View Full Version : Climate Change Political Tipping Point?

08-11-2021, 03:07 PM
I believe the nation has reached a public opinion tipping point on climate change. Politicians, who in the past -- I'm looking at you, Senator Rubio -- have tried to avoid any government action to address climate change and who have questioned the scientific basis supporting climate change, will find their political careers increasingly constrained by their prior statements.

08-11-2021, 04:10 PM
Ok thanks for letting us know.

08-11-2021, 05:21 PM
I believe the nation has reached a public opinion tipping point on climate change. Politicians, who in the past -- I'm looking at you, Senator Rubio -- have tried to avoid any government action to address climate change and who have questioned the scientific basis supporting climate change, will find their political careers increasingly constrained by their prior statements.

So, when do we start going after China? Because we don't do shit compared to them.

08-11-2021, 05:49 PM
I believe the nation has reached a public opinion tipping point on climate change. Politicians, who in the past -- I'm looking at you, Senator Rubio -- have tried to avoid any government action to address climate change and who have questioned the scientific basis supporting climate change, will find their political careers increasingly constrained by their prior statements.

I would be supportive of a system that carbon credits could be exchanged in a free market and not just between corporations.

Like, how much $ in carbon credits can I exchange at the end of the month for not owning a vehicle?

Could I possibly make a living at selling my carbon credits if I'm conservative AF?

08-11-2021, 05:55 PM
I would be supportive of a system that carbon credits could be exchanged in a free market and not just between corporations.

Like, how much $ in carbon credits can I exchange at the end of the month for not owning a vehicle?

Could I possibly make a living at selling my carbon credits if I'm conservative AF?

Eh, I think there is already a good system for taxes and cars. The less you use, the less you pay in gas taxes. If you don't own a car, you aren't buying gas.

Carbon credits should just be fucking destroyed.

08-11-2021, 07:32 PM
So, when do we start going after China? Because we don't do shit compared to them.

Um we're the #2 polluter in the world, if you go by raw amount of pollution created.
On a per capita basis, we're almost twice as bad as China.

So how about we just fix our own problems.

On the plus side, we finally got Republicans to stop pretending like climate change wasn't being caused by humans. On the minus side, you waited until we were already at the breaking point. And even if we get our act together now, the next couple of decades are going to devastating.

One thing that would help- drop the damn anti-science BS. You are literally killing us.

08-11-2021, 07:35 PM
Um we're the #2 polluter in the world, if you go by raw amount of pollution created.
On a per capita basis, we're almost twice as bad as China.

You’re being so disingenuous. China isn’t just the number one polluter and we are number two, China pollutes more than the US and entire EU COMBINED. Not to mention since the year 2000 the US has cut their pollution by about 15%, meanwhile during that time China went from being the number two polluter in the world to again being the number one polluter pumping out more pollution than the US and EU COMBINED.

Why do Democrats keep screeching about climate change but continue to give China a pass?

08-11-2021, 08:37 PM
Um we're the #2 polluter in the world, if you go by raw amount of pollution created.
On a per capita basis, we're almost twice as bad as China.

So how about we just fix our own problems.

On the plus side, we finally got Republicans to stop pretending like climate change wasn't being caused by humans. On the minus side, you waited until we were already at the breaking point. And even if we get our act together now, the next couple of decades are going to devastating.

One thing that would help- drop the damn anti-science BS. You are literally killing us.

You lying, disingenuous sack of shit.

1. I can guarantee you that the globe doesn't give one shit about the "per capita" pollution, ecosystems look at raw tonnage.

2. It isn't an issue about being caused by humans, it is and always has been about lying scientists making up false doomsday predictions all to drive a narrative of global government communism for wealth redistribution because capitalism is bad and feelings, nothing more. This is born out by the head guy for over 20 years keeping and redistributing data being caught altering and destroying data almost a decade ago and being forced to admit he wanted to drive wealth redistribution. Then there is the fact that shitbags like you and others give China and India a pass despite their massive levels of pollution generation.

3. There is no breaking point, no watershed moment, no line of death in the sand and real scientists know it. The doomsday predictions have been always about 12-15 years in the future with the 'we will be dead/cities underwater/living in domes/whatever' since the 60s.

4. The most devastating man made things on this planet since 1900 have been Communism and Fascism, both of which you Leftist shills keep trying to spread all because you think that somehow you will be immune and in your supreme arrogance you think you can run other's lives better than they can.

So fuck off with your bullshit, the only people anti science are morons like you that think Communism, Fascism and totalitarianism under some "enlightened" ruling class will fix the world. You want to make real change, fix your local and state building codes written to protect union jobs and let people use alternative building methods, materials and let them build free standing, permanent tiny houses instead of having to fuck around making them on trailers because some union boss paid off someone decades ago. Get the BS out of the way for people to go off grid if they want and not face jail for it. Get rid of the fucking zoning shit about not having gardens and livestock in cities and counties. Make real, lasting change instead of crying about how Republicans are ignoring the science when you refuse to abandon Communism, Fascism and their evil doppelganger Socialism in the face of sciecne that they don't work because of your feelings.


08-11-2021, 10:26 PM
1. I can guarantee you that the globe doesn't give one shit about the "per capita" pollution, ecosystems look at raw tonnage.

Trust this man. He's an expert on raw tonnage and even had his own eco system for a while, until modern science solved it for him.

08-11-2021, 10:27 PM
Trust this man. He's an expert on raw tonnage and even had his own eco system for a while, until modern science solved it for him.


08-12-2021, 05:03 AM
I believe the nation has reached a public opinion tipping point on climate change. Politicians, who in the past -- I'm looking at you, Senator Rubio -- have tried to avoid any government action to address climate change and who have questioned the scientific basis supporting climate change, will find their political careers increasingly constrained by their prior statements.

Even if this is correct, that would just mean that now politicians from both major parties will be saying nice things about dealing with climate change, while they still actually do nothing about it since almost all of them take lots of donor money from the big fossil fuel companies.

08-12-2021, 09:30 AM
You’re being so disingenuous. China isn’t just the number one polluter and we are number two, China pollutes more than the US and entire EU COMBINED. Not to mention since the year 2000 the US has cut their pollution by about 15%, meanwhile during that time China went from being the number two polluter in the world to again being the number one polluter pumping out more pollution than the US and EU COMBINED.

Why do Democrats keep screeching about climate change but continue to give China a pass?

Democrats love China because China hates America.

Both are also asshoe.

08-12-2021, 09:32 AM
Even if this is correct, that would just mean that now politicians from both major parties will be saying nice things about dealing with climate change, while they still actually do nothing about it since almost all of them take lots of donor money from the big fossil fuel companies.

Didn't you hear the news? It's only republicans that are bad and democrats are everything that is good and pure.

08-12-2021, 12:00 PM
If I had a dollar for every "expert" that claimed "ZOMG WE ARE AT A TIPPING POINT AND ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS SPEND TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON STUFF WE CAN SAVE THE PLANET!" I would buy Simutronics and shut this shit game down.

08-12-2021, 12:02 PM
If I had a dollar for every "expert" that claimed "ZOMG WE ARE AT A TIPPING POINT AND ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS SPEND TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON STUFF WE CAN SAVE THE PLANET!" I would buy Simutronics and shut this shit game down.

The fact that you apparently hate Gemstone, in addition to not playing it, makes your obsession with this forum even funnier.

Speaking of your obsession, be sure to post in your meltdown thread right away.