View Full Version : Thought of the day.

Lord Deprav
09-22-2003, 01:13 AM
Instead of bashing people, why not just ignore a comment from someone and get on with your life. I hate reading posts like I just read. It showed absolutely no productivity. The person who started the topic was just trying to show both interesting thoughts and humor. Not as a moderator, but as a poster I feel like I am wasting my own time calling someone a name or belittling them because of something they said.

Lord Deprav
"If yah don't have something nice OR PRODUCTIVE to say, don't say it at all."

09-22-2003, 01:15 AM
You may feel that way, but not all people do, This site is very serious at times, it's nice to have some humor involved.

09-22-2003, 01:17 AM
But if your refering to ben's "gay" comment, I understand what you are coming from, that post was uncalled for.

Lord Deprav
09-22-2003, 01:18 AM
I like humor. I don't think it is humorous to make fun of someone. We're all humans. No need to belittle.


09-22-2003, 01:25 AM
I don't understand how calling someone gay is belittling or insulting, even though I know its part of today's "insult terminology" which I find irritating.

Lord Deprav
09-22-2003, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by Snapp
I don't understand how calling someone gay is belittling or insulting, even though I know its part of today's "insult terminology" which I find irritating.

I never said that was the post that bothered me. And being gay is just fine with me. I could give less of a care what your sexual preference is. So please don't jump the gun.


09-22-2003, 01:35 AM
I'm guilty. I used to never let a post that offended me or was about me that I didn't like go unchecked with one of my own. But lately I've begun to see Deprav's viewpoint, and am finding myself agreeing with it.

09-22-2003, 01:38 AM
<<I never said that was the post that bothered me. And being gay is just fine with me. I could give less of a care what your sexual preference is. So please don't jump the gun.>>

No no no, I wasn't saying that against you. I was saying in general, how its become such a part of people's insult-vocabulary... like Ben MEANT it to be insulting or belittling, I don't get why its thought of like that. Or maybe he just thinks Tayre has great fashion-sense. ;)

09-22-2003, 01:40 AM
Using 'gay' as an insult has a lot to do with the way our society in America (which is improving!) views homosexuals.

09-22-2003, 01:40 AM
Or maybe he just thinks Tayre has great fashion-sense.
I do, but that's beside the point.

And really I dont' consider something like "Shut up, you're gay" to be insulting. At all. It's same as saying "Shut up, you're dumb" these days.

09-22-2003, 01:41 AM
I don't 100% get it, myself... if someone called me gay, I'd challenge them to walk into a bar with me and see who got more chick's numbers.

09-22-2003, 01:45 AM
You gay maimara
which bar you wanna hit?
And no, I wasn't being insulting, was ment as a joke, so people dont apply I was being serious

[Edited on 9-22-2003 by Solkern]

09-22-2003, 01:46 AM
I live right next to a bar called Sweeney's here in St. Paul. BRING IT!

09-22-2003, 01:47 AM
Originally posted by Tayre
And really I dont' consider something like "Shut up, you're gay" to be insulting. At all. It's same as saying "Shut up, you're dumb" these days.

That is exactly why it's a problem.

Using the term as a catchall for something bad is just belittling and similar to the usage of sayings like jewing someone to mean they cheated you.

It's when it works its way into everyday usage and people feel no shame at all about using them that the real trouble begins.

09-22-2003, 01:48 AM
Oh your on!
On my way now!

09-22-2003, 01:49 AM
I remember the good old phrase, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

09-22-2003, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by Solkern
I remember the good old phrase, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

It's not the words my naive friend.

Its the actions the words inspire.

09-22-2003, 02:01 AM
If someone calls me gay I'm tempted to make out with chicks just to make them feel stupid.

09-22-2003, 02:02 AM
Everything inspires action, just the action we take is what counts, how you take the words is what matters.

[Edited on 9-22-2003 by Solkern]

09-22-2003, 02:22 AM
I'd never call a girl gay, because i'd like to watch if they were, but i digress.

When most people call somebody gay its basicly implying that they like to take it in the ass, or enjoys slobbing on somebodies knob. Which is not something i personally find desirable (to put it tactfully as i can) but if thats how you get down, more power to you.

Lord Deprav
09-22-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
If someone calls me gay I'm tempted to make out with chicks just to make them feel stupid.

Don't ever let me see you in person.


09-22-2003, 03:49 PM
Haha Deprav i was tempted to call her gay and ask if she had a web cam or something but thought better of it.

Lord Deprav
09-22-2003, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Tendarian
Haha Deprav i was tempted to call her gay and ask if she had a web cam or something but thought better of it.

Both you and me.