View Full Version : The Resurgence of Vice

10-03-2021, 01:12 PM
All the old vices — from sex to gambling to drugs — are quickly becoming legal, as both society and the criminal justice system rethink their values.

The big picture: This amounts to an under-the-radar shift in how society treats what have long been thought of as victimless crimes — behaviors that might not harm anyone who isn't participating, but that are considered to offend social morals.

More... (https://www.axios.com/vice-crimes-drugs-sex-work-gambling-f7f9b51b-40bc-4df4-97e6-b18a5604558d.html)

And what exactly is a vice? "Generally, part of what makes a vice a vice is that a lot of society considers it questionable, but a lot of society also participates in it."

As examples of vices that Certain People want to legalize, the article cites gambling, prostitution and drugs. Would those even be fun if they were legal?

The bottom line: 50 years after President Richard Nixon declared the War on Drugs, American attitudes toward and laws about activities that have long been classified as vices are changing — and with it, the assumption that it's the government's role to police public morality.

10-03-2021, 03:27 PM
Congratulations to drugs for winning the war on drugs.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
10-03-2021, 06:23 PM
Legalize it all, let Darwin sort it out.