View Full Version : any 650 scripts out there?

07-30-2021, 09:47 PM
are there any 650 scripts out there that rotate between aspects automatically or any script gurus out there want to be awesome and craft one up?

I tried this below but its painfully unintuitive and it doesn't alert me when it switchs so I routinely miss if its actually working or not:

put incant 650
pause 125
put assume wolf
pause 125
put assume porcupine
pause 125
put assume wolf
pause 125
put assume porcupine
pause 180
goto start

07-30-2021, 11:27 PM
are there any 650 scripts out there that rotate between aspects automatically or any script gurus out there want to be awesome and craft one up?

I tried this below but its painfully unintuitive and it doesn't alert me when it switchs so I routinely miss if its actually working or not:

put incant 650
pause 125
put assume wolf
pause 125
put assume porcupine
pause 125
put assume wolf
pause 125
put assume porcupine
pause 180
goto start

This should be pretty close.

debug = (script.vars[1] == "--debug") || false

aspects = {
"wolf" => 9014,
"porcupine" => 9028

echo "DEBUG ON" if debug

if ( !Spell[650].known? )
echo "You don't even know 650, what are you doing?!"

echo "Starting rotation" if debug

["wolf", "porcupine"].each { |name|
echo "Assuming #{name}" if debug
aspect_num = aspects[name]
cd_num = aspect_num + 1
aspect = Spell[aspect_num]
cd = Spell[cd_num]

echo "Cooldown is active!" if debug && cd.active?

# Assume the current aspect in rotation
aspect.cast if !aspect.active? && !cd.active?

while (aspect.active?)
echo "Sleeping while #{name} is still active" if debug
sleep 10.0
echo "Rotation complete" if debug
sleep 1.0

07-31-2021, 08:59 AM
This should be pretty close.

debug = (script.vars[1] == "--debug") || false

aspects = {
"wolf" => 9014,
"porcupine" => 9028

echo "DEBUG ON" if debug

if ( !Spell[650].known? )
echo "You don't even know 650, what are you doing?!"

echo "Starting rotation" if debug

["wolf", "porcupine"].each { |name|
echo "Assuming #{name}" if debug
aspect_num = aspects[name]
cd_num = aspect_num + 1
aspect = Spell[aspect_num]
cd = Spell[cd_num]

echo "Cooldown is active!" if debug && cd.active?

# Assume the current aspect in rotation
aspect.cast if !aspect.active? && !cd.active?

while (aspect.active?)
echo "Sleeping while #{name} is still active" if debug
sleep 10.0
echo "Rotation complete" if debug
sleep 1.0

Thank you I am going to give that a try!