View Full Version : Axis & Allies

Sean of the Thread
04-20-2005, 02:15 PM
Well I found the computerized version of A&A in the closet today while cleaning.

If anyone else has it I'm down to play a round or two.

Also found IL 2 Sturmovik and Close combat 3 if anyone wants to play those as well. I'm bored.

04-20-2005, 02:26 PM
I have all of these games. Close Combat 3 is fucking awesome. IL-2 is awesome depending on what realism level you play on, and Axis and Allies is super unstable over the internet. I'd be down for some Close Combat 3 though.

- Arkans

04-20-2005, 02:29 PM
To win against a good allies player, an axis need either to:

1) cheat

2) be EXTREMELY lucky

3) cheat and be EXTREMELY lucky

Sean of the Thread
04-20-2005, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
I have all of these games. Close Combat 3 is fucking awesome. IL-2 is awesome depending on what realism level you play on, and Axis and Allies is super unstable over the internet. I'd be down for some Close Combat 3 though.

- Arkans

I played CC3 ladders/tournament play for a long time.. tons of mods and maps. I got an idea.

My favorite mod is Real Red realism mod and there is a Grand Campaign mod for that which would enable us to battle campaign style over a bunch of maps. Forces and points carry over.. good shit. Lemme find the links.

04-20-2005, 02:31 PM
Yeah, I'll need to download alll those mods onto my laptop again. Damn, that game is awesome. Go Germany! Nothing beats Tigers/King Tigers!

- Arkans

Sean of the Thread
04-20-2005, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
Yeah, I'll need to download alll those mods onto my laptop again. Damn, that game is awesome. Go Germany! Nothing beats Tigers/King Tigers!

- Arkans

I'll find the links today and get busy on the install. I love the realism and since you are nazi scum I'll play the red dogs..

Say hello to my lil flamethrower comrade...

04-20-2005, 02:45 PM
Only a fool brings armor into urban warfare! Plus, don't the Wermacht get two people in a flame thrower team unlike the Soviets that get one? Go Germany!

- Arkans

Sean of the Thread
04-20-2005, 03:15 PM
Here is teh real red mod page.

Here is the cc3 patch to be installed before anything else.
http://www.closecombat.org/CSO/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index&r eq=getit&lid=3189


Here is the HUGE map pack needed for the grand campaign. Barbarossa campaign. I can't find the original but this is spose to be the shiznit now days. 324 megs and I'm 25% done since writing this edit. Nice 609kps d/l from there.

http://www.closecombat.org/CSO/modules.php?op=modload&name=Downloads&file=index&r eq=viewdownloaddetails&lid=3820

[Edited on 4-20-2005 by Xyelin]

[Edited on 4-20-2005 by Xyelin]

[Edited on 4-20-2005 by Xyelin]

04-20-2005, 03:25 PM
Appreciate it, hopefully I can get it all done tonight and we can have a go at it.

- Arkans

04-22-2005, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by Xyelin
Well I found the computerized version of A&A in the closet today while cleaning.

If anyone else has it I'm down to play a round or two.

I got the game too, but I have recently been having problems playing it on that microsoft server ... it keeps crashing when trying to get a game going.

04-22-2005, 11:12 AM
To win against a good allies player, an axis need either to:

1) cheat

2) be EXTREMELY lucky

3) cheat and be EXTREMELY lucky

That is simply not true. A good axis player has a better than equal chance to win against good allies players. In turn 1.1, Russia invades Germany but loses a lot of troops in doing so. In turn 1.2, Germany takes Northern Africa, destroys the British fleet, takes back its own territory and invades Russia. The problem is, most German players play incorrectly at this point, not wanting the sacrifice troops. Every turn, both German Bombers need to be active and money bomb Moscow (a move very few players ever do). This sapping of 5-10 bucks a turn for Russia is crippling for their defense. The rest of the german air force should be setting up on the west coast to keep destroying whatever fleet anyone tries to send in. On turn 1.3, the British can do nothing but try and rebuild, and hope to make some gains in Asia, and maybe dive bomb Berlin if they are willing to suck a pair of AA shots to do it. Japan moves next, and takes Pearl Harbor. Too many Japanese players are intent on making more gains going west, when in fact, they should just pull back. Takinf Pearl Harbor serves only one purpose. It ensures that the US will need 3 full turns to get anywhere near Tokyo. After that, Japan just needs to build a production supply in Asia, and try and do nothing more than harass Russia from the East and kick the British out of Asia. That's when the US can move and first destroy the Japanese Navy, and then try and build transports and tanks in an effort to a.destroy the german navy, which is critical to US AND British expansion, and b. try and invade Germany from the West, while most of the german troops are occupied on the eastern edge of Europe. If Moscow falls before Germany gets invaded from the West, the Axis wins easily. If Germany is successfully invaded before Moscow falls, the Allies win. If both occur at the same time, then it becomes a horserace. Many a time by this point, the Axis is collecting in surplus of 75 bucks a turn. If things stay status quo, the axis wins by attrition. If the allies are able to push forward into germany, the allies win. You have to remember, in the original game design, germany was to move before Russia, but they found in playtesting that this resulted in the axis winning nearly 100% of the time. With good players on both sides, its 50-50. With players of X's intelligence level on both sides, it becomes non-strategic.

04-22-2005, 11:42 AM
It all depends on what rules you are playing by as well. I found out that if Germany throws all they have at Karelia, take it, and when the inevitably lose it do SCORCHED EARTH there then Russia can't deploy directly at the German front line, which gives Germany a huge edge in marching east and gobbling up precious dollars.

- Arkans

PS: Germany has no chance whatsoever in Africa as long as the US just pumps in a few troops there every turn or so.

04-22-2005, 12:09 PM
A good allies player has 100% chance of winning

A%A II is an other story, though.

Since tamral seems to love insulting me EVEN if there's no reason to do so, I will retaliate:

Tamral, go screw your ip girlfriend.

More serious answer: Tamral seems to be a POOR skilled axies player.

As if a good Japanese player should give up the west...

The only way axies STAND a chance against the allies is this:

Japanese completely destroy the US's navy and build an industry at their 3 points manchura or whatever the name is (the south-est part of china).

By destroying the US's navy, axies completely cripple the US in the pacific and that is a MAJOR plus.

They remove the US's presence in china and they slowly but steadily go toward the USSR.

GERMANY must keep on going east and try to harass the UK in africa.

If Germany lose africa, axies is dead.

If Germany is unable to force the USSR into going in 2 fronts, axies is dead.

80% of Germany's building = infantry.

I won 2 times with that strategy:cool:

[Edited on 22-4-05 by Xcalibur]

04-22-2005, 02:18 PM
X, that doesn't work against Allied players that know what they are doing. Few reasons:

1. America and Britian can take Africa extremely easily.
2. Japan can never create a large military force in Asia enough to march to Moscow
3. Japan leaves itself open to a United States naval rebuildment.

What the Axis *MUST* do to make the Atlantic too dangerous to do any type of operations with airplanes and take out the USSR before they have a chance to wear away Germany's armor (infantry assaults with no back up suck)

- Arkans

04-22-2005, 04:52 PM
The US cannot build up another navy because of the pression of germany against USSR-UK and the japanese would only BERSERK on the west fron (so after the USSR)

That would create an obligation of the US to build up ASAP and go against Africa-western-europe.

But you know, you just "prove" what I said, still. The allies have 100% chance of winning beside if you consider luck as a factor.

04-22-2005, 05:43 PM
I keep looking for Axis & Allies 2.

I thought it was out, but I guess it still isn't.


I play Russia Rest so that Russia cannot attack on turn 1.1
It improves the Axis' odds a bit.

Then it is a matter of Germany being able to hold both WE and EE and portions of Africa long enough (to milk IPCs) while Japan builds up its Asian presence.
Once Japan is strong enough to pull Russian troops away from Karelia (which will probably be predominantly UK/US by then), then Germany has a chance at attrition.

Unfortunately, sometimes great games are screwed up by horrible dice, especially with computer number generators.
Such as 5 infanty managing to score 4 hits.... or 4 planes only able to get 1.

04-22-2005, 05:49 PM
Axies and allies is a pure game of attrition.

When you buy 3 infantries, you consider the fact that on defense you'll kill ONE guy.

So that's why buying 3 infantries for germany is better than 2 tanks after turns 3-4 as you save a lot on the "long" run.

The only way, according to me and some analyses of games we did, axies stand a chance is IF

1) the japanese obliterate the US's navy AND move to the shore of the east asia.

2) Germany play a hit and run attitude with the Ussr WHILE holding up Africa (most effective strategy is by using your planes/bombardiers)

3) JApanese force the russian to split up at the east of Moscou.

Ussr fallen = dead allies.

But a good allies would simply move up all his planes (us/uk) in the hot positions and would increase the defense of some positions.

A&A I is broken, but a%a2 is DAMN fun for both sides.

[Edited on 22-4-05 by Xcalibur]

Sean of the Thread
04-24-2005, 05:56 PM
Anyone play America's Army by chance? Or battlefield 1942?

Also someone needs to step up and play either Axis and Allies IRON blitz edition or CC3 or somin.. I'm dying of boredom and want some war gaming.

04-25-2005, 01:39 PM
Just catching up on this thread..

While reading some peoples tactics seem sound, I've always had the same problem happen when playing Axis.

UK will peck away at my defence, causing me to split spending between making invading and defending forces. But they only do so on a small scale for themselves. Then they put the force of their spending into fighter planes. So in the end (when I normally end up getting pwned) I'm a short distance into USSR, have most of Africa, and UK hits me with like 30 fighters, plus ground troups and I just pretty much get smashed.

04-25-2005, 02:25 PM
Problem is, Axis can never win a long term war. That is why they have the IPC victory enabled for them. Not only do they on average have lower IC totals, but they are also out numbered. Their saving grace is a large army that gets pounded away slowly, but surely.

- Arkans

04-26-2005, 08:52 AM
First turn, Axies has the greatest number of troops.

So that's why axies player MUST hurt the allies fast and quick and assure themselves to be left for a couple of turns.

Sean of the Thread
04-26-2005, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
First turn, Axies has the greatest number of troops.

So that's why axies player MUST hurt the allies fast and quick and assure themselves to be left for a couple of turns.

woot.. I pwn.

04-27-2005, 09:35 AM
Against the computer?

Computer is so stupid, at hard he buys 4 submarines when he's USA....

Sean of the Thread
04-27-2005, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
Against the computer?

Computer is so stupid, at hard he buys 4 submarines when he's USA....

Nah it was against my boy.. took turns at the house. Iron blitz edition.

04-27-2005, 09:53 AM
Describ the firn turn?

Sean of the Thread
04-27-2005, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
Describ the firn turn?

I made sure to keep blowing the shit out of any transports while japan creeped up the backyard all the way to russian gates. Germany was on a steady diet of infantry and fighters. Japan and America had small fight for afrika.. when that was done.. I was the victor!

05-01-2005, 11:44 PM
While doing some snooping on something unrelated...I found out that none other than GS3-Aephir (Ian Klimon) himself designed Axis&Allies with TimeGate studios.

Just another wierd nugget of information.