View Full Version : Other musings

03-13-2021, 03:16 AM
One of the things I have been thinking about is starting over professionally. Been a math and science person for years. Military person before that. What I feel more compelled to do is write. I know that's a hard industry to break into. And I'd be trying as an older person.

Sometimes people can be a little harsh here. But harsh isn't always bad. If any of you might be interested in shooting down my ideas or writing, or giving me better takes, hit me up.

03-13-2021, 03:55 AM
A few paragraphs. First person pov, not sure if it works as well as reading as speaking.

It's funny what you remember. There's some things that are obvious why you'd be haunted. Like maybe you walked back to the street one day when the S2 sent you in for a meeting with some locals. Only to find everyone left while you were doing what you were asked. Then had to hoof it along busy streets in a town that was straight murdering your friends almost daily.

That adrenaline surge, you kind of forget that. The fear too you repress. The thing you can't forget is the smell. You can forget it, but when you smell it again. It brings everything back. I guess that's nice when it's the scent of hay when thinking of some old youth lover. It's a nightmare when your thoughts were I am going to get my head cut off.

The smell of standing water. Runoff from trash. That tears me up every time I smell it. It's sneaky, but it's not rare to come across it. Diesel would be another, but standing water runoff from trash. It haunts me like no other