View Full Version : T2 Easel + Accessories

Winter's Kiss
07-14-2021, 03:57 PM
Don't use it. Lots of fun. Up for trades and such. Looking for a moonshard pendant [any of the silvers or white, red or blacks preferable], no legendary runes.

MB: 75m
BO: Make an offer?

a gilded ebon wyrmwood easel

You analyze your ebon wyrmwood easel and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This item can be freely altered, but it must remain an "easel". Long descriptions are okay; no shows. It may not be lightened/deepened. Current verbs: ATTEND, CLEAN, CLOSE, COVER, HUG, LICK, NUDGE, OPEN, PONDER, PRAISE, PROD (shows styles), PULL, RUB, and TURN (player and custom). Easels at this tier have unlimited canvas, and painters receive reduced roundtime when painting.

If you are holding a suitable paintbrush, you can PAINT EASEL to paint pictures! As you paint more pictures, your skill will progress, and you will create more elaborate paintings. Your easel must be on the ground in order to paint.

If you progress far enough in your painting skill, and you have an unlocked easel, you can:

Tier 1: paint a portrait of another person using pre-written styles.
Tier 2: design your own custom paintings. (Please note that this tier will be rare.)

HUG the ebon wyrmwood easel to view the syntax for special Master Painter commands.

This is a Tier 2 version of the easel and it contains an unlimited supply of canvas. Painters will also receive a reduction to RT when painting.
The easel is currently Tier 2. (0|1|2)

a twisted milky quartz paintbrush with smooth ebon bristles

a small grey paintbrush pouch - Med Amt, belt
some soft paint-stained gloves - 1 item, hand
a paint-stained dark cloth apron - Several items of very small size, VSA, front
a small glass paintbrush jar - MA, any number
an angular wooden paint palette - just fluff

Winter's Kiss
07-14-2021, 05:27 PM
And gone.