View Full Version : Selling some crap

04-22-2005, 10:52 PM
a masterfully carved diamond pin, show: The diamond carving depicts a mythical unicorn wearing a dreamy-eyed expression. Settled back onto diamond haunches with rear legs splayed out endearingly, he stares back at you with drooping heart-shaped blue sapphire eyes. 250k

a quest katana, 0x heavy crit weighted with show, 200k

a burnished vultite moon axe inlaid with tiny golvern stars. 4x blessable, 5 pounds. 150k

a polished black leather sword-belt, can hang weapons from them. One handed only I believe. 300k.

one of them small sand elementals, does many things, can feed em, train em, even can lick them? Comes in a neck-worn pale crystal shard. 5m

a high-collared black velvet longcoat with brushed silver buttons, 3 pounds, holds very large, closes, 125k.

dazzling opal-inlaid box, one of them boxes that casts spells at you. 50k

U2U or allen1collins@yahoo.com

[Edited on 4-23-2005 by allen]