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08-14-2021, 11:55 AM
So we're ignoring the atrocities happening in Afghanistan because a Democrat is president right? Just want to make sure.

08-14-2021, 03:31 PM
We should have withdrawn on May 1st like Trump originally agreed to. Afghanistan was going to fall anyway. Any argument to the contrary ignores the past 20 years and is stupid neocon brainworm shit. We were never going to nation-build them out of being a despotic tribal region.


WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden plans to pull all military forces out of Afghanistan by Sept. 11, ending U.S. presence in the Middle Eastern nation by the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks that spurred America's longest war.

The move will extend military presence in Afghanistan beyond the May 1 withdrawal date previously negotiated by former President Donald Trump.


Republicans, many who criticized Trump's plans to leave Afghanistan, quickly slammed Biden's timeline. Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, said it would be a "grave mistake" and an "abdication of American leadership."

Boo hoo, no more Foreverwar.

08-14-2021, 03:33 PM
I mean, it's been on the front page of the NYTimes for the last couple of days. What are you looking for?

08-14-2021, 03:38 PM
I mean, it's been on the front page of the NYTimes for the last couple of days. What are you looking for?

I am specifically referring to the PC who lost their shit every time Trump drank a can of Coke.

I think we should have left Afghanistan a long time ago, just funny listening to the deafening silence of the PC who accused Trump of "abandoning" our Kurdish allies now unsurprisingly silent as a terrorist organization takes over Afghanistan and is committing atrocities left and right and Biden is doing nothing about it, he's not even paying lip service to Afghans, instead he is pleading with the Taliban to spare the US embassy.

08-14-2021, 03:43 PM
Oh, fair enough. I usually don't click on Politics threads because cancer, but it's been a slow day here because of Duskruin probably.

08-14-2021, 04:06 PM
We should have withdrawn the day after we killed OBL. I knew from the moment I met the Afghan National Army that they were fucked when we left.

They were noticeably shittier than the Iraqi Army, and that is saying a lot, because they sucked too.

08-14-2021, 04:34 PM
We should have withdrawn the day after we killed OBL. I knew from the moment I met the Afghan National Army that they were fucked when we left.

They were noticeably shittier than the Iraqi Army, and that is saying a lot, because they sucked too.


08-14-2021, 05:02 PM
So we're ignoring the atrocities happening in Afghanistan because a Democrat is president right? Just want to make sure.

To be honest.. what did you believe the outcome was going to be?

My favorite part in all of this was President Biden laughing off the question that the Taliban would overtake Afghanistan once we left.

This was in July......

08-14-2021, 05:09 PM
To be honest.. what did you believe the outcome was going to be?

I thought Democrats would at least pretend to care about brown people suffering...ah hell who am I kidding. This is what I expected to happen. They only care about brown people when a Republican is president.

Everyone remember the shitstorm when Trump killed an Iranian terrorist "general"? They cared more about a murdering scumbag than they do innocent people in Afghanistan.

08-14-2021, 05:10 PM
I thought Democrats would at least pretend to care about brown people suffering...ah hell who am I kidding. This is what I expected to happen. They only care about brown people when a Republican is president.

Everyone remember the shitstorm when Trump killed an Iranian terrorist "general"? They cared more about a murdering scumbag than they do innocent people in Afghanistan.

Why are you acting like you care right now?

08-14-2021, 05:18 PM
Why are you acting like you care right now?

I always care when people act like hypocrites.

Democrats are always anti-war when a Republican is president, until the Republican wants to bring troops home, then they accuse the president of abandoning our allies.
Democrats are always pro-war or at least don't give a shit about war when a Democrat is president, and they suddenly don't care about abandoning our allies.

It happens every time. I'm just here to point out the hypocrisy.

08-14-2021, 05:20 PM
I always care when people act like hypocrites.

You are doing exactly what you are accusing the Democrats of doing though. I never saw you giving a fuck when Trump was President. Are you being self loathing?

08-14-2021, 05:21 PM
You are doing exactly what you are accusing the Democrats of doing though. I never saw you giving a fuck when Trump was President. Are you being self loathing?

I said I thought we should have withdrawn from Afghanistan a long time ago, my position on that hasn't changed. Only the position of Democrats have changed.

08-14-2021, 05:23 PM
Let's be honest, do you really think if Trump had withdrawn from Afghanistan and all of this shit was going down that Democrats would be sitting here silent? Or would they be accusing Trump of murdering brown people and doing nothing to stop it?

We all know it's the latter and that's my point.

08-14-2021, 05:50 PM
Let's be honest, do you really think if Trump had withdrawn from Afghanistan and all of this shit was going down that Democrats would be sitting here silent? Or would they be accusing Trump of murdering brown people and doing nothing to stop it?

We all know it's the latter and that's my point.

Of course. And you wouldn't have said a damn thing about it. Now that Democrats are in charge, you are. You are doing the exact same thing. Just come out and say you don't care regardless.

08-14-2021, 06:02 PM
Of course. And you wouldn't have said a damn thing about it. Now that Democrats are in charge, you are. You are doing the exact same thing. Just come out and say you don't care regardless.

I'm not giving Biden shit though, I'm giving Democrats shit for giving Biden a pass when they never in a million years would have given a Republican a pass.

I actually give Biden credit here for saying this:

"One more year, or five more years, of U.S. military presence would not have made a difference if the Afghan military cannot or will not hold its own country. And an endless American presence in the middle of another country’s civil conflict was not acceptable to me," Biden added

My point is if this had happened under Trump and he would have said this exact same thing the headlines would be blaring right now that Trump doesn't care about brown people. Let's be real here.

08-14-2021, 06:13 PM
I'm not giving Biden shit though, I'm giving Democrats shit for giving Biden a pass when they never in a million years would have given a Republican a pass.

I actually give Biden credit here for saying this:

"One more year, or five more years, of U.S. military presence would not have made a difference if the Afghan military cannot or will not hold its own country. And an endless American presence in the middle of another country’s civil conflict was not acceptable to me," Biden added

My point is if this had happened under Trump and he would have said this exact same thing the headlines would be blaring right now that Trump doesn't care about brown people. Let's be real here.

I'll come out and straight up say I don't give a fuck about those people at this point. They had 20 years and billions of dollars to pull their asses together. This is all on them.

08-14-2021, 06:16 PM
We should never have withdrawn. It's something I'll never forgive Biden for.

I was against it when Trump talked about it, and I'm against it now. It was politics over humanity .

08-14-2021, 06:18 PM
We should never have withdrawn. It's something I'll never forgive Biden for.

I was against it when Trump talked about it, and I'm against it now. It was politics over humanity .

We should stay there forever?

08-14-2021, 06:18 PM
I'll come out and straight up say I don't give a fuck about those people at this point. They had 20 years and billions of dollars to pull their asses together. This is all on them.

I agree. Like I said I think Biden was actually spot on here. Not only the US but other countries have been spending billions of dollars and giving their military countless weaponry and training. What more could we have done other than stay there forever?

I think the US should still give the Afghan government assistance when they can, but a permanent military presence isn't the answer.

08-14-2021, 06:18 PM
I'll come out and straight up say I don't give a fuck about those people at this point. They had 20 years and billions of dollars to pull their asses together. This is all on them.

I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people.

The people suffering right now aren't the ones making decisions about the military and direction of their country.

08-14-2021, 06:18 PM
I agree. Like I said I think Biden was actually spot on here. Not only the US but other countries have been spending billions of dollars and giving their military countless weaponry and training. What more could we have done other than stay there forever?

I think the US should still give the Afghan government assistance when they can, but a permanent military presence isn't the answer.

The Afghan Government is going to be wholly and fully the Taliban in the next few months.

08-14-2021, 06:19 PM
We should never have withdrawn. It's something I'll never forgive Biden for.

I was against it when Trump talked about it, and I'm against it now. It was politics over humanity .

Holy shit. I don't agree with you but I'll give you credit for being consistent. Weird times we live in when time4fun is the reasonable one among Democrats.

08-14-2021, 06:19 PM
I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people.

The people suffering right now aren't the ones making decisions about the military and direction of their country.

We led them to water. The won't drink. You want us to sit there piping in American lives and money forever?

08-14-2021, 06:20 PM
The Afghan Government is going to be wholly and fully the Taliban in the next few months.

Well yeah, I meant the current government. We should just seal Afghanistan off from the rest of the world when the Taliban take over again.

08-14-2021, 06:39 PM
No way we should have been there for 20 years.

I was glad when Trump drew out of Syria (which he definitely deserves the credit for, it was interesting how transparent the effort to lambast him on both left and right for this was) and am glad that Biden is drawing out of Afghanistan.

08-14-2021, 06:44 PM
We should stay there forever?

We stay there until we know it's not going to create a humanitarian crisis

Again, it matters what happens to people even if they were born far away from you.

Imaginary lines on an imaginary map do not make us a different species. They're just ink lines.

That's something a lot of you here don't seem to be able to get through your heads.

08-14-2021, 06:47 PM
No way we should have been there for 20 years.

I was glad when Trump drew out of Syria (which he definitely deserves the credit for, it was interesting how transparent the effort to lambast him on both left and right for this was) and am glad that Biden is drawing out of Afghanistan.

So you don't know anything about the topic.

There were simpler ways to tell us that

08-14-2021, 06:47 PM
We stay there until we know it's not going to create a humanitarian crisis

Again, it matters what happens to people even if they were born far away from you.

Imaginary lines on an imaginary map do not make us a different species. They're just ink lines.

That's something a lot of you here don't seem to be able to get through your heads.

So, forever then. You can pull up your "imaginary lines" bullshit all you want, but they are across the fucking globe from us. The people there were given 2 decades, billions of dollars, weapons, vehicles, training, schools, educations, and they just don't give a fuck.

No, there is nothing you can do. I've been there. I've seen how they act about things. How their Army doesn't give a fuck. How their people don't give a fuck. I mean, you just don't understand. And you never will.

The only way to do what you want, prevent a humanitarian crisis or whatever the fuck, is to turn them into a US Territory. But then you'd probably bitch about Imperialism or something.

And Tyrant knows more about the subject than you.

08-14-2021, 06:56 PM
We stay there until we know it's not going to create a humanitarian crisis

Again, it matters what happens to people even if they were born far away from you.

Imaginary lines on an imaginary map do not make us a different species. They're just ink lines.

That's something a lot of you here don't seem to be able to get through your heads.

Which is how long, precisely? There is no exit strategy, there never was. Administrations just kept kicking the can down the road while contractors made money. Everyone who has been there can tell you it's been 20 years of stupidity, waste, fraud, and murder. A quarter of a million people dead. But no, we have to stay there just a liiiiiittle bit longer and we can totally win this one, guys.

Stanley Burrell
08-14-2021, 06:59 PM
Glass it.

The horror...the horror.

08-14-2021, 07:23 PM
We stay there until we know it's not going to create a humanitarian crisis

Again, it matters what happens to people even if they were born far away from you.

Imaginary lines on an imaginary map do not make us a different species. They're just ink lines.

That's something a lot of you here don't seem to be able to get through your heads.

Holy imperialism.

You have a humanitarian crisis in your own state that you can't fix.

08-14-2021, 07:48 PM
We should never have withdrawn. It's something I'll never forgive Biden for.

I was against it when Trump talked about it, and I'm against it now. It was politics over humanity .

Bombs of humanitarianism.


08-14-2021, 08:50 PM
We should have withdrawn the day after we killed OBL. I knew from the moment I met the Afghan National Army that they were fucked when we left.

They were noticeably shittier than the Iraqi Army, and that is saying a lot, because they sucked too.


08-14-2021, 08:53 PM
We led them to water. The won't drink. You want us to sit there piping in American lives and money forever?

That's what I don't get. This isn't the first time someone tried to push them into something other than a tribal government. It's never worked. Trillions wasted because we somehow thought they'd want us. Lol.

08-14-2021, 09:51 PM
We should have withdrawn the day after we killed OBL. I knew from the moment I met the Afghan National Army that they were fucked when we left.

They were noticeably shittier than the Iraqi Army, and that is saying a lot, because they sucked too.

I agree. There’s no reason we should have been there for so long. Most people with a brain recognized this as a lost cause from the get go. It should have been even more transparent as the years kept going, money kept being sent, that nothing of fruition was going to come out of it, no matter how long we stayed.

08-14-2021, 11:43 PM
We led them to water. The won't drink. You want us to sit there piping in American lives and money forever?

At least until it's stabilized. The country's military is crumbling- they weren't ready. And we knew it. And now the Taliban is on track to take most- if not all- of that country.

That's not good for them. It's also not good for us.

We shouldn't have gone in to begin with. But once you do that- once you destabilize a nation like that- you have a responsibility. They're in the middle of a civil war. Countless people there risked their lives to help US forces in hopes of a better world than what the Taliban has to offer.

We just left them all there.

And if you can't bring yourself to care about people ending up under Taliban rule, then at least stop and think about what that does to our credibility. Especially after what we *just* did to the Kurds.

08-15-2021, 12:17 AM
Again, how much longer will it take to 'stabilize' Afghanistan? It's been 20 years, so clearly time is not the issue. You seem to think stability is something that can just be willed into existence, as if pouring enough money, blood, and time will magically birth a functioning democracy. It won't. Nation building by way of military adventurism was a lie that was sold to the public by the architects of the war. Continuing the farce only makes it worse and puts you in league with them.

Afghanistan is a network of tribal chiefs and villages that hate each other, but hate outsiders even more. The government and military/police forces are an astonishing mix of corrupt and incompetent. They are, quite literally, unable and unwilling to be trained.

There is no 'good end' to the story.

08-15-2021, 12:53 AM
Again, how much longer will it take to 'stabilize' Afghanistan? What can we do in another year, or two, or three, that hasn't been attempted in the past 20 years? I know it hasn't been for a lack of trying. The country is a network of tribal chiefs and villages that hate each other, but hate outsiders even more. The government and military/police forces are an astonishing mix of corrupt and incompetent. They are, quite literally, untrainable.

Look I'm not going to sit here and say I have an answer for that. I don't. No one does.

But in two weeks, the Taliban has taken half the country. In two more weeks, who knows what's going to be left? All signs point to them taking over Kabul very soon. At the very least, that should be enough for us to realize that now isn't the time to go.

We can sit around and talk about their military and government all we want, but the real people who live there never asked for any of this. They deserve better. The thousands of people who risked their lives and those of their families to help us fight the Taliban deserve better. What do you think is in store for them once we're gone and the Taliban has taken over?

And if the Taliban don't actually manage to take Kabul and the rest of the provinces (which they almost assuredly will), the Afghan government is going to have to find big allies to help. When we abandoned the Kurds in Syria, Russia swooped right in to help them.

As a reminder, the US and Pakistan helped the Taliban (or what later became the Taliban) stay in power in the 80s and 90s. *We're* part of the reason they're there. And Russia supported their opposition as part of their invasion. I'm sure they would love to jump in, get another foothold in the area, and remind everyone that they can't trust the United States.

Everything about this- just like the Syria withdrawal- is a series of disasters waiting to happen.

08-15-2021, 01:11 AM
Look I'm not going to sit here and say I have an answer for that. I don't. No one does.

But in two weeks, the Taliban has taken half the country. In two more weeks, who knows what's going to be left? All signs point to them taking over Kabul very soon. At the very least, that should be enough for us to realize that now isn't the time to go.

We can sit around and talk about their military and government all we want, but the real people who live there never asked for any of this. They deserve better. The thousands of people who risked their lives and those of their families to help us fight the Taliban deserve better. What do you think is in store for them once we're gone and the Taliban has taken over?

And if the Taliban don't actually manage to take Kabul and the rest of the provinces (which they almost assuredly will), the Afghan government is going to have to find big allies to help. When we abandoned the Kurds in Syria, Russia swooped right in to help them.

As a reminder, the US and Pakistan helped the Taliban (or what later became the Taliban) stay in power in the 80s and 90s. *We're* part of the reason they're there. And Russia supported their opposition as part of their invasion. I'm sure they would love to jump in, get another foothold in the area, and remind everyone that they can't trust the United States.

Everything about this- just like the Syria withdrawal- is a series of disasters waiting to happen.

Biden's doing a great job! Keep up the good work!

08-15-2021, 01:22 AM
Biden's doing a great job! Keep up the good work!

Um Trump was set to withdraw the troops by May 1st of this year genius. His administration negotiated the deal.

And given how badly he bungled Syria, there's zero evidence that he would have handled this well.

08-15-2021, 01:45 AM
Just spill more American blood and spend more American money guys.

I don't see a problem with any of that.

08-15-2021, 01:51 AM
Um Trump was set to withdraw the troops by May 1st of this year genius. His administration negotiated the deal.

And given how badly he bungled Syria, there's zero evidence that he would have handled this well.

Keep it up Joey!

LOL.. trying to blame Trump for a decision Biden made. Goodness. Had forgotten how delusional you are.

Meanwhile.. good old Joey... https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidblackmon/2021/08/12/suddenly-worried-about-gas-prices-biden-wants-opec-to-produce-more-oil/

There's so much shit he's doing wrong, but you'll just blah blah blah anyways so not worth explaining things to you.

08-15-2021, 03:31 AM
Biden already trying to blame Trump for this too:

“When I came to office,” Biden wrote, “I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor—which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019—that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on U.S. Forces. Shortly before he left office, he also drew U.S. Forces down to a bare minimum of 2,500.”

This is like Obama Part 2: Electric Boogaloo: Everything good that happens under my watch is all thanks to me, everything bad that happens is all the fault of <insert former Republican here>.

08-15-2021, 07:56 AM
Um Trump was set to withdraw the troops by May 1st of this year genius. His administration negotiated the deal.

And given how badly he bungled Syria, there's zero evidence that he would have handled this well.

Syria is Obama's war.

The media literally had to run a doctored video from a Kentucky night shoot to lie about Syria.

The American voter was totally against getting involved in Syria.

08-15-2021, 08:13 AM
Just spill more American blood and spend more American money guys.

I don't see a problem with any of that.

Just imagine what a culture like Afghanistan must think when they see the social views from Americans like Time4fun. "Kill your offspring and let the men breastfeed the remaining children."

08-15-2021, 09:32 AM
We should never have withdrawn. It's something I'll never forgive Biden for.

I was against it when Trump talked about it, and I'm against it now. It was politics over humanity .

Let's be honest.. Biden will just blame Trump somehow and you can go back to saying "Yea! THIS IS ALL TRUMP'S FAULT!!!!!!" and you can forgive poor, poor President Biden.

It was Trump's fault that crime has escalated because he was behind the "Defund the Police!" movement.

It was Trump's fault that the southern border suddenly became porous.

It was Trump's fault that gas prices and inflation started going up.

Let's not blame this decision of a total withdrawal of all forces by 9/11/21 on Biden.

Trump made him do it.

08-15-2021, 09:37 AM
Um Trump was set to withdraw the troops by May 1st of this year genius. His administration negotiated the deal.

And given how badly he bungled Syria, there's zero evidence that he would have handled this well.

HAHAHAHA, there we go....

"It's not Biden's fault! IT WAS TRUMP'S!"

See how easy that is for you?

08-15-2021, 09:38 AM
Biden already trying to blame Trump for this too:

This is like Obama Part 2: Electric Boogaloo: Everything good that happens under my watch is all thanks to me, everything bad that happens is all the fault of <insert former Republican here>.

Damn, this took place a day or two before I thought it would.

And you dared to say the Democrats aren't consistent.

I expect an apology to them today.

08-15-2021, 12:28 PM
I said I thought we should have withdrawn from Afghanistan a long time ago, my position on that hasn't changed. Only the position of Democrats have changed.

You misremember what happened. To the extent there was criticism, and there wasn't much, it came from Republicans. See, for example, the below article about Lindsey Graham's reaction..

GOP Senator Lindsey Graham Warns Against Trump's Taliban Peace Deal: 'Afghanistan Will Fall Apart and Civil War Will Emerge'

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham warned that President Donald Trump's Taliban peace deal, which calls for the withdrawal of U.S. and NATO troops, could have a devastating impact on Afghanistan and lead to "civil war."

The Trump administration signed the conditional peace agreement with the Taliban in Qatar on Saturday, in a bid to bring America's longest war to an end. Hailing the historic deal, Trump said that it was "time to bring our people back home." But Graham, normally a staunch Trump defender, has argued that withdrawing all U.S. troops will make Afghanistan "fall apart."

"Mr. President, let's get the Taliban to the table but let's don't trust the Taliban to defend America," Graham said during an interview with Fox News morning show Fox & Friends on Monday morning, directing his remarks directly at Trump. "We need some of our forces in place," the senator from South Carolina continued, "that's what [former President Barack] Obama failed to do in Iraq."

Under the agreement signed with Taliban leaders, the U.S. and its allies would withdraw their troops within 14 months. Additionally, the U.S. agreed to remove sanctions targeting the militant extremist group and to work with the United Nations to similarly undo international sanctions directed at the organization's leaders. In exchange, the group will not allow Al-Qaeda or other extremist organizations to operate in large swaths of Afghanistan under its control.

More... (https://www.newsweek.com/gop-senator-lindsey-graham-warns-against-trumps-taliban-peace-deal-afghanistan-will-fall-apart-1490053)

08-15-2021, 12:38 PM
You misremember what happened. To the extent there was criticism, and there wasn't much, it came from Republicans. See, for example, the below article about Lindsey Graham's reaction..

We'll never know. This is Biden's 100%, because he came into office and scrapped Trump's plan in place and timeline... and instituted his own. Once that occurred, regardless of what perspective you have on the situation, it became his.

Also, all our enemies know Biden won't do shit. They had no idea what Trump would do, and that bit of an unknown variable works as a deterrent. Everyone knows Biden is a pushover... it's why you see things deteriorating not just in Afghanistan, but in numerous other regions and situations.

08-15-2021, 12:41 PM
Also, all our enemies know Biden won't do shit.

Exactly. I just don't see Trump begging a terrorist organization to spare the US embassy, he would have instead threatened severe retaliation from the US on our way out and would have been criticized by Democrats for threatening terrorists.

No one give me this shit that the president in office has no bearing on shit like this.

08-15-2021, 12:44 PM

I can never remember how to do the damn video thing.

And personally, I think we should have left the minute we killed Bin Laden. But to late for that - numerous mistakes over the years happened through multiple administrations. But this current situation, sadly sits at the feet of the current President. Just how it is. When you want to lead, the responsibility comes with it.

08-15-2021, 12:47 PM

I can never remember how to do the damn video thing.

And personally, I think we should have left the minute we killed Bin Laden. But to late for that - numerous mistakes over the years happened through multiple administrations. But this current situation, sadly sits at the feet of the current President. Just how it is. When you want to lead, the responsibility comes with it.

Christ almighty he's such a shitshow.

08-15-2021, 12:52 PM


On Biden's watch. Those that dealt with this shit personally for 20+ years - get ready for your kids to deal with it for the next 20.

08-15-2021, 01:23 PM


On Biden's watch. Those that dealt with this shit personally for 20+ years - get ready for your kids to deal with it for the next 20.

The only thing Biden is watching is the backs of his eyelids and the “bouncing titties/nsr on Reddit. Most people don’t even know who our president is. I have watched MSNBC, FOX, and CNN all week and Joe Biden was mentioned a couple times in an entire week. However, I heard them say Donald Trumps name thousands of time....Daily

Obama, Bush, and Carter are all super happy Biden got elected because that pushes each of them one step closer to getting off the list of the 5 worst presidents ever elected.

08-15-2021, 03:51 PM
Well that's it, the Afghanistan government has officially collapsed and the president has fled the country.

We were there for over 20 years and it took the Taliban a week to take back control.

08-15-2021, 05:38 PM
Just turn Afghanistan into a parking lot.

08-15-2021, 06:25 PM
With our southern border being wide open, freshly armed terrorists, 20th anniversary coming up and a terrible administration. Not good.

The pedophile and chief won't even address the nation.

08-16-2021, 12:37 PM
This is now happening in Afghanistan:


Interesting though, just like other mass migration events it's typically young men who are doing all of the fleeing and going through desperate measures such as this.

Is there a reason for this? Like all of the older people and women can't make the trip so they are left behind? Women are married to these guys and these guys are like "Don't worry, babe, you stay here where it's safe, I'll make the dangerous journey to another country. I'll send money. Promise!" Men are typically stronger than women (please insert your whines for stating facts here) so they can overpower women and make it to places such as this airport?

08-16-2021, 12:43 PM
I'm sure tackling climate change will be a cinch. Just give the government more money.


08-16-2021, 12:43 PM
Biden hiding out at Camp David for a few days and his press secretary is suddenly taking a week off.


You can't even make this shit up. The least Biden can do is own this shit. He's saying he bears zero responsibility for what is happening. He's sticking with his story that Trump literally twisted his arm until he withdrew from Afghanistan. What an absolute coward. But you all knew that when you voted for him.

08-16-2021, 12:59 PM
We stay there until we know it's not going to create a humanitarian crisis

Again, it matters what happens to people even if they were born far away from you.

Imaginary lines on an imaginary map do not make us a different species. They're just ink lines.

That's something a lot of you here don't seem to be able to get through your heads.

If 2 decades and trillions of dollars didn't do it, then what else would you suggest? Pretty sure sending in social workers isn't going to have the desired effect.

08-16-2021, 01:23 PM
The only thing we could have done was to make Afghanistan a territory of the US and force democracy and safety and social issues down their throats, but Democrats tell me that's imperialism and imperialism is racist and bad so I guess we had no choice.

I just wish Biden grew some balls and owned his decision, but that's unlikely to ever happen.

08-16-2021, 01:30 PM
If I had 20 years and 2 trillion dollars I could at least create an Army that could hold a country for more than a weekend.

Of course, they were just busy embezzling the fuck out of that money and not actually caring about creating a functional army, because the US and NATO is there to fight for them.

Local Army commanders used to invent fake soldiers and keep the salary.

08-16-2021, 01:33 PM
We should never have withdrawn. It's something I'll never forgive Biden for.

I was against it when Trump talked about it, and I'm against it now. It was politics over humanity .

But you'll still vote for him again. Assuming he's still alive and still in office by then.

08-16-2021, 01:35 PM
But you'll still vote for him again. Assuming he's still alive and still in office by then.

You REALLY didn't think that one through, did you? Not that you ever think anything through, Methais, but this is quite the performance.


08-16-2021, 01:38 PM
If I had 20 years and 2 trillion dollars I could at least create an Army that could hold a country for more than a weekend.

Of course, they were just busy embezzling the fuck out of that money and not actually caring about creating a functional army, because the US and NATO is there to fight for them.

Local Army commanders used to invent fake soldiers and keep the salary.

How come the Taliban, with presumably much fewer resources, seem to be able to put together a functioning army?

Or are they like 99% completely incompetent whereas the Afghan government army is 100% incompetent?

08-16-2021, 01:41 PM

You REALLY didn't think that one through, did you? Not that you ever think anything through, Methais, but this is quite the performance.


Back where you belong mongoloid.


08-16-2021, 01:43 PM
How come the Taliban, with presumably much fewer resources, seem to be able to put together a functioning army?

Or are they like 99% completely incompetent whereas the Afghan government army is 100% incompetent?

Because the ANA is a shell army. It is claimed there were 300,000 soldiers, but how many probably don't exist? And then you got the ones that just take their issued stuff and go home.

Add on to that the corruption from their local leaders that just keep the money that is meant to pay them and yeah, why the fuck would they want to fight the Taliban for people that don't even care about them in the first place?

People think of Afghanistan as one country, but it isn't. It is a bunch of countries. Each tribe is basically its own country. The Taliban is attractive because they see them as people kicking out invaders imposing these silly national laws on them.

Hell, there were people that thought we were the Soviet Union when I was there.

08-16-2021, 01:45 PM
Because the ANA is a shell army. It is claimed there were 300,000 soldiers, but how many probably don't exist? And then you got the ones that just take their issued stuff and go home.

Add on to that the corruption from their local leaders that just keep the money that is meant to pay them and yeah, why the fuck would they want to fight the Taliban for people that don't even care about them in the first place?

People think of Afghanistan as one country, but it isn't. It is a bunch of countries. Each tribe is basically its own country. The Taliban is attractive because they see them as people kicking out invaders imposing these silly national laws on them.

Hell, there were people that thought we were the Soviet Union when I was there.

Yeah but I mean how did the Taliban do it all then? Why couldn't the Afghan government do what the Taliban did? Or are the local tribes just more sympathetic to the Taliban so they just let them do whatever they want?

08-16-2021, 01:48 PM
Yeah but I mean how did the Taliban do it all then? Why couldn't the Afghan government do what the Taliban did? Or are the local tribes just more sympathetic to the Taliban so they just let them do whatever they want?

The Taliban is a religious movement more than an actual Government. They are extremely popular when fighting external threats such as us. They'll eventually peter out and get their own insurgencies against them, like they had before 2001.

We'll actually probably start supporting the Taliban with the next couple years, as they are also fighting ISIS.

08-16-2021, 02:00 PM
Meanwhile, the Taliban say they're collecting civilians' personal weapons because they'll no longer need them.

Gee, where else have I been hearing that from lately?

Funny how the very first thing a tyrannical terrorist group does after they take over is to take everyone's weapons away and tell them it's because they no longer need them because they'll keep everyone safe.

08-16-2021, 02:12 PM

Back where you belong mongoloid.


No thanks. I'd rather just call out your hilarious retardation whenever and wherever I please. Please stay triggered as shit about it, though -- I'm sorry, Big Mad about it. :)

https://scontent-atl3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/141421830_2163123687151214_1410592565723073213_n.j pg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=FtAuy3SLKzMAX9UJmhR&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-2.xx&oh=e4d50bbdaa8c0fc3e009c2596154c953&oe=6140736C

08-16-2021, 02:32 PM
No thanks. I'd rather just showcase my stupidity and point out how I have no clue that there's a decent likelihood that Biden will either be dead or 25th'd from office to make room for President Kamala by the time the 2024 election rolls around. I stay triggered as shit when you throw me back in my cage and laugh at me, though. Please let me stay out of my cage just for now -- I'm sorry, I just stay Big Mad about everything. :(


It'll be ok, Ashlianus. The rest of the PC, including your fellow democrats, already know that you're too stupid understand anything.

08-16-2021, 02:33 PM
Oh great, another Methais/Ashliana circle jerk.

08-16-2021, 02:34 PM
It'll be ok, Ashlianus. The rest of the PC, including your fellow democrats, already know that you're too stupid understand anything.

Nonsensical reply acknowledged. Kudos on the simple mistake while simultaneously trying to insult someone else's intelligence, though.


08-16-2021, 02:44 PM
Oh great, another Methais/Ashliana circle jerk.

Nah, he's going back into his cage now where he belongs (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?128125-A-thread-for-Ashliana&p=2222024#post2222024). Cancer must be contained quickly before it spreads.

He'll kick and scream the whole time, and you'll probably see him talking to himself for a while. Those things tend to happen with the mentally ill.

Nonsensical reply acknowledged. Kudos on the simple mistake while simultaneously trying to insult someone else's intelligence, though.


Let's get you back where you belong, even though everyone over there also knows that Biden will probably dead or removed from office by 2024.

Come on now, loser, it's time for you to return to your cage. (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?128125-A-thread-for-Ashliana&p=2222024#post2222024)


08-16-2021, 02:49 PM
Nah, he's going back into his cage now where he belongs (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?128125-A-thread-for-Ashliana&p=2222024#post2222024). Cancer must be contained quickly before it spreads.

He'll kick and scream the whole time, and you'll probably see him talking to himself for a while. Those things tend to happen with the mentally ill.

However you need to soothe your bruised ego with mental gymnastics regarding your surrender in this thread is your business.

You said something profoundly retarded, and got appropriately criticized for it. That's going to happen each time you say something retarded in a thread, regardless of which thread it's in, and regardless of how Big Mad you get about it.

Let's get you back where you belong, even though everyone over there also knows that Biden will probably dead or removed from office by 2024.

Come on now, loser, it's time for you to return to your cage. (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?128125-A-thread-for-Ashliana&p=2222024#post2222024)


How long Biden lives or is president has nothing to do with the profoundly retarded response you gave to Vishra. And I'm happy to call you out as a deluded imbecile in each and every thread, so we have that to look forward to.



08-16-2021, 02:52 PM
Remember the good old days, just ohh.. a year ago.. when peace deals were being made and signed in the Middle East, when Afghanistan had not had any major engagements for over 18+ months, when we were energy independent and not asking OPEC for increased production... I do...

And if you don't think that last thing ties in...


People going to be begging for that Keystone Pipeline LOL. I mean sure.. why make a pipeline with a friendly neighbor on the same side of the world... when you can cancel that pipeline, and get oil from people that hate us on the other side of it.

08-16-2021, 03:01 PM
If I had 20 years and 2 trillion dollars I could at least create an Army that could hold a country for more than a weekend.

Of course, they were just busy embezzling the fuck out of that money and not actually caring about creating a functional army, because the US and NATO is there to fight for them.

Local Army commanders used to invent fake soldiers and keep the salary.

This is basically it. Within a handful of years it was known that the Afghanistan officials and so called leaders were taking handfuls of cash and immediately fleeing the country. Absolutely nothing has changed since then and the fact there's any uproar at all about it beings unfair to the Afghanistani people is disingenuous.

We are not Afghani, we are not responsible for your government being bad, we are not responsible for your military and police not protecting you. A trillion dollars in Afghanistan and we're back to 2001 with the Taliban in charge. Bin Ladin is dead, move on.

08-16-2021, 03:02 PM
It is nice seeing another Dreaven hyperventilation thread though.

08-16-2021, 03:12 PM
This is basically it. Within a handful of years it was known that the Afghanistan officials and so called leaders were taking handfuls of cash and immediately fleeing the country. Absolutely nothing has changed since then and the fact there's any uproar at all about it beings unfair to the Afghanistani people is disingenuous.

We are not Afghani, we are not responsible for your government being bad, we are not responsible for your military and police not protecting you. A trillion dollars in Afghanistan and we're back to 2001 with the Taliban in charge. Bin Ladin is dead, move on.

Afghani is their currency. Afghan is the people.

08-16-2021, 03:15 PM
It is nice seeing another Dreaven hyperventilation thread though.

Funny because I said we should have left a long time ago and you apparently think the same thing, yet at least one Democrat so far said we should have stayed and here you are bitching at me instead of them.

Get another schtick already and give deez nuts a rest.

08-16-2021, 03:18 PM
Funny because I said we should have left a long time ago and you apparently think the same thing, yet at least one Democrat so far said we should have stayed and here you are bitching at me instead of them.

Get anything schtick already and give deez nuts a rest.

It's nice seeing Seran hyperventilating over what he thought you thought.

08-16-2021, 03:20 PM
It's nice seeing Seran hyperventilating over what he thought you thought.

Erm, no, it was Dreaven being criticized for what he said in his opening line, which didn't require Seran to "think" anything about what he thought, just to judge him on his own words.

Why aren't you giving Dreaven your Tardbandit-level simping? Try harder.

08-16-2021, 03:21 PM
Afghani is their currency. Afghan is the people.

And afghan is a blanket.

08-16-2021, 03:21 PM
It's nice seeing Seran hyperventilating over what he thought you thought.

Seran is the runner up in projection after all, right behind he who must not be named.

08-16-2021, 03:22 PM
And afghan is a blanket.

A shitty blanket only grandmas love.

08-16-2021, 03:24 PM
Erm, no, it was Dreaven being criticized for what he said in his opening line, which didn't require Seran to "think" anything about what he thought, just to judge him on his own words.

Why aren't you giving Dreaven your Tardbandit-level simping? Try harder.


Stay in your cage while normal people, such as myself and other people who aren't you, are speaking.

08-16-2021, 03:24 PM
Seran is the runner up in projection after all, right behind he who must not be named.

I wouldn't place him that high. Top 5 for sure though...

08-16-2021, 03:26 PM

Stay in your cage while normal people, such as myself and other people who aren't you, are speaking in the other thread.

No thanks. I'll continue to call out your hilarious retardation whenever and wherever I please, no matter how hilariously Big Mad you get about it, Methais.

But if you want to fill up each and every thread with your tantrums, I'm here for you.


08-16-2021, 03:51 PM
Afghani is their currency. Afghan is the people.

Afghan is this


08-16-2021, 04:04 PM
Afghani is their currency. Afghan is the people.

Thanks for the correction on the pluralization. I do stand behind my post, typos aside.

08-16-2021, 04:09 PM
Funny because I said we should have left a long time ago and you apparently think the same thing, yet at least one Democrat so far said we should have stayed and here you are bitching at me instead of them.

Because you're not interested in offering solutions to any problem. You're just any unwashed fanatic throwing mud and feces at the people trying to discuss real problems. You never miss an opportunity to offer a partisan attack and are completely oblivious to being hypocritical when congratulating your former cheeto for doing the same damn thing you're attacking Biden on.

08-16-2021, 04:17 PM
Because you're not interested in offering solutions to any problem. You're just any unwashed fanatic throwing mud and feces at the people trying to discuss real problems. You never miss an opportunity to offer a partisan attack and are completely oblivious to being hypocritical when congratulating your former cheeto for doing the same damn thing you're attacking Biden on.

You and I both think we should have left years ago and you’re bitching at me for not “offering solutions”? Let’s get real, you live to ride my nuts and it’s time to find another hobby.

08-16-2021, 04:19 PM
A shitty blanket only grandmas love.

No sir they are made with grandma's love!

08-16-2021, 04:20 PM
Because you're not interested in offering solutions to any problem. You're just any unwashed fanatic throwing mud and feces at the people trying to discuss real problems. You never miss an opportunity to offer a partisan attack and are completely oblivious to being hypocritical when congratulating your former cheeto for doing the same damn thing you're attacking Biden on.

What are your solutions?

Ignoring the centuries before it, do you really believe that after the shitshow of the past 20 years that that place is fixable? Especially when it's inhabited by people who don't want to be "fixed" to begin with?

08-16-2021, 04:26 PM
What are your solutions?

Ignoring the centuries before it, do you really believe that after the shitshow of the past 20 years that that place is fixable? Especially when it's inhabited by people who don't want to be "fixed" to begin with?

The way to fix it is to do what the Mongols did. Everyone would also hate you.

08-16-2021, 04:32 PM
The way to fix it is to do what the Mongols did. Everyone would also hate you.

The way to fix it is to rule China?


08-16-2021, 04:34 PM
The way to fix it is to rule China?


Nope. This was before the conquered China. They basically just slaughtered everyone that stood against them. To this day, they use the title of Khan in Afghanistan.

08-16-2021, 04:39 PM
Nope. This was before the conquered China. They basically just slaughtered everyone that stood against them. To this day, they use the title of Khan in Afghanistan.

Ah ok.

So they did this, under the direction of their leader, Bob Genghis Khan:


08-16-2021, 04:48 PM
What are your solutions?

Ignoring the centuries before it, do you really believe that after the shitshow of the past 20 years that that place is fixable? Especially when it's inhabited by people who don't want to be "fixed" to begin with?

Beyond the fact I've said consistently for years we've should have never been there in the first place? You get the hell out, you somehow manage to reaquire all of the tens of billions in equipment now being used by the Taliban and short of that, you use air assaults to destroy it.

We never belonged in Afghanistan. Using 9/11 as a pretext for invading and occupying a country was never solid. Our country tried to rebuild a failed nation, slapping steel over what was paper machete and expecting the petty warlords an despots to somehow make a democratic government? Yeah, right. They're enjoying the millions in aid stolen from government coffers.

Sorry, not sorry but this isn't Serbia, Darfur or one of a dozen African countries where genocide occurring. We had not business getting involved in their government and the end result is more of the same. Money and equipment in the hands of our enemies.

08-16-2021, 05:16 PM
“One more year, or five more years, of U.S. military presence would not have made a difference if the Afghan military cannot or will not hold its own country.”

Snipe all you want, but this is right. Whether it was Bush, Obama, Trump or Biden this was the right call to make. $1 trillion spent trying to prop up a country which failed anyway. Human Rights? Sure, but not at the cost we paid

08-16-2021, 05:27 PM
“One more year, or five more years, of U.S. military presence would not have made a difference if the Afghan military cannot or will not hold its own country.”

Snipe all you want, but this is right. Whether it was Bush, Obama, Trump or Biden this was the right call to make. $1 trillion spent trying to prop up a country which failed anyway. Human Rights? Sure, but not at the cost we paid

I already quoted that and said Biden was right and yet you’re still on my nuts.

I just want Biden to now own his decision and what he’s saying rather than trying to blame Trump for somehow forcing him to do this. He’s a coward which is why you like him.

08-16-2021, 05:34 PM

Might seem small, but you know you're in trouble when CNN anchors report and refer to the President as "Mr. Biden"... multiple times.

As for what Biden said, it was never about leaving - it was about how it was done. And how this has happened, is all at his feet... regardless of who he wants to blame.

Three more years of this jackass in office - who the fuck knows what shit is going to look like.

Interestingly, Harris has been MIA for what now... two, three weeks?

08-16-2021, 05:43 PM
Ah ok.

So they did this, under the direction of their leader, Bob Genghis Khan:



08-16-2021, 05:45 PM
Beyond the fact I've said consistently for years we've should have never been there in the first place? You get the hell out, you somehow manage to reaquire all of the tens of billions in equipment now being used by the Taliban and short of that, you use air assaults to destroy it.

We never belonged in Afghanistan. Using 9/11 as a pretext for invading and occupying a country was never solid. Our country tried to rebuild a failed nation, slapping steel over what was paper machete and expecting the petty warlords an despots to somehow make a democratic government? Yeah, right. They're enjoying the millions in aid stolen from government coffers.

Sorry, not sorry but this isn't Serbia, Darfur or one of a dozen African countries where genocide occurring. We had not business getting involved in their government and the end result is more of the same. Money and equipment in the hands of our enemies.


08-16-2021, 05:48 PM
As for what Biden said, it was never about leaving - it was about how it was done. And how this has happened, is all at his feet... regardless of who he wants to blame.

That's what gets me about the people who say "Well Trump wanted us to leave even sooner!!111!!"

Yes I think we should have left that shithole years ago, but something tells me Trump would have done it much differently. It might still have been a shitshow, but I bet Trump wouldn't have left our embassy and citizens there like "LOL! The Afghan government has this! We're fine!" And when the Taliban started advancing on Kabul he probably would have sent in airstrikes to keep them back and increased troop presence until the withdrawal was completed.

It's like Biden had no backup plan for this worst case scenario, instead he fully believed the Afghan army would maintain control of the country for years and there was nothing to worry about, and now he just looks like an incompetent idiot, because that's what he is.

08-16-2021, 05:48 PM
Human Rights?

The idea that the west can bring human rights to the east is a broken idea that has cost millions of lives, it's secular Manifest Destiny.

08-16-2021, 06:47 PM
Afghans pay for an afghan with Afghani.

08-16-2021, 06:52 PM
The idea that the west can bring human rights to the east is a broken idea that has cost millions of lives, it's secular Manifest Destiny.

Let them figure it out. The correct response to being attacked as a result is a thorough carpet bombing for a few days straight.

08-16-2021, 07:50 PM
Turkey builds wall on Iranian border to stop influx of refugees from Afghanistan (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/turkey-builds-wall-on-iranian-border-to-stop-influx-of-refugees-from-afghanistan/vi-AANob8h?ocid=winp1taskbar)

Have Democrats told them that walls are racist yet?

08-16-2021, 10:41 PM
I already quoted that and said Biden was right and yet you’re still on my nuts.

I just want Biden to now own his decision and what he’s saying rather than trying to blame Trump for somehow forcing him to do this. He’s a coward which is why you like him.

The blame for Afghan falls from Bush all the way to Biden. Biden royally fucked up the withdraw.
Blaming Trump for his own decision to withdraw is bullshit imo.
I’m honestly glad we are out of Afghanistan but should have been done better though.
Saying that, honestly any withdraw, no matter how they did it, would have been an absolute shit show anyways.

08-16-2021, 10:58 PM
The blame falls from Bush all the way to Biden. Biden royally fucked up the withdraw.
Blaming Trump for his own decision to withdraw is bullshit imo.
I’m honestly glad we are out of Afghanistan but should have been done better though.
Saying that, honestly any withdraw, no matter how they did it, would have been an absolute shit show anyways.

I think we should give more money to the government so they can fix climate change and put them in charge of everyone's healthcare.


08-16-2021, 11:27 PM
I think we should give more money to the government so they can fix climate change and put them in charge of everyone's healthcare.


Uh, ok?

08-17-2021, 10:59 AM
President Biden struck a defiant tone yesterday, announcing without regret that the withdrawal from Afghanistan was proceeding. Uncompromising leadership against the face of establishment opposition to ending of the Afghanistan Occupation, ceding to American desire to end a costly war supporting a feckless, weak Afghanistan government.

What we're seeing on the right and left are shitting on a President who made a firm commitment. The Left feels Afghanistan can be rescued, but doesn't know how. The Right fears the reduction of income from their defense industry lobbyists. Both wrong.

Afghanistan originally had a mission to remove Al Queda, it was successful and mission was complete. The secondary mission, to install a democratic government and nation build was a 20 year failure, which should have never happened. Tens of millions of dollars are sitting in the pockets of government officials who embezzled an fled, or are now in flight. Tens of BILLIONS in equipment are in the hands of the Taliban when the Afghanistan government, their police, their military showed their belly and surrendered.

Afghanistan failing is the story, not the President who against demamds of establishment military and war profiteering lobbyists finally pulled us out of the failed mission.

08-17-2021, 11:39 AM
I already quoted that and said Biden was right and yet you’re still on my nuts.

I just want Biden to now own his decision and what he’s saying rather than trying to blame Trump for somehow forcing him to do this. He’s a coward which is why you like him.


08-17-2021, 12:03 PM
President Biden struck a defiant tone yesterday, announcing without regret that the withdrawal from Afghanistan was proceeding. Uncompromising leadership against the face of establishment opposition to ending of the Afghanistan Occupation, ceding to American desire to end a costly war supporting a feckless, weak Afghanistan government.

What we're seeing on the right and left are shitting on a President who made a firm commitment. The Left feels Afghanistan can be rescued, but doesn't know how. The Right fears the reduction of income from their defense industry lobbyists. Both wrong.

Afghanistan originally had a mission to remove Al Queda, it was successful and mission was complete. The secondary mission, to install a democratic government and nation build was a 20 year failure, which should have never happened. Tens of millions of dollars are sitting in the pockets of government officials who embezzled an fled, or are now in flight. Tens of BILLIONS in equipment are in the hands of the Taliban when the Afghanistan government, their police, their military showed their belly and surrendered.

Afghanistan failing is the story, not the President who against demamds of establishment military and war profiteering lobbyists finally pulled us out of the failed mission.

You mean President Trumps plan to withdraw right? Even Biden said it was Trump's plan to fully withdraw. So again, you're welcome for President Trump being so forward thinking, and attempting to stop the military industrial complex and endless wars.

It's the how that Biden fucked up so much... so really... does he deserve any credit?

08-17-2021, 12:13 PM
You mean President Trumps plan to withdraw right? Even Biden said it was Trump's plan to fully withdraw. So again, you're welcome for President Trump being so forward thinking, and attempting to stop the military industrial complex and endless wars.

It's the how that Biden fucked up so much... so really... does he deserve any credit?

Got it. Biden responsible for Taliban taking over and everything bad, Trump responsible for ending war. Thank you for your partisan filter.

Except, oh right Trump isn't commander and chief anymore. Biden's now in charge of the military and culpable, good or bad.

08-17-2021, 12:15 PM
Got it. Biden responsible for Taliban taking over and everything bad, Trump responsible for ending war. Thank you for your partisan filter.

Except, oh right Trump isn't commander and chief anymore. Biden's now in charge of the military and culpable, good or bad.

Biden is 100% responsible for the shitty evacuation situation. He's 100% responsible for downplaying the Taliban threat and said it was impossible for them to take over. That's all on Biden and he needs to own it instead of blaming Trump and the intelligence community.

08-17-2021, 12:20 PM
Biden is 100% responsible for the shitty evacuation situation. He's 100% responsible for downplaying the Taliban threat and said it was impossible for them to take over. That's all on Biden and he needs to own it instead of blaming Trump and the intelligence community.

No, Biden said it was Al-Qaeda's fault. And probably climate change too.

08-17-2021, 12:21 PM
No, Biden said it was Al-Qaeda's fault. And probably climate change too.

Honestly I'm surprised he didn't blame climate change or white supremacy.

08-17-2021, 12:32 PM
Biden's now in charge of the military and culpable, good or bad.


And it's not good.

At all.

08-17-2021, 02:36 PM
Biden is 100% responsible for the shitty evacuation situation. He's 100% responsible for downplaying the Taliban threat and said it was impossible for them to take over. That's all on Biden and he needs to own it instead of blaming Trump and the intelligence community.

I don't think you're at all cognizant of reality there. 20 years we've been in Afghanistan, pushing back the Taliban, setting up a government, training security forces and providing armaments and logistics equipment. Yet they've known for months now the United States was pulling out, could have used all that time fortifying their positions against incursion. Yet they didn't, the security forces fled in droves, often with equipment and supplies.

Whether it took days, weeks, months or years Afghanistan would never have been ready. The United States has nothing to gain from staying there and despite all the fanatical military pundits claiming more times was needed, they're lying. No amount of time, effort or intelligence could make that country stand up for itself.

Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool or a liar. Or Trump.

08-17-2021, 02:49 PM
I don't think you're at all cognizant of reality there. 20 years we've been in Afghanistan, pushing back the Taliban, setting up a government, training security forces and providing armaments and logistics equipment. Yet they've known for months now the United States was pulling out, could have used all that time fortifying their positions against incursion. Yet they didn't, the security forces fled in droves, often with equipment and supplies.

Whether it took days, weeks, months or years Afghanistan would never have been ready. The United States has nothing to gain from staying there and despite all the fanatical military pundits claiming more times was needed, they're lying. No amount of time, effort or intelligence could make that country stand up for itself.

Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool or a liar. Or Trump.

So if Biden knew this would be a huge clusterfuck why not pull our diplomats, citizens, and military equipment out ahead of time before we withdrew instead of leaving all that there and claiming the Afghan army would keep it all safe? Biden failed, just admit it.

08-17-2021, 02:54 PM
I don't think you're at all cognizant of reality there. 20 years we've been in Afghanistan, pushing back the Taliban, setting up a government, training security forces and providing armaments and logistics equipment. Yet they've known for months now the United States was pulling out, could have used all that time fortifying their positions against incursion. Yet they didn't, the security forces fled in droves, often with equipment and supplies.

Whether it took days, weeks, months or years Afghanistan would never have been ready. The United States has nothing to gain from staying there and despite all the fanatical military pundits claiming more times was needed, they're lying. No amount of time, effort or intelligence could make that country stand up for itself.

Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool or a liar. Or Trump.

You mean Trump, who initiated the drawdown and was trying to end the war?

Again, you're welcome. Good thing we had such a forward thinking, anti-establishment, and resolute President to go against the military-industrial complex.

Biden had a "gimme" in the bag... but he's an idiot, and fucked it all up... as usual.

The best part of the whole speech... was him blaming Obama. LOL. Biden better watch it. Talk like that is liable to lead to an unfortunate accident on the White House stairs if Obama's minions have any say.

08-17-2021, 03:02 PM
You mean Trump, who initiated the drawdown and was trying to end the war?

Again, you're welcome. Good thing we had such a forward thinking, anti-establishment, and resolute President to go against the military-industrial complex.

Biden had a "gimme" in the bag... but he's an idiot, and fucked it all up... as usual.

The best part of the whole speech... was him blaming Obama. LOL. Biden better watch it. Talk like that is liable to lead to an unfortunate accident on the White House stairs if Obama's minions have any say.

You are confusing Obama with Clinton.

Obama won't do shit.

08-17-2021, 03:57 PM
I don't think you're at all cognizant of reality there. 20 years we've been in Afghanistan, pushing back the Taliban, setting up a government, training security forces and providing armaments and logistics equipment. Yet they've known for months now the United States was pulling out, could have used all that time fortifying their positions against incursion. Yet they didn't, the security forces fled in droves, often with equipment and supplies.

Whether it took days, weeks, months or years Afghanistan would never have been ready. The United States has nothing to gain from staying there and despite all the fanatical military pundits claiming more times was needed, they're lying. No amount of time, effort or intelligence could make that country stand up for itself.

Anyone who believes otherwise is a fool or a liar. Or Trump.

They knew we were pulling out for months...like when we were originally going to leave in May, but Biden said fuck that and then ignored all his generals because orange man bad and gave everyone this clusterfuck?

Or did you mean some other different months ahead of time?

08-17-2021, 03:59 PM
They knew we were pulling out for months...like when we were originally going to leave in May, but Biden said fuck that and then ignored all his generals because orange man bad and gave everyone this clusterfuck?

Or did you mean some other different months ahead of time?

Oh, look -- it's the resident retard being forced to make shit up in an argument.


Be sure to get super upset, throw a tantrum and post in multiple threads about how upset you are you were mocked for being retarded. :)

08-17-2021, 04:04 PM
Oh, look -- it's the resident retard being forced to make shit up in an argument.

Stop posting then and you won't have that problem.

No need to announce your arrival though.

08-17-2021, 04:05 PM
Stop posting then and you won't have that problem.

No need to announce your arrival though.

A 9th consecutive NOU. Spectacular retardation, as always, Methais.

08-17-2021, 04:05 PM
A 9th consecutive NOU. Spectacular retardation, as always, Methais.

Watch everyone, this is cancer in real time.

Stay tuned.

08-17-2021, 04:06 PM
Watch everyone, this is cancer in real time.

Stay tuned.

Sorry you're butthurt you were called out for being forced to make shit up, since your worldview is based on fantasies. :)

Keep smacking your face into that wall, totally unprompted.

08-17-2021, 04:10 PM
Sorry you're butthurt you were called out for being forced to make shit up, since your worldview is based on fantasies. :)

Keep smacking your face into that wall, totally unprompted.


Yes, keep showing everyone some more how cancerous and desperate for my attention you are. I'll allow you to remain out of your cage for this purpose.

For now. Don't get too excited. It's only temporary.

08-17-2021, 04:14 PM

Yes, keep showing everyone some more how cancerous and desperate for my attention you are. I'll allow you to remain out of your cage for this purpose.

For now. Don't get too excited. It's only temporary.

What I'm showing everyone is that you can't adapt to your position being pointed out to be false. Like when you argued, for weeks, that the "vast majority of murders in Louisiana" were in New Orleans? And then moved the goalposts to a new, also false position for weeks? And then to a new, meaningless position that didn't demonstrate your contention?


You're an idiot, Methais, bullshitting about nonsense. You don't know how to do anything -- except humiliate yourself.

08-17-2021, 04:27 PM
What I'm showing everyone


08-17-2021, 04:30 PM

Thanks for stopping by. Best of luck dealing with your racism. :)

08-17-2021, 04:44 PM
What I'm showing everyone is that you can't adapt to your position being pointed out to be false. Like when you argued, for weeks, that the "vast majority of murders in Louisiana" were in New Orleans? And then moved the goalposts to a new, also false position for weeks? And then to a new, meaningless position that didn't demonstrate your contention?


You're an idiot, Methais, bullshitting about nonsense. You don't know how to do anything -- except humiliate yourself.

Imagine being so mad all the time that now you started following me to other threads just to cry some more about the same shit you cry about in your special thread that you've been crying about for months now.
because your mental illness has taken complete control of you. :lol:

Allow me to save you the trouble of replying, as we know you're mashing F5 right now anxiously waiting for me to reply so you can reply instantly as usual with more CTRL+V shrieking and butthurt. So I'll just post the summary for you...


Just let me know if you need anything else. Besides my attention that is, since that goes without saying.

Everyone else...just let me know when you need him caged back up. He'll kick and scream for a few minutes, but it still works.


08-17-2021, 04:50 PM
Imagine being so mad all the time that now you started following me to other threads just to cry some more about the same shit you cry about in your special thread that you've been crying about for months now.
because your mental illness has taken complete control of you.

Much to your transparent, teeth-gnashing dismay - I've always posted in whatever threads I want, and the comforting mental gymnastics you and Tardbandit have been telling yourself for 6 months don't change anything. I've spent more than the last decade dismantling your profoundly retarded arguments, Methais -- which is why you've been mad enough to spend the last 6 months in a hilarious bout of non-stop simping and white knighting for TB.

Pro-tip: When trying to sell other people a story, don't actually buy into it yourself.


Allow me to save you the trouble of replying, as we know you're mashing F5 right now anxiously waiting for me to reply so you can reply instantly as usual with more CTRL+V shrieking and butthurt. So I'll just post the summary for you...

Just let me know if you need anything else. Besides my attention that is, since that goes without saying.

Everyone else...just let me know when you need him caged back up. He'll kick and scream for a few minutes, but it still works.


Best of luck coming to terms with reality, Methais. And in figuring out how the Internet works.



08-17-2021, 04:52 PM

Dude. I told you I was going to save you the trouble and reply for you.

What an ingrate.

08-17-2021, 04:52 PM
Dude. I told you I was going to save you the trouble and reply for you.

What an ingrate.

Best of luck figuring out how the Internet works. :)


08-17-2021, 04:58 PM

This is why you're returning to your cage when I get back.

08-17-2021, 04:59 PM
REEEEEEE! I'd bought into my own fantasy about having the power to limit you to Tardbandit's meltdown thread! YOU CAN'T MOCK MY RETARDED POSITION IN ANOTHER THREAD! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!



You'd better pivot to a new argument, Methais -- like "ACKSHULLY, you continuing to criticize me in other places was my plan all along! YOU FELL FOR IT! Y-yeah, that's it!" -- like you're usually forced to.

:rofl: Stay triggered -- I'm sorry, Big Mad -- by your control issues.

08-17-2021, 05:57 PM
So if Biden knew this would be a huge clusterfuck why not pull our diplomats, citizens, and military equipment out ahead of time before we withdrew instead of leaving all that there and claiming the Afghan army would keep it all safe? Biden failed, just admit it.

So you're expecting in seven months, what prior administration's have failed to accomplish in 20 years? That's not how that works. Commander and Chief decided enough was enough and moved forwarded with Trump's ineffectual promise to the Taliban to leave Afghanistan.

08-17-2021, 06:02 PM
You mean Trump, who initiated the drawdown and was trying to end the war?

Again, you're welcome. Good thing we had such a forward thinking, anti-establishment, and resolute President to go against the military-industrial complex.

Biden had a "gimme" in the bag... but he's an idiot, and fucked it all up... as usual.

The best part of the whole speech... was him blaming Obama. LOL. Biden better watch it. Talk like that is liable to lead to an unfortunate accident on the White House stairs if Obama's minions have any say.

I'm sorry Trump initiated a draw down of 4,000 troops down to 2,500 in his four years, after having unilaterally agreeing with the Taliban a year and a half ago to leave Afghanistan within 14 months. Or did you forget that your orange man set all of this in motion February 2020.

08-17-2021, 06:07 PM
I don't believe we've ever brought most of the stuff back we sent over during deployments. It's cheaper to just leave it for whoever is supposed to be taking over. Since the ANA never took care of their stuff and the Taliban won't be getting replacement parts, it will mostly be inoperable in a couple months.

08-17-2021, 08:29 PM
Biden is 100% responsible for the shitty evacuation situation. He's 100% responsible for downplaying the Taliban threat and said it was impossible for them to take over. That's all on Biden and he needs to own it instead of blaming Trump and the intelligence community.

Link to Biden saying it was impossible for the Taliban to take over?

08-17-2021, 08:50 PM
I don't believe we've ever brought most of the stuff back we sent over during deployments. It's cheaper to just leave it for whoever is supposed to be taking over. Since the ANA never took care of their stuff and the Taliban won't be getting replacement parts, it will mostly be inoperable in a couple months.

Yup. Unfortunately we do that with dogs too, since they're considered property

08-17-2021, 08:55 PM
Link to Biden saying it was impossible for the Taliban to take over?


“The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese Army. They're not remotely comparable in terms of capability,” Biden said. “There's going to be no circumstances where you’re going to see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the United States from Afghanistan.”

“The likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely,” Biden said.

08-17-2021, 09:04 PM

Highly unlikely and impossible aren’t the same.

08-17-2021, 09:14 PM
Highly unlikely and impossible aren’t the same.

Christ almighty, you and drauz are the absolute worst.

You're like the heckling old people in the Muppets. "He didn't say 110! He said 109! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!"

08-17-2021, 09:16 PM
Christ almighty, you and drauz are the absolute worst.

No, it’s about you giving out misinformation and being called out on it.
Even the article title said highly unlikely and you STILL linked it like it supported your words before, instead of just admitting you fucked up.

It’s like saying, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to win the lottery instead of it being highly unlikely, yeah it’s a BIG difference.

08-17-2021, 09:26 PM
No, it’s about you giving out misinformation and being called out on it.

No it's about you fuckers nitpicking everything.

Did Biden downplay the shit out of a Taliban take over? Yes.
Did he say it was highly unlikely? Yes.
Did he say we would NOT see helicopters landing on the roof of the US embassy in order to evacuate people? Yes.
Did he literally use the word "impossible"? Okay! You got me! You win!

You and Seran really need to find a new hobby that doesn't involve you on my nuts 24/7.

08-17-2021, 09:46 PM
No it's about you fuckers nitpicking everything.

Did Biden downplay the shit out of a Taliban take over? Yes.
Did he say it was highly unlikely? Yes.
Did he say we would NOT see helicopters landing on the roof of the US embassy in order to evacuate people? Yes.
Did he literally use the word "impossible"? Okay! You got me! You win!

You and Seran really need to find a new hobby that doesn't involve you on my nuts 24/7.

I’m on your nuts 24/7? Let’s look at how often I post compared to how often you post.

Everything you posted except what I bolded is irrelevant to what I asked you to prove.
I completely agree with what you’ve stated actually and Biden royally fucked up and deserves the blame for this withdraw.

Maybe if you didn’t give misinformation, people wouldn’t call you out on it? I specifically asked where did he say it was impossible for the Taliban to take over, and you linked an article that says nothing about it being impossible for the Taliban to take over. You get called out, and you get all worked up about it.

Nitpicking? Highly unlikely and impossible are completely different, one means a possibility, the other means there is NOT a possibility. I wouldn’t call that “nitpicking”

08-17-2021, 10:31 PM
I’m on your nuts 24/7? Let’s look at how often I post compared to how often you post.

Trump: And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?
Media and Democrats: ZOMG! Trump just told everyone to inject bleach directly into their veins! He's a menace!
People like you:

Me: Biden said it was impossible.
People like you: ZOMG! Liar! Biden just said it was highly unlikely.

I legit thought you were asking a legit question because you hadn't heard about Biden completely downplaying the Taliban threat, so like a fool I went ahead and found a link for you like you asked. But nope. You just wanted to sit there with some dumb shit like "He never used the word 'impossible'. Checkmate."

You know what they say though: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you can't be fooled again.

Serious question, after you do something dumb like this do you sit there in that chair of yours, lean back, fold your hands behind your head and say "Got'em" to no one?

08-17-2021, 10:43 PM
Trump: And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?
Media and Democrats: ZOMG! Trump just told everyone to inject bleach directly into their veins! He's a menace!
People like you:

Me: Biden said it was impossible.
People like you: ZOMG! Liar! Biden just said it was highly unlikely.

I legit thought you were asking a legit question because you hadn't heard about Biden completely downplaying the Taliban threat, so like a fool I went ahead and found a link for you like you asked. But nope. You just wanted to sit there with some dumb shit like "He never used the word 'impossible'. Checkmate."

You know what they say though: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you can't be fooled again.

Serious question, after you do something dumb like this do you sit there in that chair of yours, lean back, fold your hands behind your head and say "Got'em" to no one?

I know 100% he downplayed the threat, like I said twice already, I AGREE with you.
Not sure why that’s so hard for you to comprehend, should I say it again?
My qualm is with you giving misinformation about the words he said. When he said nothing remotely close to what you said he did. You also know it as well, or else you wouldn’t be so defensive about it.
The article you linked as your own evidence shows he said nothing of the sorts.

08-17-2021, 11:14 PM
I know 100% he downplayed the threat, like I said twice already, I AGREE with you.
Not sure why that’s so hard for you to comprehend, should I say it again?
My qualm is with you giving misinformation about the words he said. When he said nothing remotely close to what you said he did. You also know it as well, or else you wouldn’t be so defensive about it.
The article you linked as your own evidence shows he said nothing of the sorts.

You have to admit that line is still pretty hilarious though...

“The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese Army. They're not remotely comparable in terms of capability,” Biden said. “There's going to be no circumstances where you’re going to see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the United States from Afghanistan.”



08-17-2021, 11:16 PM
You have to admit that line is still pretty hilarious though...



Oh for sure, when I saw that I literally facepalmed!
Biden will probably say it wasn’t the roof of the embassy, but the front lawn! Lulz

Even the words he said are fucked up.
From an embassy in the United States from Afghanistan.

08-18-2021, 01:29 AM
Polls suggest fewer than half of Americans support the Afghanistan withdrawal, 2 months ago the number was like 76%.

I think this clusterfuk of Biden's can be summed up like this: Americans supported the withdrawal, they did not support the way Biden withdrew.

Biden is a fuck up. He has been for decades. Hopefully people wise up and vote him out of office in 3 years, or maybe Democrats will finally recognize his dementia and remove him earlier.

08-18-2021, 02:15 AM
Super informative. The moment we tried to deliver western ideals was the moment we lost.


P.S. Time4fun got her degree from a crackerjack box.

08-18-2021, 10:37 AM
No it's about you fuckers nitpicking everything.

Did Biden downplay the shit out of a Taliban take over? Yes.
Did he say it was highly unlikely? Yes.
Did he say we would NOT see helicopters landing on the roof of the US embassy in order to evacuate people? Yes.
Did he literally use the word "impossible"? Okay! You got me! You win!

You and Seran really need to find a new hobby that doesn't involve you on my nuts 24/7.

Maybe if you didn't outright lie so much to try and prove a point you know nothing about, people wouldn't feel the need to correct you so much.

08-18-2021, 12:32 PM
Here is what one supposed Afghan pilot has to say about Biden throwing them under the bus and blaming them all for the mess he created: (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/afghan-air-force-pilot-to-americans-we-did-not-all-just-give-up-and-quit/ar-AANquZs?ocid=winp1taskbar)

"Many Afghan soldiers died bravely," the pilot told The Bulwark. "I've been fighting for over fifteen years. We did not all just give up and quit." Yes, some did, the pilot conceded, but "the logistics, maintenance, and corruption" brought on after the U.S. withdrawal "really hurt us." While addressing the nation on Monday, President Biden said American forces cannot and should not be fighting in a war that "Afghan forces are not willing to fight for themselves."

"I know people in the U.S. are upset that we didn't fight longer," the pilot added. "But we've been fighting for decades — and some of us, even longer. When the U.S. left, it really affected morale, especially how quickly it happened."

Afghan soldiers were "simply doing the best we could" and "loved fighting alongside Americans." "There are a lot of Afghans who trusted the United States," the pilot said.

"Please don't leave us behind. Please. We will be great Americans."

Sad if this is all true.

Biden really didn't have to kick all of these people while they were down to cover up his own failure with the withdrawal. He truly is a monster.

08-18-2021, 01:22 PM
Highly unlikely and impossible aren’t the same.

"HE NEVER USED THE WORD IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Solkern 2021


08-18-2021, 01:25 PM
"HE NEVER USED THE WORD IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Solkern 2021


Dreaven: "Biden said it was IMPOSSIBLE!"
Solkern: "Where?"
Dreaven: <link to Biden saying something else that doesn't demonstrate his original contention>
Tardbandit: "If I pretend hard enough, will 'unlikely' mean the same thing as impossible? How about if I pretend Dreaven's mistake was Solkern's REALLY hard? HHHHNnnnnnhhhhhh...!"

Jesus....... Or rather, what we'd expect from you as the forum's Retard Champion. And post in your meltdown thread right away, please.

08-18-2021, 01:25 PM
Here is what one supposed Afghan pilot has to say about Biden throwing them under the bus and blaming them all for the mess he created: (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/afghan-air-force-pilot-to-americans-we-did-not-all-just-give-up-and-quit/ar-AANquZs?ocid=winp1taskbar)

Sad if this is all true.

Biden really didn't have to kick all of these people while they were down to cover up his own failure with the withdrawal. He truly is a monster.

To be fair.. I doubt Biden is actually making all the big decisions at this point. One of his 20something advisors probably came up with this idea and Biden claimed it was his.

Whoever made this decision though is a brain dead retard.

"Hey, let's abandon the highly defensible air force base we spent 20 years making and just use the other airport with 1 runway... what could possibly go wrong!?"

08-18-2021, 01:29 PM
To be fair.. I doubt Biden is actually making all the big decisions at this point. One of his 20something advisors probably came up with this idea and Biden claimed it was his.

Whoever made this decision though is a brain dead retard.

"Hey, let's abandon the highly defensible air force base we spent 20 years making and just use the other airport with 1 runway... what could possibly go wrong!?"

Not to mention withdrawing our troops and abandoning our Afghan government allies THEN after the Taliban take control be like "Oh yeah...we have civilians and embassy staff still in the country, maybe we should evacuate them now?" And there are reports out that the Taliban have now set up roadblocks and are preventing people from getting to the airport, gee who could have seen that coming?

What an absolute shitshow. But hey at least Solkern is focusing on the important issue here, and that is Biden just said it was "highly unlikely" the Taliban would take over and never used the word "impossible."

08-18-2021, 01:33 PM
Not to mention withdrawing our troops and abandoning our Afghan government allies THEN after the Taliban take control be like "Oh yeah...we have civilians and embassy staff still in the country, maybe we should evacuate them now?" And there are reports out that the Taliban have now set up roadblocks and are preventing people from getting to the airport, gee who could have seen that coming?

What an absolute shitshow. But hey at least Solkern is focusing on the important issue here, and that is Biden just said it was "highly unlikely" the Taliban would take over and never used the word "impossible."

Maybe he's focusing on the point that you can never make a simple statement without lying, Dreaven.

Every single one of the progressives (or moderates) on the forum would agree that there's plenty to criticize the Biden administration for -- but your hilarious, tribal retardation always makes you take it a step too far into fantasyland.

08-18-2021, 01:41 PM
Here is what one supposed Afghan pilot has to say about Biden throwing them under the bus and blaming them all for the mess he created: (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/afghan-air-force-pilot-to-americans-we-did-not-all-just-give-up-and-quit/ar-AANquZs?ocid=winp1taskbar)

Sad if this is all true.

Biden really didn't have to kick all of these people while they were down to cover up his own failure with the withdrawal. He truly is a monster.

For every 1 ANA soldier who would train or actually fight, there were 10 others who deserted, stole equipment and fucked off to their villages, or only existed on paper. I guess things would be different if we had 179,999 more of this supposed random Afghan pilot, but we didn't.

08-18-2021, 01:52 PM
For every 1 ANA soldier who would train or actually fight, there were 10 others who deserted, stole equipment and fucked off to their villages, or only existed on paper. I guess things would be different if we had 179,999 more of this supposed random Afghan pilot, but we didn't.

You're not suggesting the media would make up sources or not properly vet people before interviewing them are you?

08-18-2021, 02:06 PM
You're not suggesting the media would make up sources or not properly vet people before interviewing them are you?

It doesn't even matter if he's real or not (though I noticed you were happy enough to go along with it since it fit your narrative). I've never seen or heard of anyone who was directly involved in training them think they were a fighting force.

08-18-2021, 02:39 PM
(though I noticed you were happy enough to go along with it since it fit your narrative).

Hey I qualified my statement by saying if it were true. I know the media well enough by now to know I have to take everything I read from them with a huge heaping side of salt.

I've never seen or heard of anyone who was directly involved in training them think they were a fighting force.

I'm sure some of them must have tried. I think a big part of it is the ones who tried relied on the US military a lot and then we just suddenly said okay we out! You're all on your own now.

08-18-2021, 03:29 PM
I'm sure some of them must have tried. I think a big part of it is the ones who tried relied on the US military a lot and then we just suddenly said okay we out! You're all on your own now.

It wasn't sudden at all though. We had been attempting to train and prepare them to stand on their own since the very beginning. In 2006 we used to tell the ANA/ABP to begin taking point on patrols - we'd still be with them for support, they would just be in the front. There was always an excuse why they couldn't do it. "Our trucks broke down." "Nobody showed up." "Today is a holiday." Sometimes their commanders would outright refuse. Anyone who has been there has similar stories.

Here's a Vice documentary from 2013. It shows pretty much everything that was going on, it really should be required viewing.


08-18-2021, 03:30 PM
No it's about you fuckers nitpicking everything.

Did Biden downplay the shit out of a Taliban take over? Yes.
Did he say it was highly unlikely? Yes.
Did he say we would NOT see helicopters landing on the roof of the US embassy in order to evacuate people? Yes.
Did he literally use the word "impossible"? Okay! You got me! You win!

You and Seran really need to find a new hobby that doesn't involve you on my nuts 24/7.

Then stop using hyperbole and then trying to reference that as fact later in our argument.

You do the exact same thing when someone says something like that about Republicans, don't play the victim it doesn't suit you.

08-18-2021, 04:54 PM
We’ve had entire platoons with us. They all sucked. I was more worried about them shooting me in the back.

08-18-2021, 05:17 PM
Here is what one supposed Afghan pilot has to say about Biden throwing them under the bus and blaming them all for the mess he created: (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/afghan-air-force-pilot-to-americans-we-did-not-all-just-give-up-and-quit/ar-AANquZs?ocid=winp1taskbar)

Sad if this is all true.

Biden really didn't have to kick all of these people while they were down to cover up his own failure with the withdrawal. He truly is a monster.

Whine whine whine, a country thousands of miles away didn't keep the pointless forever war going and all of them Afghan commanders stole fuel, parts and supplies for decades, but now it's Biden's fault. Please, shed some pussy water for this poor pilot who was abandoned by his own country.

08-18-2021, 05:25 PM
Hey I qualified my statement by saying if it were true. I know the media well enough by now to know I have to take everything I read from them with a huge heaping side of salt.

I'm sure some of them must have tried. I think a big part of it is the ones who tried relied on the US military a lot and then we just suddenly said okay we out! You're all on your own now.

I like this cop out that Dreaven always relies on to preference lies and outright fabrications. There's no way that you and Tucker Carlson haven't been butt buddies since he joined Fox. His white supremacist propaganda and your conservative conspiracies and fabrications are basically the same script.

08-18-2021, 05:32 PM
but now it's Biden's fault.

Hey where are all those whiners who bitch when I supposedly "lie" about shit here to bitch about Seran completely making up what I said in this very thread?

As I have said before...what IS Biden's fault is this complete shitshow of a withdrawal. Why are tens of thousands of Americans still trapped in Afghanistan? That's all on Biden, don't you dare blame anyone else for that shit.

What is also Biden's fault is him throwing everyone under the bus, including the entire Afghan army some of whom did try and have been trying to years. You hate it when people paint in broad strokes like this right? Of course you do, just not when it's literally the worst president in the history of the world, simply because he happens to be a Democrat.

At least pretend to care about the people you claim to care about, you complete fraud hack.

08-18-2021, 05:34 PM
The absolute best part about all of this is Biden could have stuck to Trump's withdrawal plan and he could have easily just said "Blame Trump...he made the plan, I just followed through."

Instead he pushed it back and changed the plan so HE could be credited with ending the Afghanistan war, and now that it's biting him on the ass brain dead fuckers like Seran still want to give him the benefit of the doubt and blame literally everyone else but Biden. Poor, demented Uncle Joe, he doesn't know what he's doing so he can't be held responsible for all of the suffering he has caused!

08-18-2021, 05:45 PM
If we are going to play the blame game for Afghanistan, there is plenty of blame to go around to put on all of the past four administrations.

But the withdrawal plan fiasco has to be put squarely on Biden - a fact that is so obvious that even CNN has been somewhat critical of Biden's performance on the matter.

I just hope every American can get out safely. It is not looking good.

08-18-2021, 06:48 PM
Hey where are all those whiners who bitch when I supposedly "lie" about shit here to bitch about Seran completely making up what I said in this very thread?

As I have said before...what IS Biden's fault is this complete shitshow of a withdrawal. Why are tens of thousands of Americans still trapped in Afghanistan? That's all on Biden, don't you dare blame anyone else for that shit.

What is also Biden's fault is him throwing everyone under the bus, including the entire Afghan army some of whom did try and have been trying to years. You hate it when people paint in broad strokes like this right? Of course you do, just not when it's literally the worst president in the history of the world, simply because he happens to be a Democrat.

At least pretend to care about the people you claim to care about, you complete fraud hack.

Tens of thousands? What the fuck are you smoking. 10,000-15,000 American civilians was the number released. That is ten thousand, singular and not plural.

But please, tell us more about the withdrawal initiated by Trump in January 2020 when he negotiated handing over the country to the Taliban.

08-18-2021, 06:55 PM
Tens of thousands? What the fuck are you smoking. 10,000-15,000 American civilians was the number released.

It’s not tens of thousands! It’s only 15k that Biden has left stranded in Afghanistan!

Holy shit you and Solkern are complete jokes.

08-18-2021, 07:06 PM
These happy, brain dead Lay-Z-Boy warriors crying about how the Afghanistan army just needed more time and woe woe woe they were betrayed for not having our army there forever more.

I mean really, actual servicemen have told you that what your saying is nonsense. You really need to look beyond your local Fox affiliate for information.

08-18-2021, 07:17 PM
It’s not tens of thousands! It’s only 15k that Biden has left stranded in Afghanistan!

Holy shit you and Solkern are complete jokes.

Honestly, I put that on the military leaders. They are the ones that would have created the actual plan.

08-18-2021, 07:30 PM
Biden's plan seemed to be he would withdraw the military and everything would proceed as normal as Afghanistan. It didn't eve occur to him that something like this could happen. Ultimately being the commander in chief this should fall on him, both for the withdrawal and not having proper evacuation procedures in place.

Sure, he is ultimately responsible, but there are also generals that have done their job for 40 years that are involved too.

Stanley Burrell
08-18-2021, 07:35 PM

08-18-2021, 07:37 PM
Sure, he is ultimately responsible, but there are also generals that have done their job for 40 years that are involved too.

Oh I'm sure there is plenty of blame to go around, but as far as this withdrawal fuckup goes I don't think we can go back 20 years and say well this is all Bush's fault.

I don't think Biden is solely to blame for the Taliban taking over, I'm sure that was bound to happen no matter who was president. How fast that would have happened and how many people we would have left stranded I think would have differed greatly depending on who was president.

08-18-2021, 08:26 PM
"HE NEVER USED THE WORD IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -Solkern 2021


Maybe because highly unlikely and impossible mean completely different things?
Let me help you. One means there is a possibility, the other means there is no possibility.
It’s ok PB Engrish is hard for you. Must be the jet lag.

08-18-2021, 08:29 PM
What an absolute shitshow. But hey at least Solkern is focusing on the important issue here, and that is Biden just said it was "highly unlikely" the Taliban would take over and never used the word "impossible."

I know it’s difficult for you use proper words in English or at least speak the truth.
Biden royally fucked everyone would agree. This is the third time I’ve mentioned this to you.
But maybe you should use Google and try to understand the differences between the false statement you gave, and the actual statement Biden gave.

08-18-2021, 09:16 PM
Honestly, I put that on the military leaders. They are the ones that would have created the actual plan.

Don't disagree with this, but a few things would need clarifying.. as I'm sure they'll eventually/maybe? do..

From reports so far:

-The Military leadership was issuing these warnings, and for the most part they were ignored or discounted.
-Supposedly the plan that was in place from the previous administration was conditions based (who knows what those were, but doesn't seem disputed so far?), and the threat of retaliation from US forces was much more likely than the altered plan/timeline the new administration implemented.
-The Military was tasked and responsible for drawing down military personnel and closing their bases, and that's what they did.
-The discrepancy comes in from the civilian side of the house with the State Department personnel and contractors (the majority of Americans left), and which falls outside the purview/chain of command (as you know) of the military.

Either way, it's a sad day for the United States as a whole. Withdrawing majority of personnel, sure. How it was done, no.

The real problem is the pompousness of Biden - in his own words, paraphrasing here, "he's the most knowledgeable President ever on foreign affairs" and his angry remarks to reporters when asked questions prior to this whole debacle where he stated, again paraphrasing, "It's all good and it won't be like that".

For those reasons, because he does make the final decision, it falls on him in my opinion.

Hopefully there is some FOIA requests that shed some light on the decision making process with a review.

Going back to July, here was the real turning point/bad decision that cascaded into this whole fiasco in my opinion - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/military/u-s-military-leaves-bagram-airfield-hands-it-afghans-after-n1272958 -

1. Biden himself set the date of Sept. 11th.. you have to be crazy to do that. I guess he wanted something "symbolic". Well he got it.
2. Bagram should have been the very last thing closed down to ensure this didn't happen.
3. The current administration thought their civilian and State Department personnel would just be all hunky-dory in Kabul after all the military personnel left. That's just ignorant, hopeful, wishful thinking.

08-18-2021, 09:34 PM
Also, shit like this just drives me insane:


It's a fucking warzone. Our leaders should be with loud voices saying and telling the Taliban.. "We ARE moving in to get our people, you WILL stand aside while we collect our people, or you WILL be KILLED." - "Americans we will come for you".

Instead this administration seems to think they might offend the Taliban or some shit. Like we haven't been there for years and are just heading back in. It's odd.

I can't recall a time where an administration has openly said, we're not coming for you. It's always been, we WILL get you out - whatever it takes.

08-19-2021, 12:27 AM
Don't disagree with this, but a few things would need clarifying.. as I'm sure they'll eventually/maybe? do..

From reports so far:

-The Military leadership was issuing these warnings, and for the most part they were ignored or discounted.
-Supposedly the plan that was in place from the previous administration was conditions based (who knows what those were, but doesn't seem disputed so far?), and the threat of retaliation from US forces was much more likely than the altered plan/timeline the new administration implemented.
-The Military was tasked and responsible for drawing down military personnel and closing their bases, and that's what they did.
-The discrepancy comes in from the civilian side of the house with the State Department personnel and contractors (the majority of Americans left), and which falls outside the purview/chain of command (as you know) of the military.

Either way, it's a sad day for the United States as a whole. Withdrawing majority of personnel, sure. How it was done, no.

The real problem is the pompousness of Biden - in his own words, paraphrasing here, "he's the most knowledgeable President ever on foreign affairs" and his angry remarks to reporters when asked questions prior to this whole debacle where he stated, again paraphrasing, "It's all good and it won't be like that".

For those reasons, because he does make the final decision, it falls on him in my opinion.

Hopefully there is some FOIA requests that shed some light on the decision making process with a review.

Going back to July, here was the real turning point/bad decision that cascaded into this whole fiasco in my opinion - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/military/u-s-military-leaves-bagram-airfield-hands-it-afghans-after-n1272958 -

1. Biden himself set the date of Sept. 11th.. you have to be crazy to do that. I guess he wanted something "symbolic". Well he got it.
2. Bagram should have been the very last thing closed down to ensure this didn't happen.
3. The current administration thought their civilian and State Department personnel would just be all hunky-dory in Kabul after all the military personnel left. That's just ignorant, hopeful, wishful thinking.

There are a lot of people to blame for this, Biden being the face of the country takes the heat for every decision made under his watch. This withdraw was an absolute shit show. That being said, I think any withdraw would have been a shit show anyways.

08-19-2021, 12:36 AM
My big question in all of this shitshow is this: Where were all these mobs of Taliban hiding all these years that we weren't mowing them down wholesale?

08-19-2021, 12:37 AM
My big question in all of this shitshow is this: Where were all these mobs of Taliban hiding all these years that we weren't mowing them down wholesale?

That’s actually a damn good question.

08-19-2021, 03:32 AM
There are a lot of people to blame for this, Biden being the face of the country takes the heat for every decision made under his watch. This withdraw was an absolute shit show. That being said, I think any withdraw would have been a shit show anyways.

Don't disagree really, but there are some glaring things that happened prior that just lays it squarely at his feet - not just because he's the "face of the country".


-Asked by reporters: His reply "I want to talk about happy things"
-Negotiations had stalled by this point, when they were ongoing during the previous administration. Why?
-And lastly, it was the naive presumption by this administration that the State Department personnel could just "hang out" after the military had left. Because all those troops were sent back in to get them out, not other military personnel.

This administration thinks they can Tweet, or say some stern words at a press conference, and people will give two shits what they're saying or will listen. It's laughable, and we as a Nation are going to pay for it.

Sad to watch.

08-19-2021, 08:22 AM
I like this cop out that Dreaven always relies on to preference lies and outright fabrications. There's no way that you and Tucker Carlson haven't been butt buddies since he joined Fox. His white supremacist propaganda and your conservative conspiracies and fabrications are basically the same script.

Seriously.. what a faggot, right?

My favorite is when ultra effeminate liberals call others faggots when they disagree with them.

08-19-2021, 08:23 AM
The absolute best part about all of this is Biden could have stuck to Trump's withdrawal plan and he could have easily just said "Blame Trump...he made the plan, I just followed through."

Instead he pushed it back and changed the plan so HE could be credited with ending the Afghanistan war, and now that it's biting him on the ass brain dead fuckers like Seran still want to give him the benefit of the doubt and blame literally everyone else but Biden. Poor, demented Uncle Joe, he doesn't know what he's doing so he can't be held responsible for all of the suffering he has caused!

He is still blaming Trump though.

08-19-2021, 08:29 AM
Maybe because highly unlikely and impossible mean completely different things?
Let me help you. One means there is a possibility, the other means there is no possibility.
It’s ok PB Engrish is hard for you. Must be the jet lag.

President Biden inferred that this wouldn't happen... and it did.

But you concentrate all your entire brain "power" that President Biden didn't say the exact word "impossible"... because that somehow changes everything.

And make sure that is the hill you defend until the end.

Great job!

08-19-2021, 08:31 AM
Biden royally fucked everyone would agree. This is the third time I’ve mentioned this to you.

"Everyone" isn't agreeing that Biden "royally fucked". There are plenty of people defending Biden's actions.

Damn.. this is easy!

08-19-2021, 09:41 AM
President Biden inferred that this wouldn't happen... and it did.

But you concentrate all your entire brain "power" that President Biden didn't say the exact word "impossible"... because that somehow changes everything.

And make sure that is the hill you defend until the end.

Great job!

It’s ok PB I understand Engrish is hard for you. Let’s try again? Retards always need things repeated to them to help them have a better chance of understanding.

Tgo said Biden said it impossible!(0% chance of happening)
I asked where did Biden say this?
Tgo sends an link and quotes Biden said “it’s highly unlikely”
See the difference? Here let me help you with another version

Would people still buy lottery tickets if it was IMPOSSIBLE(0% chance) to win?
Imagine the lottery company said it’s highly unlikely you’ll win the lottery! People spend millions only to find out that the company made it impossible, the lottery replies, “highly unlikely, and impossible?! There’s no real difference!” (You and Tgo’s logic). Actually yeah, there is a big difference.

It’s not about the word “impossible” it’s about Tgo floating false information as fact.

Probably still too difficult for you to comprehend. Don’t even know why I try.

08-19-2021, 09:57 AM
President Biden inferred that this wouldn't happen... and it did.

No one's surprised you don't know the difference between inference and implication. Regardless, you and Dreaven not understanding that "unlikely" doesn't equal "impossible" only reflects on you two, and your ignorance of 1) your native language, and 2) of math.

But you concentrate all your entire brain "power" that President Biden didn't say the exact word "impossible"... because that somehow changes everything.

You concentrate all your entire brain "power" on trying to change history so that Biden said what Dreaven claimed he said... because your wishes somehow change everything.

(Spoiler Alert: Your wishes continue to lack the power to warp and twist history to suit your delusions, much to your obvious dismay).

And make sure that is the hill you defend until the end.

Great job!

The only one defending anything here would be you white knighting for Dreaven's mistake. Except you did so poorly, because you're Retard Champion Tardbandit.

Great job!

P.S. Be sure to post in your meltdown thread.

08-19-2021, 10:34 AM
That’s actually a damn good question.

We traced the call. It turns out it was coming from inside the house all along.

08-19-2021, 10:48 AM
Biden now says US troops might remain in Afghanistan past the withdraw deadline.


What was even the point of all of this then? Each day I am somehow shocked that Biden is more incompetent than the day before.

08-19-2021, 10:52 AM
Biden now says US troops might remain in Afghanistan past the withdraw deadline.

... to evacuate Americans.

Should we not be doing that?

08-19-2021, 10:52 AM
Biden now says US troops might remain in Afghanistan past the withdraw deadline.


What was even the point of all of this then? Each day I am somehow shocked that Biden is more incompetent than the day before.

Dreaven: "Biden's abandoning the American citizens in Afghanistan! You should be ashamed for voting for him!"
Also Dreaven: "Biden's saying troops might remain past the deadline to mitigate the things I said! You should be ashamed for voting for him!"

You are, as always, a deluded imbecile, Dreaven.

08-19-2021, 11:03 AM
... to evacuate Americans.

Should we not be doing that?

Maybe if Biden weren't so incompetent we would have had them evacuated already. His administration already told Americans trapped in Afghanistan that they can't help them if they aren't in the airport. So US soldiers are just gonna chill at the airport until all Americans make their way there? I'm sure that's gonna go over smoothly with the Taliban.

Since troops are going to stay there anyways then why didn't we just control Kabul until all Americans could make it to the airport? That make too much sense?

08-19-2021, 11:33 AM
Maybe if Biden weren't so incompetent we would have had them evacuated already. His administration already told Americans trapped in Afghanistan that they can't help them if they aren't in the airport. So US soldiers are just gonna chill at the airport until all Americans make their way there? I'm sure that's gonna go over smoothly with the Taliban.

Since troops are going to stay there anyways then why didn't we just control Kabul until all Americans could make it to the airport? That make too much sense?

As was said earlier the evacuation is mostly planned and run by military leadership. These were also the same guys blowing smoke up everyone's asses about how good a job we were doing over there. There should definitely be an investigation into the whole thing once it's over.

08-19-2021, 11:37 AM
As was said earlier the evacuation is mostly planned and run by military leadership. These were also the same guys blowing smoke up everyone's asses about how good a job we were doing over there. There should definitely be an investigation into the whole thing once it's over.

Suddenly now it's the fault of military leaders for Biden's decision to pull US troops out before civilians were evacuated? Literally a virus was Trump's fault but the commander in chief doesn't bear at least some responsibility for this colossal fuckup?

Like military leaders could have just decided to secure Kabul until Americans were safe? I find that hard to believe, that sounds like a decision that would require presidential approval, something they clearly didn't have.

08-19-2021, 11:51 AM
So US soldiers are just gonna chill at the airport until all Americans make their way there? I'm sure that's gonna go over smoothly with the Taliban.

Actually, there are already reports of the Taliban allowing US citizens and other people with a proper documents through all the checkpoints without any problems to get to the airport.

They want us out of their country. Do you think detaining or killing US citizens trying to get to the airport is going to help that?

08-19-2021, 11:55 AM
Actually, there are already reports of the Taliban allowing US citizens and other people with a proper documents through all the checkpoints without any problems to get to the airport.

If only Americans didn't have to go through checkpoints put up by literal terrorists in a city the US controlled just a few days ago. Gosh, if only we had a military in the country that didn't have to abide by a withdrawal date. If only.

I like how you downplay the shit out of a terrorist organization setting up roadblocks which has caused a dramatic slowdown of evacuations. Keep on keeping on. Oh by the way did you see the statement the Biden administration put out today that they had no way of knowing this would have happened? Almost as if he's saying it was impossible...weird.

08-19-2021, 11:57 AM
If only Americans didn't have to go through checkpoints put up by literal terrorists in a city the US controlled just a few days ago. Gosh, if only we had a military in the country that didn't have to abide by a withdrawal date. If only.

I like how you downplay the shit out of a terrorist organization setting up roadblocks which has caused a dramatic slowdown of evacuations. Keep on keeping on. Oh by the way did you see the statement the Biden administration put out today that they had no way of knowing this would have happened? Almost as if he's saying it was impossible...weird.

I’m not downplaying anything. I’m refuting your idiotic point that you put no thought into before you posted

Now you’re implying that, no way of knowing has the same meaning as impossible? Lol?

08-19-2021, 12:00 PM
Suddenly now it's the fault of military leaders for Biden's decision to pull US troops out before civilians were evacuated? Literally a virus was Trump's fault but the commander in chief doesn't bear at least some responsibility for this colossal fuckup?

Like military leaders could have just decided to secure Kabul until Americans were safe? I find that hard to believe, that sounds like a decision that would require presidential approval, something they clearly didn't have.

Again, this is only sudden if you haven't been paying attention for the last 20 years. There was a fuckup somewhere between the guys manning the checkpoints and the guy setting policy, over several administrations. That needs to be investigated.

08-19-2021, 12:05 PM
I’m not downplaying anything. I’m refuting your idiotic point that you put no thought into before you posted

What did you refute exactly? I said Americans are trapped in Kabul. Are they or are they not trapped in Kabul? The terrorist organization supposedly letting Americans pass "with no trouble" doesn't mean Americans aren't trapped in Kabul. Why are you so fucking stupid?

08-19-2021, 12:07 PM
It’s ok PB I understand Engrish is hard for you. Let’s try again? Retards always need things repeated to them to help them have a better chance of understanding.

Tgo said Biden said it impossible!(0% chance of happening)
I asked where did Biden say this?
Tgo sends an link and quotes Biden said “it’s highly unlikely”
See the difference? Here let me help you with another version

Would people still buy lottery tickets if it was IMPOSSIBLE(0% chance) to win?
Imagine the lottery company said it’s highly unlikely you’ll win the lottery! People spend millions only to find out that the company made it impossible, the lottery replies, “highly unlikely, and impossible?! There’s no real difference!” (You and Tgo’s logic). Actually yeah, there is a big difference.

It’s not about the word “impossible” it’s about Tgo floating false information as fact.

Probably still too difficult for you to comprehend. Don’t even know why I try.

Can you give us some sources where "everyone" has said that President Biden "royally fucked" this up?

Or do you have a problem with English?

08-19-2021, 12:07 PM
China and Iran have already cut deals with the Taliban to exploit all of their natural resources.

Good job, Biden! So we spent trillions in the country only for you to allow the Taliban to take control in a matter of days and now China gets to reap all of the rewards.

08-19-2021, 12:12 PM
Biden now says US troops might remain in Afghanistan past the withdraw deadline.


What was even the point of all of this then? Each day I am somehow shocked that Biden is more incompetent than the day before.

LOL again!


Pentagon: Afghanistan evacuations past Aug. 31 would require additional Taliban talks (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/pentagon-afghanistan-evacuations-past-aug-31-would-require-additional-taliban-talks/ar-AANvnv7?ocid=winp1taskbar)

The Pentagon conceded Thursday that continuing evacuations out of Kabul after Aug. 31 “would require additional conversations” with the Taliban to ensure the safety of Americans and Afghan allies seeking to flee the country.

The acknowledgment comes after President Joe Biden said Wednesday he would maintain the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan beyond the end of the month — his self-imposed withdrawal deadline — if evacuation operations were not yet completed.

But Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said Thursday there “has been no decision to change the deadline” and indicated that an extension of the timeline for evacuations would need tacit approval from the Taliban in the form of a new agreement between U.S. officials and commanders of the militant group.

So now we are put in a position where we have to beg the terrorist regime to allow our citizens to be evacuated if we can't evacuate them by the 31st? So Biden flat out lied saying we would stay there as long as we needed to?

My God. You all voted for an absolute monster and can't just admit it. You're gonna vote for him even if he's in a vegetative state in 2024 aren't you?

08-19-2021, 12:19 PM
LOL again!


Pentagon: Afghanistan evacuations past Aug. 31 would require additional Taliban talks (https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/pentagon-afghanistan-evacuations-past-aug-31-would-require-additional-taliban-talks/ar-AANvnv7?ocid=winp1taskbar)

So now we are put in a position where we have to beg the terrorist regime to allow our citizens to be evacuated if we can't evacuate them by the 31st? So Biden flat out lied saying we would stay there as long as we needed to?

My God. You all voted for an absolute monster and can't just admit it. You're gonna vote for him even if he's in a vegetative state in 2024 aren't you?

They aren't hitting hard at the airport. This evacuation could have been a whole lot worse if they were challenging it. We are probably going to be buddy buddy with them vs ISIS too, as we both hate them.

08-19-2021, 12:27 PM
We are probably going to be buddy buddy with them vs ISIS too, as we both hate them.

Then why didn't Biden just cut deals with the Taliban so we could have evacuated our citizens in an orderly fashion and so we could take all of their natural resources?

Either way Biden comes out of this looking completely incompetent.

Shit maybe we should have just kept a military presence there if this is the alternative. I didn't realize just how badly Biden fucked this all up.

08-19-2021, 12:36 PM
“We’ve all seen the pictures,” ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos said in an interview on Wednesday. “We’ve seen those hundreds of people packed into a C-17, we’ve seen Afghans falling — ”

Biden, the supposed champion of empathy, bristled.

“That was four days ago! Five days ago!” he interjected indignantly.

Four whole days ago! Old news already! Move on! Did you hear I'm taking a break from all of this Afghanistan nonsense to go after governors for opposing mask mandates in school?

Talk about a complete lack of empathy. This guy is a straight up ghoul.

How did this guy get elected again? Oh right, he wasn't Orange man.

08-19-2021, 12:43 PM
Dollars to donuts that we have at least 10,000 troops in Afghanistan by the end of the year.

08-19-2021, 12:49 PM
Then why didn't Biden just cut deals with the Taliban so we could have evacuated our citizens in an orderly fashion and so we could take all of their natural resources?

Either way Biden comes out of this looking completely incompetent.

Shit maybe we should have just kept a military presence there if this is the alternative. I didn't realize just how badly Biden fucked this all up.

Because they probably already have deal getting ready to go with China and Russia? No one on these forums knows what kind of talks the Biden Admin has been having with the Taliban.

08-19-2021, 12:50 PM
Again, this is only sudden if you haven't been paying attention for the last 20 years. There was a fuckup somewhere between the guys manning the checkpoints and the guy setting policy, over several administrations. That needs to be investigated.

I really hope there is a release of e-mails to document how the decision making process played out for this. This needs to be a learning/teachable moment, to ensure 1. accountability and 2. how not to repeat the same mistakes in the future.

Again, I think we should have left the minute Osama was killed. We as a Nation could have said to the world - "we did what we came to do and punished those responsible" - and I think? that would have sat well with our Citizens and the World.

Ending it was always going to be rough, but why it devolved into the current situation of pure chaos... I agree with you, it should be examined.

08-19-2021, 12:53 PM
Because they probably already have deal getting ready to go with China and Russia? No one on these forums knows what kind of talks the Biden Admin has been having with the Taliban.

The takeaway from this then is that Biden is so incompetent that he received absolutely nothing from the Taliban in any talks they may have had with them. They didn't even secure a deal where they wouldn't advance on Kabul until all Americans had been evacuated.

So many fuckups coming in on an hourly basis it's impossible to even keep up with it all anymore.

08-19-2021, 12:58 PM
Democratic President Joe Biden said that there was no "consensus" in intelligence reports about how quickly Afghanistan would fall to Taliban forces as the U.S. withdrew its military troops.

"I think there was no consensus," Biden told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos. "You go back and look at the intelligence reports. They said that they're much more likely to be sometime by the end of the year."

So...wait...Biden formally acknowledges that the Taliban was likely to take over Afghanistan within 3-4 months after the US withdrew all of their troops and...he left civilians and embassy staff there anyways and didn't evacuate all of those people and THEN withdraw the military?

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

How is anyone in the world defending this man anymore? This guy is just a menace.

08-19-2021, 12:58 PM
The takeaway from this then is that Biden is so incompetent that he received absolutely nothing from the Taliban in any talks they may have had with them. They didn't even secure a deal where they wouldn't advance on Kabul until all Americans had been evacuated.

So many fuckups coming in on an hourly basis it's impossible to even keep up with it all anymore.

We don't know this. Why isn't the taliban just converging on the Airport? Why aren't they hitting it with rockets and small arms fire? There is a reason.

08-19-2021, 01:00 PM
We don't know this. Why isn't the taliban just converging on the Airport? Why aren't they hitting it with rockets and small arms fire? There is a reason.

Because apparently Biden begged them to allow the US to control the airport until the end of the month so they made a deal with the Taliban. That's what I'm getting from everything I have read. If they don't make a new deal by the end of the month and we still have people who need to be evacuated I have a feeling the Taliban's patience would quickly wear thin.

08-19-2021, 01:01 PM
So US soldiers are just gonna chill at the airport until all Americans make their way there? I'm sure that's gonna go over smoothly with the Taliban.

I can see you lack reading comprehension. I quoted the point you made that I refuted. That it is indeed going over smoothly with the Taliban and they are allowing US citizens and other people with proper documents to make it to the airport.

08-19-2021, 01:01 PM
Because apparently Biden begged them to allow the US to control the airport until the end of the month so they made a deal with the Taliban. That's what I'm getting from everything I have read. If they don't make a new deal by the end of the month and we still have people who need to be evacuated I have a feeling the Taliban's patience would quickly wear thin.

Trump is the one that set up the withdrawal deal with the Taliban. Wouldn't he be the one that begged them?

08-19-2021, 01:05 PM
Can you give us some sources where "everyone" has said that President Biden "royally fucked" this up?

Or do you have a problem with English?

I understand you lack the ability to comprehend what a generalized embellished statement is, that was referencing the majority of people.
It’s ok, it must be the jet lag.

08-19-2021, 01:05 PM
I can see you lack reading comprehension. I quoted the point you made that I refuted. That it is indeed going over smoothly with the Taliban and they are allowing US citizens and other people with proper documents to make it to the airport.

Oh wow, that was your point? Yeah well, the Pentagon has already come out and said they need to make a new deal with the Taliban if they want to stay there past the end of the month, so now, Biden was 100% wrong when he said we will simply stay there as long as needed. Do you ever tire of being wrong literally all of the time?

08-19-2021, 01:06 PM
Trump is the one that set up the withdrawal deal with the Taliban. Wouldn't he be the one that begged them?

And Biden made a new deal. This is all Biden's fuck up now. You can't say Trump made a deal to withdraw troops by April and this is somehow still Trump's deal when Biden set a deadline of the end of August. This is Biden's deal. Biden's fuckups. He owns 100% of this.

08-19-2021, 01:08 PM
Trump is the one that set up the withdrawal deal with the Taliban. Wouldn't he be the one that begged them?

He had a conditions based withdrawal plan, which resulted in 18+ months of tenuous stability. And I fully concede it was tenuous, but it was stable.

Biden came in and scrapped Trump's negotiated deals, the exit plan, and did his own. Biden's administration also halted talks with the Taliban, as I linked from the July news article. That's why I really hope there is a FOIA release of information to figure out what/how occurred.

Also our politicians being so beholden to "Party" instead of the "People" is why we are in this mess.... I'll give you an example:

https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/111720-0 - Pelosi's statement in NOV 2020 when Trump announced the planned withdrawal from Afghanistan.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIpta-RdOak - Pelosi's statement in past 2 days on Biden's decision and execution of the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The fact we let our elected officials behave like this is asinine and a detriment to us all, regardless of which side you lean. It's been corrupted so thoroughly, that our commitment and resolve as a Nation is being demolished. It's sad to watch.

08-19-2021, 01:08 PM
And Biden made a new deal. This is all Biden's fuck up now. You can't say Trump made a deal to withdraw troops by April and this is somehow still Trump's deal when Biden set a deadline of the end of August. This is Biden's deal. Biden's fuckups. He owns 100% of this.

rofl, Biden doesn't own 100% of this.

08-19-2021, 01:08 PM
And Biden made a new deal. This is all Biden's fuck up now. You can't say Trump made a deal to withdraw troops by April and this is somehow still Trump's deal when Biden set a deadline of the end of August. This is Biden's deal. Biden's fuckups. He owns 100% of this.

Can you provide a link of the new deal Biden made with the Taliban?

08-19-2021, 01:09 PM
He had a conditions based withdrawal plan, which resulted in 18+ months of tenuous stability. And I fully concede it was tenuous, but it was stable.

Biden came in and scrapped Trump's negotiated deals, the exit plan, and did his own. Biden's administration also halted talks with the Taliban, as I linked from the July news article. That's why I really hope there is a FOIA release of information to figure out what/how occurred.

Also our politicians being so beholden to "Party" instead of the "People" is why we are in this mess.... I'll give you an example:

https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/111720-0 - Pelosi's statement in NOV 2020 when Trump announced the plan withdrawal from Afghanistan.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIpta-RdOak - Pelosi's statement in past 2 days on Biden's decision and execution of the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The fact we let our elected officials behave like this is asinine and a detriment to us all, regardless of which side you lean. It's been corrupted so thoroughly, that our commitment and resolve as a Nation is being demolished. It's sad to watch.

And is it only begging when Biden makes a deal with the Taliban or not?

08-19-2021, 01:10 PM
rofl, Biden doesn't own 100% of this.

Okay, fine, Biden's administration owns 100% this, I'm sure plenty of people around him had a hand in this fuck up. Why would this be literally anyone else's fault? You can blame the past 3 presidents for us still being in Afghanistan, you can say it was inevitable that the Taliban would have taken control of the country eventually, but the withdraw and every fuck up that has happened during this is withdraw is 100% on Biden's administration. Who else would we blame?

08-19-2021, 01:11 PM
Oh wow, that was your point? Yeah well, the Pentagon has already come out and said they need to make a new deal with the Taliban if they want to stay there past the end of the month, so now, Biden was 100% wrong when he said we will simply stay there as long as needed. Do you ever tire of being wrong literally all of the time?

My point is quite simple. You made a point that was not correct according to reports. I refuted that point. It’s really not that difficult to understand, is it?

08-19-2021, 01:11 PM
Can you provide a link of the new deal Biden made with the Taliban?

Because you've proven you so desperately want to have an honest discussion. Fuck you. Remember fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...you can't be fooled again.

And yeah say whatever dumb shit like "LOL! That's what I thought." You win da internetz!

08-19-2021, 01:12 PM
Okay, fine, Biden's administration owns 100% this, I'm sure plenty of people around him had a hand in this fuck up. Why would this be literally anyone else's fault? You can blame the past 3 presidents for us still being in Afghanistan, you can say it was inevitable that the Taliban would have taken control of the country eventually, but the withdraw and every fuck up that has happened during this is withdraw is 100% on Biden's administration. Who else would we blame?

Nope. Every Admin from Bush to now has a piece of the pie.

08-19-2021, 01:12 PM
My point is quite simple. You made a point that was not correct according to reports. I refuted that point. It’s really not that difficult to understand, is it?


08-19-2021, 01:13 PM
Nope. Every Admin from Bush to now has a piece of the pie.

Somehow Bush is responsible for this colossal fuck up of a withdraw? Give me a break.

08-19-2021, 01:14 PM
And is it only begging when Biden makes a deal with the Taliban or not?

When doing it from a position of weakness, yes.

It's the fact that the Biden Administration cut off talks 2-3 months ago that is the issue. Those were negotiations. The current situation is, to use your terms, "begging".

This situation never needed to occur if they'd kept "negotiating". It now has, and they are "begging" (again your term). How I see it at least.

And again, the biggest issue is our politicians being so beholden to "Party". It taints their decision making so thoroughly that situations like this occur.

08-19-2021, 01:15 PM
Because you've proven you so desperately want to have an honest discussion. Fuck you. Remember fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...you can't be fooled again.

And yeah say whatever dumb shit like "LOL! That's what I thought." You win da internetz!

Quite typical of you, You make a claim, when someone asks you for evidence to support your claim, you just deflect, deflect, deflect.

You said Biden made a new deal, can you provide a link to that new deal? But I’m going to assume you were just talking out of your ass, like usual.

08-19-2021, 01:16 PM
When doing it from a position of weakness, yes.

It's the fact that the Biden Administration cut off talks 2-3 months ago that is the issue. Those were negotiations. The current situation is, to use your terms, "begging".

This situation never needed to occur if they'd kept "negotiating". It now has, and they are "begging" (again your term). How I see it at least.

rofl wut? You think Trump did it from a position of power?

And no, "begging" was Tgo's term.

08-19-2021, 01:17 PM
Nope. Every Admin from Bush to now has a piece of the pie.Somehow Bush is responsible for this colossal fuck up of a withdraw? Give me a break.

Bush is absolutely responsible for getting the US into an unwinnable war with no exit strategy. He isn't responsible for Biden's mistakes on aspects of the withdrawal.

People who aren't in your cult are capable of placing blame everywhere it's due instead of having a seizure and going:



08-19-2021, 01:18 PM
Somehow Bush is responsible for this colossal fuck up of a withdraw? Give me a break.

We wouldn't be there is the first place without George W. Bush putting us there... so... Yeah.

08-19-2021, 01:23 PM
rofl wut? You think Trump did it from a position of power?

And no, "begging" was Tgo's term.

Yes, I do. They were at least condition's based negotiations.

https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/us-taliban-peace-deal-agreement-afghanistan-war - March 2020.

Biden gets elected and scrapped it all. Because he had to "do it his way". Because anything with Trump's name on it "had to be destroyed"... all because "Orange man bad". Again.. "Party" over the "People".

This isn't rocket science. Plenty of blame to go around for 20+ years. As stated, my personal opinion we should have left after Osama was killed. But this situation, and how it's unfolded is squarely on this Administration.

08-19-2021, 01:26 PM
Yes, I do. They were at least condition's based negotiations.

https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/us-taliban-peace-deal-agreement-afghanistan-war - March 2020.

Biden gets elected and scrapped it all. Because he had to "do it his way". Because anything with Trump's name on it "had to be destroyed"... all because "Orange man bad". Again.. "Party" over the "People".

This isn't rocket science. Plenty of blame to go around for 20+ years. As stated, my personal opinion we should have left after Osama was killed. But this situation, and how it's unfolded is squarely on this Administration.

And again, no one on these forums know what the Biden Admin and the Taliban have talked about.

08-19-2021, 01:31 PM
rofl wut? You think Trump did it from a position of power?

And no, "begging" was Tgo's term.

When it comes to evacuating Americans yes, I would use the term "beg" in this instance. Why are we asking Taliban for permission to evacuate our own US citizens? Why aren't we going in to rescue US citizens?

We wouldn't be there is the first place without George W. Bush putting us there... so... Yeah.

Which is why I said we can blame a lot of shit on the past three presidents but this debacle of a withdraw is all on Biden.

He negotiated this withdraw.

He was the one who has now admitted he knew the Taliban would control the country within 3-4 months after we withdrew our troops yet he didn't evacuate US citizens ahead of time.

He was the one who decided to close all military airbases instead of keeping them open to help with evacuations.

He was the one who forced us to use one airport in the most populated city in the entire country to rely on us evacuating US citizens.

He was the one who ghoulishly told us to not worry about an Afghan falling to his death after clinging to a US plane because that was 4 days ago, fat!

08-19-2021, 01:33 PM
And again, no one on these forums know what the Biden Admin and the Taliban have talked about.

What does it matter? We can see it unfolding in real time how those negotiations or lack of negotiations went.

We controlled the security of the country just a few weeks ago, why we wouldn't be demanding everything from the Taliban in exchange for our withdraw is nothing short of mind boggling. Either Biden is so incompetent he negotiated a weak deal even though he was negotiating from a position of power (the US military staying there and thus the Taliban can't take control), or the Taliban made a deal and said "Fuck you!" afterwards and Biden is now reduced to begging them to allow us to evacuate our own citizens.

Either way Biden doesn't come out of this looking good.

I'm just surprised Biden didn't challenge the Taliban to a push up contest to see who could control the Afghan government.