View Full Version : C*nt at my work (semi-long)

04-12-2005, 11:46 AM
I realize this should probably be in my journal, but I wanted to open it up in case other people have related experiences.

I am a programmer. Before last year, I was an analyst for the part of our office that actually did the work. I did alot of "on-the-fly" programming when it was called for (and when we didn't feel like waiting for the actual programmers to code it).

Fast forward, I'm moved in with the rest of the programmers. A month ago I get an E-mail sent Thursday night that says because of security concerns, we can no longer send our financial transactional information through E-mail. It needs to be output into Excel with drop-down lists of responses and then zipped up with 128-bit encryption and sent.

All needed to be done by the Monday morning.

And I was the only one who could do it in that short of time.

So I spend all of Friday racking my brain, copying code from every internet source I know so that I can automate it through our system (drop-downs in Excel aren't fun to code outside of Excel). Didn't even have time to play any WoW from work :(

I do more work over the weekend and it's working on Monday.

::deleted mean paragraph here::

It runs fine for a month and then one day there is an error. Basically the problem was that one of the banks had no transactions that needed to be sent. I send an E-mail out about the bug, and I fix it.

Meeting this morning. I explained that I fixed the bug yesterday in the meeting. C*nt (DBA) starts complaining how I don't follow the rules. She starts going on and on about how I didn't have two different other people test and certify it (the testers take almost a week to get through something).

My boss starts explaining the urgency of the project to C*nt, but she's still bitching. I start to explain it to her, and my boss tells me basically that she doesn't need an explination.

I give her one anyways. I don't think I even took a breath. No yelling, just lots of detail about how I was given no time to code it, and that I would have preferred to have documentation and testing, but it just wasn't possible on this project.

It felt good. I had two people that were in the meeting come up to me afterwards and give me a pat on the back. And I hope there's another project like this to piss her off again.

04-12-2005, 11:51 AM
She probably was flipping out to protect HER job... ie, if anything bad happens again, it'll be your fault and definately not hers.

Yea, we know what kind of lovely coworker she is :rolleyes:

04-12-2005, 11:51 AM
I would have used a 129-bit encryption method.. but then again, I'm an over achiever.

04-12-2005, 11:52 AM
Pick up one of those "Whatever" for dummies books ... make sure it's relevant to her bitching. The next time she opens her mouth, slide it across the table to her.

04-12-2005, 11:53 AM

Love when things work out like that.. I'd be careful though, I am sure she'll find some way to stick you, cause it sounds like she's out to get you

04-12-2005, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by Atlanteax
Yea, we know what kind of lovely coworker she is :rolleyes:

It's not our first run in.

When I first started working here I was asked to test one of the programs she created. It didn't work. Just flat out didn't work.

I was talking with a co-worker and told him that the program didn't work.

Later that day my boss came to me saying that her boss came to her and was told that I called her program "Crap".

I think she's also moody about the fact that the corporate DBA's are taking away alot of her access (mainly the access to change things out on the floor). Also I can't wait until we get better tracking on table changes.

Shit changes for no reason on a Saturday when she just "happens" to be working and she tries to blame it on the corporate guys in California.

Sean of the Thread
04-12-2005, 11:57 AM
I had that happen at least ten times in my last job. That bitch is most likely jealous are just crusty pussed and needs a dick between the thighs because most the time the ones complaining don't know shit about whats going on.

I used to have make updates to our ms access forms via VB and tie it all in with the SQL and test it all in like 8 mins on the fly because they needed a change like fukin immediatly when all our phones were live.

One time I missed a code by one digit and bingo.. 2000 data entry orders were never actually data entered. Woops... I blamed it on someone else and next time plan a week ahead like you're supposed to and not give me 8 minutes with 80 stations cranking.

I don't miss my job.

04-12-2005, 11:59 AM
This is exactly why women shouldn't be given jobs of any importance.

04-12-2005, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by Xyelin
One time I missed a code by one digit and bingo.. 2000 data entry orders were never actually data entered. Woops... I blamed it on someone else and next time plan a week ahead like you're supposed to and not give me 8 minutes with 80 stations cranking.

LOL. I wish I had someone to blame my mistakes on.

I could just use the "It must just be a fluke of MS Access" like one of our programmers use to say.

04-12-2005, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
This is exactly why women shouldn't be given jobs of any importance.

My dinner is important to me.

04-12-2005, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
When I first started working here I was asked to test one of the programs she created. It didn't work. Just flat out didn't work.

I was talking with a co-worker and told him that the program didn't work.

Later that day my boss came to me saying that her boss came to her and was told that I called her program "Crap".

Originally posted earlier by Wezas
Meeting this morning. I explained that I fixed the bug yesterday in the meeting. C*nt (DBA) starts complaining how I don't follow the rules. She starts going on and on about how I didn't have two different other people test and certify it (the testers take almost a week to get through something).

Yep, definately a connection here... as per...

Originally posted by Yswithe
Love when things work out like that.. I'd be careful though, I am sure she'll find some way to stick you, cause it sounds like she's out to get you.

04-12-2005, 12:05 PM
Even the new girl just sent me an E-mail:


I'm not sure what the deal was with <C*nt> today. I hope you didn't take any of that to heart. We'd have missed the deadline if we had gone the normal route of coding/testing.

See you in the 3:00.


Sean of the Thread
04-12-2005, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Xyelin
One time I missed a code by one digit and bingo.. 2000 data entry orders were never actually data entered. Woops... I blamed it on someone else and next time plan a week ahead like you're supposed to and not give me 8 minutes with 80 stations cranking.

LOL. I wish I had someone to blame my mistakes on.

I could just use the "It must just be a fluke of MS Access" like one of our programmers use to say.

Access does blow and do stupid shit at times. Its funny because our main SQL guy always blamed shit on Access and VB and I always blamed it on SQL hehe.

04-12-2005, 12:15 PM
You people just need a tac-lane and someone that knows how to use them. I can be reached for job offers anytime.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-12-2005, 12:16 PM
What the hell is a tac-lane?

04-12-2005, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
What the hell is a tac-lane?

I assume this is what he meant, encryption hardware (http://www.gdc4s.com/Products/taclane.html)

Not sure how it would help us send e-mail more securely and our customers have the ability to open it.

04-12-2005, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Even the new girl just sent me an E-mail:


I'm not sure what the deal was with <C*nt> today. I hope you didn't take any of that to heart. We'd have missed the deadline if we had gone the normal route of coding/testing.

See you in the 3:00.


Is she hot? I would play the "I need consoling and comfort" angle.

04-12-2005, 12:33 PM
When did complaining about a coworker turn into women bashing?

Being a female programmer, I have situations where the men act as if they know more than me simply because they have something dangling between their legs. It's much fun when I can prove them wrong.

P.S. We blame everything on access too.

04-12-2005, 12:37 PM
I'm one of two females in customer support. I get blamed for everything, but only because I'm a good sport about it and usually isn't something I did, but don't care either way.

If luck is on my side in any way in the next two weeks, I'll have another job in sales and training. Another line of work, another kind of stress. Fine! I'm sick of bitching customers who are being complete nimrods and don't know how to do their stupid, mindless job. The thought that I could be a title clerk in any dealership in this state and know what I'm doing before training scares me. Time to move on.

Men fear women in charge! Actually I do too, sometimes. They can be such raging bitches.

04-12-2005, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Parkbandit
Is she hot? I would play the "I need consoling and comfort" angle.

No, the smoking hot girl is a tester. She's currently banging one of the analysts.

Is that a job title or a preferance... ba dump bum.

04-12-2005, 01:37 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
Men fear women in charge! Actually I do too, sometimes. They can be such raging bitches.

Heh ... our plant manager is probably the dumbest bitch to walk the planet. Her pet, this 50 something year old still PMSing bitch, that "runs" quality is a close second.

Which is why I'm posting so early ... I decided it's a good week to observe the other shifts.

One of the most consistent operators on the floor is having eye trouble today. I can sympathize, some days the light kills me ... he's having the same problem. He came in ok, let the floor supervisor know he was having some trouble but he was fine to work so long as he could operate a press that didn't require stringent visual inspection on finished parts coming out. So he was assigned on of the poly insert presses (that annoying styrofoam that computers are packed in for shipping).

Well he was fine until the quality "lead" came to his press and demanded he turn on the workstation light so he could "see" better. Unfortunately he didn't come to me or the supervisor about the problem and the "lead" (I say that sarcastically) wouldn't accept his explanation about having the light off. Two hours later, with his vision blurred and a migraine, he doesn't see the cradle support as he is exiting his press and cracks his skull open. Will, split his scalp and bled all over the place anyway.

Needless to say I'm furious at the dumb bitch. She's the person who enters data, she's not a manager or supervisor, and she’s pretty much worthless beyond entering crap into the computer that no one bothers to check ... yet she's demanding shit from my people without coming to me.

When I got the whole story and proceeded to rip her a new ass, the plant manager (who spent 3 days golfing last week and doesn't know I've been offered her job twice) steps in to tell me (the fucking production manager who lost a pivotal operator for at least a week) it's not my concern and it's not my call ... to do my job and let quality do theirs. Then goes on a rant about how there's a trail of blood from the machine (which is running a Dell order) to the break room, through the break room to the first aid room, with Dell representatives due to show up for a tour in the next hour.

Now, were I some half assed production manager running things the way she had been running things, we wouldn't have Dell as a customer and there wouldn't be a concern for blood all over the place. Since I consider myself to be a damned good manager, the kind that got Dell, HP, and Apple as customers, reduced our rate of defect (found by customers and charged back) from 23% to .04%, raised monthly production (by corporate standards) from 72% to 102%, reduced turnover by more than half .... every thing corporate wanted from the position and more ... her thankless ass tell me (the guy who turned HER job down, thus giving her more time to be worthless) to MY job.

Still pisses me off. Pissed me off so much I told her I was going golfing and to have fun trying to answer questions about shit she was clueless about. Since I already know she'll pawn the tour off on the shift supervisor (whom I am confident in), I'll let her pretend like she's running the show for another day or two before I make her life hell.

I believe the only reason she and her pet still have jobs is because I wouldn't take it, and they won't fire her until she hangs herself simply because she would file discrimination charges.

Bitch does nothing but play solitaire on the computer while she's there, which isn't that often, or patrol the plant looking like a lesbian trucker with a dirty coffee mug super glued to her hand.

I'm done ... /rant

04-12-2005, 01:47 PM
Now as a realize that WoW is down for maintenance, I ask myself "Why couldn't Jeff wait until tomorrow to crack open his skull?"

I'm such a bastard.

04-12-2005, 01:51 PM
Tsa'ah, why didn't he just turn on the light to oblige, and then turn back off the light when she leaves?

04-12-2005, 01:54 PM
Tsa'ah, two quick questions, if the operator was having eye trouble was it wise to have him/her operating any machine?

If the Plant Manager is incompetent and lazy and you have been offered the job twice why haven't you taken it? Especially if her pet the quality lead is making decisions that endanger the workers.

ps Congrats on the new job

04-12-2005, 01:55 PM
There always has to be at least one sour puss in the office. Give them some smelly cream (or a bitchslap) that makes them feel all better and be on your way.

04-12-2005, 01:55 PM
Yeah I'm surprised they didn't send him home or have him do light work that didn't involve machines. If someone was having eye trouble, last thing I want them operating is machinery. Very bizarro.

04-12-2005, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Atlanteax
Tsa'ah, why didn't he just turn on the light to oblige, and then turn back off the light when she leaves?

Apparently he tried that. She watched him like a hawk.

This woman has survived in said plant for 17 years on BS and bullying alone. This guy has been there for 5 of those years. I've put some backbone into two supervisors that have to deal with this woman and it's been a slower process of putting some backbone into the operators. Typically she handles things in a juvenile manner. She'll kick stomp and scream until she gets her way. After 17 years of this people generally just lie down and let her have her way just so she will leave.

Originally posted by xtc
Tsa'ah, two quick questions, if the operator was having eye trouble was it wise to have him/her operating any machine?

He was having a light sensitivity issue. The ceiling lights (20 ft up) weren't bothering him. It was the bright fluorescents 2 feet above his head that were causing the problem.

He could have gone home if he had wanted to, there wouldn't have been a problem. He was however insistent that he could function normally without the workstation lights on. It's not like the plant is dark, the workstation lights are only there for visual inspection purposes. The press (and part) he was running did not require a thorough visual inspection that required the lighting. As far as how well he could see ... he said his vision was fine without the intense lighting.

If the Plant Manager is incompetent and lazy and you have been offered the job twice why haven't you taken it?

I'm hands on. I don't like managing people and jobs I don't know about. As the production manager I can make the time to learn and train on specific jobs. Knowing and being able to perform the same jobs as those you manage gives you some insight that being office furniture cannot. Look at it like this. I may take the position, but first the leaks need to be fixed and the engine has to run right. As a plant manager I wouldn't have the insight or knowledge, I'd just have numbers and reports.

Especially if her pet the quality lead is making decisions that endanger the workers.

Working on fixing that problem at this very moment.

ps Congrats on the new job

I've had it for a few months now, but thanks.

04-12-2005, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah

ps Congrats on the new job

I've had it for a few months now, but thanks.

But what about the poor people that keep bringing up the fact that you were unemployed and should have no opinion?

What insult will they have to cling to now?


04-12-2005, 02:39 PM
<<What insult will they have to cling to now?>>

The giant sig.

04-12-2005, 04:23 PM
I've got a little trick that I've found works pretty well when a witch (or warlock) hunt is in progress. As soon as someone asks: "Who's to blame for this?", I smile politely and say: "I am. Now that we've done the obligatory assignment of blame, can we discuss a solution to the current problem?". That usually stops all the infighting and gets people to concentrate on a fix instead of a culprit. :)

The Korean
04-12-2005, 05:14 PM
Remember everyone, anytime something goes wrong on PC, it's HN's fault.

04-12-2005, 05:50 PM
That is correct, and I'm very, very proud of it! :D

04-12-2005, 11:54 PM
I'm trying to think of a positive story to tell about an experience with a woman in a position of power in the workplace...

Yeah, it's just not happening.