding failed!
Annelie eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Rooster struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 87 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 31 = 266
Warding failed!
Rooster moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Aljian struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 81 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 28 = 268
Warding failed!
Aljian moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Bloodthorn struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 168 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 84 = 226
Warding failed!
Bloodthorn moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Hawker struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 8 = 173
Warding failed!
Hawker gibbers fitfully!
Evrem struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 95 = 230
Warding failed!
Evrem clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Johannia struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 117 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 61 = 258
Warding failed!
Johannia eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Alyssea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 210 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 76 = 184
Warding failed!
Alyssea moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Willowlea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 114 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 77 = 275
Warding failed!
Willowlea moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Elvenwlf struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 22 = 259
Warding failed!
Elvenwlf wails in exquisite fear!
Teshara struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 21 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 88 = 385
Warding failed!
Teshara gibbers fitfully!
Queshu struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 123 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 27 = 221
Warding failed!
Queshu moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Murdawk struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 72 + FvP: 28 + d100(L): 52 = 296
Warding failed!
Murdawk moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Doughboy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 33 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 45 = 333
Warding failed!
Doughboy clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Odevalis struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 82 = 246
Warding failed!
Odevalis wails in exquisite fear!
Darkdelon struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 29 = 190
Warding failed!
Darkdelon moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Mandy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 213 + FvP: 21 + d100(L): 88 = 184
Warding failed!
Mandy moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Grubbel struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 48 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 41 = 315
Warding failed!
Grubbel chatters his teeth rapidly!
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 144 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 69 = 244
Warding failed!
Your mind remains a morass of screaming chaos, and you can only twitch in response to any attempt to move!
Krellin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 129 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 24 = 206
Warding failed!
Krellin cries out in sheer terror!
Kieana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 171 + FvP: 20 + d100(L): 59 = 196
Warding failed!
Kieana chatters her teeth rapidly!
Inana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 99 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 75 = 290
Warding failed!
Inana babbles hysterically, drool running down her chin!
Kyntair struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 86 = 215
Warding failed!
Kyntair moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Delonkin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 44 = 216
Warding failed!
Delonkin cowers in fear!
Dazmar struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 216 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 70 = 173
Warding failed!
Dazmar remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Padaxus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 96 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 20 = 238
Warding failed!
Padaxus moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Blizzerdd struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 177 + FvP: 35 + d100(L): 31 = 177
Warding failed!
Blizzerdd opens his mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Amerith struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 32 = 214
Warding failed!
Amerith moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Divid struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 126 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 57 = 252
Warding failed!
Divid cowers in fear!
Faulkil struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 78 = 259
Warding failed!
Faulkil twitches fitfully!
A n'ecare rakes ribbons of flesh from the face of Greymalkyn.
A n'ecare pads in silently!
A lost soul points both spectral hands at Grubbel!
CS: +360 - TD: +53 + CvA: -9 + d100: +68 - +15 == +351
Warding failed!
Grubbel suddenly looks terrified!
Grubbel turns and runs screaming into the distance . . . you don't hear him stop for quite some time.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a n'ecare.
CS: +493 - TD: +342 + CvA: -6 + d100: +81 == +226
Warding failed!
... and hits for 24 points of damage!
A n'ecare is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 70 points of damage!
Fire completely surrounds a n'ecare. Blood boils and heart stops.
The n'ecare falls to the ground motionless.
Velvette grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that she isn't there anymore.
Larktrill changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...
Larktrill skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.
Larktrill begins to sing of valiant legends and appears to be more protected.
Sagoth grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a n'ecare.
CS: +493 - TD: +342 + CvA: -6 + d100: +13 == +158
Warding failed!
... and hits for 20 points of damage!
A n'ecare is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 35 points of damage!
Left hand fried to a crisp. Think barbecue sauce.
The n'ecare shrugs off the cold.
... 15 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
Kyntair beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Kyntair appears as if a great weight has been lifted from his shoulders!
The glazed look leaves Kyntair!
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Larktrill gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Larktrill.
A n'ecare swings a long blackened jeddart-axe at Dazmar!
AS: +386 vs DS: +58 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +84 = +443
... and hits for 171 points of damage!
Hard slash to Dazmar's side!
Right arm no longer available for use.
* Dazmar drops dead at your feet!
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Dazmar.
The n'ecare howls in evil delight!
A lost soul points both spectral hands at Murdawk!
CS: +366 - TD: +86 + CvA: +25 + d100: +58 - -5 == +368
Warding failed!
Murdawk suddenly looks terrified!
Murdawk turns and runs screaming into the distance . . . you don't hear him stop for quite some time.
A lost soul swings a gleaming silvery scythe at Evrem!
AS: +409 vs DS: +12 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +17 = +439
... and hits for 140 points of damage!
Awesome shot skewers skull! Evrem blinks once and falls quite dead!
* Evrem drops dead at your feet!
The lost soul moans with evil delight!
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a n'ecare.
CS: +493 - TD: +342 + CvA: -6 + d100: +70 == +215
Warding failed!
... and hits for 40 points of damage!
A n'ecare is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 35 points of damage!
Right hand fried to a crisp. Think barbecue sauce.
The n'ecare shrugs off the cold.
... 25 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Good blow to neck!!
Something snaps!
>atten no-
You are still stunned.
Annelie grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that she isn't there anymore.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a n'ecare.
CS: +493 - TD: +342 + CvA: -6 + d100: +94 == +239
Warding failed!
... and hits for 20 points of damage!
A n'ecare is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 40 points of damage!
Flames cook a n'ecare's chest. Looks about medium well.
The n'ecare shrugs off the cold.
... 10 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
Boadus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 69 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 48 = 301
Warding failed!
Boadus gibbers fitfully!
>atten no-
Rooster struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 87 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 10 = 245
Warding failed!
Rooster chatters his teeth rapidly!
Aljian struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 81 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 77 = 317
Warding failed!
Aljian cries out in sheer terror!
Bloodthorn struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 168 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 47 = 189
Warding failed!
Bloodthorn remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Hawker struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 99 = 264
Warding failed!
Hawker clutches his head and giggles madly, before choking on a pitiful whimper!
Johannia struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 117 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 65 = 262
Warding failed!
Johannia wails in exquisite fear!
You are still stunned.
Alyssea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 210 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 47 = 155
Warding failed!
Alyssea twitches fitfully!
Willowlea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 114 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 23 = 221
Warding failed!
Willowlea opens her mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Elvenwlf struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 6 = 243
Warding failed!
Elvenwlf cries out in sheer terror!
Teshara struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 21 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 61 = 358
Warding failed!
Teshara remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Queshu struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 123 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 97 = 291
Warding failed!
Queshu moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Doughboy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 33 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 74 = 362
Warding failed!
Doughboy remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Odevalis struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 24 = 188
Warding failed!
Odevalis is racked by convulsive shivers!
Darkdelon struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 83 = 244
Warding failed!
Darkdelon opens his mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Mandy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 213 + FvP: 21 + d100(L): -64 = 32
Warded off!
Mandy slowly regains control of her senses and she wipes away the tears from her eyes and the drool dribbling down her chin.
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 144 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 11 = 186
Warding failed!
You cry out in sheer terror!
Krellin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 129 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 75 = 257
Warding failed!
Krellin clutches his head and giggles madly, before choking on a pitiful whimper!
Kieana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 171 + FvP: 20 + d100(L): 46 = 183
Warding failed!
Kieana eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Inana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 99 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 25 = 240
Warding failed!
Inana rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Kyntair struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 20 = 149
Warding failed!
Kyntair clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Delonkin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 74 = 246
Warding failed!
Delonkin cowers in fear!
Padaxus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 96 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 48 = 266
Warding failed!
Padaxus clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Blizzerdd struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 177 + FvP: 35 + d100(L): 98 = 244
Warding failed!
Blizzerdd moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Amerith struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 61 = 243
Warding failed!
Amerith moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Divid struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 126 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 67 = 262
Warding failed!
Divid twitches fitfully!
Faulkil struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 11 = 192
Warding failed!
Faulkil remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Kyntair beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Kyntair appears as if a great weight has been lifted from his shoulders!
The glazed look leaves Kyntair!
Larktrill gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Larktrill.
A n'ecare swings a long blackened jeddart-axe at Mandy!
AS: +356 vs DS: -4 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +99 = +488
... and hits for 195 points of damage!
Wild downward slash severs Mandy's left foot!
Bloody stump, anyone?
* Mandy drops dead at your feet!
The n'ecare howls in evil delight!
A lost soul's eyes glow an eerie pale green!
A lost soul swings a gleaming silvery scythe at Blizzerdd!
AS: +488 vs DS: +86 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +88 = +515
... and hits for 166 points of damage!
Awesome slash severs Blizzerdd's right arm!
A jagged stump is all that remains!
* Blizzerdd drops dead at your feet!
The lost soul moans with evil delight!
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a n'ecare.
CS: +493 - TD: +342 + CvA: -6 + d100: +64 == +209
Warding failed!
... and hits for 29 points of damage!
The n'ecare falls to the ground motionless.
Rooster grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
Larktrill moves into a defensive stance, clearly guarding herself.
The ghostly voice of Evrem says, "Damnnation. . . ."
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
d100 == 1 FUMBLE!
A lost soul's eyes glow an eerie pale green!
A lost soul swings a gleaming silvery scythe at Hawker!
AS: +484 vs DS: +33 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +78 = +556
... and hits for 199 points of damage!
Well aimed strike shatters bone in right arm!
* Hawker drops dead at your feet!
The lost soul moans with evil delight!
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Larktrill gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Larktrill.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +391 + CvA: +25 + d100: +63 == +190
Warding failed!
... and hits for 20 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 50 points of damage!
Tremendous strike!
Vapor rushes from the neck following the blow!
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 65 points of damage!
Huge strike vaporizes the right thigh.
The lost soul convulses, falling inward upon itself while the leg mends.
... 45 points of damage!
Hard blast to the side of the left eye.
Strike carries right on through the bridge of the nose,
the other eye, and the rest of the head!
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +391 + CvA: +25 + d100: +60 == +187
Warding failed!
... and hits for 30 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 25 points of damage!
Good hit!
Left shoulder is ripped from its socket then wriggles back into place.
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 50 points of damage!
The lost soul slumps silently to the ground, his red eyes fading to grey.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a lost soul.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a lost soul.
Aljian grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
Larktrill gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Larktrill.
Boadus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 69 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 62 = 315
Warding failed!
Boadus eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Bloodthorn struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 168 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 89 = 231
Warding failed!
Bloodthorn cries out in sheer terror!
Johannia struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 117 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): -65 = 132
Warding failed!
Johannia wails in exquisite fear!
Alyssea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 210 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 100 = 208
Warding failed!
Alyssea twitches fitfully!
Willowlea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 114 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 35 = 233
Warding failed!
Willowlea opens her mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Elvenwlf struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 51 = 288
Warding failed!
Elvenwlf opens his mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Teshara struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 21 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 51 = 348
Warding failed!
Teshara moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Queshu struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 123 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 93 = 287
Warding failed!
Queshu babbles hysterically, drool running down his chin!
Doughboy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 33 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 93 = 381
Warding failed!
Doughboy moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Odevalis struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 35 = 199
Warding failed!
Odevalis chatters her teeth rapidly!
Darkdelon struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 52 = 213
Warding failed!
Darkdelon chatters his teeth rapidly!
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 144 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 76 = 251
Warding failed!
You gibber in fear!
Krellin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 129 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 81 = 263
Warding failed!
Krellin is racked by convulsive shivers!
Kieana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 171 + FvP: 20 + d100(L): 20 = 157
Warding failed!
Kieana rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Inana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 99 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 45 = 260
Warding failed!
Inana clutches her head and giggles madly, before choking on a pitiful whimper!
Kyntair struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 15 = 144
Warding failed!
Kyntair moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Delonkin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 54 = 226
Warding failed!
Delonkin babbles hysterically, drool running down his chin!
Padaxus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 96 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 27 = 245
Warding failed!
Padaxus moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Amerith struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 32 = 214
Warding failed!
Amerith moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Divid struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 126 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 16 = 211
Warding failed!
Divid wails in exquisite fear!
Faulkil struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 89 = 270
Warding failed!
Faulkil cowers in fear!
A lost soul fades into oblivion.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Dazmar just left.
The ghostly voice of Evrem says, "What I get for not expecting a surprise visit. . . ."
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +385 + CvA: +25 + d100: +85 == +218
Warding failed!
... and hits for 23 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 60 points of damage!
Strike to the abdomen goes right through, leaving misty trails in its wake.
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 55 points of damage!
A mighty attack shatters the left hand into a thousand fragments.
To your horror, the fragments turn to vapor and reform the hand.
... 90 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes left arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
The ghostly voice of Blizzerdd says, "What the hell."
Bloodthorn grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
A lost soul fades into oblivion.
A lost soul gestures and utters a phrase of arcane magic.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +385 + CvA: +25 + d100: +20 == +153
Warding failed!
... and hits for 28 points of damage!
The lost soul slumps silently to the ground, his red eyes fading to grey.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a lost soul.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a lost soul.
Niadja grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that she isn't there anymore.
To your utter amazement, Mandy's mouth opens and a terrible scream of rage comes out along with a wall of force that ripples out from Mandy's pale body.
A n'ecare is unharmed.
A lost soul is unharmed.
A lost soul is unharmed.
A n'ecare is unharmed.
You beseech Fash'lo'nae for some divine assistance.
Your petition to Fash'lo'nae has been heard and you feel a renewed freedom as a restricting force is abolished from you.
You are no longer stunned!
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
The last vestiges of the n'ecare are caught by a dank, cold wind and blown into oblivion.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Larktrill gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Larktrill.
Faulkil grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
>atten no
To your utter amazement, Mandy's mouth opens and a terrible scream of rage comes out along with a wall of force that ripples out from Mandy's pale body.
A lost soul is unharmed.
A lost soul is unharmed.
A n'ecare is unharmed.
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
Boadus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 69 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 72 = 325
Warding failed!
Boadus moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Johannia struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 117 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 8 = 205
Warding failed!
Johannia moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Alyssea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 210 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 93 = 201
Warding failed!
Alyssea moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Willowlea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 114 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): -38 = 160
Warding failed!
Willowlea moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Elvenwlf struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 98 = 335
Warding failed!
Elvenwlf clutches his head and giggles madly, before choking on a pitiful whimper!
Teshara struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 21 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 75 = 372
Warding failed!
Teshara wails in exquisite fear!
Queshu struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 123 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 86 = 280
Warding failed!
Queshu rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Doughboy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 33 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 90 = 378
Warding failed!
Doughboy eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Odevalis struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 83 = 247
Warding failed!
Odevalis chatters her teeth rapidly!
Darkdelon struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 83 = 244
Warding failed!
Darkdelon moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 144 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 76 = 251
Warding failed!
Your eyes grow wider as the crushing terror increases, every bad dream and fear materializing vividly in your mind's eye!
Krellin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 129 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 28 = 210
Warding failed!
Krellin twitches fitfully!
Kieana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 171 + FvP: 20 + d100(L): 32 = 169
Warding failed!
Kieana twitches fitfully!
Inana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 99 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 97 = 312
Warding failed!
Inana clutches herself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down her chin!
Kyntair struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 22 = 151
Warding failed!
Kyntair moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Delonkin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 58 = 230
Warding failed!
Delonkin moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Padaxus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 96 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 50 = 268
Warding failed!
Padaxus moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Amerith struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 17 = 199
Warding failed!
Amerith wails in exquisite fear!
Divid struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 126 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 43 = 238
Warding failed!
Divid moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Qar grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
Larktrill gestures.
Her body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
You beseech Fash'lo'nae for some divine assistance.
Your petition to Fash'lo'nae has been heard and you feel a renewed freedom as a restricting force is abolished from you.
You are no longer stunned!
>inc 1614
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Larktrill gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Larktrill.
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
The last vestiges of the n'ecare are caught by a dank, cold wind and blown into oblivion.
>'ok this sucks
You say, "Ok this sucks."
Larktrill changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...
Larktrill skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.
Larktrill begins to sing of heroic deeds and appears to be bolstered.
Boadus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 69 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 89 = 342
Warding failed!
Boadus eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Johannia struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 117 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 62 = 259
Warding failed!
Johannia opens her mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Alyssea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 210 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 16 = 124
Warding failed!
Alyssea gibbers fitfully!
Willowlea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 114 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 20 = 218
Warding failed!
Willowlea moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Elvenwlf struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 42 = 279
Warding failed!
Elvenwlf moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Teshara struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 21 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 51 = 348
Warding failed!
Teshara is racked by convulsive shivers!
Queshu struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 123 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 57 = 251
Warding failed!
Queshu chatters his teeth rapidly!
Doughboy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 33 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 24 = 312
Warding failed!
Doughboy rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Odevalis struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 63 = 227
Warding failed!
Odevalis wails in exquisite fear!
Darkdelon struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): -71 = 90
Warded off!
Darkdelon slowly regains control of his senses and he wipes away the tears from his eyes and the drool dribbling down his chin.
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 144 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 80 = 255
Warding failed!
You moan pitifully as you hold your head in your hands, unable to do anything but whimper with fear!
Krellin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 129 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 98 = 280
Warding failed!
Krellin clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Kieana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 171 + FvP: 20 + d100(L): 51 = 188
Warding failed!
Kieana remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Inana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 99 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 8 = 223
Warding failed!
Inana is racked by convulsive shivers!
Kyntair struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 37 = 166
Warding failed!
Kyntair remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Delonkin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 33 = 205
Warding failed!
Delonkin clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Padaxus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 96 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 84 = 302
Warding failed!
Padaxus gibbers fitfully!
Amerith struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 29 = 211
Warding failed!
Amerith chatters her teeth rapidly!
Divid struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 126 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 100 = 295
Warding failed!
Divid chatters his teeth rapidly!
Hawker grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
You beseech Fash'lo'nae for some divine assistance.
Your petition to Fash'lo'nae has been heard and you feel a renewed freedom as a restricting force is abolished from you.
You are no longer stunned!
The ghostly voice of Greymalkyn calmly says, "That the..."
Larktrill changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...
Evrem grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
Larktrill skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.
As Larktrill sings, the air sparkles briefly around her.
You beseech Fash'lo'nae for some divine assistance.
You are left with an empty feeling as your request for aid goes unheard.
Fammka just arrived.
Ethereal energies buffet the surrounds shoving a wall of air before it!
Fammka flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Alyssea flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Amerith flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Johannia flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Larktrill flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Teshara flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Divid flashes with a bright ethereal light!
An ethereal light washes over you as you sense mana collecting around and in you!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You feel the magic alien to you slipping away...
Kieana flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Krellin flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Doughboy flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Elvenwlf flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Odevalis flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Gob flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Kyntair flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Darkdelon flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Darkdelon seems a bit less imposing.
Darkdelon becomes solid again.
Delonkin flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Padaxus flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Inana flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Boadus flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Queshu flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Willowlea flashes with a bright ethereal light!
A lost soul fades into oblivion.
...wait 3 seconds.
Fammka grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that she isn't there anymore.
[The Rift]
The ground beneath you is white, strangely grainy and light. Tunnels lead off to the northeast and southwest, winding erratically through the odd ear
Speaking to Tsanah, Fammka asks, "Would you like some refreshment?"
Fammka offers Tsanah a glass of vivid green absinthe.
Charna rubs her eyes.
Tsanah says, "Perhaps we should sell you into slavery, though i doubt I get two wooden coins for you."
Fammka says, "It's tasty."
Rooster darkly says, "Wonder how this will play out."
Tsanah scowls.
Charna takes off a pair of warped copper-framed spectacles with mirrored lenses.
Sagoth gives Velvette a friendly hug.
Charna folds up the earpieces of her spectacles.
Charna removes a sleek burnished silver spectacles case from in her wide-necked robes.
Blizzerdd nods to Tsanah.
Charna put a pair of warped copper-framed spectacles with mirrored lenses in her spectacles case.
Riok just arrived.
Riok hands over some silver, writes his name on a ticket, then drops the ticket in the raffle barrel.
Charna just closed a sleek burnished silver spectacles case.
Charna put a sleek burnished silver spectacles case in her wide-necked robes.
Fammka looks rather confused.
Krellin says, "I'll bid 3 silvers."
Krellin nods to Tsanah.
Riok just went out.
Fammka gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Laleena nods.
Laleena glances around the room.
Tsanah asks, "Really?"
Alyssea gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Tsanah glances at Krellin.
Laleena tucks her hand into the crook of Wulfhen's arm as she moves next to him.
Krellin nods to Tsanah.
Jullius recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Jullius gestures.
Jullius appears somehow changed.
Dazmar says, "Umm no thanks."
Tsanah asks, "What would you do with it?"
Rooster darkly says, "Bah gnome ate all my wooden coins."
Dazmar says, "No bidding on my fiance, thanks."
Velvette just went out.
Wulfhen gives Laleena a gentle kiss on the cheek.
Wulfhen rubs his black leather collar, causing darkness to stream across its surface briefly.
Wulfhen gets an odd look on his face.
Krellin ponders.
Alyssea smiles.
Laleena nods.
Krellin asks, "End table?"
Krellin grunts.
Speaking in Dark Elven, Fammka asks something you don't understand.
Great Lord Sagoth just went out.
Charna just went out.
Tsanah says, "Stay out of this Dazmar, we are conducting business."
Alyssea says, "I am not for sale."
Alyssea looks over at Tsanah and shakes her head.
Great Lord Sagoth just arrived.
Dazmar says, "Dont scare me with your tactics."
Blizzerdd begins chuckling at Tsanah!
Krellin shrugs.
Sagoth joins Odevalis's group.
Fammka shrugs.
Tsanah says, "We didn't ask you either, speak when you are spoken too."
Dazmar asks, "What will you do, send me to the rift?"
Dazmar laughs!
Velvette just arrived.
Tsanah asks, "End table, huh?"
Inana leans against Padaxus, resting her head on his chest and turning her eyes to meet his.
Toleena looks thoughtfully at Dazmar.
Sirona just arrived.
Dazmar says, "I beg of you."
Alyssea says, "I am however, wanting to hold that waraxe."
Lightning flares from the end of the staff and the stench of ozone becomes heavy in the air. A bolt shoots directly into the altar which begins to glow and then begins to bleed.
Sirona just vanished.
Velvette just vanished.
Sagoth just vanished.
Toleena just vanished.
Annelie just vanished.
Rooster just vanished.
Aljian just vanished.
Bloodthorn just vanished.
Niadja just vanished.
Faulkil just vanished.
Qar just vanished.
Hawker just vanished.
Evrem just vanished.
Wulfhen just vanished.
Fammka just vanished.
Greymalkyn just vanished.
Willowlea just vanished.
Queshu just vanished.
Boadus just vanished.
Murdawk just vanished.
Inana just vanished.
Padaxus just vanished.
Delonkin just vanished.
Amerith just vanished.
Blizzerdd just vanished.
Darkdelon just vanished.
Kyntair just vanished.
Gob just vanished.
Celeerial just vanished.
Odevalis just vanished.
Elvenwlf just vanished.
Grubbel just vanished.
Doughboy just vanished.
Krellin just vanished.
Kieana just vanished.
Alyssea just vanished.
Dazmar just vanished.
You feel yourself pulled away.
[The Rift]
The ground beneath you is white, strangely grainy and light. Tunnels lead off to the northeast and southwest, winding erratically through the odd earth. Walls made of a hard, transparent material close about you, distorting the images beyond them. Looking carefully, it almost seems that a small human sits just beyond the glass, staring at you with great interest.
Also here: High Lord Dazmar, High Lady Alyssea, Kieana, Great Lord Krellin, Doughboy, Grubbel, Lord Elvenwlf, Lady Odevalis, Celeerial, Gob, Great Lord Kyntair, Darkdelon, Blizzerdd, Amerith, Delonkin, Padaxus, Inana, Murdawk, Boadus, Great Lord Queshu, Willowlea, Greymalkyn, Great Lady Fammka, Wulfhen, Great Lord Evrem, Hawker, Qar, Faulkil (sitting), Niadja, Great Lord Bloodthorn, Aljian, Lord Rooster, Annelie, Toleena, Great Lord Sagoth, Velvette, Sirona
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
Mandy just materialized from nowhere.
Divid just materialized from nowhere.
Teshara just materialized from nowhere.
Larktrill just materialized from nowhere.
Johannia just materialized from nowhere.
Jullius just materialized from nowhere.
Lucos just materialized from nowhere.
Jullius says, "I think Krellin simply said that your assessment of the situation was inaccurate. Therefore, he defied you with a bid contrary to what you said."
Dazmar says, "Tried to get a free trip early."
Odevalis blinks.
Alyssea gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Larktrill changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...
As Lucos whispers to the ivory white skull on his equipment case, one of its arms unfreezes and swings out carrying a eahnor key. It carefully inserts it into the lock and with a *click* it opens!
Lucos carefully moves the skeleton hands out of the way and opens his equipment case.
Lucos removes a stark black prayer veil from in his equipment case.
You say, "Umm..."
Lucos puts on a stark black prayer veil.
Lucos removes a blackened skull-shaped buckler from in a dark vaalin equipment case entombed within a shattered bone skeleton.
Jullius's group just went northeast.
Lucos removes an ivory-hilted skeleton-cut falchion from in his equipment case.
As Lucos closes his case, a skeletal hand swings down from the skeleton perched on top holding a eahnor key and carefully locks the equipment case and returns to its side.
Larktrill skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.
The sonic barrier surrounding Larktrill dissipates.
Larktrill begins singing and focuses her voice into a vortex of air centered around her body.
Celeerial says, "Uh."
Jullius's group just arrived.
>get no-da from my cloa
Boadus sighs.
Larktrill drops all defense as she moves into a battle-ready stance.
You remove a white ora no-dachi from in your spidersilk cloak.
You hear the sound of a thousand voices wailing discordantly as a lost soul floats in!
Speaking in Dark Elven, Fammka asks something you don't understand.
>post def
Wulfhen ponders.
You move into a defensive stance, ready to fend off an attack.
Odevalis says, "Uhm.."
Dazmar makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Dazmar gestures.
His body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
Inana says, "Oh wonderful."
Toleena just went northeast.
Jullius slings a lightning scorched vaalorn-edged eahnor tower shield off from over his shoulder.
Mandy chuckles menacingly.
Grubbel smirks.
Toleena just arrived.
Wulfhen just went northeast.
High Lord Dazmar's group just went southwest.
>sign striking
>sign smiting
Willowlea screams!
>sign warding
>sign defending
>cman surg
You grip your white ora no-dachi with renewed vigor!
You grip your white ora no-dachi with renewed vigor!
Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
Toleena just went southwest.
Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
>sign shield
You focus deep within yourself, searching for untapped sources of strength.
You feel a great deal stronger.
>sign deflection
You flinch as the flames surrounding your white ora no-dachi flare out suddenly!
>sign sword
>sign staunching
Your dancing fingers weave a web of protection around you!
Wulfhen just arrived.
You feel magical energies distort and flow around you.
You grip your white ora no-dachi with renewed vigor!
Your veins throb and your blood sings.
High Lord Dazmar's group just arrived.
Velvette slings an intricately carved sylvan bow off from over her shoulder.
Wulfhen just went southwest.
A n'ecare pads in silently!
Alyssea drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Alyssea's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Amerith drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Amerith's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Dazmar drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Dazmar's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Johannia drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Johannia's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Teshara drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Teshara's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Divid drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Divid's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Mandy drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Mandy's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
You drop to your knees in utter despair! Overcome by the foul stench of pure evil emanating from the lost soul, your arms fall slack at your sides and feel your limbs slipping away as an utter and complete fear seizes a suffocating control of your mind and body!
Kieana drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Kieana's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Krellin drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Krellin's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Doughboy drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Doughboy's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Grubbel drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Grubbel's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Elvenwlf drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Elvenwlf's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Odevalis drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Odevalis's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Celeerial drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Celeerial's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Gob's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes fill with paralyzing fear!
Kyntair drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Kyntair's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Darkdelon drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Darkdelon's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Blizzerdd drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Blizzerdd's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Delonkin drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Delonkin's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Padaxus drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Padaxus's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Inana drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Inana's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Murdawk drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Murdawk's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Boadus drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Boadus's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Queshu drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Queshu's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Willowlea drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Willowlea's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Greymalkyn drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Greymalkyn's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Fammka drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Fammka's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Evrem drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Evrem's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Hawker drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Hawker's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Faulkil's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Niadja drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Niadja's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Bloodthorn drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Bloodthorn's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Aljian drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Aljian's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Rooster drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Rooster's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Annelie drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Annelie's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Sagoth drops to his knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Sagoth's arms fall slack at his side and his eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Velvette drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Velvette's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
Sirona drops to her knees in utter despair! Overcome by the pure evil emanating from the lost soul, Sirona's arms fall slack at her side and her eyes grow wide with an overwhelming look of fear!
A lost soul points both spectral hands at Lucos!
CS: +384 - TD: +319 + CvA: +2 + d100: +40 - -5 == +112
Warding failed!
Lucos suddenly looks terrified!
Lucos suddenly bolts southwest!
Jullius recites a series of mystical phrases while raising his hands...
Jullius gestures.
Jullius looks considerably more imposing.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +410 + CvA: +25 + d100: +93 == +201
Warding failed!
... and hits for 22 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 40 points of damage!
Brutal blow to the neck sends head flying!
The head floats up and settles back in place as easily as a hat.
What is this, a haberdashery?
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 70 points of damage!
Amazing shot cleaves the torso in half at the waist!
You watch agape as the misty form knits itself back together!
... 35 points of damage!
Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf.
New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old.
A lost soul swings a gleaming silvery scythe at Rooster!
AS: +408 vs DS: +138 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +99 = +397
... and hits for 134 points of damage!
Deep slash to Rooster's right forearm!
A dark shadowy tendril rises up from Rooster's skin, writhes its way up a gleaming silvery scythe towards a lost soul and lashes out malevolently...
CS: +150 - TD: +410 + CvA: +25 + d100: +65 == -170
Warded off!
A dull grey beam snakes out toward the lost soul, but dissipates upon impact.
A lost soul floats in!
Fammka just left.
Gob regains control of his senses!
A n'ecare swings a long blackened jeddart-axe at Greymalkyn!
AS: +386 vs DS: +101 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +94 = +407
... and hits for 157 points of damage!
Wicked slash slices open Greymalkyn's chest!
Heart and lungs pureed!
* Greymalkyn drops dead at your feet!
The n'ecare howls in evil delight!
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
The Greymalkyn disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
The shadows surrounding Larktrill's black ora lance wrap tighter around her hand.
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +394 + CvA: +25 + d100: +11 == +135
Warding failed!
... and hits for 25 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 40 points of damage!
A strong blow cleaves the left wrist!
The hand dangles, spinning slowly, and then snaps back in place!
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 50 points of damage!
Hard strike to the abdomen.
Ethereal entrails seem to spill from the lost soul's mangled substance,
vanishing into misty tendrils as they strike the ground.
... 25 points of damage!
Strong attack rips through the neck!
To your horror, the lost soul's substance flows around the wound without leaving a trace!
Velvette struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 195 + FvP: 16 + d100(L): 51 = 160
Warding failed!
Velvette remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Sagoth struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 177 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 93 = 236
Warding failed!
Sagoth chatters his teeth rapidly!
Boadus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 69 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 46 = 299
Warding failed!
Boadus babbles hysterically, drool running down his chin!
Annelie struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 57 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 49 = 309
Warding failed!
Annelie gibbers fitfully!
Rooster struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 87 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 64 = 299
Warding failed!
Rooster cowers in fear!
Aljian struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 81 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 80 = 320
Warding failed!
Aljian rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Bloodthorn struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 168 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 50 = 192
Warding failed!
Bloodthorn cowers in fear!
Niadja struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 35 = 281
Warding failed!
Niadja gibbers fitfully!
Hawker struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 81 = 246
Warding failed!
Hawker moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Sirona struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 72 + FvP: 40 + d100(L): 47 = 303
Warding failed!
Sirona moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Evrem struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 61 = 196
Warding failed!
Evrem moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Johannia struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 117 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 78 = 275
Warding failed!
Johannia rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Alyssea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 210 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 84 = 192
Warding failed!
Alyssea is racked by convulsive shivers!
Willowlea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 114 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 70 = 268
Warding failed!
Willowlea wails in exquisite fear!
Elvenwlf struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 19 = 256
Warding failed!
Elvenwlf rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Teshara struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 21 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 26 = 323
Warding failed!
Teshara opens her mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Queshu struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 123 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 39 = 233
Warding failed!
Queshu gibbers fitfully!
Murdawk struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 72 + FvP: 28 + d100(L): 43 = 287
Warding failed!
Murdawk clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Doughboy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 33 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 97 = 385
Warding failed!
Doughboy babbles hysterically, drool running down his chin!
Odevalis struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 86 = 250
Warding failed!
Odevalis babbles hysterically, drool running down her chin!
Darkdelon struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 77 = 238
Warding failed!
Darkdelon moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Mandy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 213 + FvP: 21 + d100(L): 52 = 148
Warding failed!
Mandy clutches herself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down her chin!
Grubbel struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 48 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 74 = 348
Warding failed!
Grubbel moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 144 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 21 = 196
Warding failed!
Your eyes grow wider as the crushing terror increases, every bad dream and fear materializing vividly in your mind's eye!
Krellin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 129 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 67 = 249
Warding failed!
Krellin remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Celeerial struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 77 = 246
Warding failed!
Celeerial moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Kieana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 171 + FvP: 20 + d100(L): 31 = 168
Warding failed!
Kieana babbles hysterically, drool running down her chin!
Inana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 99 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 59 = 274
Warding failed!
Inana gibbers fitfully!
Kyntair struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 30 = 159
Warding failed!
Kyntair eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Delonkin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 82 = 254
Warding failed!
Delonkin babbles hysterically, drool running down his chin!
Dazmar struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 216 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 91 = 194
Warding failed!
Dazmar wails in exquisite fear!
Padaxus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 96 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 91 = 309
Warding failed!
Padaxus eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Blizzerdd struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 177 + FvP: 35 + d100(L): 39 = 185
Warding failed!
Blizzerdd moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Amerith struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 10 = 192
Warding failed!
Amerith opens her mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Divid struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 126 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 15 = 210
Warding failed!
Divid remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Faulkil struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 47 = 228
Warding failed!
Faulkil rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
A n'ecare swings a long blackened jeddart-axe at Qar!
AS: +386 vs DS: +590 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +11 = -163
A clean miss.
A lost soul gestures and utters a phrase of arcane magic.
A lost soul points both spectral hands at Celeerial!
CS: +369 - TD: +191 + CvA: +12 + d100: +39 - -5 == +234
Warding failed!
Celeerial suddenly looks terrified!
Celeerial turns and runs screaming into the distance . . . you don't hear her stop for quite some time.
A lost soul floats in!
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Kyntair beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Kyntair appears as if a great weight has been lifted from his shoulders!
The glazed look leaves Kyntair!
Jullius grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
[The Rift]
The ground beneath you is white, strangely grainy and light. Tunnels lead off to the northeast and southwest, winding erratically through the odd earth. Walls made of a hard, transparent material close about you, distorting the images beyond them. Looking carefully, it almost seems that a small human sits just beyond the glass, staring at you with great interest. You also see a lost soul, an enruned haon box, an engraved haon trunk, a lost soul, a n'ecare and a lost soul.
Also here: a stunned High Lady Alyssea (kneeling), a stunned Amerith (kneeling), a stunned High Lord Dazmar (kneeling), a stunned Johannia (kneeling), Larktrill, a stunned Teshara (kneeling), a stunned Divid (kneeling), a stunned High Lady Mandy (kneeling), a stunned Kieana (kneeling), a stunned Great Lord Krellin (kneeling), a stunned Doughboy (kneeling), a stunned Grubbel (kneeling), a stunned Lord Elvenwlf (kneeling), a stunned Lady Odevalis (kneeling), Gob, Great Lord Kyntair (kneeling), a stunned Darkdelon (kneeling), a stunned Blizzerdd (kneeling), a stunned Delonkin (kneeling), a stunned Padaxus (kneeling), a stunned Inana (kneeling), a stunned Murdawk (kneeling), a stunned Boadus (kneeling), a stunned Great Lord Queshu (kneeling), a stunned Willowlea (kneeling), the body of Greymalkyn (prone), a stunned Great Lord Evrem (kneeling), a stunned Hawker (kneeling), Qar, a stunned Faulkil (sitting), a stunned Niadja (kneeling), a stunned Great Lord Bloodthorn (kneeling), a stunned Aljian (kneeling), a stunned Lord Rooster (kneeling), a stunned Annelie (kneeling), a stunned Great Lord Sagoth (kneeling), a stunned Velvette (kneeling), a stunned Sirona (kneeling)
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest
A lost soul gestures and utters a phrase of arcane magic.
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
A pale, shimmering barrier coalesces around the lost soul for a brief instant!
CS: +493 - TD: +458 + CvA: +25 + d100: +64 == +124
Warding failed!
... and hits for 24 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 40 points of damage!
A massive blow to the right shoulder hoists the lost soul high into the air.
It hangs there a moment, suspended, before falling forward.
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 15 points of damage!
The lost soul slumps silently to the ground, his red eyes fading to grey.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a lost soul.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a lost soul.
You feel at full magical power again.
You feel fully energetic again.
A n'ecare swings a long blackened jeddart-axe at Niadja!
AS: +386 vs DS: +49 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +50 = +416
... and hits for 164 points of damage!
Mighty swing separates head from shoulders.
* Niadja drops dead at your feet!
The n'ecare howls in evil delight!
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +394 + CvA: +25 + d100: +100 == +224
Warding failed!
... and hits for 33 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 35 points of damage!
Right arm ripped in half at elbow!
The fallen arm evaporates as a new one materializes.
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 35 points of damage!
Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf.
New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old.
The lost soul slumps silently to the ground, his red eyes fading to grey.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a lost soul.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a lost soul.
The shadows surrounding Larktrill's black ora lance wrap tighter around her hand.
>inc 1614
Sirona grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that she isn't there anymore.
You are still stunned.
A lost soul floats in!
Velvette struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 195 + FvP: 16 + d100(L): 6 = 115
Warding failed!
Velvette opens her mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Sagoth struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 177 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 22 = 165
Warding failed!
Sagoth cries out in sheer terror!
Boadus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 69 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 50 = 303
Warding failed!
Boadus wails in exquisite fear!
Annelie struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 57 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 56 = 316
Warding failed!
Annelie eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Rooster struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 87 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 31 = 266
Warding failed!
Rooster moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Aljian struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 81 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 28 = 268
Warding failed!
Aljian moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Bloodthorn struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 168 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 84 = 226
Warding failed!
Bloodthorn moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Hawker struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 8 = 173
Warding failed!
Hawker gibbers fitfully!
Evrem struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 95 = 230
Warding failed!
Evrem clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Johannia struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 117 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 61 = 258
Warding failed!
Johannia eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Alyssea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 210 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 76 = 184
Warding failed!
Alyssea moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Willowlea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 114 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 77 = 275
Warding failed!
Willowlea moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Elvenwlf struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 22 = 259
Warding failed!
Elvenwlf wails in exquisite fear!
Teshara struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 21 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 88 = 385
Warding failed!
Teshara gibbers fitfully!
Queshu struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 123 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 27 = 221
Warding failed!
Queshu moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Murdawk struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 72 + FvP: 28 + d100(L): 52 = 296
Warding failed!
Murdawk moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Doughboy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 33 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 45 = 333
Warding failed!
Doughboy clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Odevalis struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 82 = 246
Warding failed!
Odevalis wails in exquisite fear!
Darkdelon struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 29 = 190
Warding failed!
Darkdelon moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Mandy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 213 + FvP: 21 + d100(L): 88 = 184
Warding failed!
Mandy moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Grubbel struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 48 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 41 = 315
Warding failed!
Grubbel chatters his teeth rapidly!
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 144 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 69 = 244
Warding failed!
Your mind remains a morass of screaming chaos, and you can only twitch in response to any attempt to move!
Krellin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 129 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 24 = 206
Warding failed!
Krellin cries out in sheer terror!
Kieana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 171 + FvP: 20 + d100(L): 59 = 196
Warding failed!
Kieana chatters her teeth rapidly!
Inana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 99 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 75 = 290
Warding failed!
Inana babbles hysterically, drool running down her chin!
Kyntair struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 86 = 215
Warding failed!
Kyntair moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Delonkin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 44 = 216
Warding failed!
Delonkin cowers in fear!
Dazmar struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 216 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 70 = 173
Warding failed!
Dazmar remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Padaxus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 96 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 20 = 238
Warding failed!
Padaxus moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Blizzerdd struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 177 + FvP: 35 + d100(L): 31 = 177
Warding failed!
Blizzerdd opens his mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Amerith struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 32 = 214
Warding failed!
Amerith moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Divid struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 126 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 57 = 252
Warding failed!
Divid cowers in fear!
Faulkil struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 78 = 259
Warding failed!
Faulkil twitches fitfully!
A n'ecare rakes ribbons of flesh from the face of Greymalkyn.
A n'ecare pads in silently!
A lost soul points both spectral hands at Grubbel!
CS: +360 - TD: +53 + CvA: -9 + d100: +68 - +15 == +351
Warding failed!
Grubbel suddenly looks terrified!
Grubbel turns and runs screaming into the distance . . . you don't hear him stop for quite some time.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a n'ecare.
CS: +493 - TD: +342 + CvA: -6 + d100: +81 == +226
Warding failed!
... and hits for 24 points of damage!
A n'ecare is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 70 points of damage!
Fire completely surrounds a n'ecare. Blood boils and heart stops.
The n'ecare falls to the ground motionless.
Velvette grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that she isn't there anymore.
Larktrill changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...
Larktrill skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.
Larktrill begins to sing of valiant legends and appears to be more protected.
Sagoth grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a n'ecare.
CS: +493 - TD: +342 + CvA: -6 + d100: +13 == +158
Warding failed!
... and hits for 20 points of damage!
A n'ecare is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 35 points of damage!
Left hand fried to a crisp. Think barbecue sauce.
The n'ecare shrugs off the cold.
... 15 points of damage!
... 5 points of damage!
Blow connects with abdomen.
Kyntair beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Kyntair appears as if a great weight has been lifted from his shoulders!
The glazed look leaves Kyntair!
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Larktrill gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Larktrill.
A n'ecare swings a long blackened jeddart-axe at Dazmar!
AS: +386 vs DS: +58 with AvD: +31 + d100 roll: +84 = +443
... and hits for 171 points of damage!
Hard slash to Dazmar's side!
Right arm no longer available for use.
* Dazmar drops dead at your feet!
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Dazmar.
The n'ecare howls in evil delight!
A lost soul points both spectral hands at Murdawk!
CS: +366 - TD: +86 + CvA: +25 + d100: +58 - -5 == +368
Warding failed!
Murdawk suddenly looks terrified!
Murdawk turns and runs screaming into the distance . . . you don't hear him stop for quite some time.
A lost soul swings a gleaming silvery scythe at Evrem!
AS: +409 vs DS: +12 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +17 = +439
... and hits for 140 points of damage!
Awesome shot skewers skull! Evrem blinks once and falls quite dead!
* Evrem drops dead at your feet!
The lost soul moans with evil delight!
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a n'ecare.
CS: +493 - TD: +342 + CvA: -6 + d100: +70 == +215
Warding failed!
... and hits for 40 points of damage!
A n'ecare is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 35 points of damage!
Right hand fried to a crisp. Think barbecue sauce.
The n'ecare shrugs off the cold.
... 25 points of damage!
... 30 points of damage!
Good blow to neck!!
Something snaps!
>atten no-
You are still stunned.
Annelie grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that she isn't there anymore.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a n'ecare.
CS: +493 - TD: +342 + CvA: -6 + d100: +94 == +239
Warding failed!
... and hits for 20 points of damage!
A n'ecare is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 40 points of damage!
Flames cook a n'ecare's chest. Looks about medium well.
The n'ecare shrugs off the cold.
... 10 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Blow to back connects lightly.
Boadus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 69 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 48 = 301
Warding failed!
Boadus gibbers fitfully!
>atten no-
Rooster struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 87 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 10 = 245
Warding failed!
Rooster chatters his teeth rapidly!
Aljian struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 81 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 77 = 317
Warding failed!
Aljian cries out in sheer terror!
Bloodthorn struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 168 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 47 = 189
Warding failed!
Bloodthorn remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Hawker struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 99 = 264
Warding failed!
Hawker clutches his head and giggles madly, before choking on a pitiful whimper!
Johannia struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 117 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 65 = 262
Warding failed!
Johannia wails in exquisite fear!
You are still stunned.
Alyssea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 210 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 47 = 155
Warding failed!
Alyssea twitches fitfully!
Willowlea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 114 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 23 = 221
Warding failed!
Willowlea opens her mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Elvenwlf struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 6 = 243
Warding failed!
Elvenwlf cries out in sheer terror!
Teshara struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 21 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 61 = 358
Warding failed!
Teshara remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Queshu struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 123 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 97 = 291
Warding failed!
Queshu moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Doughboy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 33 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 74 = 362
Warding failed!
Doughboy remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Odevalis struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 24 = 188
Warding failed!
Odevalis is racked by convulsive shivers!
Darkdelon struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 83 = 244
Warding failed!
Darkdelon opens his mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Mandy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 213 + FvP: 21 + d100(L): -64 = 32
Warded off!
Mandy slowly regains control of her senses and she wipes away the tears from her eyes and the drool dribbling down her chin.
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 144 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 11 = 186
Warding failed!
You cry out in sheer terror!
Krellin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 129 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 75 = 257
Warding failed!
Krellin clutches his head and giggles madly, before choking on a pitiful whimper!
Kieana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 171 + FvP: 20 + d100(L): 46 = 183
Warding failed!
Kieana eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Inana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 99 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 25 = 240
Warding failed!
Inana rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Kyntair struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 20 = 149
Warding failed!
Kyntair clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Delonkin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 74 = 246
Warding failed!
Delonkin cowers in fear!
Padaxus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 96 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 48 = 266
Warding failed!
Padaxus clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Blizzerdd struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 177 + FvP: 35 + d100(L): 98 = 244
Warding failed!
Blizzerdd moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Amerith struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 61 = 243
Warding failed!
Amerith moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Divid struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 126 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 67 = 262
Warding failed!
Divid twitches fitfully!
Faulkil struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 11 = 192
Warding failed!
Faulkil remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Kyntair beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Kyntair appears as if a great weight has been lifted from his shoulders!
The glazed look leaves Kyntair!
Larktrill gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Larktrill.
A n'ecare swings a long blackened jeddart-axe at Mandy!
AS: +356 vs DS: -4 with AvD: +29 + d100 roll: +99 = +488
... and hits for 195 points of damage!
Wild downward slash severs Mandy's left foot!
Bloody stump, anyone?
* Mandy drops dead at your feet!
The n'ecare howls in evil delight!
A lost soul's eyes glow an eerie pale green!
A lost soul swings a gleaming silvery scythe at Blizzerdd!
AS: +488 vs DS: +86 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +88 = +515
... and hits for 166 points of damage!
Awesome slash severs Blizzerdd's right arm!
A jagged stump is all that remains!
* Blizzerdd drops dead at your feet!
The lost soul moans with evil delight!
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a n'ecare.
CS: +493 - TD: +342 + CvA: -6 + d100: +64 == +209
Warding failed!
... and hits for 29 points of damage!
The n'ecare falls to the ground motionless.
Rooster grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
Larktrill moves into a defensive stance, clearly guarding herself.
The ghostly voice of Evrem says, "Damnnation. . . ."
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
d100 == 1 FUMBLE!
A lost soul's eyes glow an eerie pale green!
A lost soul swings a gleaming silvery scythe at Hawker!
AS: +484 vs DS: +33 with AvD: +27 + d100 roll: +78 = +556
... and hits for 199 points of damage!
Well aimed strike shatters bone in right arm!
* Hawker drops dead at your feet!
The lost soul moans with evil delight!
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Larktrill gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Larktrill.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +391 + CvA: +25 + d100: +63 == +190
Warding failed!
... and hits for 20 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 50 points of damage!
Tremendous strike!
Vapor rushes from the neck following the blow!
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 65 points of damage!
Huge strike vaporizes the right thigh.
The lost soul convulses, falling inward upon itself while the leg mends.
... 45 points of damage!
Hard blast to the side of the left eye.
Strike carries right on through the bridge of the nose,
the other eye, and the rest of the head!
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +391 + CvA: +25 + d100: +60 == +187
Warding failed!
... and hits for 30 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 25 points of damage!
Good hit!
Left shoulder is ripped from its socket then wriggles back into place.
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 50 points of damage!
The lost soul slumps silently to the ground, his red eyes fading to grey.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a lost soul.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a lost soul.
Aljian grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
Larktrill gestures.
A brilliant luminescence surrounds Larktrill.
Boadus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 69 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 62 = 315
Warding failed!
Boadus eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Bloodthorn struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 168 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 89 = 231
Warding failed!
Bloodthorn cries out in sheer terror!
Johannia struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 117 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): -65 = 132
Warding failed!
Johannia wails in exquisite fear!
Alyssea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 210 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 100 = 208
Warding failed!
Alyssea twitches fitfully!
Willowlea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 114 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 35 = 233
Warding failed!
Willowlea opens her mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Elvenwlf struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 51 = 288
Warding failed!
Elvenwlf opens his mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Teshara struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 21 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 51 = 348
Warding failed!
Teshara moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Queshu struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 123 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 93 = 287
Warding failed!
Queshu babbles hysterically, drool running down his chin!
Doughboy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 33 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 93 = 381
Warding failed!
Doughboy moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Odevalis struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 35 = 199
Warding failed!
Odevalis chatters her teeth rapidly!
Darkdelon struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 52 = 213
Warding failed!
Darkdelon chatters his teeth rapidly!
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 144 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 76 = 251
Warding failed!
You gibber in fear!
Krellin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 129 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 81 = 263
Warding failed!
Krellin is racked by convulsive shivers!
Kieana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 171 + FvP: 20 + d100(L): 20 = 157
Warding failed!
Kieana rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Inana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 99 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 45 = 260
Warding failed!
Inana clutches her head and giggles madly, before choking on a pitiful whimper!
Kyntair struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 15 = 144
Warding failed!
Kyntair moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Delonkin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 54 = 226
Warding failed!
Delonkin babbles hysterically, drool running down his chin!
Padaxus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 96 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 27 = 245
Warding failed!
Padaxus moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Amerith struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 32 = 214
Warding failed!
Amerith moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Divid struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 126 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 16 = 211
Warding failed!
Divid wails in exquisite fear!
Faulkil struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 89 = 270
Warding failed!
Faulkil cowers in fear!
A lost soul fades into oblivion.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Dazmar just left.
The ghostly voice of Evrem says, "What I get for not expecting a surprise visit. . . ."
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +385 + CvA: +25 + d100: +85 == +218
Warding failed!
... and hits for 23 points of damage!
A lost soul is suddenly engulfed in flames of pure essence!
... 60 points of damage!
Strike to the abdomen goes right through, leaving misty trails in its wake.
The lost soul shrugs off the cold.
... 55 points of damage!
A mighty attack shatters the left hand into a thousand fragments.
To your horror, the fragments turn to vapor and reform the hand.
... 90 points of damage!
Huge hit explodes left arm into cold, viscous mist.
When you look again, the arm has reformed.
The ghostly voice of Blizzerdd says, "What the hell."
Bloodthorn grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
A lost soul fades into oblivion.
A lost soul gestures and utters a phrase of arcane magic.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Qar gestures at a lost soul.
CS: +493 - TD: +385 + CvA: +25 + d100: +20 == +153
Warding failed!
... and hits for 28 points of damage!
The lost soul slumps silently to the ground, his red eyes fading to grey.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves a lost soul.
The brilliant luminescence fades from around a lost soul.
Niadja grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that she isn't there anymore.
To your utter amazement, Mandy's mouth opens and a terrible scream of rage comes out along with a wall of force that ripples out from Mandy's pale body.
A n'ecare is unharmed.
A lost soul is unharmed.
A lost soul is unharmed.
A n'ecare is unharmed.
You beseech Fash'lo'nae for some divine assistance.
Your petition to Fash'lo'nae has been heard and you feel a renewed freedom as a restricting force is abolished from you.
You are no longer stunned!
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
The last vestiges of the n'ecare are caught by a dank, cold wind and blown into oblivion.
Qar traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Larktrill gestures.
A bright luminescence surrounds Larktrill.
Faulkil grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
>atten no
To your utter amazement, Mandy's mouth opens and a terrible scream of rage comes out along with a wall of force that ripples out from Mandy's pale body.
A lost soul is unharmed.
A lost soul is unharmed.
A n'ecare is unharmed.
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
Boadus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 69 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 72 = 325
Warding failed!
Boadus moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Johannia struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 117 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 8 = 205
Warding failed!
Johannia moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Alyssea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 210 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 93 = 201
Warding failed!
Alyssea moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Willowlea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 114 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): -38 = 160
Warding failed!
Willowlea moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Elvenwlf struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 98 = 335
Warding failed!
Elvenwlf clutches his head and giggles madly, before choking on a pitiful whimper!
Teshara struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 21 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 75 = 372
Warding failed!
Teshara wails in exquisite fear!
Queshu struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 123 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 86 = 280
Warding failed!
Queshu rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Doughboy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 33 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 90 = 378
Warding failed!
Doughboy eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Odevalis struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 83 = 247
Warding failed!
Odevalis chatters her teeth rapidly!
Darkdelon struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 83 = 244
Warding failed!
Darkdelon moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 144 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 76 = 251
Warding failed!
Your eyes grow wider as the crushing terror increases, every bad dream and fear materializing vividly in your mind's eye!
Krellin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 129 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 28 = 210
Warding failed!
Krellin twitches fitfully!
Kieana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 171 + FvP: 20 + d100(L): 32 = 169
Warding failed!
Kieana twitches fitfully!
Inana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 99 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 97 = 312
Warding failed!
Inana clutches herself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down her chin!
Kyntair struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 22 = 151
Warding failed!
Kyntair moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Delonkin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 58 = 230
Warding failed!
Delonkin moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Padaxus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 96 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 50 = 268
Warding failed!
Padaxus moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Amerith struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 17 = 199
Warding failed!
Amerith wails in exquisite fear!
Divid struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 126 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 43 = 238
Warding failed!
Divid moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Qar grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
Larktrill gestures.
Her body is surrounded by a dim dancing aura.
You beseech Fash'lo'nae for some divine assistance.
Your petition to Fash'lo'nae has been heard and you feel a renewed freedom as a restricting force is abolished from you.
You are no longer stunned!
>inc 1614
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
Larktrill makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Larktrill gestures.
A silvery luminescence surrounds Larktrill.
You don't seem to be able to move to do that.
The last vestiges of the n'ecare are caught by a dank, cold wind and blown into oblivion.
>'ok this sucks
You say, "Ok this sucks."
Larktrill changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...
Larktrill skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.
Larktrill begins to sing of heroic deeds and appears to be bolstered.
Boadus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 69 + FvP: 34 + d100(L): 89 = 342
Warding failed!
Boadus eyes grow wide with inner terror!
Johannia struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 117 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 62 = 259
Warding failed!
Johannia opens her mouth and tries to scream, but nothing comes out!
Alyssea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 210 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 16 = 124
Warding failed!
Alyssea gibbers fitfully!
Willowlea struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 114 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 20 = 218
Warding failed!
Willowlea moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Elvenwlf struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 75 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 42 = 279
Warding failed!
Elvenwlf moans pitifully, frozen in place, unable to do anything but whimper in fear!
Teshara struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 21 + FvP: 30 + d100(L): 51 = 348
Warding failed!
Teshara is racked by convulsive shivers!
Queshu struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 123 + FvP: 29 + d100(L): 57 = 251
Warding failed!
Queshu chatters his teeth rapidly!
Doughboy struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 33 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 24 = 312
Warding failed!
Doughboy rocks back and forth while sobbing uncontrollably!
Odevalis struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 156 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 63 = 227
Warding failed!
Odevalis wails in exquisite fear!
Darkdelon struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 150 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): -71 = 90
Warded off!
Darkdelon slowly regains control of his senses and he wipes away the tears from his eyes and the drool dribbling down his chin.
You struggle against your fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 144 + FvP: 31 + d100(L): 80 = 255
Warding failed!
You moan pitifully as you hold your head in your hands, unable to do anything but whimper with fear!
Krellin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 129 + FvP: 23 + d100(L): 98 = 280
Warding failed!
Krellin clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Kieana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 171 + FvP: 20 + d100(L): 51 = 188
Warding failed!
Kieana remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Inana struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 99 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 8 = 223
Warding failed!
Inana is racked by convulsive shivers!
Kyntair struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 183 + FvP: 24 + d100(L): 37 = 166
Warding failed!
Kyntair remains huddled on the ground in a spastic, jittering heap!
Delonkin struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 22 + d100(L): 33 = 205
Warding failed!
Delonkin clutches himself and sobs pitifully as drool runs down his chin!
Padaxus struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 96 + FvP: 26 + d100(L): 84 = 302
Warding failed!
Padaxus gibbers fitfully!
Amerith struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 138 + FvP: 32 + d100(L): 29 = 211
Warding failed!
Amerith chatters her teeth rapidly!
Divid struggles against the fear!
FS: 288 - FD: 126 + FvP: 33 + d100(L): 100 = 295
Warding failed!
Divid chatters his teeth rapidly!
Hawker grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
You beseech Fash'lo'nae for some divine assistance.
Your petition to Fash'lo'nae has been heard and you feel a renewed freedom as a restricting force is abolished from you.
You are no longer stunned!
The ghostly voice of Greymalkyn calmly says, "That the..."
Larktrill changes her tune, adding a new element to her song...
Evrem grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that he isn't there anymore.
Larktrill skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.
As Larktrill sings, the air sparkles briefly around her.
You beseech Fash'lo'nae for some divine assistance.
You are left with an empty feeling as your request for aid goes unheard.
Fammka just arrived.
Ethereal energies buffet the surrounds shoving a wall of air before it!
Fammka flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Alyssea flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Amerith flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Johannia flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Larktrill flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Teshara flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Divid flashes with a bright ethereal light!
An ethereal light washes over you as you sense mana collecting around and in you!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You feel the magic alien to you slipping away...
Kieana flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Krellin flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Doughboy flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Elvenwlf flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Odevalis flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Gob flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Kyntair flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Darkdelon flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Darkdelon seems a bit less imposing.
Darkdelon becomes solid again.
Delonkin flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Padaxus flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Inana flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Boadus flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Queshu flashes with a bright ethereal light!
Willowlea flashes with a bright ethereal light!
A lost soul fades into oblivion.
...wait 3 seconds.
Fammka grows indistinct. Slowly it dawns on you that she isn't there anymore.
[The Rift]
The ground beneath you is white, strangely grainy and light. Tunnels lead off to the northeast and southwest, winding erratically through the odd ear