View Full Version : Level 20 Rogue looking for equipment upgrades (OHE Ambusher)

08-30-2021, 05:59 PM
I'll reach level 20 this week, and I'm not sure what I should be looking to get for equipment upgrades. I'm a human rogue that picks boxes and leaps from the shadows to slice faces off of trolls and other creatures.

Here is what I am using currently, at least what I think matters fighting-wise. I don't know what enchantments these may have):

Tarnished Vultite Falchion (flares with a cold blue light)
Vaalorn Buckler (has a small enchanter's glyph)
Scarred Double Leather (cost me $13k from the pawnshop)

If you have something I could buy, great! Or if you have suggestions or a resource I could look at to help with equipment progression, that would be awesome also!

Stay well,

08-30-2021, 06:14 PM
The gear you have is decent for your level. You should ask around for a bard to loresing to it so you know the properties though... that way you'll at least know if what you eventually replace it with is better then what you already have. The INSPECT and ANALYZE verbs might also be able to give you more info if they have more then just the standard properties.