View Full Version : Missing sigil staff

04-21-2022, 07:23 AM
Not sure if it happened in WL/SOL but I seem to have miss-placed my Sigil Staff - its a T2 with 3 spells unlocked and has T3 mana flares. if you have seen it lying around it would be greatly appreciated if we could be reunited. I currently have an assist out to help track it down

04-21-2022, 10:29 AM
mystery solved! Somehow my main got disarmed but it showed up on my alts recover list (hunting as a pair).

04-21-2022, 10:43 AM
mystery solved! Somehow my main got disarmed but it showed up on my alts recover list (hunting as a pair).

That sounds like a weird shitty bug if it was on the recovery list for a character who didn't actually get the item disarmed. Simu should fix that.

04-21-2022, 11:05 AM
That sounds like a weird shitty bug if it was on the recovery list for a character who didn't actually get the item disarmed. Simu should fix that.

they spent about 20-25 minutes solving the problem and thank goodness they were able to figure it out, I would have NEVER thought to check the other guy since like you said he didn't have the weapon and wasn't disarmed. Though I will always do that now.

04-21-2022, 11:29 AM
oh and 100% some kind of bug, disarmed again (Shan) and it is popping up on the other guys recover list and not my main who is the person who is actually disarmed