View Full Version : AFK scripters and child bounties

04-06-2021, 07:25 PM
Of the handful of child bounties I've failed, about half of those were when I was passing thru an area where a suspected AFK scripter was hunting:

[Blighted Forest, Meadow - 592]
The forest draws back, leaving a grassy meadow surrounded by its ominous ranks. You also see a massive black boar and a thorny path.
Also here: (suspected AFK scripter)
Obvious paths: west

Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
A young giantman child just came down a thorny path, following you.


[Blighted Forest - 588]
The trail widens as it branches into a 'Y'. Both branches to the west disappear quickly from sight within the thick trees.
Obvious paths: east, southwest, northwest

[You have failed your current Adventurer's Guild task.]
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.

[Blighted Forest, Meadow - 592]
The forest draws back, leaving a grassy meadow surrounded by its ominous ranks. You also see a young giantman child (dead), a massive black boar and a thorny path.
Also here: (suspected AFK scripter)
Obvious paths: west

shortly after, this happened:
(suspected AFK scripter) removes a stiletto from in his elesine sack.
The black boar no longer favors his leg.
A young giantman child's body decays into compost.
(suspected AFK scripter) put a stiletto in his elesine sack.

Now, is it possible there are scripts with poor targeting logic where they would target my bounty and kill them? Or was it more likely an unfortunate occurrence (killed by the creature)?

04-06-2021, 11:21 PM
In his defense, she looked eighteen.

04-06-2021, 11:46 PM
I would let it go the first time and probably even a second time.

After that, if something similar happened with the same AFK scripting character, suggest that you assume that the issue is most likely poor scripting logic.

04-06-2021, 11:47 PM
Now, is it possible there are scripts with poor targeting logic where they would target my bounty and kill them?

Assuming the children are regular targetable NPCs then it is entirely possible a script is doing it, especially since it looks like the script tried to skin the child.

The person should either be using GameObj.targets or only target aggressive type NPCs if using GameObj.npcs.

Assuming this is a Lich script of course, which it probably is.

04-07-2021, 03:43 AM
i dont see the guy trying to skin it, the only thing i find odd in that log is that the child wasn't in the room with you as it was murdered.

04-07-2021, 07:36 AM
i dont see the guy trying to skin it, the only thing i find odd in that log is that the child wasn't in the room with you as it was murdered.

Although I'm no expert on the way the game works with child rescues, I'd echo this. I've never lost a child outside of my own room. I know the 1-3 seconds of lag for the child to follow, but they've always died with me in the room.

04-07-2021, 08:34 AM
I think it's the creature killing them. Creatures will only kill a child when there's a PC in the room as well. Sometimes a kid will be standing in a room in Nelemar for an hour, but if you stand in the room with it and a creature, the creature will kill the child. I've used Bigshot for years and it's never targeted a child once, and I'd assume 99% of people script hunting are using Bigshot. Just shitty luck, imo.

04-07-2021, 11:09 AM
I think it's the creature. There were a couple of times when I've tried to manually target and kill abandoned children stuck in the middle of hunting grounds, and basically the game doesn't let you do it.

04-07-2021, 11:41 AM
i dont see the guy trying to skin it

It looks like he uses a stiletto as a skinning weapon; he removed the stiletto, probably tried to skin the child then got the message “you can’t skin that!”, then put his stiletto back.

I suppose it could just be a looting script that is doing that and he didn’t kill the child.

04-07-2021, 10:17 PM
I've been doing child rescue bounties a lot lately with my warrior and I've never seen another player (afk scripting or not) attack the child I'm escorting. Your child can die while you are not in the room with it. The way sloot works with skinning has shown odd things like what you pasted - where you take your dagger out to skin something that is shown as a corpse in room the first time sloot has recognized it. I've seen this happen on mobs my character has never killed before so it at first registers it as something skinnable (even though it isnt') takes out the skinning knife and puts it back - then never tries to do that on on a similar mob again.