View Full Version : Spell Aiming Enhancive

09-09-2021, 08:26 PM
Got a spicy one for the finger wagglers out there.

You are holding a rune-etched alexandrite barrette in your right hand.

You carefully inspect your alexandrite barrette.
You determine that you could wear the barrette anywhere on your body. The barrette appears to serve some purpose.

As you recall Earit's song, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the alexandrite barrette in your hand, and you learn something about it...

It provides a boost of 7 to Spell Aiming Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 28 times.
It provides a boost of 5 to Elemental Lore - Air Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 25 times.
The barrette looks to have a lot of charges remaining.
It will crumble into dust after its last enhancive charge has been expended.
It is a small item, under a pound.

MB: 4m BO: Impress Me
CB: 4m Zeminar **SOLD**

Thanks for looking!

09-09-2021, 08:42 PM

09-10-2021, 12:34 PM
Updated, going once to Zeminar for 4m.

09-11-2021, 10:11 AM
Updated, going twice to Zeminar for 4m.

09-12-2021, 10:43 AM
SOLD to Zeminar for 4m.