View Full Version : Vruul Skin set

04-26-2005, 10:08 PM
Figured I'd throw this up, gonna take offers on this Vruul Skin set....

some thick vruul skin body leathers, 5x doubles

a coarse black vruul skin gaberdine, cloak-worn, 7 pounds, holds large amount, 6 actions that I know of.

>remov gab
You remove a coarse black vruul skin gaberdine from your shoulders in an elegant sweeping motion that causes it to swirl mysteriously around you.

>wear gab
As you drape your vruul skin gaberdine from your shoulders, it billows out behind you as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.

>bow gab
Holding the edge of your vruul skin gaberdine, you dip an elegant bow. The gaberdine billows out behind you as if caught upon an unfelt breeze. You glance up and flash an evil grin.

>wav gab
You catch the edge of your vruul skin gaberdine with one arm and sweep it out in front of you until all that is left revealed are your eyes. The gaberdine ripples mysteriously as it moves.

>clos gab
You pull your vruul skin gaberdine around yourself tightly, doing your best to conceal your form.

>open gab
You throw open your vruul skin gaberdine. It billows out behind you like a pair of wings.

a black vruul hide climbing pack, 7 pounds, holds very large amount

a tendril-swept dark vruul skin bag, belt-worn, less than 2 pounds, holds medium.

a dark vruul skin bag ringed with blackened bone shards, belt-worn, less than 2 pounds, holds medium.

a pair of branded black vruul hide wristbands, wrist-worn, less than 2 pounds, holds very small amount.

some black vruul-hide backsheaths, 3 pounds, holds medium amount, I usually have 2 twohanded weapons in it.

Send offers through U2U or e-mail, allen1collins@yahoo.com

04-26-2005, 10:49 PM
Somone on play.net looking for Vruul crap might check there, under merchant market, looking to buy, misc I think.

04-26-2005, 10:52 PM
Thanks man

04-26-2005, 11:23 PM
Always looking out, not a problem.

04-27-2005, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Somone on play.net looking for Vruul crap might check there, under merchant market, looking to buy, misc I think.

I recall a couple years ago vruul crap was actually sought after, what the fuck for? Just curious.


04-27-2005, 01:42 AM
probably big for marluvians

04-27-2005, 02:13 AM
ok, I can see that..., I guess.


04-27-2005, 06:59 AM
I don't know whether to think you mean actual vruul shit, or to put my boot up your ass. Cuz this stuff ain't crap! :?:

04-27-2005, 04:10 PM
Well, there must be a consensus that vruul things arn't cool to some folks, while to others, it is.
