View Full Version : Master Blacksmith

09-12-2021, 03:11 AM
Master Blacksmith available for commission to make any OHE, Blunt, THW, or Polearm I can get my hands on the glyphs for (no rapiers, but I have all the other merchant-only glyphs). Prices depend on weapon and metal used, generally 1-4mil but may be higher for weapons that require a large number of forging cycles and/or a lot or metal. I can use any metal sold in forging supply shops (steel, mithril, ora, imflass, vultite) in addition to those listed below.

Uncommon/rare metals available: white ora*, faenor, vaalorn*, kelyn*

I may not have enough of the metals marked with * to guarantee a perfect (depending on your desired weapon), so have a back-up in mind if you want those metals.

I also have 2 rolaren slabs I can sell. You can forge them into weapons yourself or I will forge them into as many weapons possible of any type you wish for you (disclaimer: I cannot guarantee a perfect from these, but I will do everything in my power to make the highest quality weapons possible).

Answers to commonly asked questions can be found here: https://gswiki.play.net/User:OM1E5GA/Forging_FAQ

Send a message to my Inbox for a quote and time estimate.

09-12-2021, 06:38 AM
Cool, bookmarking this for later today!

09-17-2021, 02:59 PM
Working on a project that'll likely take the majority of my razern, so edited to reflect that. If you want something before EG, let me know soon. After I finish the current item, I should have time to get 1 or 2 items done before EG starts.

09-17-2021, 03:39 PM
Master Blacksmith available for commission to make any OHE, Blunt, THW, or Polearm I can get my hands on the glyphs for (no rapiers, but I have all the other merchant-only glyphs). Prices depend on weapon and metal used, generally 1-4mil but may be higher for weapons that require a large number of forging cycles and/or a lot or metal. I can use any metal sold in forging supply shops (steel, mithril, ora, imflass, vultite) in addition to those listed below.

Uncommon/rare metals available: white ora*, faenor, vaalorn*, kelyn*

I may not have enough of the metals marked with * to guarantee a perfect (depending on your desired weapon), so have a back-up in mind if you want those metals.

I also have 3 eahnor and 2 rolaren slabs I can sell. You can forge them into weapons yourself or I will forge them into as many weapons possible of any type you wish for you (disclaimer: I cannot guarantee a perfect from these, but I will do everything in my power to make the highest quality weapons possible).

Answers to commonly asked questions can be found here: https://gswiki.play.net/User:OM1E5GA/Forging_FAQ

Send a message to my Inbox for a quote and time estimate.

How much would one of the rolaren slabs, forged into as many weapons as possible, set me back?

09-17-2021, 04:10 PM
I'll send a message to your inbox when I finish this batch of shafts in a few minutes.

09-23-2021, 10:42 PM