View Full Version : Wavedancer - Gwyrraent's Wigs

05-01-2005, 02:13 PM
Not sure if anyone has posted about him so if this is a repeat lemme know ...

Anyhow if any of you get a chance to go to Gwyrraent while he is working I highly suggest it. I heard the announcement and figured it to be a bland item but someone encouraged I go. They are rather great setup ... Its like getting your hair altered in your features but you can simply remove it and go back to your real hair, shows up in the feature location over your natural hair when its worn. And he is very easy to work with as far as designs and what you want out of it.

And for any of you that got some done, post up what ya got there are plenty of nifty designs out there.

05-01-2005, 02:17 PM
What level of the ship is that on Fallen? And does he have generic off the shelf wigs to do this with or will it only work if you have them worked on by him?

05-01-2005, 02:31 PM
The wigs are created by him on the spot. No off-shelf versions so far.

GM on official boards said he doesn't have a shop, he's kinda bouncing around.

05-01-2005, 03:10 PM
When I got mine he was First Class today I think he setup on Main Deck or Ocean View, he does just wander. Ill post some of the scripts and mine up here in a bit ...

06-01-2005, 06:37 AM
Wigs rule. I love mine. All of them. I still want more, cause I am a greedy wig-whore.

06-01-2005, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by rupa
Wigs rule. I love mine. All of them. I still want more, cause I am a greedy wig-whore.

I ended up with more than a handful between two cruises, and I don't feel bad. I missed getting a cheap Nalea on the first and third cruises. All of mine are on characters that actually get some play time. Love love love them.