View Full Version : TwoHanded Ranger

04-14-2005, 06:16 PM
Are there alot of two handed rangers out there that are making it work.. And What Two hander should I use if IM attacking from hiding?

And do I need Ambush to get the DS push down when attacking from hiding?

04-14-2005, 07:29 PM
As to what two hander you should use, it all depends on how fast you can ambush with a two handed weapon, how well you want to be able to aim with it and whether you want to give up speed for DF or vice versa. So if you want to be able to ambush in 6 seconds and dont have the DEX/AGI to do it with some of the heavier weapons like a claid or a greataxe, you'd have to get a faster one like a flameberge or even faster yet, a bastard sword. I ambushed with a high enchant bastard sword from hiding for a while and it worked extremely well since it was fast and i could aim with it well. Now i use a claid because i sold the bastard which works great as well, just differently. When you use a bigger weapon like a claid or greatsword not only will your ambush rt be higher, but your not going to be able to aim quite as well either, your not gunna hit as many eyes or necks but its going to do more damage to whatever it does hit than say a bastard sword would. It all depends on your style i guess.

Here's a list of the DF's of the different THW bases and how fast they are. Sorry it's pretty unorganized but it works:

#echo Staff .350 .275 .225 .175 .100 5 C 20/140
echo Quarterstaff .450 .350 .320 .175 .100 5 C 20/140
echo 1H Katana .450 .325 .275 .250 .200 5 S 75/225
echo 2H Bastard sword .550 .400 .375 .300 .210 6 SP 75/200
echo 2H Katana .575 .425 .400 .325 .215 6 S 75/225
echo Military pick .500 .375 .425 .375 .275 7 PC 60/150
echo Flail .575 .425 .400 .350 .225 7 PC 60/150
echo Flamberge .600 .450 .475 .325 .200 7 S C 70/190
echo War Mattock .525 .450 .425 .375 .275 7 C 60/145
echo Maul .550 .425 .425 .375 .300 7 C 70/180
#echo Two-handed sword .625 .475 .500 .350 .225 8 S C 75/200
echo Greatsword .625 .500 .500 .350 .275 8 S C 75/200
echo Claidhmore (new) .625 .475 .500 .350 .225 8 S C 75/200
echo Battle Axe .650 .450 .500 .375 .245 8 S C 70/155

Also remember that you dont need to AMBUSH from hiding to get the pushdown, as long as your trained in ambush. You can still ATTACK from the shadows with a claid in 5 seconds and get the DS pushdown as long as yer trained in ambush.

04-14-2005, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Ryku
Also remember that you dont need to AMBUSH from hiding to get the pushdown, as long as your trained in ambush. You can still ATTACK from the shadows with a claid in 5 seconds and get the DS pushdown as long as yer trained in ambush.

I never knew that. Thanks for the info

04-14-2005, 08:10 PM
1.6x Armor
max twohanded
1x cm
1x pt
.75x dodge
.75 Ambush
1.6x Harnes
1x spells
2x Hide
1x perception

That's My plan Anyinfo? I plan on Just attacking from hiding and only ambushing when I wanna have some fun.. Right now I have a BastardSword b/c its the only 4x weapon I can afford.:laser:

04-14-2005, 08:16 PM
Are your DF the new one of GS4?

04-14-2005, 08:23 PM

04-14-2005, 08:29 PM
Supposed to be, i found them on the official boards about 6 months or so ago, here's a full version:

echo OHE
echo Arrow/Bolt .200 .100 .080 .100 .040 1 SP 20/40
#echo Dagger .200 .125 .100 .080 .040 1 SP 18/195
echo Dagger .250 .200 .100 .125 .075 1 SP 18/195
#echo Rapier .220 .120 .095 .070 .035 2 SP 30/100
echo Rapier .325 .225 .125 .125 .075 2 SP 30/100
echo Whip-blade .333 .225 .125 .115 .065 2 S 30/100
echo Main Gauche .220 .130 .110 .090 .060 2 SP 18/190
#echo Short sword .300 .225 .200 .150 .125 3 SPC 70/185
echo Short sword .350 .240 .200 .150 .125 3 SPC 70/185
echo Katar .325 .250 .225 .200 .175 3 SP 70/175
echo Scimitar .375 .260 .210 .200 .165 4 SPC 60/150
echo Estoc .425 .300 .200 .200 .150 4 SP 65/160
echo Longsword .425 .275 .225 .200 .175 4 SPC 65/160
echo Backsword .440 .310 .225 .240 .150 5 SPC 75/160
echo Broadsword .450 .300 .250 .225 .200 5 SPC 75/160
echo Handaxe .420 .300 .270 .240 .210 5 S C 70/160
echo Falchion .450 .325 .250 .250 .175 5 S C 75/160
echo 1H Katana .450 .325 .275 .250 .200 5 S 75/225
echo 1H Bastard sword .450 .325 .275 .250 .185 6 S C 75/200

echo BLUNT
echo Whip .275 .150 .087 .100 .087 2 C 10/75
echo Crowbill .350 .250 .200 .150 .125 3 PC 65/250
echo Cudgel .300 .250 .200 .225 .150 4 C 8/130
echo Mace .400 .300 .225 .250 .175 4 C 65/250
echo Ball & chain .400 .300 .230 .260 .175 6 C 75/175
echo War Hammer .410 .290 .250 .275 .200 4 PC 60/155
echo Morning Star .425 .325 .275 .300 .225 5 PC 65/250

#echo Staff .350 .275 .225 .175 .100 5 C 20/140
echo Quarterstaff .450 .350 .320 .175 .100 5 C 20/140
echo 1H Katana .450 .325 .275 .250 .200 5 S 75/225
echo 2H Bastard sword .550 .400 .375 .300 .210 6 SP 75/200
echo 2H Katana .575 .425 .400 .325 .215 6 S 75/225
echo Military pick .500 .375 .425 .375 .275 7 PC 60/150
echo Flail .575 .425 .400 .350 .225 7 PC 60/150
echo Flamberge .600 .450 .475 .325 .200 7 S C 70/190
echo War Mattock .525 .450 .425 .375 .275 7 C 60/145
echo Maul .550 .425 .425 .375 .300 7 C 70/180
#echo Two-handed sword .625 .475 .500 .350 .225 8 S C 75/200
echo Greatsword .625 .500 .500 .350 .275 8 S C 75/200
echo Claidhmore (new) .625 .475 .500 .350 .225 8 S C 75/200
echo Battle Axe .650 .450 .500 .375 .245 8 S C 70/155

echo Pilum .300 .200 .225 .175 .060 3 SP 50/150
echo Javelin .350 .250 .275 .225 .100 4 P 17/105
echo 1H Spear .350 .250 .275 .225 .100 5 SP 15/130
echo 1H Trident ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 5 SP 70/190
echo 2H Spear ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 6 SP 15/130
echo 2H Trident ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? 6 SP 70/190
echo Halberd .550 .400 .400 .300 .200 6 SPC 25/150
echo Jeddart-axe .550 .425 .425 .325 .225 7 S C 60/185
echo Hammer of Kai .550 .425 .450 .350 .250 7 P 50/190
echo Awl-pike .600 .550 .575 .450 .350 9 PC 60/160
echo Lance .725 .525 .550 .475 .350 9 PC 17/105

echo closed fist .100 .075 .040 .035 .035 0 S C N/A
echo razorpaw .150 .100 .050 .050 .030 1 S 40/80
echo paingrip .150 .100 .050 .075 .030 1 SPC 50/80
echo cestus .150 .100 .050 .075 .035 1 C 50/80
echo knuckle-duster .175 .125 .085 .100 .040 1 C 18/199
echo hook-knife .250 .120 .070 .070 .035 1 SP 30/100
echo tiger-claw .250 .150 .075 .050 .035 1 S C 18/165
echo knuckle-blade .200 .150 .100 .075 .075 1 S C 18/195
echo yierka-spur .175 .150 .125 .125 .075 1 SPC 18/185
echo blackjack .250 .140 .090 .110 .075 1 C 50/80
echo jackblade .250 .175 .150 .150 .110 2 S C 60/90
echo sai .250 .200 .110 .150 .040 2 P 25/175
echo troll-claw .325 .175 .140 .120 .090 3 S C 60/185
echo fist-scythe .325 .225 .200 .200 .100 3 SPC 70/185
echo katar .325 .250 .225 .200 .175 3 SP 70/175

echo Light Crossbow .350 .300 .325 .275 .150 2 P 50/285
echo Heavy Crossbow .425 .325 .375 .285 .175 2 P 60/315
echo Short Bow .325 .225 .275 .250 .100 5 P 35/180
echo Composite Bow .350 .300 .325 .275 .150 6 P 50/225
echo Long Bow .400 .325 .350 .300 .175 7 P 45/140
echo Bow RT is calculated based on RT-(STR bonus/10), dropping any remainder.
echo Note that Reflexes and Dexterity do not modify bow RTs, nor does encumbrance.
echo Sniping from hiding and aiming will both add 1 second, cumulative.
echo Crossbows take 2 seconds to fire, with no strength modifier.
echo Strength, standing and lack of wounds all lower cocking times.

echo Net .060 .060 .035 .045 .016 7 GRAPPLE 45/160
echo Dart .125 .100 .075 .055 .050 2 P 10/85
echo Bola .205 .158 .107 .118 .067 5 C 12/75
echo Quoit .255 .230 .155 .110 .057 5 S 60/155
echo Discus .255 .230 .155 .110 .057 5 C 60/195
echo All thrown weapons have a 3 second minimum RT

04-14-2005, 08:46 PM
Thanks man

04-15-2005, 08:16 AM
That list is awesome even if you're not a ranger. Thanks for posting it.


04-15-2005, 08:35 AM
I believe those are out of date. Bob was trying to figure out which was correct, the uptodate QRS or the older one. I'd ask him.

As for your plan...I'd drop down from 1.5x Harness Power. You really won't need that much mana to hunt. Get in touch and I'll see if I can find a spare couple of two-handers as well.

04-16-2005, 12:32 AM
Awsome I didn't know about the mana thing looking at Cammo It would be nice to use it alot

04-16-2005, 02:02 AM

echo Lance .725 .525 .550 .475 .350 9 PC 17/105

04-16-2005, 03:26 PM

04-17-2005, 12:55 AM
Originally posted by Edy
1.6x Armor
max twohanded
1x cm
1x pt
.75x dodge
.75 Ambush
1.6x Harnes
1x spells
2x Hide
1x perception

That's My plan Anyinfo? I plan on Just attacking from hiding and only ambushing when I wanna have some fun.. Right now I have a BastardSword b/c its the only 4x weapon I can afford.:laser:

This plan would be... not standard. If there is such a thing as a standard two-handed rangers.

Take harness power down to 1x, don't train in it at level 0. Armour can be 1x, I was very anxious to get in brig so I did it a little early, but didn't really need to. Anyway, you only need to 1x it. Perception should go up to 1.5x, up to 2x would be better. Ambush 1x as well. Drop dodge to .75x, it gives so little DS and you can catch it up later easily. If you are ever short of points drop dodge, it's expandable under level 50.

04-17-2005, 03:32 PM
Thanks.... Ill do that.. :beer:


04-17-2005, 03:34 PM
I disagree dodge gives so little DS. I'm sure Bob can calculate how much DS you'll lose if you drop from 2x, 1.5x or 1x dodge to .75x at say level 20.

[Edited on 17-4-05 by StrayRogue]

04-17-2005, 03:42 PM
I used my own stats out of convenience. Assumed level 20, brig, no shield. This is dodge DS only.

2x - 33 O, 46 D
1.5x - 26 O, 35 D
1x - 18 O, 25 D
.75x - 14 O, 19 D

04-18-2005, 04:48 AM
Rangers can't realistically do anymore than one-time, and 4 DS (or 8, or 20) isn't going to change anything for a two-handed ranger.

04-21-2005, 06:26 PM