View Full Version : Will people make up their minds already?

05-21-2005, 04:37 PM
The body of the story is just too much to post here, so, 1> here's a link


summary of the article, in my words

Blah blah blah, vitamin D is good, and sunscreen prevents the absorbtion of it, according to a study. Since vitamin D allegedly fights cancer, blah blah blah, wearing sunscreen may cause cancer. blah blah blah, insert statistics here, blah blah blah. "quote from some obscure scientist at a university", "quote from other obscure scientist from another university with opposing viewpoint".

Anyway, the point is. HOW MANY FUCKING STUDIES DO WE NEED ABOUT SHIT TO DETERMINE IF IT'S GOOD OR BAD (being alive) and/or whether or not it's happening (death and taxes)

Wouldn't it simply be easier to pick up a flower, and peel a petal off of it every five years to decide on what you THINK you need to say?

[Edited on 5-21-2005 by Yswithe]

05-21-2005, 04:39 PM
As Robert Pirsig once said "there is no scientific fact, there are just more experiments". I'd rather people keep studying things personally.

05-21-2005, 09:43 PM
They're only recommending 15 minutes a few times a week without sunscreen in this study. They aren't saying sunscreen is bad, really. I understand the frustration though. It's annoying how they go back and forth with all the health "facts."