View Full Version : waggle

09-27-2021, 05:13 PM
I've been away with my spell casting little guy and I used to use waggle to spell up. I downloaded it but in setup can't seem to enter the spells I want cast . Is there a better way to cast now?

09-28-2021, 07:57 AM
what does the output of
;e echo LICH_VERSION and
;version waggle show?

02-14-2022, 06:40 PM
Bumping this because I've been having a similar issue since before updating lich:

--- Lich: exec1 active.
[exec1: 5.3.0]
--- Lich: exec1 has exited.

>;version waggle
--- Lich: version active.
Installed script versions: waggle==0.14
--- Lich: version has exited.

It throws up these errors when I run waggle setup:

>;wagg setup
--- Lich: waggle active.
'Gtk::Hbox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, spacing)'.
'Gtk::Hbox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, spacing)'.
'Gtk::VBox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, spacing)' instead
'Gtk::Hbox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, spacing)'.
'Gtk::Hbox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, spacing)'.
'Gtk::Hbox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, spacing)'.
'Gtk::VBox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, spacing)' instead
'Gtk::Hbox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, spacing)'.
'Gtk::VBox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, spacing)' instead
'Gtk::VBox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, spacing)' instead
'Gtk::Hbox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, spacing)'.
'Gtk::Hbox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, spacing)'.
'Gtk::VBox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, spacing)' instead
'Gtk::VBox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, spacing)' instead
'Gtk::VBox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, spacing)' instead
'Gtk::VBox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, spacing)' instead
'Gtk::Hbox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, spacing)'.
'Gtk::VBox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, spacing)' instead
'Gtk::Hbox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:horizontal, spacing)'.
'Gtk::VBox' is deprecated; use 'Gtk::Box.new(:vertical, spacing)' instead

02-14-2022, 07:21 PM
The newer lich benefits from waggle version 0.18.1
;jinx script update waggle --repo=elanthia-online

02-14-2022, 07:29 PM
The newer lich benefits from waggle version 0.18.1
;jinx script update waggle --repo=elanthia-online

Thanks, that fixed the errors. I forgot about the ;jinx stuff.

;jinx data update spell-list.xml --repo=core

updated the spells within waggle.