View Full Version : Weapon Choice

05-14-2021, 03:19 PM
I've found my way into a few nifty two-handers. Situationally they all have merits, just looking for an opinion on effectiveness. Numbers below. Ignoring the blessable aspect, and figuring I can aim them all reasonably well in the open (with the claid being 1 second slower), what are the overall impressions? I want to like the claid the most, change my mind?

+22 new style claid with dispel flares:
According to Whirlin's sheet: Avg raw blood loss - 49, Total blood loss per swing, 83.96, total chance of crit kill 27.28%

+50 perfect maul, T5, 6 cer crit, KO flares:
According to Whirlin's sheet: Avg raw blood loss - 70, Total blood loss per swing, 99.81, total chance of crit kill 19.63%

+35 perfect mattock, T5, 4 cer crit, KO flares:
According to Whirlin's sheet: Avg raw blood loss - 64, Total blood loss per swing, 89.94, total chance of crit kill 15.41%

Used ASG 14 just for comparison, higher ASG favors the maul, of course. AvD against plate with the T5 is giving me rolls 20-45 higher with the maul/mattock, which is what is holding me up the most.

05-14-2021, 04:40 PM
I say maul; as AS increases the endroll will result in high enough crit to kill without the claid. Maul is easier to aim and faster. I do like the imagery of a sword better than a maul though

05-14-2021, 05:09 PM
I think the maul is the obvious choice.

IMO claidhs really shine for mutant-ish builds where your AS isn't great and the crits from lower end rolls make a difference.

05-14-2021, 05:57 PM

05-14-2021, 06:51 PM
Yeah but mauls are just big hammers

05-15-2021, 10:03 AM
Maul - plug in ambush head into Whirlins spreadsheet to see why

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05-15-2021, 11:48 AM
Maul if yer going with the min/max flavor of the decade.

Maul if ya actually USE ambush.

However, with everything we can add to weapons now ..... it is all minuscule % differences if yer truly tricking it out.

The x10 on the Maul will be the biggest advantage right now. Use it while you use enchant certs from DR on the claid if yer REALLY feeling the claid. And then dispel certs.

AND with those PSM3.0 changes coming, might be best to wait and see which weapon fits the way you play the changes before you really decide.

05-15-2021, 12:09 PM
This is totally ruining my confirmation bias.

Claid is kroderine so it’s never changing and dispel is t3 by default, I think.

05-15-2021, 12:45 PM
This is totally ruining my confirmation bias.

Claid is kroderine so it’s never changing and dispel is t3 by default, I think.

It's already been well established on these boards that Claids are highly overrated.

That maul by a mile.

05-15-2021, 11:15 PM
I like bastard swords/axes to double dip on the bonding + transition from OHE/Shield to THW as needed/wanted. As someone said - you can add so many extras to weapons now the difference is negligible (dependent on your funds of course).

05-16-2021, 08:42 AM
Wait, I totally forgot about PSM3.

These are confirmed (but still subject to change after it goes to test) updates to the Two-Handed weapon family.

Rank 10: Overpower
✅Name: Overpower [overpower]
Type: Reaction, requires target EBP
Roundtime: ATTACK-2
Stamina Cost: None
Description: [Pending]
Mechanics: Attack a target with an additional (Rank * 2) critical weighting.. This attack cannot be evaded, blocked, or parried.
Rank 25: Overwhelm
✅Name: Overwhelm [overwhelm]
Type: Concentration
Stamina Cost: 10 stamina
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Description: Attack a target with resounding speed.
Mechanics: Maneuver a target with three rounds of minor concussion and heavy weapon damage. If the target is Feeble, this skill becomes empowered and is quicker. Upon success, you gain Forceful Blows for 2 minutes.
Rank 50: Reverse Strike
✅Name: Reverse Strike [reversestrike]
Type: Reaction, requires player parry, or target Feeble
Roundtime: ATTACK-2
Stamina Cost: None
Description: React to an attack with a reverse strike that catches a target off guard.
Mechanics: Attack a target with an attack that is faster than normal. Removes Feeble from the target.
Rank 75: Whirlwind
✅Name: Whirlwind [whirlwind]
Type: Area of Effect
Roundtime: 5s
Stamina Cost: 20
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Description: Spin around hitting multiple targets.
Mechanics: Attack multiple targets and apply Feeble to any target hit for (15 + (Rank * 5)) seconds.

*✅Feeble: Your chance to EBP is reduced by 50%.
*✅Forceful Blows: Your melee attacks with Two-Handed weapons have a standard flare rate chance to apply Feeble to the target for 10 seconds.

05-16-2021, 10:21 AM
How would that influence weapon choice?

PSM3 sounds like they just played Diablo and took some ideas.

05-16-2021, 11:33 AM
How would that influence weapon choice?

PSM3 sounds like they just played Diablo and took some ideas.

It won't in this case.

In fact if the changes go through as-is, it'll benefit the maul even more.

Overpower will net you 10 extra crit weighting on top of everything and drop enemy EBP to 0 which benefits the maul more than the claid.(aimed shots) Feeble will make EBP against aimed shots less of a risk, again benefiting the maul.