View Full Version : Authoritarianism

04-14-2021, 09:50 PM

Next part.

04-14-2021, 09:59 PM
It grows more defunct every day.

04-14-2021, 11:07 PM
The last time someone seriously tried to expand the court was FDR back in the 1930s. It got nowhere back then, and I doubt it'll get anywhere this time, especially with the ridiculously slim majority the Dems have. And I doubt most of the Dems want to expand the court anyway.

04-15-2021, 09:13 AM
The last time someone seriously tried to expand the court was FDR back in the 1930s. It got nowhere back then, and I doubt it'll get anywhere this time, especially with the ridiculously slim majority the Dems have. And I doubt most of the Dems want to expand the court anyway.

Can you point to specific members of Congress that don't want to expand the Court? The only one I have heard is Joe Manchin.. and he doesn't really count as a Democrat these days.

Both Democrat leaders in Congress have said they are for it.

04-15-2021, 09:43 AM
Can you point to specific members of Congress that don't want to expand the Court? The only one I have heard is Joe Manchin.. and he doesn't really count as a Democrat these days.

Both Democrat leaders in Congress have said they are for it.

Without Manchin, they aren't expanding the court, period. Unless they pull over a Republican.

04-15-2021, 09:57 AM
The last time someone seriously tried to expand the court was FDR back in the 1930s. It got nowhere back then, and I doubt it'll get anywhere this time, especially with the ridiculously slim majority the Dems have. And I doubt most of the Dems want to expand the court anyway.

This is right. FDR attempted to pack the court with justices that agreed with his "New Deal" since the current justices deemed it unconstitutional. Increasing the justices on the court sets an extremely dangerous precedent since the next Republican President that controls both Chambers of Congress can further increase the court count as well. Honestly this is beginning to border on madness.

04-15-2021, 10:34 AM
Given how tight the numbers are, I am surprised that the left would force their members hands in a vote with this, since outside of DC there does not seem a lot of support for it.

04-15-2021, 11:57 AM
Given how tight the numbers are, I am surprised that the left would force their members hands in a vote with this, since outside of DC there does not seem a lot of support for it.

You think they care?

This issue doesn't work in a vacuum. Everything they're doing feeds off each other. If you try to fight it, they just call your racist, sexist, misogynist, or whatever other term.

They've succeeded in suppressing peoples ability to actually have a discourse, or an alternative view. If you do, you get doxxed by main stream media, the tech companies, or rioters. They've set the conditions for them to attempt half the shit they're doing now.

And if they do this, their calculus is that the American people won't do a damn thing. And they wouldn't be wrong. Because if someone were to do what would have to be done... they would get called a traitor. Regardless if it were the right thing to do.

Can only hope Congress holds up for another 18 months and can make it to the elections to get these imbeciles out of office.

It's why they're pushing so hard on literally everything right now. They had all this shit already written up and ready to go. You ever seen this many thousands of pages of proposals submitted this fast? Hell they haven't even filled half the cabinet positions https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/drug-safety-immigration-biden-leaves-key-posts-unfilled-n1263695 , but somehow Government is suddenly moving at warp speed with all this legislation? Please.

04-15-2021, 12:05 PM
Also... Really think about that. Over 3 months and some of the most high profile, important positions in Government haven't even had a name submitted for it. Just some examples: Food and Drug Administration, Customs and Border Protection and the Office of Management and Budget.

They don't want these divisions running smoothly, or someone who is put in by the administration having to answer actual questions or be held accountable.

To be fair, Trump hadn't submitted to many by this point either. He was an idiot for sure when it came to that process. But you'd think a guy who's been in government for 50+ years like Biden would have a better grasp. Especially for the larger positions.

Even worse though, it's not Biden running the show. I've said more than once it's elder abuse what they're doing to the guy, but hell.. what are we supposed to think?

04-15-2021, 12:16 PM
Also... Really think about that. Over 3 months and some of the most high profile, important positions in Government haven't even had a name submitted for it. Just some examples: Food and Drug Administration, Customs and Border Protection and the Office of Management and Budget.

They don't want these divisions running smoothly, or someone who is put in by the administration having to answer actual questions or be held accountable.

To be fair, Trump hadn't submitted to many by this point either. He was an idiot for sure when it came to that process. But you'd think a guy who's been in government for 50+ years like Biden would have a better grasp. Especially for the larger positions.

Even worse though, it's not Biden running the show. I've said more than once it's elder abuse what they're doing to the guy, but hell.. what are we supposed to think?

To be fair, just because someone isn't in a politically appoint slot, doesn't mean the job isn't being performed. The current acting commissioner of the CBP is very, very well qualified for the job, and every job has a non-appointed deputy that worked their way up to the position that probably runs it all anyways.

Judge appointments are the most important thing for a President to fill.

04-15-2021, 12:57 PM
My point was more I am surprised that they would force vulnerable members of congress to have to go on record, it does not seem like a good idea if you want to keep control of congress. But a lot of the things they are doing do not seem like a good idea, maybe they are simply thinking they have this two years and that is it. Seems a pretty foolish mindset.

04-15-2021, 05:51 PM
To be fair... the Democrats didn't really roll out their best members to present this.

You had the guy who honestly thought islands can capsize if there are too many people on it.

Then you had the tiny little troll who sharted himself on tv:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTWNSh29h9I&t=4s&ab_channel=TheNewsJunkie% 27sCartoons

04-15-2021, 05:51 PM
My point was more I am surprised that they would force vulnerable members of congress to have to go on record, it does not seem like a good idea if you want to keep control of congress. But a lot of the things they are doing do not seem like a good idea, maybe they are simply thinking they have this two years and that is it. Seems a pretty foolish mindset.

2022 is shaping up to be a bloodbath.

04-15-2021, 05:53 PM
To be fair, just because someone isn't in a politically appoint slot, doesn't mean the job isn't being performed. The current acting commissioner of the CBP is very, very well qualified for the job, and every job has a non-appointed deputy that worked their way up to the position that probably runs it all anyways.

Judge appointments are the most important thing for a President to fill.

And guess who appointed 3 to the Supreme Court!


04-15-2021, 06:06 PM
And guess who appointed 3 to the Supreme Court!


I’m talking about all the federal slots. Filling those should be further up the list than the heads of agencies and sub agencies. I saw a stat that said about 1/4th of all current Federal Judges are Trump appointees.

04-15-2021, 07:22 PM
I’m talking about all the federal slots. Filling those should be further up the list than the heads of agencies and sub agencies. I saw a stat that said about 1/4th of all current Federal Judges are Trump appointees.

There are some in DC that are actually smart and recognized that they will not always be in power and the judiciary is the best check on radical leftism. Trump's true legacy will be all of the judicial positions that were filled in his tenure.

04-15-2021, 07:24 PM

"Markey, standing with his fellow Democrats on the Supreme Court steps, argued that Congress “must expand the court and we must abolish the filibuster to do it,” though Democrats currently lack the support in their own party for that move."

See? To help you.. the American people.. we need to get rid of anything that requires us as elected leaders to compromise. We need this power to make things better for you. It's not that over half of you don't want it, it's that our half does.. and our half knows best. So, in order to do what's best, we're going to do away with what's required for compromise.

Trust us! We know what's best!

Edit: Another good one - "Speaker Pelosi is a very good judge of events and of history, and I believe as events unfold, as the Court comes down with decisions destructive to a woman's right to choose, as they come down with decisions destructive to the climate, as they come down ... with decisions destructive of civil liberties, I believe that Speaker Pelosi and others will come along," Nadler said."

Perhaps people have forgotten, which I actually hate how one even considers the "political leaning" of a Judge, I find it reprehensible from a philosophical perspective (though I understand the reality) - Judges are supposed to be APOLITICAL. Regardless of their personal beliefs, once they are appointed to the bench, they are only supposed to apply the law as is it written, and resolve disputes based upon the laws which our elected representatives have passed. It's the LEGISLATURES job to write good law, and to pass that law with a CONSENSUS vote to ensure effective laws are enacted.

I seriously hate how it's been twisted - by both sides.

04-15-2021, 07:39 PM

"Markey, standing with his fellow Democrats on the Supreme Court steps, argued that Congress “must expand the court and we must abolish the filibuster to do it,” though Democrats currently lack the support in their own party for that move."

See? To help you.. the American people.. we need to get rid of anything that requires us as elected leaders to compromise. We need this power to make things better for you. It's not that over half of you don't want it, it's that our half does.. and our half knows best. So, in order to do what's best, we're going to do away with what's required for compromise.

Trust us! We know what's best!

The filibuster is an invention of the last century and just as easily as it was enacted, it can be done away with. The Constitution has absolutely nothing about compromise and pretending that suddenly bipartisan cooperation is necessary goes right in the face of the reality of Congressional history. I hope the filibuster dies, what comes will come as a result, but to stymie any legislative progress because a senator threatens to filibuster is stupid.

04-15-2021, 09:10 PM
The filibuster is an invention of the last century and just as easily as it was enacted, it can be done away with. The Constitution has absolutely nothing about compromise and pretending that suddenly bipartisan cooperation is necessary goes right in the face of the reality of Congressional history. I hope the filibuster dies, what comes will come as a result, but to stymie any legislative progress because a senator threatens to filibuster is stupid.

The Senate is supposed to be a slow legislative process. It was intended to be that way.

04-15-2021, 09:22 PM
You know this shit is batshit crazy when even Pelosi won't bring it to the House floor for a vote. You know, the same shit Democrats spent the last 4+ years bitching about McConnell doing in the Senate.

04-15-2021, 09:35 PM
The filibuster is an invention of the last century and just as easily as it was enacted, it can be done away with. The Constitution has absolutely nothing about compromise and pretending that suddenly bipartisan cooperation is necessary goes right in the face of the reality of Congressional history. I hope the filibuster dies, what comes will come as a result, but to stymie any legislative progress because a senator threatens to filibuster is stupid.

So can we go back to governors appointing state senators like back in the old days?

04-16-2021, 12:48 AM
So can we go back to governors appointing state senators like back in the old days?

Start lobbying your representative.

04-16-2021, 04:48 AM
As I figured, it's going nowhere.

04-16-2021, 06:49 AM
As I figured, it's going nowhere.

Fingers crossed.

I'll give Pelosi credit if she sticks to it. One the rare times, but hopefully even she sees the insanity of such a move.

Good news. Thanks for the update!

04-16-2021, 10:21 AM
Fingers crossed.

I'll give Pelosi credit if she sticks to it. One the rare times, but hopefully even she sees the insanity of such a move.

Good news. Thanks for the update!

She is a lot of things but politically inept it not one. She knows she is in trouble, deep trouble and even getting a vote on this would be the death knell for Dem control of the house, likely the Senate and POTUS for a good while. As it is, I see a bloodbath in the house, probably a significant flip in the Senate and Harris/Biden being a lame duck for 2 years with the house and senate overiding veto after veto and hopefully an impeachment or 2.

04-16-2021, 10:38 AM
She is a lot of things but politically inept it not one. She knows she is in trouble, deep trouble and even getting a vote on this would be the death knell for Dem control of the house, likely the Senate and POTUS for a good while. As it is, I see a bloodbath in the house, probably a significant flip in the Senate and Harris/Biden being a lame duck for 2 years with the house and senate overiding veto after veto and hopefully an impeachment or 2.


04-16-2021, 03:23 PM
"Russian bounties on American soldiers"


04-16-2021, 07:36 PM
Fingers crossed.

I'll give Pelosi credit if she sticks to it. One the rare times, but hopefully even she sees the insanity of such a move.

Good news. Thanks for the update!

Pelosi has already stated she is for court packing. She just sees the 2022 election cycle and knows this has no chance of passing.. so why would she want to bring this legislation to a vote if she has way too many members who are in susceptible districts and forcing them to vote yes on a bill that has zero chance to pass in the Senate?

04-16-2021, 07:43 PM
Pelosi has already stated she is for court packing. She just sees the 2022 election cycle and knows this has no chance of passing.. so why would she want to bring this legislation to a vote if she has way too many members who are in susceptible districts and forcing them to vote yes on a bill that has zero chance to pass in the Senate?

It is all about political capital and I doubt it'll advance, as much as I'd like to see it. My hope is Manchin loses office before 2022,that'd be a dream.

04-16-2021, 08:43 PM
It is all about political capital and I doubt it'll advance, as much as I'd like to see it.

Why would you like to see it... because it's a 6-3 conservative court, which was put in place by following the rule of law?

Sounds like you are just a poor sport.

My hope is Manchin loses office before 2022,that'd be a dream.

So, you are hoping something so horrific happens to him that he has to at best, leave prior to his term expiring or worst, he dies in office in office.. given he isn't up for re-election until 2022.

Awesome. That's some Keller level type shit right there.

04-16-2021, 09:00 PM
Why would you like to see it... because it's a 6-3 conservative court, which was put in place by following the rule of law?

Wait till you find out that "court packing" also happens by following the rule of law.

Sounds like you are just a poor sport.

Sounds like you like it when your side abuses the spirit of bipartisanship, then cry crocodile tears when the other side threatens to do the same. Making you a ... poor sport. With no self-awareness, as usual. Because you're a deluded imbecile.

So, you are hoping something so horrific happens to him that he has to at best, leave prior to his term expiring or worst, he dies in office in office.. given he isn't up for re-election until 2022.

It's almost as if you still haven't figured out that your intellectual dishonesty doesn't constitute a reasoned position.

Awesome. That's some Keller level type shit right there.

It's also funny that you think you have some kind of moral superiority over Keller, as if you weren't revealed as a completely amoral sociopath with zero redeeming qualities, undoubtedly the worst person on the forum.

04-16-2021, 11:48 PM
Wait till you find out that "court packing" also happens by following the rule of law.

Sounds like you like it when your side abuses the spirit of bipartisanship, then cry crocodile tears when the other side threatens to do the same. Making you a ... poor sport. With no self-awareness, as usual. Because you're a deluded imbecile.

It's almost as if you still haven't figured out that your intellectual dishonesty doesn't constitute a reasoned position.

It's also funny that you think you have some kind of moral superiority over Keller, as if you weren't revealed as a completely amoral sociopath with zero redeeming qualities, undoubtedly the worst person on the forum.

Democrats sticking up for pedophiles, some things never change.

04-16-2021, 11:51 PM
Democrats sticking up for pedophiles, some things never change.

Alas, criticizing Parkbandit doesn't constitute "sticking up for a pedophile." Standing up for pedophiles is a Republican thing -- see Matt Gaetz.

Better luck next time.

04-17-2021, 12:00 AM
Alas, criticizing Parkbandit doesn't constitute "sticking up for a pedophile." Standing up for pedophiles is a Republican thing -- see Matt Gaetz.

Better luck next time.

Park Bandit trolling you because, well, you deserve it. Is not even in the same universe as being a pedophile.

The sick part is, you think it is equivalent.

It's also funny that you think you have some kind of moral superiority over Keller ~Assliana

04-17-2021, 12:10 AM
Park Bandit trolling you because, well, you deserve it.

Parkbandit obsessively stalked a bunch of people -- not just me -- for years, in order to leave sociopathic, sexually graphic messages full of impotent rage because he, like you, was butthurt that he couldn't win arguments on the Internet.

Is not even in the same universe as being a pedophile. The sick part is, you think it is equivalent.

I'm not sure you or PB has ever demonstrated that Keller is, indeed, a pedophile, but no, I didn't claim the two were "equivalent." Either you're profoundly retarded and can't read (ding, ding, ding!) or have deluded yourself into thinking your intellectual dishonesty constitutes an argument. It doesn't.


Racist and infantile. Kudos.

04-17-2021, 12:16 AM
Parkbandit obsessively stalked a bunch of people -- not just me -- for years, in order to leave sociopathic, sexually graphic messages full of impotent rage because he, like you, was butthurt that he couldn't win arguments on the Internet.

I'm not sure you or PB has ever demonstrated that Keller is, indeed, a pedophile, but no, I didn't claim the two were "equivalent." Either you're profoundly retarded and can't read (ding, ding, ding!) or have deluded yourself into thinking your intellectual dishonesty constitutes an argument. It doesn't.

Racist and infantile. Kudos.

Poor Assliana, the plight of an underage child being stalked by some rando internet pedophile has nothing on the pain you must live with.

Such a cunt.

04-17-2021, 12:18 AM
Poor Assliana, the plight of an underage child being stalked by some rando internet pedophile has nothing on the pain you must live with.

Such a cunt.

"I'm claiming some other guy is a pedophile. Therefore, PB can't be a sociopath" is the truly sound logic we'd expect of an unapologetic racist like you.

04-17-2021, 12:21 AM
Parkbandit obsessively stalked a bunch of people -- not just me -- for years, in order to leave sociopathic, sexually graphic messages full of impotent rage because he, like you, was butthurt that he couldn't win arguments on the Internet.

The fact you find simply leaving comments on a single BBS is "stalking" is funny. To quote Alonzo Lerone, "Get a dictionary!" What's more humorous is to think that you are any kind of judge of internet argument/debate.

I'm not sure you or PB has ever demonstrated that Keller is, indeed, a pedophile, but no, I didn't claim the two were "equivalent." Either you're profoundly retarded and can't read (ding, ding, ding!) or have deluded yourself into thinking your intellectual dishonesty constitutes an argument. It doesn't.

What, a Leftist wants proof before making accusations of sexual misconduct? Right. After the Circus of baseless accusations made by questionable at best people in an attempt to derail nominations and the POTUS, you have negative room to demand proof for anything. That's right, not zero, less than zero room to talk since your side has lots of ground to make up in the credibility of accusations made.

Racist and infantile. Kudos.

Yes, you are, glad you finally recognize that. It's a step in the right direction.

04-17-2021, 12:26 AM
The fact you find simply leaving comments on a single BBS is "stalking" is funny. To quote Alonzo Lerone, "Get a dictionary!" What's more humorous is to think that you are any kind of judge of internet argument/debate.

You'd have a stronger case if you didn't have to base your position on willfully misrepresenting his actions. Spoiler Alert: There's a reason you're doing that. It's because you're bullshitting. Regardless, Mr. Misogynistic Fantasies, nobody gives a shit what you think of a fellow shitty right-winger you're invested in shitting out apologetics for.

What, a Leftist wants proof before making accusations of sexual misconduct? Right. After the Circus of baseless accusations made by questionable at best people in an attempt to derail nominations and the POTUS, you have negative room to demand proof for anything. That's right, not zero, less than zero room to talk since your side has lots of ground to make up in the credibility of accusations made.

You just demonstrated that you don't know anything about the credibility of the people that made those assertions, so thanks for immediately undercutting your own credibility, yet again. You seem to think your willful (or comically inadvertent) ignorance constitutes a reasoned position. It still doesn't.

Yes, you are, glad you finally recognize that. It's a step in the right direction.

Just as infantile as Neveragain. Speaking of racists, though, you're up there, with the revisionist account of history you tried to shit out to absolve southern, white conservatives of their centuries-old legacy of racism.

04-17-2021, 12:44 AM
You'd have a stronger case if you didn't have to base your position on willfully misrepresenting his actions. Spoiler Alert: There's a reason you're doing that. It's because you're bullshitting. Regardless, Mr. Misogynistic Fantasies, nobody gives a shit what you think of a fellow shitty right-winger you're invested in shitting out apologetics for.

You just demonstrated that you don't know anything about the credibility of the people that made those assertions, so thanks for immediately undercutting your own credibility, yet again. You seem to think your willful (or comically inadvertent) ignorance constitutes a reasoned position. It still doesn't.

Just as infantile as Neveragain. Speaking of racists, though, you're up there, with the revisionist account of history you tried to shit out to absolve southern, white conservatives of their centuries-old legacy of racism.

More proof that just because you say something over and over doesn't make it true.

04-17-2021, 12:52 AM
More proof that just because you say something over and over doesn't make it true.

More proof that you, as always, initially talk a big game and then prove completely incapable of making a coherent argument, and invariably bow out. Maybe it'll work out differently next time!

04-17-2021, 12:56 AM
Racist!, Racist!, Racist!.............................


04-17-2021, 12:59 AM

"My various racist sentiments are erased by the fact that I said 'You called me racist'!" -Resident local racist Neveragain

04-17-2021, 01:05 AM
I never had a father in the home, that's why I always try to use public shaming.

It's obvious. ~ Not the resident pedophile, Neveragain

04-17-2021, 01:09 AM
I think by pretending my unapologetic racism is funny, it's somehow not racist. If I play it off as jokey, people won't think it's serious.


04-17-2021, 01:17 AM
More proof that you, as always, initially talk a big game and then prove completely incapable of making a coherent argument, and invariably bow out. Maybe it'll work out differently next time!

I was arguing? I was simply stating facts. And no, nothing will change because you will not change.


Just to be clear because you need seem to need explicit and simple labels to have a chance at understanding, you are the pig in the above meme.

04-17-2021, 01:19 AM

Wow, you reached deep for that one. I would have never guessed you would call me a racist, again!

https://media3.giphy.com/media/3oEjHKvjqt5pssL99C/200w.gif?cid=82a1493bpvpahs1vji13aiadl6fh8y8e9qfp2 1dbnuw2ngd4&rid=200w.gif&ct=g

04-17-2021, 01:24 AM
Wow, you reached deep for that one. I would have never guessed you would call me a racist, again!

https://media3.giphy.com/media/3oEjHKvjqt5pssL99C/200w.gif?cid=82a1493bpvpahs1vji13aiadl6fh8y8e9qfp2 1dbnuw2ngd4&rid=200w.gif&ct=g

"I never would've guessed you would call me the thing I unapologetically admitted to being tonight!" Tune in next time for more marvelous insights from one of the PC's local racists, Neveragain.

04-17-2021, 01:25 AM
I was arguing? I was simply stating facts. And no, nothing will change because you will not change.


Just to be clear because you need seem to need explicit and simple labels to have a chance at understanding, you are the pig in the above meme.

"Oh, I just can't be bothered to lay out an coherent position because..."

Your mental gymnastics about why you don't (read: can't) substantiate your positions are your own issue to deal with.

04-17-2021, 01:43 AM
"I never would've guessed you would call me the thing I unapologetically admitted to being tonight!" Tune in next time for more marvelous insights from one of the PC's local racists, Neveragain.


04-17-2021, 01:44 AM
"If I pretend my history of racism doesn't exist hard enough, it'll cease to exist!" - Neveragain

04-17-2021, 02:34 AM
"If I pretend my history of racism doesn't exist hard enough, it'll cease to exist!" - Neveragain

You continue to scream racist at someone who doesn't care, literally, as in I can no longer give a fuck. I watched 2 street rats murder another brown person in broad daylight, with our military in the streets and our "government" hiding behind barriers. Your screams of racism are pitiful and pathetic.

On a side note, here are the people you want other Americans to murder over fake news:


Maybe you and your pedophile friends can fight the war this time?

04-17-2021, 02:42 AM

Wow. Maybe you should get some sleep. And, y'know, make an effort to reevaluate your whole unapologetic racist thing.

04-17-2021, 02:55 AM
Wow. Maybe you should get some sleep. And, y'know, make an effort to reevaluate your whole unapologetic racist thing.

There's nothing to reevaluate, there's nothing for me to apologize for. 2 subhuman ghetto dwellers murdered an innocent human being and Democrats blame the murdered Pakistani man for leaving his car running. They are so sub-human that they showed zero compassion for the person they murdered, just like a wild animal. Just like the zero compassion you show for the 10's of thousands of black people you support murdering, annually.

But, I openly accept your title of racist if that means not murdering 10's of thousands of black people every year and giving passes to hood rats for murdering innocent people.

04-17-2021, 02:58 AM
Your nonsensical rambling sure is a valid justification for your racism.

Just like the zero compassion you show for the 10's of thousands of black people you support murdering, annually.

Thanks for validating what I've been saying all evening: You're a racist piece of shit, as evidenced by your reductive infantalization of the Black community and willful ignorance of why overwhelming supermajorities of the community support reproductive rights.

04-17-2021, 03:15 AM
Your nonsensical rambling sure is a valid justification for your racism.

Thanks for validating what I've been saying all evening: You're a racist piece of shit, as evidenced by your reductive infantalization of the Black community and willful ignorance of why overwhelming supermajorities of the community support reproductive rights.

Hey, your policies have killed more black people than the Democrat organized KKK ever did.


Is that Ebonics?

willful ignorance of why overwhelming supermajorities of the community support reproductive rights

Yes, I would imagine that the Democrats 50 year long program of the dehumanization of black babies has played a large role in hood rats acting like sub-humans.

04-17-2021, 03:25 AM
Hey, your policies have killed more black people than the Democrat organized KKK ever did.

Ah, yes, the one organized by rural, white southern conservatives, the ones whose kids proudly voted for Donald Trump, just like you. Too bad your talking points are decades out of date. But what else can we expect from someone like this?


Could you be any more of a comical stereotype of the old, white racist neckbeard?

Is that Ebonics?

Yes, I would imagine that the Democrats 50 year long program of the dehumanization of black babies has played a large roll in hood rats acting like sub-humans.

Alas, doubling down on your racist infantilization of Black people, robbing them of agency and the chance that they know their own interests better than you do, says it all. Better luck coming up with a coherent argument next time.

04-17-2021, 03:38 AM
I think I look pretty good there. Slim, somewhat clean room, zero tats, blond hair, blue eyes. Shaving these days is a bitch so I have a barber do it and well, they are still closed.

See the pic behind me? That's a couple of mules my dad grew up on the farm with that he drew, I know it looks like a Nazi flag and all.

Do we get to see your pic?


04-17-2021, 03:44 AM
I think I look pretty good there.


Your capacity for self-delusion knows no bounds.

Slim, somewhat clean room, zero tats, blond hair, blue eyes. Shaving these days is a bitch so I have a barber do it and well, they are still closed.

By "slim," if you mean you look like you don't exercise. You look like you haven't stepped foot in a shower in weeks, and though you tried to praise yourself (:rofl:) for having Aryan features, you certainly don't.

See the pic behind me? That's a couple of mules my dad grew up on the farm with that he drew, I know it looks like a Nazi flag and all.

Do we get to see your pic?


If someone asked what they thought an old, white racist conservative would look like, you fit the bill precisely.

04-17-2021, 03:48 AM
Ooh, let's see that rock'n body you're sporting.

04-17-2021, 03:50 AM
Ooh, let's see that rock'n body you're sporting.

No thanks. Not into geezers. Particularly racist ones.

04-17-2021, 03:51 AM
So basically you're a fat ugly cunt?

04-17-2021, 03:56 AM
One can only hope you're retired -- you're old enough to be on Social Security, at the very least. Perhaps instead of spending all day playing video games and on the Internet, you should join a gym. And practice basic hygiene.... and do something about the racism.

04-17-2021, 03:59 AM
One can only hope you're retired -- you're old enough to be on Social Security, at the very least. Perhaps instead of spending all day playing video games and on the Internet, you should join a gym. And practice basic hygiene.... and do something about the racism.

Poor Assliana, no daddy, fat as fuck and argues like a teenage girl.

I'm sure we would all love to see this rock hard body you're sporting.

04-17-2021, 04:03 AM
The fact that you're 60+, like PB, spending all day arguing with someone literally half your age.. at 4 in the morning.. triggered as shit because your racism got pointed out.. is funny beyond words. Take a shower, "Grandpa Schwags."

04-17-2021, 04:07 AM
The fact that you're 60+, like PB, spending all day arguing with someone literally half your age.. at 4 in the morning.. triggered as shit because your racism got pointed out.. is funny beyond words. Take a shower, "Grandpa Schwags."

Geez, you're terrible with age recognition. It's no wonder you hold hands with pedophiles.

I promise not to make fun of your dress.

04-17-2021, 04:14 AM
Geez, you're terrible with age recognition.

"I'm not actually 60! I just look terrible for my age!" isn't the defense you seem to think it is, even if, in reality, you're simply lying about your age.

But if you were capable of thinking things through, you wouldn't be a racist or a Republican, so..

It's no wonder you hold hands with pedophiles.

I promise not to make fun of your dress.

You can keep your pedophile fantasies to yourself.

04-17-2021, 04:24 AM
"I'm not actually 60! I just look terrible for my age!" isn't the defense you seem to think it is, even if, in reality, you're simply lying about your age.

But if you were capable of thinking things through, you wouldn't be a racist or a Republican, so..

You can keep your pedophile fantasies to yourself.

Poor Assliana, too fat to post a pic.

I can post more of mine though, I'm pretty proud of my body.

Here is before the parkinsons really kicked in and I was doing 20 mile hikes at 8,000 ft.


04-17-2021, 04:25 AM
Sorry, not interested in exchanging pics with racist geezers. Not sure why you'd deliberately introduce yours, though, they certainly aren't doing you any favors.

04-17-2021, 04:27 AM
Here's one from the Badlands the last time I went to Sturgis:


04-17-2021, 04:29 AM
You might have better luck on an especially racist dating app, something like eHarmony.

04-17-2021, 04:30 AM
Sorry, not interested in exchanging pics with racist geezers. Not sure why you'd deliberately introduce yours, though, they certainly aren't doing you any favors.

You seemed really interested in pictures of me, considering you searched it out, took a still shot (can you at least clean your goo off the pic of me when you're finished?).

It just seems your really gay and that's ok.

04-17-2021, 04:32 AM
"Searched it out"? You've been trying to get people to watch your channel. You are a spectacularly poor streamer, FYI. Nobody wants to watch some racist old man badly play video games, and again, please keep your fantasies to yourself.

04-17-2021, 04:40 AM
"Searched it out"? You've been trying to get people to watch your channel. You are a spectacularly poor streamer, FYI. Nobody wants to watch some racist old man badly play video games, and again, please keep your fantasies to yourself.

I'm totally cool with your need to fantasize over me. If you need more pics of me to post, let me know. There's plenty of me to go around.

04-17-2021, 04:41 AM
... Yeah. No one asked for that, or ever will.

04-17-2021, 04:51 AM
... Yeah. No one asked for that, or ever will.

You didn't bother asking at all. You just jumped right in and started jerking that little pecker, that hides under those fat rolls of yours, all over my pic.

It's ok, Assliana. We already knew you were gay.

04-17-2021, 04:52 AM
Please keep your bizarre fantasies to yourself, and your misconceptions about gay men. Some men are into daddies, but generally not disgusting, racist ones that look like they haven't showered in weeks like you.

04-17-2021, 05:22 AM
You continue to scream racist at someone who doesn't care, literally, as in I can no longer give a fuck. I watched 2 street rats murder another brown person in broad daylight, with our military in the streets and our "government" hiding behind barriers. Your screams of racism are pitiful and pathetic.

Was I inappropriate , I treated them miserably? A Muslim killed a bar full of faggots and my words are so much worse. No, what's inappropriate is your continued support to allow these fucks to continue to flow into our country even after a bar full of faggots were murdered. Quit letting words run your emotions, real gays were murdered by real Muslim extremists, not by my words.

I'll try to liven it up. Sounds like Hillary's State Department blocked investigations into the Mosque this Raghead attended. This guy was also employed by a security group that is contracted by the DHS. Kind of sketchy info right now so I'm not providing sources, google if you like.

Muslims understand one language, the language of fear. Drop a few nukes on Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. Then warn Saudi Arabia, stop your shit or you're next.

Now you care about brown people? Glad you've come around.

04-17-2021, 09:03 AM
Now you care about brown people? Glad you've come around.

I don't see anything racist at all in those comments. Just like you don't see any racism in the 2 hood rats murdering the Pakistani man. But hey, that's cool, it's your backyard that looks like little Mogadishu.

I have zero problems calling out despicable sub-humans for acting like animals. I'm totally fine being a racist by any Democrat measure of the term.

It's been what, 6...7 years since you and the other limp wristed faggots have been crying over words?


04-17-2021, 10:49 AM
I don't see anything racist at all in those comments. Just like you don't see any racism in the 2 hood rats murdering the Pakistani man. But hey, that's cool, it's your backyard that looks like little Mogadishu.

I have zero problems calling out despicable sub-humans for acting like animals. I'm totally fine being a racist by any Democrat measure of the term.

It's been what, 6...7 years since you and the other limp wristed faggots have been crying over words?

I saw two criminals kill a man, point out the racism to me.

I have no problems with words, but they do have meaning. It sucks that you can't see what you are, a bitter old man that hates Middle eastern people, gay people, and women.

04-17-2021, 10:50 AM
I don't see anything racist at all in those comments. Just like you don't see any racism in the 2 hood rats murdering the Pakistani man. But hey, that's cool, it's your backyard that looks like little Mogadishu.

I have zero problems calling out despicable sub-humans for acting like animals. I'm totally fine being a racist by any Democrat measure of the term.

It's been what, 6...7 years since you and the other limp wristed faggots have been crying over words?

I saw two criminals kill a man, point out the racism to me.

I have no problems with words, but they do have meaning. It sucks that you can't see what you are, a bitter old man that hates Middle eastern people, gay people, and women.


04-17-2021, 12:18 PM
I saw two criminals kill a man, point out the racism to me.


The part where it was one race of people that murdered another. I know in your confused "liberal" state of mind, a white dude chasing off a black kid after the neighborhood has experienced sexual assaults is the epitome of racism.

It's too bad that when it's a white guy it's racism in your eyes and when 2 blacks murder a Pakistani man, it's the Pakistani's mans fault for leaving the car running. (your words)

Does this same logic apply to, say, it's ok to rape a woman if her skirt is too short? Or is it only ok for a black person to rape a woman for wearing too short of skirt?

But in honesty, this all means nothing to me. I simply can't and won't take people like you seriously as long as you support legislation that has murdered more black Americans than anything else in American history and then have the audacity to call others racists.

Simply put, you are a joke to me.

04-17-2021, 12:38 PM
The part where it was one race of people that murdered another. I know in your confused "liberal" state of mind, a white dude chasing off a black kid after the neighborhood has experienced sexual assaults is the epitome of racism.

It's too bad that when it's a white guy it's racism in your eyes and when 2 blacks murder a Pakistani man, it's the Pakistani's mans fault for leaving the car running. (your words)

Does this same logic apply to, say, it's ok to rape a woman if her skirt is too short? Or is it only ok for a black person to rape a woman for wearing too short of skirt?

But in honesty, this all means nothing to me. I simply can't and won't take people like you seriously as long as you support legislation that has murdered more black Americans than anything else in American history and then have the audacity to call others racists.

Simply put, you are a joke to me.

I didn't say it was his fault, I described the situation that led up to his death.

You care so much about life but want to drop nuclear bombs all over the Middle East, fuck off with your hypocrisy. Let me guess, those aren't the "right" lives.

Literally no one on this board takes you seriously, you are the epitome of a joke.

04-17-2021, 12:50 PM
I saw two criminals kill a man, point out the racism to me.

I have no problems with words, but they do have meaning. It sucks that you can't see what you are, a bitter old man that hates Middle eastern people, gay people, and women.


The part where it was one race of people that murdered another. I know in your confused "liberal" state of mind, a white dude chasing off a black kid after the neighborhood has experienced sexual assaults is the epitome of racism.

It's too bad that when it's a white guy it's racism in your eyes and when 2 blacks murder a Pakistani man, it's the Pakistani's mans fault for leaving the car running. (your words)

Does this same logic apply to, say, it's ok to rape a woman if her skirt is too short? Or is it only ok for a black person to rape a woman for wearing too short of skirt?

But in honesty, this all means nothing to me. I simply can't and won't take people like you seriously as long as you support legislation that has murdered more black Americans than anything else in American history and then have the audacity to call others racists.

Simply put, you are a joke to me.

You're a racist. Nobody gives two shits who is a "joke" to someone twisting themselves into logical pretzels to infantilize and discount the opinion of the Black community -- all in the supposed name of the Black community.

The funny part is that you 1) think your disingenuous argument is convincing, despite it failing to convince the Black community, and 2) don't care that people (correctly) judge you for being a racist piece of human garbage.

04-17-2021, 01:01 PM
Literally no one on this board takes you seriously, you are the epitome of a joke.

I'm not sure you should be tossing around such statements when Ashliana of all people is posting in the same thread and saying a lot of the same stuff you're saying.

How embarrassing.

04-17-2021, 01:01 PM
I didn't say it was his fault, I described the situation that led up to his death.

You care so much about life but want to drop nuclear bombs all over the Middle East, fuck off with your hypocrisy. Let me guess, those aren't the "right" lives.

Literally no one on this board takes you seriously, you are the epitome of a joke.


Sorry, busy right now. This should give you more time to devise how to further reduce the black population.

04-17-2021, 01:17 PM

Sorry, busy right now. This should give you more time to devise how to further reduce the black population.

Best of luck figuring out why Black people consider your mental gymnastics racist! In your mind, it's because they're a stupid population that's been brainwashed by liberals, but in reality you lack the self-awareness to tell that that argument is, itself, racist. :)

I'm not sure you should be tossing around such statements when Ashliana of all people is posting in the same thread and saying a lot of the same stuff you're saying.

How embarrassing.

"Hmm. People are able to tell Neveragain's argument is racist. Could this be an indication he's wrong? Nah! Better make an appeal to tribalism!"

Sheer genius, truly.

04-17-2021, 01:33 PM
I'm not sure you should be tossing around such statements when Ashliana of all people is posting in the same thread and saying a lot of the same stuff you're saying.

How embarrassing.

I mean, he is a racist, he his homophobic, and he is sexist. These are all known things, he doesn't even try to hide it. Him saying "I'm not racist" doesn't make his previous comments not racist.

It's funny how you have selective memory when it's someone who agrees with you on political issues.

04-17-2021, 01:36 PM


04-17-2021, 01:45 PM
he is sexist.

My bad, my eyes tend to glaze over all posts when it's Ashliana literally every other post, did you actually post something that shows Neveragain to be sexist? Or is this more of Rocktar's "He's into something I'm not, therefore sexist" comments?

04-17-2021, 01:46 PM
I mean, he is a racist, he his homophobic, and he is sexist. These are all known things, he doesn't even try to hide it. Him saying "I'm not racist" doesn't make his previous comments not racist.

It's funny how you have selective memory when it's someone who agrees with you on political issues.

Better check that ageism, boy.

04-17-2021, 02:00 PM
Better check that ageism, boy.

1) Super cringe.
2) Nothing in his statement was "ageist."
3) "Ageism" is meaningless, especially compared to your sexism, racism and homophobia. :)

That'll be $50.

04-17-2021, 02:18 PM
Only Democrats get to define the hate.

Considering that the Democrats continued ethnic cleansing of the black community makes the Nazi's look like amateurs, it's not surprising you're the ones that want to hang the labels.

Millions and millions murdered by Democrat policies.

Should the German people have stopped the holocaust?

04-17-2021, 02:26 PM
"Black people are too retarded to understand that they were tricked into nearly universally supporting reproductive rights. What do you mean I'm a racist?"

-Neveragain, 2021

04-17-2021, 02:44 PM
My bad, my eyes tend to glaze over all posts when it's Ashliana literally every other post, did you actually post something that shows Neveragain to be sexist? Or is this more of Rocktar's "He's into something I'm not, therefore sexist" comments?

The posts where he talked about women not being capable of being leaders. These were fairly recent compared to everything else, didn't think I'd have to try and find those.

There's reality and then there's the crock of shit your feelings make you say.

The fact is, women normally suck at leadership roles. We have 1000's of years of history to prove so.

Now do the 100 men for every one of those women. Like I said, women rarely make good leaders, they're just not psychologically wired with the leadership traits most people look for in a leader.

No, it's the truth. If it's not true, why don't we see at least an equal amount of male to female leaders through out history or at least somewhat close in range?

There is absolutely 0 evidence that supports women being seen as good as leaders as men, neither historically or scientifically.

But it sure is easy to take your side of the argument even though science proves it to be blatantly false.

Do you need more?

04-17-2021, 02:54 PM
The posts where he talked about women not being capable of being leaders. These were fairly recent compared to everything else, didn't think I'd have to try and find those.

Do you need more?

Are observations by default sexist now? He didn't say women always make bad leaders, he said women "normally suck at leadership roles." I have no idea if what he is saying is true or not, but this is where you prove him wrong with facts instead of just labeling him sexist. He also didn't say women are inferior to men.

Women make up like 3% of the people who work on oil rigs, probably because it's a physically demanding job and women either might not be able to perform the physical labor that is required or simply don't want to. Is it sexist to point out the scientific differences between men and women? I'm assuming so.

Can't we just have grown up conversations anymore without these dumb ass labels? Let me know when someone says they are better than black people because they have white skin, or that they are better than women because they have a penis, and they say this in a serious manner and aren't just obviously trying to be funny.

04-17-2021, 03:05 PM
Are observations by default sexist now? He didn't say women always make bad leaders, he said women "normally suck at leadership roles." I have no idea if what he is saying is true or not, but this is where you prove him wrong with facts instead of just labeling him sexist. He also didn't say women are inferior to men.

It's right there in the thread I quoted, feel free to read thru it.

04-17-2021, 03:07 PM
Dreaven's reached the inevitable point in any discussion he participates, where he pretends that his bad faith, disingenuous positions somehow constitute an argument. When hard confronted about it by people he actually cares about, he usually justifies himself by saying he's "trolling."

04-17-2021, 03:14 PM
"Black people are too retarded to understand that they were tricked into nearly universally supporting reproductive rights. What do you mean I'm a racist?"

-Neveragain, 2021

The only people that think black people are stupid are the people that believe we need to lower education standards for minorities. You think black people are so stupid they can't even find the DMV.

I mean, you fell for every fake propaganda piece shoved down your throat over the past 5 years. You use the very same "arguments" the Nazi's used to gain support for the near extermination of a group of people to justify the ongoing black holocaust. Unwanted, not human, a parasite etc.

Should the German people have stopped the holocaust or was it right for them to idly stand by?

04-17-2021, 03:20 PM
"Any effort to address the aftereffects of centuries of enslavement is, itself racist! Black people should lift themselves up by their own boot straps like white people did, even though whites did it on the backs of slaves!

Oh, and I thought it would be great to restate my belief that Blacks are retarded and got duped into supporting reproductive rights, and no, I don't care how Black people feel. But that doesn't make me racist!"

-Neveragain, 2021

04-17-2021, 03:34 PM
"Any effort to address the aftereffects of centuries of enslavement is, itself racist! Black people should lift themselves up by their own boot straps like white people did, even though whites did it on the backs of slaves!

Oh, and I thought it would be great to restate my belief that Blacks are retarded and got duped into supporting reproductive rights, and no, I don't care how Black people feel. But that doesn't make me racist!"

-Neveragain, 2021

"We can't have voter ID because black people can't find the DMV" ~ Democrats

"We have to lower education standards for black people and raise them for Asian students, because black people are dumber than Asians." ~ Democrats

"I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years" ~ Democrats

"All the German people were retarded and got duped into the holocaust" ~ Assliana

"All the Russian people were retarded and got duped into communism" ~ Assliana

"I have no idea how propaganda works, it's why I have been falling for it for the last 5 years" ~ Assliana

04-17-2021, 03:49 PM
"I'm going to pretend I don't understand GOP measures to suppress the Black vote, even though various Republicans have outright admitted to it, including in briefs to the Supreme Court!" -Neveragain

"I'm going to pretend that white people pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps, and not on the backs of slave labor, but any efforts to address the effects of centuries of enslavement are racist -- to whites!" -Neveragain

"I'm going to pretend that the GOP didn't engage in the Southern Strategy, despite the RNC literally apologizing for it in 2005!" -Neveragain

"I'm going to pretend that Ronald Reagan's adviser and chairman of the RNC Lee Atwater didn't admit in an interview to shifting away from the N-word to pretexts like "state's rights," "forced busing," etc, in an effort to appeal to racist whites like me!" -Neveragain

"I'm going to infantilize the Black community, make zero effort to understand why they nearly universally support reproductive rights -- because I think they're retards who got duped by liberals, which isn't at all racist! Why are you looking at me like that? -Neveragain

"I don't believe anything based on facts, I'm butthurt about the fact that none of my arguments have convinced Black people (that's just because they're so retarded!) and I don't care what my fellow whites think of me!" -Neveragain

04-17-2021, 04:03 PM
I'm going to pretend that every white person owned slaves. Well, except my moms family they were the only whites to not own slaves. I'm not sure about my dad. I'm also going to pretend that Neveragain doesn't support reparations because he wants to break up federal lands and give it to black people. Everyone knows trees come before black people. I'm also going to ignore that Neveragain didn't start voting Republican until Obama's 2nd term. I really hate when poor people and minorities leave the plantation and prove they are far better off being off the Democrat plantation.


04-17-2021, 04:09 PM
"I'm going to pretend that whether 'every white person owned slaves' has an impact whatsoever on the socioeconomic impact on the Black community at having been enslaved for centuries." -Neveragain

"I'm going to pretend that my various positions aren't racist infantilizations of the Black community, despite making no effort to understand their positions." -Neveragain

"I'm going to pretend I don't understand why the overwhelming majority of Blacks support the Democrats -- no, surely, it has nothing to do with the racist policies or history of southern conservatism that makes up the modern-day GOP." -Neveragain



04-17-2021, 07:05 PM
"I'm going to pretend that whether 'every white person owned slaves' has an impact whatsoever on the socioeconomic impact on the Black community at having been enslaved for centuries." -Neveragain

"I'm going to pretend that my various positions aren't racist infantilizations of the Black community, despite making no effort to understand their positions." -Neveragain

"I'm going to pretend I don't understand why the overwhelming majority of Blacks support the Democrats -- no, surely, it has nothing to do with the racist policies or history of southern conservatism that makes up the modern-day GOP." -Neveragain



Here's a black man that agrees with me, that you will be more than happy to call an Uncle Tom.


Notice he as well says it was Democrats that terrorized black conservatives with the KKK.

Is he stupid, Assliana?

04-17-2021, 07:16 PM
You latching on to a Black politician willing to tell you what you want to hear -- and discounting the overwhelming majority of the community -- doesn't change anything. You think the vast majority of Black people too stupid to make their own decisions, have their own agency, etc. You'd be able to figure it out if you listened to them, but we know what you're interested in, since you're an unapologetic racist.

Anything else in the ol' bag of racist tricks?

04-18-2021, 01:58 AM
You latching on to a Black politician willing to tell you what you want to hear -- and discounting the overwhelming majority of the community -- doesn't change anything. You think the vast majority of Black people too stupid to make their own decisions, have their own agency, etc. You'd be able to figure it out if you listened to them, but we know what you're interested in, since you're an unapologetic racist.

Anything else in the ol' bag of racist tricks?

Assliana, the hero black people were never looking for.


04-18-2021, 02:38 AM
Neveragain, the guy who latches on to whichever pariah-in-their-own-community is willing to sell him a fantasy that just so happens to coincidence with all his racist beliefs.

04-18-2021, 09:07 AM
The policies I support have destroyed black communities and families. The Democrat founded KKK destroyed all progress blacks had made by torching black business's, homes and terrorizing conservative blacks. To this day I still support the black holocaust in America.

That's because you're sick in the head.

04-18-2021, 10:33 AM
I think Black people are stupid, and were tricked into supermajorities supporting reproductive rights. No, I don't care about what Black people, as a community, have to say about why. I sure do hope nobody looks at who started the KKK (southern, white, rural conservatives from states that make up the modern-day GOP), but I somehow think lying about it is convincing.

We know. That's because you're an unapologetic racist.

04-18-2021, 01:00 PM
Neveragain, the guy who latches on to whichever pariah-in-their-own-community is willing to sell him a fantasy that just so happens to coincidence with all his racist beliefs.

And here we have the epitome of the White Leftist Racist mentality! You called someone that that is black a pariah because they don't agree with Leftist ideology. I don't think you have ever displayed such a clear cut example of how you are White Leftist racist before. Racists voted in a racist POTUS and are now continuing their racist policies all the while being protected by the racist, Leftist media and they defend themselves by calling everyone else racist.

Fuck off you racist piece of shit. FDR was a racist, Truman's domestic policies were racist, LBJ was a racist, Carter was borderline but smart enough to try and hide it well, Bill Clinton was not in word but like all Leftist was racist in policy and Obama was clearly racist, all part of a long line of racist, Racist, Leftist, progressive scum that you just worship. So tell us again how you aren't racist so we can all laugh some more.

04-18-2021, 01:12 PM
And here we have the epitome of the White Leftist Racist mentality! You called someone that that is black a pariah because they don't agree with Leftist ideology.

Your ignorance of what makes that guy a pariah doesn't confer racism on anyone else. There's a reason you right-wingers hold people like Candace Owens up -- because they're the lone voice, pariahs in their own community, telling you exactly want you want to hear. You've deluded yourself into thinking that the lone voice, that doesn't represent the community, gives you the right to dismiss the concerns of the whole. It doesn't. It reveals you as racist.

I don't think you have ever displayed such a clear cut example of how you are White Leftist racist before.

Alas, pointing out the right-wing tendency to hold up the One Good Minority as a flimsy pretext for your racism -- the argumentative version of I can't be racist, I have a Black friend! doesn't constitute racism on anyone's part but yours.

Racists voted in a racist POTUS and are now continuing their racist policies all the while being protected by the racist

Yes, they did. His name was Donald J. Trump, and you eagerly voted for him twice, I'm sure.

Leftist media and they defend themselves by calling everyone else racist.

"Left-wing media criticized me for being racist! They must be the REAL racists!" isn't the most convincing argument. There's a reason Black America doesn't buy it.

Fuck off you racist piece of shit. FDR was a racist, Truman's domestic policies were racist, LBJ was a racist, Carter was borderline but smart enough to try and hide it well, Bill Clinton was not in word but like all Leftist was racist in policy and Obama was clearly racist, all part of a long line of racist, Racist, Leftist, progressive scum that you just worship. So tell us again how you aren't racist so we can all laugh some more.

Most of America was racist in the 20th century, and a plurality still is. Saying "(X) person was racist!" without examining the entire picture of America -- and especially their conservative counterparts, who were horribly racist -- doesn't convince anyone.

You can cry "Why are black people so retarded they can't see liberals are the REAL racists!? Wait, why are you looking at me? NO, I'M NOT RACIST! YOU'RE THE RACIST!!! until the cows come home. There's a reason the OVERWHELMING majority of Blacks support Democrats.

Spoiler Alert: It's because Republicans are racist as shit, and none of your mental gymnastics or revisionist history is capable of changing that. Keep twisting yourself into logical pretzels so we can all laugh at the reactionary, red-pill incel some more, though.

04-18-2021, 01:30 PM
Your ignorance of what makes that guy a pariah doesn't confer racism on anyone else. There's a reason you right-wingers hold people like Candace Owens up -- because they're the lone voice, pariahs in their own community, telling you exactly want you want to hear. You've deluded yourself into thinking that the lone voice, that doesn't represent the community, gives you the right to dismiss the concerns of the whole. It doesn't. It reveals you as racist.

Alas, pointing out the right-wing tendency to hold up the One Good Minority as a flimsy pretext for your racism -- the argumentative version of I can't be racist, I have a Black friend! doesn't constitute racism on anyone's part but yours.

Yes, they did. His name was Donald J. Trump, and you eagerly voted for him twice, I'm sure.

"Left-wing media criticized me for being racist! They must be the REAL racists!" isn't the most convincing argument. There's a reason Black America doesn't buy it.

Most of America was racist in the 20th century, and a plurality still is. Saying "(X) person was racist!" without examining the entire picture of America -- and especially their conservative counterparts, who were horribly racist -- doesn't convince anyone.

You can cry "Why are black people so retarded they can't see liberals are the REAL racists!? Wait, why are you looking at me? NO, I'M NOT RACIST! YOU'RE THE RACIST!!! until the cows come home. There's a reason the OVERWHELMING majority of Blacks support Democrats.

Spoiler Alert: It's because Republicans are racist as shit, and none of your mental gymnastics or revisionist history is capable of changing that. Keep twisting yourself into logical pretzels so we can all laugh at the reactionary, red-pill incel some more, though.

Your ignorance on what makes you a Racist, White Leftist is simply more evidence of your absolute pants on head retardation. Also, your arguing to the masses is a horrible logical fallacy. Keep it up though, your racism is on public display now for all to see. Have a nice day you racist piece of shit, I have other things to do than spend all day pointing out how you are a racist.

04-18-2021, 01:41 PM
Your ignorance on what makes you a Racist, White Leftist is simply more evidence of your absolute pants on head retardation.

"I don't understand why Black people overwhelmingly support Democrats. It must surely be because Black people are too stupid to tell who's actually racist! What do you MEAN, my position infantilizes Black people and is racist?!"

Also, your arguing to the masses is a horrible logical fallacy.

Alas, pointing out your lack of interest in (and active discounting of) the reasons that Blacks overwhelmingly support Democrats is not, itself, an argument from popularity. There are lots of reasons they do -- perhaps you should try listening to them -- but you don't, because you gravitate to the 1 in 100 willing to tell you what you already wanted to hear. That would be your motivated reasoning at work. :)

Keep it up though, your racism is on public display now for all to see. Have a nice day you racist piece of shit, I have other things to do than spend all day pointing out how you are a racist.

Pretending to have the high ground while, in reality, conceding. Most impressive. Bye!