View Full Version : Starfield

06-14-2022, 11:05 AM
So, first gameplay reveal. It looks pretty great. It being a Bethesda game it'll have 456345634 bugs on launch but if it sticks to how moddable previous titles are we might have an amazing game here.


06-15-2022, 10:49 PM
All I care about is building the spaceship.

06-15-2022, 11:26 PM
No man sky with bugs
I mean, more bugs.

06-16-2022, 09:50 AM
No man sky with bugs
I mean, more bugs.

No Man's Sky you can at least fly from space to the planets on your own. That was one of the things I really liked about NMS, being able to transition effortlessly from space to planet and vice versa.

In Starfield you pick a place to land from orbit and the game automatically lands your ship for you on the planet. I guess it's a loading transition between space and planet, since according to Bethesda, space and planets are two different instances. If you're in space, nothing on the planets are real (nothing is loaded into the game). The planet you see from space is just a place holder and nothing on the planet's surface is loaded until you land....then once you're on the planet, nothing in space is active. If you look up to the sky while on the planet it's just an image placeholder.

06-16-2022, 09:53 AM
No Man's Sky you can at least fly from space to the planets on your own. That was one of the things I really liked about NMS, being able to transition effortlessly from space to planet and vice versa.

In Starfield you pick a place to land from orbit and the game automatically lands your ship for you on the planet. I guess it's a loading transition between space and planet, since according to Bethesda, space and planets are two different instances. If you're in space, nothing on the planets are real (nothing is loaded into the game). The planet you see from space is just a place holder and nothing on the planet's surface is loaded until you land....then once you're on the planet, nothing in space is active. If you look up to the sky while on the planet it's just an image placeholder.

And I’m fine with that. It means the planet will have more assets.

06-16-2022, 02:19 PM
And I’m fine with that. It means the planet will have more assets.

If you can't fly around on a planet, that means no dog fights on planets - it's one of the things in NMS that can be fun. Initiate a ship fight in space or on a planet and you can transition between space and planet atmosphere fighting.

I don't know if you can fly your ship around on a planet and just not leave to space or if your ship stays stationary and is only used for leaving the planet. I think they're missing out on a chunk of gameplay that would help expand the experience for players by not having a flyable transition between planet and space, but that still remains to be seen.

06-16-2022, 02:32 PM
If you can't fly around on a planet, that means no dog fights on planets - it's one of the things in NMS that can be fun. Initiate a ship fight in space or on a planet and you can transition between space and planet atmosphere fighting.

I don't know if you can fly your ship around on a planet and just not leave to space or if your ship stays stationary and is only used for leaving the planet. I think they're missing out on a chunk of gameplay that would help expand the experience for players by not having a flyable transition between planet and space, but that still remains to be seen.

I'm fine with keeping them in space if it means the planets will have a lot more content on them.