View Full Version : Looking for some lower end 5x gear. Longbow, Maul, Full plate, Chain Hauberk, Brig

07-21-2021, 08:21 AM
Looking to buy some lower end gear. Stats that are important to me are listed, don't care about anything else.

Spear - 5x, flaring
UAC Gloves - 5x, flaring
UAC Boots - 5x, flaring

I found all the other stuff, thanks!

07-21-2021, 01:43 PM
Looking to buy some lower end gear. Stats that are important to me are listed, don't care about anything else.

Longbow - 5X, decently sighted or better, lightning or air flares
Maul - 5x, decently weighted or better, lightning or air flares
Morning Star - 5x, holy, decently weighted or better

Greatshield - 5x, holy

Full Plate - 5x, decent crit padding or better
Chain Hauberk - 5x, decent crit padding or better
Brigandine - 5x, decent crit padding or better
I'd suggest going over to the Lich Playershops (https://ps.lichproject.org/) site (or alternative (http://playershops.oddmeow.com/)) to see if anyone has anything in their shops... I'd guess you'd be able to find most, if not all, of what you're looking for, there. :)

07-21-2021, 01:51 PM
I'd suggest going over to the Lich Playershops (https://ps.lichproject.org/) site (or alternative (http://playershops.oddmeow.com/)) to see if anyone has anything in their shops... I'd guess you'd be able to find most, if not all, of what you're looking for, there. :)

agree with this though I think for now finding a longbow with flares will be few and far between for those types just since the changes to archery are still relatively new though who knows maybe someone hit up EG and loaded up all the bows

07-21-2021, 04:11 PM
I'd suggest going over to the Lich Playershops (https://ps.lichproject.org/) site (or alternative (http://playershops.oddmeow.com/)) to see if anyone has anything in their shops... I'd guess you'd be able to find most, if not all, of what you're looking for, there. :)

Thanks for the response. I've done this without much luck. The prices are all over the place, and there seems to be little 'standardization' that I can detect. Also, with the relative scarcity of player shops, I'm hoping that by posting here, I'll reach a larger audience of sellers.

07-21-2021, 04:30 PM
I'd suggest going over to the Lich Playershops (https://ps.lichproject.org/) site (or alternative (http://playershops.oddmeow.com/)) to see if anyone has anything in their shops... I'd guess you'd be able to find most, if not all, of what you're looking for, there. :)Thanks for the response. I've done this without much luck. The prices are all over the place, and there seems to be little 'standardization' that I can detect. Also, with the relative scarcity of player shops, I'm hoping that by posting here, I'll reach a larger audience of sellers.

Ahh, *nods*. Definitely a good plan to check here then, if you couldn't/can't find what you're exactly wanting with the PS's.

(As for any sort of "standardization" amongst the playershops, they aren't governed by any sort of NPC/GM for how they're supposed to be set up, or with/without bardsongs, which items go where/what-room, etc. etc., so not to suprised to hear the frustration.)

07-21-2021, 06:01 PM
Ahh, *nods*. Definitely a good plan to check here then, if you couldn't/can't find what you're exactly wanting with the PS's.

(As for any sort of "standardization" amongst the playershops, they aren't governed by any sort of NPC/GM for how they're supposed to be set up, or with/without bardsongs, which items go where/what-room, etc. etc., so not to suprised to hear the frustration.)

Honestly, it's less about that, then about some kind of standardization of prices. Very similar items can have vastly different prices. Makes it hard to tell what is a deal, what's a fair price, and what is a simple fishing attempt.

07-21-2021, 06:13 PM
Here's your standardization:

5x swcp stuff (assuming 5 CER), ~3M
5x DCW stuff ~5M
5x DCW stuff with flares ~ 8-10M. Also having a flare plus weighted item will start to raise future WPS and other work I'm sure.

07-21-2021, 06:17 PM
Looking to buy some lower end gear. Stats that are important to me are listed, don't care about anything else.

Longbow - 5X, decently sighted or better, lightning or air flares
Maul - 5x, decently weighted or better, lightning or air flares
Morning Star - 5x, holy, decently weighted or better

Greatshield - 5x, holy

Full Plate - 5x, somewhat crit padding or better
Chain Hauberk - 5x, somewhat crit padding or better
Brigandine - 5x, somewhat crit padding or better

all should be fairly cheap (see roblars suggested price) besides the longbow since flares on bows is a new thing

07-21-2021, 09:12 PM
Here's your standardization:

5x swcp stuff (assuming 5 CER), ~3M
5x DCW stuff ~5M
5x DCW stuff with flares ~ 8-10M. Also having a flare plus weighted item will start to raise future WPS and other work I'm sure.

Thank you! Is there anywhere I can find more of this?

07-28-2021, 11:48 AM
Got some of them, thanks! Still looking for:

Spear - 5x, flaring
UAC Gloves - 5x, lightning, air, or grapple flare
UAC Boots - 5x, lightning, air, or grapple flare

Full Plate - 5x, somewhat crit padding or better

07-28-2021, 12:14 PM
Got some of them, thanks! Still looking for:

Spear - 5x, flaring
UAC Gloves - 5x, lightning, air, or grapple flare
UAC Boots - 5x, lightning, air, or grapple flare

Full Plate - 5x, somewhat crit padding or better

Should be able to find at least the UAC stuff at Duskruin, coming up in August.