View Full Version : Training help

04-15-2005, 12:08 PM
I'm fairly happy with my training, but want to tweak some stuff and have the following questions.

MOC - I have five ranks, I thought that would allow me to negate one extra opponent, as well as mstrike, and help with 111. Unfortunatly, I hear its 10 ranks to negate an opponent, and I'm only 1.5x in spell aim, so can I still use 111 effectively? How many opponents can I stun for each MOC rank. Thinking of dropping this down to 3 ranks and getting more MIU (28 ranks in 40 trains...want to get close to 1x).

FA - Currently 10 ranks, I'm voln, and afraid of bleeding. The thought was, carry pot grass for the tough stuff, use this to tend the annoying limb wounds. 701 seems to make annoying limb wounds not a problem, and 10 ranks doesn't really seem to help me. Am I better off dropping this? Anyone care to comment?

MIU - how much do I need? I was of the old school 24 ranks and yer good, but now with 714 being dependant on it, and the way spell duration from rubbables was changed, what do you recomend? How much do I need to get a good 40 minutes outta rubbables like I did in GS3?

Spell Aim - 1.5x, and 1x in perception. If I bump to 2x, which is hard to do but I could, will 111 be potent?

Armor - I wear doubles...I have 8 ranks, which you need to train it off, I guess. I remember 6 ranks, rounded up, could be used to train it off, but people used to say there were additional penalties if you did this. Does it still matter? Can I get away with six ranks? Manuevers still hurt me a good amount.

Dodging - I have none, I heard don't bother, still true? I'm fully 1x in shield and brawling and carry a tower shield.

Thats about it...anything else, chime in. Oh, what can I expect from AD and 725 with my current setup...want to start using these. Skills below for easy viewing. Appreciate constructive comments, I'm back again and a newb again so don't nail me to the wall :)

Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 40 8
Shield Use.........................| 141 41
Brawling...........................| 141 41
Multi Opponent Combat..............| 25 5
Physical Fitness...................| 96 22
Arcane Symbols.....................| 141 41
Magic Item Use.....................| 114 28
Spell Aiming.......................| 161 61
Harness Power......................| 141 41
Elemental Mana Control.............| 141 41
Spirit Mana Control................| 141 41
Sorcerous Lore - Demonology........| 128 34
Sorcerous Lore - Necromancy........| 40 8
Perception.........................| 140 40
Climbing...........................| 66 14
Swimming...........................| 58 12
First Aid..........................| 50 10

04-15-2005, 12:12 PM
sword and shield = god

- Arkans

04-15-2005, 12:15 PM
Sword and shield = god? I'm brawling and shield...you saying my 1x training is good and keep it up?

04-15-2005, 12:16 PM
Yes. But I'd 2x Spell Aim. The MOC is something that isn't required.

04-15-2005, 12:19 PM
Skip MOC, honestly. As a sorcerer, you really won't need it.

OHE and shield is also cheaper which is always a good thing and will give you a ton more DS when in more offensive stances and it can make the difference between life or death at higher levels. Not only that, but getting you staff disarmed and being raped of all your DS sucks hardcore.

But yeah.. OHE > brawling.

- Arkans

04-15-2005, 12:20 PM
I'll try and free up the points to get 2x aim. The MOC thing bugs me...I want enough to when I FI, other critters in the room stun. Whats the formula for that? no ranks, 1 other stun, each additional rank might stun up to 2 more. So with 1 rank I could stun 3 critters besides what I cast at? Also...I know it helps 111, to what extent though? I like the suggestions, want to hear the theory as well. Both are very helpful, respect the advice, but like to know why I am doing what ya suggest. Also...how much DF increase do I get from fire lore? Is it worth it for a rank or two. I know some sorcerers use 111 a bit when hunting...thinking about it.

04-15-2005, 12:21 PM
For blowing all those points in MOC and only getting a CHANCE to stun monsters is kind of beef wellington if you ask me. I'd rather save the points and shoot out an e-wave if I need monster incapacitated that badly.

- Arkans

04-15-2005, 12:23 PM
I would also drop the first aid ranks. You'll likely die with getting hit hard enough to give you bleeders.. and you can't tend an arm bleeder and expect to keep casting. The strength of a sorcerer is the ability NOT to get hit.

04-15-2005, 12:32 PM
Now, I will admit I use a runestaff because when I capped I used a fixskills and used all my weapon and shield points to get things i wanted to that I thought were fun. Having said that, I will agree that a sword and shield is a better option, and will eventually get them back with post cap TP's. As everyone else said... drop the MOC for now, FI can still stun other critters without any, and like Arkans said if you need them incapacitated I would bank on a chance for a stun, just knock em over.

With the 2x spell aim, remember that not only can you use 111, but you can use wizard wands as well. It sounds kind of cheesy I know, but being able to use those blue and crystal wands you find hunting instead of just pawning them can be pretty useful. I'd also drop the FA, 10 ranks isn't going to be too useful, and since you carry grass for the torso bleeders you won't need it, I don't think i've ever seen a broken limb bleed over 2 per, and you can't tend a severed with 10 ranks of FA anyway.

04-15-2005, 12:34 PM
I have 10 ranks of perception. BOO HOO I can't see people hide and to deter thieves I used cursed gems. Worthless skill that can be gotten around.

- Arkans

04-15-2005, 01:22 PM
I thought perception aided FI? I know I will never spot thieves, I too use cursed gems, and double bag my valuables (closed sack inside a greatcloak, usually closed - and the cursed gems are inside the greatcloak). I wanted enough perception to find hidden areas (trail to EN, that kinda crap) and to aid my FI.
I'm gonna drop FA, and get rid of MOC I think. Gonna double spell aim, but still wondering if 1 or 2 ranks of MOC is good for splattering critters with 111 if I use it (which I guess I would if I am gonna double spell aim).
As for the ohe vs brawling thing, You're right Arkans. Its cheaper, same thing, and you get the enchant over empty brawling hand. However, I want the rp thing, I see my sorcerer as a kind of...how do I say it, kinda like the wizards in LOTR. Dueling with wierd phantom powers from their hands. So, respectfully, I'm gonna keep that, though I know the most power would be from OHE and shield. The open handed casting bonus and not worrying about disarms is kinda nice too :)

04-15-2005, 01:30 PM
Perception aids FI yes. As does 402.

04-15-2005, 02:14 PM
Brawling/Voln sorcerers are ok with Voln Fu. I have one now. Whole lot better if you can get mobiles and strength from others. Once that happens Brawling rules. But since you can't count on getting those spells i'd probably go OHE.

04-15-2005, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
I have 10 ranks of perception. BOO HOO I can't see people hide and to deter thieves I used cursed gems. Worthless skill that can be gotten around.

- Arkans

Hehe.. cursed gems can be gotten around easily enough as well.


04-15-2005, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Janarth
I thought perception aided FI? I know I will never spot thieves, I too use cursed gems, and double bag my valuables (closed sack inside a greatcloak, usually closed - and the cursed gems are inside the greatcloak).

LMAO.. I love how people are so worried about thieves stealing their shiny gems.

I hope that in some way I aided to that hysteria with Falgrin. :smug:

As a player of many other characters, I never found myself a victim as often as many people here feel they are. I used a bank and a gemshop. If I had to keep specific stones, I would put them in a bag and shut it.

04-15-2005, 02:28 PM
I have 68 ranks of perception so far and will carry on getting them whenever I can.
I love seeing Rangers wander in and out of the room. Plus, I still believe in the - train in perception and ithzir won't be able to cripple you with ambushes so easily - thing.

Also, I swapped from sword + shield when GS4 went live, so I have no clue what the difference is.
I do know however, that my ability to train in magical stuff is increased. + I'd never be able to train so hard in spells like I do.
Training in spells adds to your DS anyhow, so it shouldn;t be that much different.

Or you could just buy 10x shields and armour.
The sword and shield would be even better. Something I plan on going into once fixskills comes about.

(excuse the poor grammar again, in a super rush)

04-15-2005, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Drayal
Plus, I still believe in the - train in perception and ithzir won't be able to cripple you with ambushes so easily - thing.

You're smoking crack. 182 ranks of perception and if I'm caught in the open a scout's ambush still does the trick.

Edit to add: This is as my rogue.

[Edited on 4-15-2005 by AnticorRifling]

04-15-2005, 02:50 PM
Actually the folks who posted in the official folder must have been on crack.
I remember reading it once and since then no one has disclaimed it till now.
Either way I'm still gonna train in it. If it really does help FI that's cool but not why I keep it up.

By the way, I've run dry on the crack.