View Full Version : Fully Unlocked/Feature Concealing ClimateWear - a veniom buttoned dark wool longcoat

07-13-2022, 12:28 AM
A veniom buttoned dark wool longcoat

Weighs 5, holds 200 lbs. Fully unlocked ClimateWear plus feature concealing...

You see XXX.
He appears to be an Elf.
It is difficult to properly see his features as the hood of his longcoat is pulled down over his face.
He is in good shape.

Fully unlocked ClimateWear can be bought at DR for 30k bloodscrip, so you're saving a bit here...

This is sold. Accepted a 20k bloodscrip offer.

07-17-2022, 11:17 AM
Bump. If you don't like the description, take it to today's Premium GALDapalooza and get it changed.