View Full Version : FT: Few Odd & Ends

09-20-2021, 09:25 PM
Prefer and prioritize trades over cash/silvers. Prices are just listed incase someone really wants to pry it out of my hands/locker.

For Trade:


10x Greater Undead Bane (+10AS), HCW (10), T1 Dispell - Bandolier/Thrown (Spear) ($4.5k)

10x Greater Undead Bane (+10AS), T5 Ensorcelled, VHS (11), T3 Dispell -Range (Long Bow) ($4k)

10x Low Steel (Mind Wrack Flares) T5 Ensorcelled, HCW(10)/FDW(4), Sancted, Splitter - OHE (Falchion) ($2k/750m)

10x Perfect Rolaren, T4 Ensorcelled, SWCW(6) - OHE (Dagger) ($500/125m)

8x Permabless (+Holy Water Flares) T5 Ensorcelled, SWCW(5), KO Flares UAC Set - UAC (Boot/Gloves) ($2k/600m)

7x T5 Ensorcelled, VHS(11) & 7x T5 Ensorcelled, Exceptionally Sighted(15) + Grapple flares - Range (Hand Crossbow) (125m)

7x T3 Ensorcelled, MCW(16), Disrupt Flares - OHE (Waraxe) (125m)

5x GEF(Lightning) SM Quake/Call Wind "Thunder Weapon" - 2HW (Maul) (125m)


10x T5 Ensorcelled, +10TD - Small ($1.5k)

10x T5 Ensorcelled, Spiked - Medium (150m)


8x T5 Ensorcelled, +6 TD, +15% Fire Resist, HCP (10) - Chain (Aug) (150m)

8x T5 Ensorcelled, HCP(10) - Chain (Aug) (100m)

+33 T4 Ensorcelled, HCW(10)/ FDP(4), Banshee Flares (+10TD) - Plate (MBP) (75m)

6x T3 Ensorcelled, DCP(8) "Shell" Armor - Scale (Brig) (75m)


coraesine "gold ring" - Unlimited 12 spot teleporter ($1.5k)

Fully Unlocked Gnome Bracer
Bard Music Stand
One Hand Master Instrument

In Search Of:

10x Small Shield
Hurling Items
High-End Aug/MBP/Doubles
Cash Money