View Full Version : Locker Liquidation Part 4

10-07-2021, 06:15 AM
Flat price, easiest way to contact me is through Discord.

Another list, if you don't like the price make an offer. I can be contact on discord at allen#5476 or Cadaveur in game.


7x perfect steel maul nothing special 15m

a mossbark long bow 3x, +12 CM bonus, +5 armor use bonus 5m

a illthorn-hafted white ora military pick 3x, T2 Iasha weapon 500k
You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha."

This is Tier 2 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)

You can attempt to PEER, LOOK, POKE, WAVE, KISS, ROAR, TOUCH, HOLD, and RAISE the pick, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.

a blackened vultite cuirass bound with silvery mithril mesh 6x MBP 2m

a white ora flamberge +17 T1 Iasha 250k
You immediately sense that this is a White Ora weapon known as an "Iasha."

This is Tier 1 (of 3). It is the traditional make, which means that in the hands of a cleric or paladin, it is a holy weapon that gives off holy fire flares. (In order for any profession to be able to wield it in this manner, a "Lesser All-Profession" upgrade is necessary.)

You can attempt to PEER and LOOK at the flamberge, though, some of the attempts at these actions will fall short if you are not a paladin/cleric.

some black and tan full leather 4x 2slot fusion 500k


a greyish green troll-arm scabbard terminating in withered fingers +2 health recovery, 4lbs, holds 20lbs just one item, buncha scripts 5m
>put clai in my scab
A lump bulges the skin of the troll-arm scabbard outward as you push your invar claidhmore inside.
>get claid
You pull your invar claidhmore out of its troll-arm scabbard accompanied by a wet squishy sound.
>rub scab
You accidentally brush your hand against the slimy skin of your troll-arm scabbard. Hope you don't have to grip anything tightly soon!
>tap scab
You drum your fingers against the scabbard's outer skin, and the fingers at the end of the troll's arm tap against your leg.
>lick scab
Truly, deeply, fundamentally disgusting. Licking the troll-arm scabbard leaves a foul taste in your mouth that will not soon fade and will be even more difficult to forget.
>gaze scab
You gaze in slightly horrified fascination at your troll-arm scabbard as a dollop of blood slides down its side, being absorbed as it goes.

carved bamboo half-mask +3 LOG bonus, +3 INT bonus, persists 4m

some gold-flecked leg greaves with auburn fox fur lining +2 STR bonus, +7 perception bonus 1m


a black leather money belt with a shiny pewter buckle waistworn, 1 lb holds 1lb, 1 item 5m

10-07-2021, 02:05 PM
Can i push the enhancive hiding pin beneath my clothing and hide that too? Sorry to spam your posts, I am interested so hopefully not wasting your time :)

10-07-2021, 03:06 PM
I think I have the same one and no. There doesn't seem to be a way to but they do appear to be fully alterable. :)

I'm hoping to get mine done at EG.

10-07-2021, 03:50 PM
You don't need to wear the enhancive hider to maintain the effect. So, you can put it on, rub it to hide your enhancives, then remove and stash it away. At least that's how it works with the one that I bought at Rumor Woods.

10-08-2021, 02:27 PM
ill take the pin then pls
just message me and ill come in game and do the thing with the thing for the thing. thanks

10-10-2021, 08:33 AM
Prices cut

10-10-2021, 08:36 AM
can you still have guiding light flares and Iasha flares or does 1625 overwrite those flares?

10-10-2021, 08:40 AM
can you still have guiding light flares and Iasha flares or does 1625 overwrite those flares?

No idea honestly, maybe someone else can shed some light.

10-15-2021, 07:29 AM
Prices dropped