View Full Version : Is this an isolated incident?
09-22-2003, 05:35 AM
Okay. So this evening, I'm sitting in Victory Court with my little warrior, and this younger fellow walks in with a spiked scarab eating him alive. He's begging for help. I grab him, and start dragging him east. He drops dead one east of VC (which is still a sancted area.) So Crovenant and Kudra walk in. The scarab jumps on Crovenant. I can't drag him, because he's heavy.
Kudra EVENTUALLY figures out that 315 will get it off him. So she gets it off him, and it attaches to her. I grab her, trying to drag her out of sanct. I get her east, and she dies. The scarab drops off, I kill it.
Crovenant comes in, bitching. My character does not speak common unless necessary. He tells her not to speak elf around him.
So he gets Kudra up, I go back to VC feeling bad for this kid. I mean, come on. How else do you learn not to go to a sanct with a scarab? It's not exactly something people tell you when you're little.
Crovenant comes in and starts doing his posturing thing, telling guy he did something bad, etc. etc.
Kudra comes in, Crovenant asks her 'how many deeds she lost'. She says two. We all know this is bullshit. Unless you decay or spirit death, you only lose one.
So Kudra raises this poor kid, who is apologetic and offering to buy deeds. Meanwhile, Crovenant is trying to place blame on my character as well, for supposedly dragging this scarab-ridden body into a sancted, crowded area.
And then, Crovenant, who did not die but did get injured, decides he's going to go kill himself, so this kid has to buy him a deed.
What the hell kind of behavior is this?!
Edited to add: I would offer logs, but my computer froze right after this incident, and thus I lost most of it. Grr.
[Edited on 9-22-2003 by Maimara]
09-22-2003, 06:14 AM
That's vaalor for you ;)
09-22-2003, 06:16 AM
Wait tilly ou meet lyonis, you'll have loads of fun with him, I can't remember this guys name, but hes near lvl 60 sorcerer his name starts with an "m" and hes with a wizard whos name starts with an "a" they are very very cool people, should try to meet them, they'll help you out.
[Edited on 9-22-2003 by Solkern]
09-22-2003, 06:17 AM
Hey, last thing I knew, if you had something that required healing, or was dangerous you went to a healer.
I don't quite understand why they got so bent out of shape, what else should he have done? Died alone?
09-22-2003, 07:00 AM
I know Lyonis... he's actually a pretty cool guy.
09-22-2003, 07:02 AM
Vaalor needs to be razed. You should've listened to me when I brought it up a few months back, hey.
09-22-2003, 07:04 AM
It doesn't seem so bad, but I've only been there for a short period of time. It never used to be bad when Maimara lived there for a few months, but that was prior to all the GSS stuff. Plus, she is a cleric, and has been known to raise, so I'm sure that she was treated differently than most folk there are...
Miss X
09-22-2003, 08:11 AM
Vaalor is great once youve been there a while. There are some really lovely people, Rikkan, Ninet, Malapert, Imagestar, Curthieus, Ferdirand......there are tons of em! Lyonis told me there have been a few people bullying little ones lately though, but I havnt seen anything too bad.
09-22-2003, 08:32 AM
Crovenant is an ass. There's no two ways about it. Giantbandus or whatever bought him off E-bay and has been abusing him ever since. I think his player is like 12 too because he's as smart as a bag of rocks.
Yeah that's all I gotta say about that.
09-22-2003, 08:37 AM
The woman involved IMed me and told me she wasn't talking about deeds, but about spirit.
As if being that fucking OOC is any better than being that stupid.
09-22-2003, 08:58 AM
Lyonis is a litle bitch, he got owned by gallahan, so he brought his little group in, they thought they were all abdass imploding gallahan, then when siafu showed up, mistros and his gang of bitches all ran and got scared, saying they didn't do anything. I was like wheres your bitch ass crew at now.
[Edited on 9-22-2003 by Solkern]
09-22-2003, 09:00 AM
Oh, you mean House Dreadnaught? Sabreon/Sabreo/Mistros/Kolts?
Yeah, I tried explaining to Lyonis' player why it was so retarded that he get this jackass (All played by the same guy, ROFL) to come and do his work for him. Apparently the basis of the house is to 'help' one another.
Sabreon, Mistros, and Kolts came after me when I was hunting dreadnaught raptors and mastodonic raptors. They imploded me like three times, sang song of noise, and I had no idea what was going on until I realized that 'sabreon' is almost identical to 'sabreo', whom I had an incident with nearly a month before.
You are who you hang out with, I guess, but I still assert that Lyonis' player, who is a decent guy, isn't so bad. The fact that he still associates with those fucktards, though... that makes me wonder.
09-22-2003, 09:04 AM
WEll this is what happened, I asked gallahan to come down, pretend he's lvl one because people pick on young ones. of course vaalor does, so gallahan taught them a lesson and webbed a few people, lyonis gets in his face, and Gallahan was like you wanna settle this, lets go outside, so gallahan waits outside, lynois comes out, gallahan sits there as lyonis tries to spike him, then swings at him, THEN gallahan spikes him once and he dies.
Lyonis then gets his gang of bitches and starts fucking with gallahan, 5 on 1, yeah they mess gallahan up, they acting all badass saying they can take any of gallahan's friends, and no one messes with there house.
So siafu then shows up, binds, blinds, silences the whole fucking group, and siafu was like tell your house to bring someone to take care of me. they shutted up, didn't do anything, lost some deeds, and said they never did anything gallahan started it all this bullshit, they never bothered us again. was funny seeing there asses get slapped around.
09-22-2003, 09:19 AM
Anyone that relies on others to fight a fight they started is a bitch.
This includes people that bait others into attacking them, and when they are outmatched, call on friends like Siafu to come and bail them out.
09-22-2003, 09:27 AM
So, what are you saying here?
:grins evilly:
09-22-2003, 09:36 AM
I'm saying, if you get into a situation you can't handle, you're less of a pussy if you log out than if you call your age capped buddy to come and beat someone's ass for you.
If you need someone other than the character you are playing at the time to save your ass from people YOU INTENTIONALLY PISSED OFF, then... wow. I'm not even going to say it, it's really really inflammatory.
09-22-2003, 10:43 AM
The only time ive interacted with Crovenant is when i was younger and dying in zombies in the early morning and he would come and keep me and bring me to town.
That said,its funny to see other sides of people, apparently i was pretty lucky :)
09-22-2003, 11:09 AM
Actually you read my post wrong, Lyonis was teh one that brought in friends, Lyonis started this one gallahan, gallahan finished it, Lyonis called in the mistros group, and they started to fuck with gallahan, gallahan didn't call and ask siafu for help, Siafu happened to be in town, and gallahan explained teh situation, nor did he ask siafu for help in the matter, I was sitting at the table when they were talking. Siafu then promptly saw gallahan die, Located him, saw that mistros and his gang was there, came in bound them all and then figured out what was going on, when they started talking shit, he then blinded and silenced them to calm them down and to get answers.
09-22-2003, 11:12 AM
Also siafu could have killed teh whole group, quite easily, if he did, then i would have agreed with what you posted, but siafu didn't do that, he simply wanted this conflict to end. He was quite pissed and lyonis, due to the fact Gallahan didn't do anythign till after lyonis triwed twice to kill him. then when lyonis couldnt handle the problem, brought in his butt buddies.
09-22-2003, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I know Lyonis... he's actually a pretty cool guy.
We have dealt with Lyonis and his house.
Irksum had to kill him in Vaalor several months ago as part of an RP thing we were doing. He handled the death well never calling on others to help.
A few weeks later we meet Mistros et al. We try to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to RP. Assume they're roleplaying until they take it OOC. House Dreadnaught took it OOC almost immediately. We pulled them aside and explained what RP was. We told them that we would continue to play a conflict, but they we would have to keep it IC. They agreed and stuck to the agreement for as long as it took Mistros to type his next sentence.
They never claimed to be coming after us for Lyonis though, and from what we've seen he seems like a decent guy. Perhaps it is the people he hangs out with more than him.
09-22-2003, 08:46 PM
House Dreadnaught is laughable. They recruit members by promising roleplaying awards, whereas, I have not seen them roleplay once.
Lyonis' player has asserted to me several times that Mistros and crew is a nice guy, and I don't doubt that he is, but his actions in game are reprehensible. And I'm talking solely about the actions I've witnessed, not counting those I've heard tell of.
09-22-2003, 08:51 PM
There is also the fact that his 5 or 6 different characters are each "dating" and private rooming a different woman. He's got to be the fastest typist I've ever met.
I mean, Sabreon's got one, Mistros has another, Kolts has another.
Then again, I suppose props are in order for anyone who could do this, although its rather depressing its only a game thing.
While the urinal that is House Dreadnaught may be unassuming, it is a bit more complex an issue than most can deal with, especially considering the fact that at any given time, at least 2 or 3 of his personas will be in the game, so they'll be hunting you down 24-7-365
09-22-2003, 09:08 PM
Smells like Jakarta to me. He'd better be careful or he'll get shut down.
The amusing thing is, were he to come after Maimara again, he'd fail, because while he's getting all his 50 personna's laid and hunting them like a pansy, I'm out there gaining levels. I'd like to see what he's got to say when I laugh at his implodes, now. :D
09-22-2003, 09:18 PM
I'll join the chorus. Crovenant is a piece of shit.
09-22-2003, 09:51 PM
That's vaalor for you
Naw, that's Crovenant for you. Most of the folks in Ta'Vaalor are pretty nice, when they're awake. Only when jerks like Crovenant and Rothran come to town does Ta'Vaalor begin to resemble the Landing. Lyonis used to be a good egg, too bad to hear he might have fallen in with a strange crowd. And I think the GMs learned not to give official houses out to idiots, or people that go around in "gangs" after the Jakarta experience.
09-22-2003, 09:59 PM
Vaalor seems to be pretty great, except for the people that are non-elves thinking t hey own the place. I'm not sure I'll ever get that, but it's sort of inconsequential.
09-22-2003, 10:00 PM
Oh yeah Mainara, look for malapert and alynia, they will help you in vaalor
09-22-2003, 10:02 PM
I remember decaying here.
That sucked.
09-22-2003, 10:03 PM
They will come and save ya, spell ya up, take you hunting, they are really nice people
Crazed Sylvan
09-22-2003, 10:47 PM
Speaking of which... what was it exactly that caused Jakarta to be closed down?
09-22-2003, 10:52 PM
Some kind of abuse of power issue, involving enchanting.
I haven't been to Ta'Vaalor since ol' Nadinna quit the game for EverCrack and then sold her character. I loved her. She made Vaalor for me.
09-23-2003, 09:31 AM
If you ever get in a real tight bind in Vaalor shoot a message my way. I'm just across the lake in Illistim and I've never had a problem dropping what I'm doing to take a trip and help someone out.
10-02-2003, 01:28 PM
I have read a few posts on here and wanted to reply to a few. I honestly really get bored reading boards so this will be my last post. Anyone else has something to say feel free to Email me ( or find me in game.
This is Sabreon, Kolts and Mistros. And despite popular belief... NOT Sabreo.
Sabreo is played by a good friend of mine in RL named nick.
Let me explain to you about the House. My house was founded on the grounds of helping people. Sabreon commands the house. There is no way a commander would allow anyone in his house to be attacked and not do anything.
Also in response to how "My house is laughable" Since the Houses opening we have fought in every major invasion. From the Griffen sword war, the Morph invasions, Jants, and most recently aided in the rescuse of Prince Eregrek of Teras who was captured by trolls. Rakisak .. a ranking member of the house personally escorted the prince back to town. Armed him and head back to fight with him. Members of my house have recieved many awards for there actions both in the form or RPAs and in items. such as the campaign pins.
Now my house has been called a bully...
Let me ask you who did we bully? I only attack those who attack me or a member of my house. I dont just walk up and attack people. I spend much time just spelling people up in Tavaalor.
I read some posts from maimara complaining.... She says I attacked her outta no where. But she seems to leave out much of what led up to that. She forgets that in ta'vaalor eariler that month someone named Mekerious or something challenged Sabreo to a duel. In the middle of the duel Kjata and Maimara came into the room attacking sabreo. They blew of his limbs tried to kill him but he stood up laughed and went to town. I ran into Maimara and Sodortodos in Rapters. As I walk in the room SHE casts at me. Sabreon warded it and said I want to talk to you. She then moves to another room and trys to cast at me when I entered.. I expected as much so Kolts sang noise. She tried to cast a few more times. Then Mistros imploded her. She then warns me. Laughs. I think it is funny that she Warn Interactions me in the game then comes here to talk shit. I would also like to say something else to you Maimara... In reply to this post you said earlier.
"The amusing thing is, were he to come after Maimara again, he'd fail, because while he's getting all his 50 personna's laid and hunting them like a pansy, I'm out there gaining levels. I'd like to see what he's got to say when I laugh at his implodes, now."
To that I would say. Call down a god. Remove your warn on me. And Come meet me in Illstim. Ill put ya back down on your back with ease.. Feel free to Email me to set a time and I am more amused you are so cocky to think you are the only one gaining levels)
Now onto Gallahan. He was webbing people in tavaalor. Lyonis tried to get him to stop Lyonis attacked. Gallahan killed him. I get to tavaalor Mistros implodes gallahan drops a deed and tells him to drop it.. He gets raised comes right back in the room and spikes. Mistros implodeded again. He was told to drop it. His brother Sarcis also tried to attack and died a few times that night. Gallahan talked about bringing in his brother Suafi. I told him I didnt care if he did. Gallahan then Hires Sybrus for 500k to come kill me. He did. I didnt complain. I laughed at the fact he paid 500k to do it. Gallahan died at some point a few days later. Then he brings In Saifu. Would came and talked alot of shit. And I told him that if his brothers would learn some manners then I wouldnt bother them. I told him that he has a little over a month left level compression and he falls off his high horse. We agreeded to drop it. If ya think about it... Sabreon Kolts and Mistros each lost a deed.... Gallahan lost 500k. about 7 deeds and Sarcis lost 4 or so. Id say I came out ahead.
Also I read somewhere that I appearently go to private rooms and have 5 or 6 girlfriends. Can someone email me there names? Cause I only know of 2 that my characters date. I really think I should at least met the otheres. I also have a pretty good idea of where this rumer started. But I honesly dont even care enough to talk more about it.
Oh and to Tamral..I never used to have a problem with ya. Though we both know why you have a problem with me. Its basicly because your obsessed with a women that loves to lie. And shes got you wrapped around her finger in RL and in the game. Its pathetic when some people cant seperate the two. But anyway. I really find that sad to be completely honest.
As I said earlier I really dont like reading the boards let alone posting. I honestly dont give a shit whats really said on here. So dont expect any replies. Email me if you have some problem.
Sabreon, Mistros and, Kolts
Or Sean.
10-02-2003, 02:00 PM
Crovenant is bought.. I know that.. It's not the original Crovenant.
10-02-2003, 02:07 PM
Those guys (Kolts etc who are all the same) are pretty stupid. A while ago (few months.. maybe less) Gallahan actually hired me to kill them. Was the easiest 500k I ever made since they were all sitting in the same room. Course I caught a lot of flak for it from outside sources, but whatever, I don't really care. They're idiots though, i'll give you that. I rped, out the assassin hiring thing, so it's not like I just walked in and killed them.
10-02-2003, 02:35 PM
A house composed of you multi-accounting three characters and your "friend" IS pretty laughable. There was a phrase used in my college's White Wolf LARP called "character masturbation", for when folks with multiple characters in the game (A Mage and a Vampire for example) were in the room with themselves.
I think it applies here as well.
10-02-2003, 02:46 PM
All my charactrs were born in Ta'Vaalor. Its a shame to hear all this negative thoughts about a town that was great to be in. Everyone helped everyone. Now it seems like just cause someone thinks they have power over you they can boss you around. Well im coming back to Ta'Vaalor in a few weeks. I'd like to see someone try and boss me around.
10-02-2003, 02:56 PM
Seemed pretty bloody OOC to begin with, then more and more insular. Then, after other folks started coming in, reactionary.
10-02-2003, 03:03 PM
Im not a reactionary person. im actually coming to hunt the bog with my cleric and wizard. I always help everyone out and try to maintain the peace. i'll leave my hunting area if i know someone died to save them. I'd even save people i dont get along with in game and in real life. im just try to remain helpful. if they dont want my help no biggie i'll just bow out gracefully and walk on. But in no way will i take crap from anyone. I might die from it but im not gonna be bullied over someone who thinks they are the king or somethin
10-02-2003, 03:08 PM
Sounds like it needs more people like you.
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