View Full Version : Better get ready - You'll hear more about this in the coming years.

04-09-2021, 02:31 PM


04-09-2021, 02:39 PM

Whoever told you that that was effective rhetoric wasn't doing you any favors.

04-09-2021, 02:58 PM
This is a mixed reply to your other thread and this one. If you care to participate, this is what I think:

I'm having a blast... you're tired after 6 months? Imagine having to put up with your bullshit for the past 4 years... This is just a joy at this point to keep giving it back.

That's the problem with those that only complain, never offer constructive criticism, never try to build something up and only know how to play the "victim card" or pander. Once they are the ones that have to actually do something, they fuck it all up... then try to blame someone else.

Don't complain after the years of insanity you and others put people through on here. It's your turn to just take it, and I'm more than happy to keep giving it to you... because I understand how this game is played, and I've got a lot of free time.

Only 3.5 years to go! Hope you're eating healthy and exercising. You're going to need the energy.

So... please keep feeding me. I can do this forever. As usual, you don't reply with anything meaningful or give an opinion. You actually think your pictures matter somehow. They don't. And don't get mad that I've taken and own TICK TOCK now. You tried to, but we've moved on and now it's mine.


04-09-2021, 03:15 PM
:rofl: If 60 pages of back-and-forth with Methais and PB didn't do anything, you, Shaps -- Mr. "I give up after two posts since I'm incapable of arguing" -- certainly aren't going to tire anyone out.

Here's a hint: If you think something "bad" is going to happen, try laying out what you actually predict will happen. Make some substantive comment about the topic. There's a reason you've got bunches of empty threads -- you don't know how to start a conversation.

Posting "TICK TOCK TICK TOCK" doesn't do anything except broadcast this:


04-09-2021, 03:29 PM
:rofl: If 60 pages of back-and-forth with Methais and PB didn't do anything, you, Shaps -- Mr. "I give up after two posts since I'm incapable of arguing" -- certainly aren't going to tire anyone out.

Here's a hint: If you think something "bad" is going to happen, try laying out what you actually predict will happen. Make some substantive comment about the topic. There's a reason you've got bunches of empty threads -- you don't know how to start a conversation.

Posting "TICK TOCK TICK TOCK" doesn't do anything except broadcast this:


I actually think people can think for themselves. I don't have to lay out anything. I present information and want to hear input. It's up to you to decide.

Don't get mad that I understand your limitations and exploit them. I've replied to you twice in the past week, and you are "that which will not be named", but I wanted to at least afford you some respect and acknowledge you on some level.

Because you continue to demonstrate your lack of cogent thought and actual input, then you are now relegated back to "that which will not be replied to".

Continue your replies, your memes, your avoidance of actual critical thought... I will just continue my ignoring of you.

It is not my issue if you cannot understand the conversations being had, or the information presented.

04-09-2021, 03:30 PM


We needn't worry, the population will dwindle after the vaccines take effect and global warming will become a blip in history.

04-09-2021, 03:39 PM
I actually think people can think for themselves. I don't have to lay out anything. I present information and want to hear input. It's up to you to decide.

Don't get mad that I understand your limitations and exploit them. I've replied to you twice in the past week, and you are "that which will not be named", but I wanted to at least afford you some respect and acknowledge you on some level.

Because you continue to demonstrate your lack of cogent thought and actual input, then you are now relegated back to "that which will not be replied to".

Continue your replies, your memes, your avoidance of actual critical thought... I will just continue my ignoring of you.

It is not my issue if you cannot understand the conversations being had, or the information presented.

You not understanding why so many of your threads are a wasteland is your issue, no one else's. Deluding yourself into thinking your demonstrated lack of "cogent thought and actual input" somehow constitutes just that, and that you still can't get a clue despite being surrounded by crickets chirping, is also your problem.