View Full Version : Tradeing Wave Dancer Tickets

04-17-2005, 10:02 AM
I've got a First Class Ticket for the Second Voyage which sets sail on the 29th of this Month.

I would like to trade that with someone who has a First Class on the Third Voyage which leaves on the 20th of May.

This would get you on the boat about a month in advance if your wanting to trade me please let me know.

*Edited to hopefully make my wishes more clear.

eMail (fallenSaint@gmail.com)

[Edited on 4-17-2005 by fallenSaint]

[Edited on 4-17-2005 by fallenSaint]

04-19-2005, 07:42 PM
Figured Id get this one last look before letting it die. Might be willing to toss in silver/cash if someone is pondering it ... not a whole hell of a lot but incentive all the same.