View Full Version : Atheana!

09-19-2003, 09:10 PM
I felt she deserved her own topic!


09-19-2003, 09:13 PM
You know what? Thanks Jenisi. I'm glad your sweet enough to make a thread so everyone can insult me. I just don't get why you ever disliked me, you were the one who insulted my real life and me. Thanks guys, go on insult me. I don't care anymore, reason I tried before was because I really tried to be a good person, if someone had a problem with me why couldn't they have just told me? Why come and flame me to everyone on a message board. This is why I get my feelings hurt, because its unfair. But you know what thats fine, enjoy hurting someone you don't know, I realize this will make you all happy.

[Edited on 9-20-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

09-19-2003, 09:14 PM
Woot. Let's see if we can get it higher than mine. Remember, though...mine made the 5 most viewed topics list!


jenisi, you're a bitch and your intentions were no good. :P

Bring it on, btw. :flamed:

[Edited on 9-20-2003 by Halfsilver]

09-19-2003, 09:15 PM
Here we go again...

09-19-2003, 09:16 PM
Not true Izalude, I'm not going to involve myself with this thread, this is my final post in this thread. Out of all days, why today? Some people are so harsh.

09-19-2003, 09:17 PM
I have this extraordinary desire to close ALL threads that are devoted specifically to trash someone.

09-19-2003, 09:17 PM

09-19-2003, 09:18 PM
I wouldn't be upset if you did, CT.

Being chivalrous is really tiring.

Hey maybe we could say nice things about Atheana!

Atheana is a sweetie!


09-19-2003, 09:18 PM
Who said this thread was made to trash her? Atheana is a outgoing girl with very nice picture making skills. There I said something nice. :)

09-19-2003, 09:20 PM

that was unexpected.



09-19-2003, 09:21 PM
Jenisi if it were about something good, it wouldnt' have been placed in the gs complaints folder.

09-19-2003, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
Being chivalrous is really tiring.

Please do not confuse what you do as chivalry.

Per topic.

I find myself having to bite my tongue, so it's not worth even posting.

09-19-2003, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
I wouldn't be upset if you did, CT.

Being chivalrous is really tiring.

Then stop doing it. Some of us would be really thankful. She's a big girl, she can take care of herself.

09-19-2003, 09:23 PM

It bothers the fuck out of me to see you people trash her.

It's my nature to post against those types of comments.


09-19-2003, 09:23 PM
She does have a point..

09-19-2003, 09:23 PM
Guys I'm in a good mood, and I'm going to enjoy myself tonight. I thank you for not saying anything rude about me, and I respect that. I'm going to go and enjoy the last few hours of my birthday. Have a good night, God bless ;o)

[Edited on 9-20-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

09-19-2003, 09:24 PM
13 posts in 13 minutes.. I have to admit this is the best idea i've had all day.

09-19-2003, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
Jenisi if it were about something good, it wouldnt' have been placed in the gs complaints folder.

I think it ended up here because this is where the Angelilly thread is.

HarmNone is thinking...this is a Very Bad Thing

09-19-2003, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
Guys I'm in a good mood, and I'm going to enjoy myself tonight. I thank you for not saying anything rude about me, and I respect that. I'm going to go and enjoy the last few hours of my birthday. Have a good night, God bless ;o)

[Edited on 9-20-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

Atheana is the suck.

-Tayre, making sure no one has a better day than him.

09-19-2003, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Halfsilver

It bothers the fuck out of me to see you people trash her.

It's my nature to post against those types of comments.


She brought this upon herself. She has obviously had problems with characters before she even came to these boards, so she needs to face her problems. You coming in and defending her regardless of whether she is right or wrong is what's in question here.

I just find it odd that you defend her at every possible waking moment and I've yet to her do the same in return. Makes you wonder.

09-19-2003, 09:29 PM
Hmm... define "is the suck" cause I happen to have no idea what that means.

09-19-2003, 09:29 PM
HarmNone is thinking...this is a Very Bad Thing

It aint good sister, it aint good.

One would think with all the complaints, somewhere, somehow a drift would have been caught. Yet here we are looking at another blizzard.

09-19-2003, 09:30 PM
You are so not l33t.

Neither am I... damn.

09-19-2003, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
You are so not l33t.

Neither am I... damn.

Ok now define l33t...

09-19-2003, 09:32 PM
-Harmnone, Tsa'ah.

Atheana and I aren't klaive. We won't threaten people with horrible deaths...or obscure gun references and we won't delete entire threads.

You don't have to worry.

As a matter of fact...I'm going to follow my girlfriend's example and go have a life.

Flame away... :thumbsup:


09-19-2003, 09:33 PM
The suck...

Take you suck as an insult... more insulting is being... the suck.


Damned IRC and the gimps that couldn't hack. Damn them for all time.

09-19-2003, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo

Originally posted by Tayre
You are so not l33t.

Neither am I... damn.

Ok now define l33t... ]

Maybe when you're older, dear.

-Tayre, snickering.

09-19-2003, 09:33 PM
Grays, hon, Atheana's player literally gets down on her knees and begs for trouble. She cannot leave a subject alone to save her soul, even if the end result can be nothing but hard on her. If she learns nothing else from what comes down here, perhaps she will learn to hold her freakin' tongue, or at least read what she posts before she posts it and give it a moment's thought.

I do not dislike the kid. I do not even know her, frankly. What I know of her is what I have seen on these boards. I have done my dead-level best to try to get across to her that she needs to practice the find art of HUSH! I have done that with the best of intentions. :)

HarmNone has tried. Atheana will not.

09-19-2003, 09:33 PM
I am older! I just turned 18 damnit!

09-19-2003, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Atheana's player literally gets down on her knees


09-19-2003, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
I am older! I just turned 18 damnit!
I've been 18! So nyaaa! For 6 whole months!

09-19-2003, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Grays, hon, Atheana's player literally gets down on her knees and begs for trouble. She cannot leave a subject alone to save her soul, even if the end result can be nothing but hard on her. If she learns nothing else from what comes down here, perhaps she will learn to hold her freakin' tongue, or at least read what she posts before she posts it and give it a moment's thought.

I do not dislike the kid. I do not even know her, frankly. What I know of her is what I have seen on these boards. I have done my dead-level best to try to get across to her that she needs to practice the find art of HUSH! I have done that with the best of intentions. :)

HarmNone has tried. Atheana will not.

Saying I'm not going to argue is trying dear ;o) give me some credit!

edited: but i do wish you all a g'night :o

[Edited on 9-20-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

09-19-2003, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
-Harmnone, Tsa'ah.

Atheana and I aren't klaive. We won't threaten people with horrible deaths...or obscure gun references and we won't delete entire threads.

You don't have to worry.

As a matter of fact...I'm going to follow my girlfriend's example and go have a life.

Flame away... :thumbsup:


I was not a bit worried, Grays. Honest. :)

HarmNone was not worried not worried not worried...Blech!

09-19-2003, 09:36 PM


09-19-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Tayre

Originally posted by HarmNone
Atheana's player literally gets down on her knees


Tayre! Hush! I did not mean it that way, you little monster! :D

HarmNone is going to have a sliced Tayre sandwich

09-19-2003, 09:40 PM
Taking people's words out of context is fun!! :D

09-19-2003, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by ElvenRangeress
Saying I'm not going to argue is trying dear ;o) give me some credit!

edited: but i do wish you all a g'night :o

[Edited on 9-20-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Not arguing is a wonderful plan! You will be much less trying as long as you keep trying. ;)

HarmNone is sure of it

09-19-2003, 09:55 PM
What the hell happened to Atheana's "this is my last post in this topic" that happened two of her posts ago? Atheana, you always say this and you always post again. If I didn't have to leave immediately to catch a movie, I'd go back through the threads and get all the other post numbers from when you've said it before (you know I would!) but you're out of luck...

Your character's a ranger. Get some self control. ;)

09-19-2003, 09:55 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
I have this extraordinary desire to close ALL threads that are devoted specifically to trash someone.

Sounds like a good Idea to me.

Originally posted by Jenisi

I'm sure you do. It's dissapointing.

Everyone, even HarmNone please don't let one such as Jenisi so easily manipulate others into doing her own dirty work.

I'm not saying that many here, myself inculded, have not had reason to criticise (some contructively and some not) Atheana and Grays, but do so of your own accord at least.

09-19-2003, 10:00 PM
Atheana and Gray are both my friends... but Jenisi didn't make this saying "You will post hateful things or I will kill you!" so if anyone posts anything, it is of their own accord.

09-19-2003, 10:06 PM
Drama makes the ratings, does it not? Anyways! I posted nice things about her. Everyone talks about her anyway in the other topics, she keeps getting brought up. Might as well make her own thread so everyone can get it out. Perhaps resolve? <3
All the love she can give - Angela

09-19-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Jenisi
Drama makes the ratings, does it not? Anyways! I posted nice things about her. Everyone talks about her anyway in the other topics, she keeps getting brought up. Might as well make her own thread so everyone can get it out. Perhaps resolve? <3
All the love she can give - Angela

All the love she can give? :barf:

Maybe you can sell that back in Jr high, but please don't shop it here.

You want to bash Atheana then obviously I can't stop you but try to have the guts to be straight up about it.

09-19-2003, 10:23 PM
stop the h8

09-19-2003, 10:27 PM
It ends up with that:

who's the prettiest?

Since the answer is "none", it's a draw


Yet another useless post added

Weedmage Princess
09-19-2003, 10:27 PM
I don't get why people are getting on Jenisi so hard...

I recall in the off topic folder..under the "Picture Post Up" topic, Jenisi posted her pic, and being a nice looking girl, she got some complements...and "sweet lil Atheana" felt the need to get all awnry, start bustin on her and saying crap like "Oh she's not natural, blah blah."

Screw her, man...she screams and cries the blues about people being "mean" to her and "flaming" her..but so many time's she's reared her head--totally unprovoked, mind you (like the Jenisi situation) and turned up the heat. Then starts with the water works once again when someone retaliates. Normally I'd say "give it a rest" with the insults on her... but this bimbo deserves to be blasted to hell and back.

One thing I can say about Klaive...he didn't bitch and moan when people retaliated...he's better than her there.

09-19-2003, 10:31 PM
Weedmage, you know darn well that I have been more than willing to go after her when she makes a ridiculous statement or has whined about something, but this is a thread made with no purpose other than to attack her.

I'll gladly reply inan existing thread to someone spouting nonsense, but this is just weak.

09-19-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Jenisi
13 posts in 13 minutes.. I have to admit this is the best idea i've had all day.

You've got to be kidding me. Out of all the wonderful things one can do in a day, and this is all you have to say for yourself? Now THAT is really sad.

Also, seriously though all thats been said to and about Atheana has already been said. I see her improving all the time. I think she's been doing great these days. She seems a little more thickskinned and mature.

Good job, Candi and hope you had a happy birthday. :)

09-19-2003, 11:59 PM

Atheana's part


09-20-2003, 12:02 AM
Ok what does that have to do with Atheana?

09-20-2003, 12:04 AM
hmm? go read?

09-20-2003, 12:05 AM
Well I do like reading up on what Gs4gurl said on her just a few months ago ;p And if you took me literally dear, you have issues.

09-20-2003, 12:07 AM
I did read the first page or so until she responded and it was just bashing Atheana. I'm just trying to figure out how that relates to this.

09-20-2003, 12:09 AM
I don't really know or care, it's still funny.

[Edited on 9-20-2003 by Jenisi]

09-20-2003, 12:10 AM
Second page is interesting..

About something called: do not bash me please

and 2-3 months later, she has the same attitude she was whining about earlier


09-20-2003, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by Jenisi
Well I do like reading up on what Gs4gurl said on her just a few months ago ;p And if you took me literally dear, you have issues.

Who is Altheana? Do you mean Atheana? Atheana is the scumsucking bitch whos with Graysalin. Sergey is with Marietta.

that part?

09-20-2003, 12:20 AM
Yup, that's the one.

09-20-2003, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by Jenisi
Yup, that's the one.

no you meant that one


Ick thats just disgusting. No though Atheana and Marietta are two different ppl I saw a website with Mariettas pic and shes slender and semi-pretty. While on Atheana's site she had a pic of herself on there and shes a huge chunky girl. Not that it matters, but thats just how I know they are two different ppl. There was a pic of Graysalin on her site too. Okay so they arent Ken and Barbie but hey whatever works for you, right!? :cackles!: But that isnt the odd part... the site was for her rl family to look at cus she says Hi to them and stuff on it while still calling herself her in game name . I just found that to be odd. I guess GS is their LIFE.

p.s. I always hated Atheana in game and her "will do anything for fluff" attitude.

[Edited on 20-9-03 by Xcalibur]

09-20-2003, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by Xcalibur

Originally posted by Jenisi
Well I do like reading up on what Gs4gurl said on her just a few months ago ;p And if you took me literally dear, you have issues.

Who is Altheana? Do you mean Atheana? Atheana is the scumsucking bitch whos with Graysalin. Sergey is with Marietta.

that part?

Yep yep. I had formed an opinion on someone based on the rumors someone had told me. Not a good thing to do. In another thread somewhere I apologized to Atheana. Maybe you can look it up since you have so much free time.

Personally, and maybe its JUST me, but I give people room to change, and then cut them some slack. As I said before I think Atheana is doing better. She could really wig out on this thread if she wanted to, but she hasn't, has she? That says something right there. She is refusing to let losers with no life get to her.

Jenisi you are a nice looking girl. Don't you have a boyfriend or something to spend your free time with? Really why not enjoy life and have fun? YOU seem to have issues if this is the only way you can get your jollies off. Hey! you can always buy a battery opperated boyfriend... you seem to have some pent up tension of some kind going on. Or maybe its PMS? Hell, I don't know what your problem is.


09-20-2003, 12:27 AM
Um.. you really don't have to attack Jenisi so much. I actually never really saw her attack anyone so far. She may have started the thread, but she has not exactly said anything nasty on it. So why not be a bit nicer?

09-20-2003, 12:28 AM

Let's face it...

Atheana is like school on Saturday. No class!

I've never interacted with her in game, but the whiny shit she does here is just borderline insane!

Like for instance, the pics thread.

Jensi is beautiful, but Atheana's selfish and immature ass couldn't handle it.

How did the post start, "Not to be mean or anything..."?

Fucking please!

And Grays, if you're tapping that ass, is it really worth it?

Couldn't you get it on with someone that requires a little less explaining everytime she opens her mouth?

Chivalry my ass!

You two are bound for a trailer park...

09-20-2003, 12:29 AM
I have an idea

Small empty pool

50 gallons of mud

2 bikinis

Gsgurl in the red corner

Jenisi in the blue corner

Atheana in the referee position


forget to add, bikini is for the wrestler not the referee:tumble:

[Edited on 20-9-03 by Xcalibur]

09-20-2003, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by Xcalibur
I have an idea

Small empty pool

50 gallons of mud

2 bikinis

Gsgurl in the red corner

Jenisi in the blue corner

Atheana in the referee position


forget to add, bikini is for the wrestler not the referee:tumble:

[Edited on 20-9-03 by Xcalibur]


Gag me.

Besides I prefer chocolate syrup and whipped cream.



09-20-2003, 12:31 AM
Actually I do have a wonderful boyfriend. And i'm usually out on a friday night, but i'm leaving early in the mornig for Chicago so I decided to take it easy tonight and play some gemstone considering I pay 32.95 a month for the game. Just because I have an opinion on something, and read these boards doesn't make me not have a life. I just thought your attacks on her and her weight and all were amuising coming from you.

09-20-2003, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by Jenisi
Actually I do have a wonderful boyfriend. And i'm usually out on a friday night, but i'm leaving early in the mornig for Chicago so I decided to take it easy tonight and play some gemstone considering I pay 32.95 a month for the game. Just because I have an opinion on something, and read these boards doesn't make me not have a life. I just thought your attacks on her and her weight and all were amuising coming from you.

Insinuating I'm overweight? I posted my pic too. I'm obviously not overweight, thx.

Like I said a few times before. I was wrong in what I said about her. People can change their minds after they've actually met or spoken to the person. Try it sometime. ;)

09-20-2003, 12:34 AM
Time to have some fun.

Disclaimer: I'm posting here. Atheana refuses to, so don't expect a reaction from her. (I know you all are just drooling over THAT prospect. :rolleyes: )

I appreciate your attempts at reason, Skirmisher, GS4gurl.

Jenisi seriously does have it out for Atheana moreso than anyone on this board. Why? who the fuck knows?

I don't even know who Xcalibur is...not an idea...Jenisi at least has a past with her.

Xcalibur, bro...learn how to fucking speak english before you go flaming or bringing up stupid shit from the past.

-grays/d :lol:

09-20-2003, 12:36 AM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
Time to have some fun.

I don't even know who Xcalibur is...not an idea...Jenisi at least has a past with her.

Xcalibur, bro...learn how to fucking speak english before you go flaming or bringing up stupid shit from the past.

-grays/d :lol:

Have a past with me, I, 2 times slept (with the spell, of course) your lovely bride. I don't think we've met though, no big deal.

Since when my english skills are important when i simply copy past something, bro?


[Edited on 20-9-03 by Xcalibur]

09-20-2003, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
Time to have some fun.

Disclaimer: I'm posting here. Atheana refuses to, so don't expect a reaction from her. (I know you all are just drooling over THAT prospect. :rolleyes: )

I appreciate your attempts at reason, Skirmisher, GS4gurl.

Jenisi seriously does have it out for Atheana moreso than anyone on this board. Why? who the fuck knows?

I don't even know who Xcalibur is...not an idea...Jenisi at least has a past with her.

Xcalibur, bro...learn how to fucking speak english before you go flaming or bringing up stupid shit from the past.

-grays/d :lol:

Good question. Since you started this thread, Jenisi at least tell us what EXACTLY is your beef with the poor girl?

Enlighten us.

09-20-2003, 12:37 AM
Go take her out on her birthday or something.

09-20-2003, 12:38 AM
Originally posted by Jenisi
Go take her out on her birthday or something.

Ha. didnt think you would come up with anything valid.


09-20-2003, 12:39 AM
I'm getting sick of explaing why I made this thread. Alot of threads out there kept bringing her up even if they weren't about her, so I decided to simplify things. As to why I don't like her, I've already explained that in past threads as well.

09-20-2003, 12:39 AM
They can't produce a coherant thought or valid arguement between the both of them.

Don't get your hopes up, Gurl.


09-20-2003, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by Jenisi
I'm getting sick of explaing why I made this thread. Alot of threads out there kept bringing her up even if they weren't about her, so I decided to simplify things. As to why I don't like her, I've already explained that in past threads as well.

OMG lol you're "sick" of explaining why you made this thread? You haven't explained it once, yet? Hey you started the discussion dont be a pussy and back out now. Tell us whats up.

09-20-2003, 12:44 AM
I really don't wanna get fired up about her again ok? Stop antagonizing me when you know what the end result will be.

09-20-2003, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
They can't produce a coherant thought or valid arguement between the both of them.

Don't get your hopes up, Gurl.


both? me and her? Am i included in this?

I'll repeat myself if so

The only reason i hate Atheana (the character) is her constant attitude of seeking attention like a 15 years old teen IN GAME.

Even if she's 300 pounds, i wouldn't care.

I never met her with my "bad ass" rogue, unfortunately. One small crap of her and i would cut her legs (rogue are rogue, you know)

All this, was in game, of course my reddish bro

09-20-2003, 12:44 AM
Gah. I think I shall pretend I am a chicken and go stand in the rain until I drown. :rolleyes:

HarmNone has nothing against anybody, but wishes this could just stop

09-20-2003, 12:46 AM

Yeah, they can't produce a coherant thought between the both of'em :lol:

Bring it, Xcalibur. My char's name is Graysalin...come 'cut my legs'!



09-20-2003, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by Jenisi
I really don't wanna get fired up about her again ok? Stop antagonizing me when you know what the end result will be.

Hello? Knock, knock anyone home?

You dont want to get fired up about her? Then why the fuck did you even start this?

You do not make any sense. Too funny! :!:


09-20-2003, 12:48 AM
Originally posted by Halfsilver

Yeah, they can't produce a coherant thought between the both of'em :lol:

Bring it, Xcalibur. My char's name is Graysalin...come 'cut my legs'!



you bad player going to take what's outside the game and bringing it inside?


prefer to fight women in game, it's so "unorthodoxe"

[Edited on 20-9-03 by Xcalibur]

09-20-2003, 12:49 AM




09-20-2003, 12:50 AM
Grays, you do realize that every time you come prancing in on your white horse and banter about with your rapier wit you just stir the pot even more.

For someone claiming to defend his girl, you sure cause more trouble for her.

Some hubby you are going to be.

09-20-2003, 12:53 AM
Tsa'ah, my friend. I assure you, I am not posting seriously.

Jenisi's banter is old news to me....I've been through it before.

I'm just having a little fun with Xcalibur.

No harm intended :)


09-20-2003, 12:53 AM
I think everyone needs to calm down... on both sides. Being overweight, perfect weight, or underweight does not affect who you are as a person so please leave the weight comments out. Past issues are not needed to be brought up in the present, that is what we are in.

09-20-2003, 12:57 AM
I won't use names to protect people's privacy. But I also thought this was pretty funny today. I was picking in the tower where I saw somone that flipped out at me at the faire and I was curious why. I knew they had relations with Atheana, so I whispered to them. "Just curious but do you hate me because I dislike Atheana or something?" And they responded oh.. if your talking about the faire I let Atheana's player control me for awhile, sorry if you were afraid to talk to me because of something she did. I was like oh I wondered why when I tried joking with you, you flipped out and said "DO NOT EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN"

09-20-2003, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
Tsa'ah, my friend. I assure you, I am not posting seriously.

Jenisi's banter is old news to me....I've been through it before.

I'm just having a little fun with Xcalibur.

No harm intended :)


IF the fun is 2 sides, got no problems, sometimes my english sux so much i don't see if the person is laughing WITH me or AT me...

Sux huh?

Yeah we do it with people learning french, just to get revenge, i think.

Analyse time a bit..

Halfsilver, are you trully 21? you really come and defend her whenever she's into problems. That attitude is, here, in my opinion, a reflection of your true self in life.

If she gets problems in life, you bring your 21 years old butt into any concern of her to protect her??

Let her grow man (mentaly speaking)

09-20-2003, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
I think everyone needs to calm down... on both sides. Being overweight, perfect weight, or underweight does not affect who you are as a person so please leave the weight comments out. Past issues are not needed to be brought up in the present, that is what we are in.

I know I'm going to get yelled at for this but...... I think being overweight tells me a lot about a person. I'm not saying this to Atheana or anyone here, but I really do think that being fat tells me a lot about someone, mostly negative.

09-20-2003, 01:00 AM
Ok if you want to do this why not actually debate it? Get in your little teams, gather up your little points and your evidence and your facts... at least then it'll be organized and easy to follow and have some educational purposes. Right now all it is is people on different sides trying to pick at the others the most and making a problem.

09-20-2003, 01:02 AM
So not true! Just cause you're overweight doesn't determine anything about you. God, one of my best friends if overweight and she's funny and happy and nice and her size doesn't matter. Plus, I was chubby up until like.. this year because I had to take serious steroids to basically survive through childhood and it caused me to essentially hold onto my babyfat. You can't always say someone's fat cause they're compulsize and lazy...

09-20-2003, 01:07 AM
Originally posted by GSLeloo
So not true! Just cause you're overweight doesn't determine anything about you. God, one of my best friends if overweight and she's funny and happy and nice and her size doesn't matter. Plus, I was chubby up until like.. this year because I had to take serious steroids to basically survive through childhood and it caused me to essentially hold onto my babyfat. You can't always say someone's fat cause they're compulsize and lazy...

Always? Of course not.

Most of the time? Sure.

09-20-2003, 01:07 AM
Compulsive, lazy
self esteem
self esteem
self esteem

being fat at 20 and less is problematic, in any case, we're not talking of people in their 50's

You rarely see a 16 years old boy who's 350 pounds full of energy, good self esteem, doing good in school and having 10 close friends.

09-20-2003, 01:10 AM
It tells me they are lazy and unwilling to work hard to accomplish something. I'm sure there are a FEW exceptions to the rule, but most of the time the person is unwilling to work to lose weight. They are a compulsive eater or they are unwilling to go out and run to lose some weight. I hate the excuse, "Well I don't eat a lot and still gain weight." That's total bullshit. There is a way you can lose that weight and that is to excersise. If you are willing to put strain on your life by staying overweight, that does tell me a lot. You may have a great personality or whatever, but everything else stands.

You say you gained weight because of steriods and such, but tell me, did you do anything to help lose that weight? Did you run? What did you do?

09-20-2003, 01:14 AM
Actually I had asthmatic bronchitis cause my doctor nearly killed me at birth and the fluids filled my lungs.. so running was hard. I spent my first like.. ten years of life going to a month or more where I was basically housebound and taking nebulizer treatments for 20 minutes every hour. And pushing myself hard would send me into the cough and then a nice little cycle where my heart felt like it was on fire.

I was very active, though. I was in dance class and when not sick, I'd be at the park playing till my mom called us in. I just had some very high steroids in my system that the doctors have told us only now have mostly passed out of me. which is gay cause I had no choice in taking them..

09-20-2003, 01:14 AM
Steroids will cause weight gain, and it is weight that cannot be lost through exercise, as it is not gained through overeating.

However, for the most part, people who are overweight are overweight because they eat too much and/or exercise too little. Genetics may increase the tendency to gain but exercise and diet control will still take off those extra pounds, even if genetics are not in one's favor.

My mother is a nurse. One of her favorite sayings is: "If I can cure it with elbow braces, it ain't a disease." ;)

HarmNone thinks her mother is wise

09-20-2003, 01:18 AM
Members viewing this page: Adhara, Camri, CrystalTears, GS4Gurl, HarmNone, longshot, Weedmage Princess, Xcalibur (1 Guest)


09-21-2003, 11:01 PM
I've decided to reopen the thread and let it go wherever it goes. Try not to let it get too out of hand, but I will post warnings and make editions as needed.

I won't be closing anymore threads unless absolutely necessary. If someone posts something that is extremely against TOS, report the post and/or contact me with the various options that I have available, and I'll take care of it from there.

People come here to vent and post their aggravations. If you have managed to anger enough individuals that they need to vent that much hostility, then you'll just have to grin and bear it and accept the fate of your actions.

Thanks and I apologize if my decisions on these boards have angered people. I was only thinking on behalf of the members and the good of the boards as a whole.

I will now return you to your regularly scheduled beatings. ;)

09-21-2003, 11:03 PM
Crystaltears i hate you, i wish you would die, go to hell!
there i vented my anger LOL j/k
no but anyways, good call, let people vent!

09-21-2003, 11:08 PM
I thought CT's original decision was the proper one. Whoever of you whined and bitched enough to make her change her mind must be extremely annoying.

09-21-2003, 11:09 PM
wasn't me! she'd kill me if i did that!

09-21-2003, 11:10 PM
No one made me change my mind. Just thought it was best to let people vent what they want and we'll take action from that. <shrugs>

Besides, since she continues to bring her issues into several threads, figure we should just condense them into one thread. ;)

[Edited on 9/22/2003 by CrystalTears]

09-21-2003, 11:10 PM
Ct i love you! while your at it, reopen the angeleyez thread ROFL, i have alot of venting to do in that thread :)

09-21-2003, 11:10 PM
I would just like to say, I dislike this decision, because it sets a precedent. It means that anyone can come here and flame you and say pretty much any damn thing they want, true or not, and get away with it.

09-21-2003, 11:12 PM
That's why we have mods?
Flame all you want, but the mods will make sure it doesn't go to far, and take proper action.
If i started going around calling people sluts, and telling bullshit stories, i deserve to have proper action taken against me, she made the right decision, and she will take proper action aganist things that go to far.

[Edited on 9-22-2003 by Solkern]

09-21-2003, 11:13 PM
Isn't that life? You have to deal with people, you can't always run to a teacher to make them stop...

09-21-2003, 11:14 PM
exactly, for every action, theres a reaction, nothing wrong with people voicing there opinions/personal experiances on someone or something, whats the diffrence with bashing gemstone, then a person? only thing diffrent is a person can talk back and argue the point

09-21-2003, 11:17 PM
I think it's wrong.

Some people can get super offended by something as minor as scratching your goddamn head. Where do you draw the line? If you laugh at me and I'm offended, does that give me the right to come here and talk about how you (you're not, but this is an example) a slutty no-good trailer-trash skank?

What about dissing on one's loved ones? Your mom. How far should it go? When should it be stopped?

09-21-2003, 11:19 PM
How weak shall we make people? You have to learn to be hard, right? To allow people's comments to flow off of you because in the real world, people will say whatever they want to you and no one will be there to censor it.

09-21-2003, 11:23 PM
Leloo, that's not the song you'd be singing if someone came after you.

I think maybe 5% of the people that read these boards come here to giggle at the carnage and hate bred here. I th ink most of the people that read these boards, do so because it's basically free from the iron grip of Simutronics. Meaning, they can express themselves, and not have to worry about retribution from the higher-ups. Plus, you can swear. You can be off topic. You don't have to be part of the Simu Ass Kissers' Club.

09-21-2003, 11:24 PM
If you have a problem with reopening threads or closing them, please take them to forum concerns.

09-21-2003, 11:25 PM
I'll know when it goes too far and we can take care of it from there. However I realized that certain people can't let issues go and bring this onto themselves. So as long as they do that, then I have no reason for them to not face the music. Perhaps if they cut it out, then these type of posts wouldn't take place.

09-21-2003, 11:28 PM
Exactly CT, you get whats coming for you, if I was getting vashed to hard, or people started making up shit just to flame me, I'd simply Send a u2u to CT or sintik and simply say, They are going to far, Making up lies that arent true, and I'm really getting offened on whats going on.
And i'm sure they will take proper action.

09-21-2003, 11:29 PM
I guess I just dislike the thought that someone who doesn't know another person can make a judgement call on what's right or wrong, and verbally execute them for it.

There's a poll in forum concerns now.

09-21-2003, 11:29 PM
Okay now shut up about policy and procedures and get back to flaming Atheana! ::flees::

09-21-2003, 11:31 PM

[Edited on 9-22-2003 by Solkern]

09-21-2003, 11:44 PM
Atheana character was really annoying, I had to deal with her all the time in cul-de-sac, and I frankly wanted to slap the taste out of her mouth, greys was ok, sometimes, don't know them in RL so I can't go there, but if they play there chars diffrently then how they are in RL, thank god, i've talked to grey a few times out of gs, seems like a really good guy, he lives near my old place!
but atheana, needs to grow up, big time, stop scamming people, and other shits

09-21-2003, 11:52 PM
I have little problem with either of these people, unless we're sitting at a merchant, or they're doing their little post-tango.

09-21-2003, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I have little problem with either of these people, unless we're sitting at a merchant, or they're doing their little post-tango.


09-21-2003, 11:57 PM
There have been times where Atheana brings up good points in posts, don't get me wrong. I sometimes have a hard time understanding them because she expresses herself in runon sentences, but she DOES bring something (other than Graysalin) to the boards. I think.

09-21-2003, 11:58 PM
Constent bickering maybe

09-21-2003, 11:59 PM
And you (or I) are any better:?:

09-22-2003, 12:04 AM
never said I wasn't just stating what i think she brings
i sware this thread qwas about her, not about you or I or anyone else besides her

09-22-2003, 12:06 AM
I think everyone is tired of discussing Atheana, Graysalin, and Garr, so they just use their threads to discuss other random things. Or maybe it's just me who's sick of them..

09-22-2003, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Solkern
never said I wasn't just stating what i think she brings
i sware this thread qwas about her, not about you or I or anyone else besides her

Oh my yes.

Lets not go off topic and trash anyone except the person this trash topic was created specifically for now.

09-22-2003, 12:11 AM
I have my trash talking thread about me, you have something bad to say about me, then do it there I can care less, but this thread is about atheana does it say anyone elses name?

09-22-2003, 12:13 AM
Okay, let me reword it.

Those that come here and talk meaningless shit about Atheana... Are no better than her.


09-22-2003, 07:36 AM
Woo, you said it Maimara.

Don't you all have something better to do than to bash other people all day long?

How about treating people the way you would want to be treated?

:grin: What do I know, though..


Be nice! :saint:

09-22-2003, 12:24 PM
Solkern, dear ... I have not been in the cul de sac in about two-three years. People change from not knowing how to roleplay to knowing how to. I won't deny me being annoying at that time, but now days I'm barely even in GS and when I am, I'm announcing my auction on the amulet. Thats about all. But I've never scammed anyone, and if someone or anyone truly believes I did, they have my full permission to find me in game and explain this situation to me, I'll be more than glad to help them out. But please, just because your friends with Jenisi, don't trash me. If you seriously have a problem with me, u2u me and we can see whats up. Sounds mature to me. ;o)

[Edited on 9-22-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

09-22-2003, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
I would just like to say, I dislike this decision, because it sets a precedent. It means that anyone can come here and flame you and say pretty much any damn thing they want, true or not, and get away with it.

I second that. The whole thread was started out of nowhere and is completely immature. I WAS glad CT had finally closed it and felt it was a wise decision. A thread solely to hurt someones feelings is just wrong. It isn't venting it's CRUELTY.

09-22-2003, 03:50 PM
Atheana do you have any idea who my other character was? You remember silleck don't you? I'm sure you do
And about Jenisi..Friends? Jenisi and I were together in RL for about 6-7 months, from dec 01-april-02
After that, We havent spoke to each other since, untill recently (2 days ago) we started talking again, So don't blame this or put any fault on Jenisi.
And if you have changed, I'm happy for you, but from what i remember and delt with, is what i'm basing my opinions off of

09-22-2003, 03:53 PM
OMG you were Silleck?! God he was an annoying little shithead always causing trouble and the whining, and the constant oocness,jeeze. Reminded me of Warclaidhm. I wish you hadn't said you were Silleck. Cus now my whole opinion of you has changed. Not that Solkern had a very high rating to begin with.

09-22-2003, 03:57 PM
Umm right, actually Silleck never really did anything...He just sat at cul-de-sac with jacintha, and He never went ooc.

09-22-2003, 03:58 PM
Tho i did cause alot of trouble. that was just cause of draccor, drewain always found some and brought it to the cul-de-sac

09-22-2003, 04:01 PM
I'm pretty sure everyone knew I was silleck anyways

09-22-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
I remember Sintik and myself use to drag people north to that house and kill people, that was some fun shit

I never did that. I didn't know that even worked until you told me about it. By the time I knew it did, Andraste fixed it.

09-22-2003, 04:05 PM
Maybe it was faelenor or something, might have been kalaan

09-22-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
Atheana do you have any idea who my other character was? You remember silleck don't you? I'm sure you do
And about Jenisi..Friends? Jenisi and I were together in RL for about 6-7 months, from dec 01-april-02
After that, We havent spoke to each other since, untill recently (2 days ago) we started talking again, So don't blame this or put any fault on Jenisi.
And if you have changed, I'm happy for you, but from what i remember and delt with, is what i'm basing my opinions off of

I was also a freshman in HS then ;o)

09-22-2003, 04:18 PM
Ok, Well i was just stating, what I was getting my info from. :) thanks for the clearing up

09-22-2003, 04:41 PM
Is it time for a Solkern/Silleck thread?

And yes, I did know who you were.

Acolyte Kurili

09-22-2003, 04:42 PM
Here I'll even start it for you.

09-22-2003, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
Atheana do you have any idea who my other character was? You remember silleck don't you? I'm sure you do
And about Jenisi..Friends? Jenisi and I were together in RL for about 6-7 months, from dec 01-april-02
After that, We havent spoke to each other since, untill recently (2 days ago) we started talking again, So don't blame this or put any fault on Jenisi.
And if you have changed, I'm happy for you, but from what i remember and delt with, is what i'm basing my opinions off of

Sure you're biased... if you hadn't been fucking the ho, would you even bother posting in this thread? I doubt it. It caught your attention cus Jenisi started it. So of course you chime in. :lol: Did your character even meet Atheana?

After my character actually MET Atheana she, actually - I -was like. Wow I was soo wrong for listening to other people. Atheana really is a nice, normal, caring person. Or maybe I had just met her after she had grown out of the annoying phase. We all have our annoying phase.

However, there are exceptions to that. People like Warclaidhm, Klaive, and Haashek (the three stooges of PC)refuse to grow out of them or listen to reason. Because they are stubbornly happy that they're idiots.:bouncy:

09-22-2003, 05:38 PM
Umm did i meet atheana? that's almost funny, i saw her every damn day in cul-de-sac so don't act like I know nothing about her, when i know plenty.
And your calling jenisi a ho? do you even know her? do you know anything about her? no, i didn't think you did.
I haven't talked to atheana in a long time, I'm sure she knows how she use to be, and i've heard she's changed, and i'm happy about that. I'm sure if i came in game again, and talked to her, I'd have a whole new point of view on her.

09-22-2003, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
Umm did i meet atheana? that's almost funny, i saw her every damn day in cul-de-sac so don't act like I know nothing about her, when i know plenty.
And your calling jenisi a ho? do you even know her? do you know anything about her? no, i didn't think you did.
I haven't talked to atheana in a long time, I'm sure she knows how she use to be, and i've heard she's changed, and i'm happy about that. I'm sure if i came in game again, and talked to her, I'd have a whole new point of view on her.

I didn't say saw I said MET as in spoken to, had a conversation with. Your basing your PRESENT opinion of someone about what they did YEARS ago. Kind of wierd but whatever.

About what I know about Jenisi, well you would be surprised and I will just leave it at that.

I'm sure if i came in game again, and talked to her, I'd have a whole new point of view on her.

Exactly my point.

09-22-2003, 05:50 PM
Oh please do tell me what you know about jenisi, I LIVED with her for 6 months, I was ith her for 6 months, what ever the fuck you know about her, it's probally bullshit and lies. so go ahead I wanna hear what you got to say about her

09-22-2003, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
Oh please do tell me what you know about jenisi, I LIVED with her for 6 months, I was ith her for 6 months, what ever the fuck you know about her, it's probally bullshit and lies. so go ahead I wanna hear what you got to say about her

Why the hell should I tell YOU? She dumped you for obvious reasons. :lol:

I thought you were going to start a thread about yourself anyways??


09-22-2003, 05:53 PM
Thought so, you don't know shit.
and theres already a thread about me

09-22-2003, 05:54 PM
Well I dont see your thread. You suck.

09-22-2003, 05:55 PM
and she dumping me? you only know about that cause i posted it publicly
so shut up move on, untill you got something viable to say

09-22-2003, 05:56 PM
theres the link

09-22-2003, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
and she dumping me? you only know about that cause i posted it publicly
so shut up move on, untill you got something viable to say

Erm I knew about it the day it happened. She talked to one of my characters, but whatever. Too funny. :smug:

09-22-2003, 05:57 PM
So explain it.
But i bet you wont, since you don't know shit.

09-22-2003, 05:58 PM
<<Well I dont see your thread. >>

His thread is posted in the wrong topic.. he wants COMPLAINTS about his GEMSTONE characters, but puts it in Off-Topic.

09-22-2003, 05:59 PM
Hey asshole get off my thread! Hehe.

09-22-2003, 05:59 PM
I want complaints about in character, boards everything.

09-22-2003, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
So explain it.
But i bet you wont, since you don't know shit.

Hello? Why should I? She doesn't even like you so why waste my breath and tell you things? Hell I don't like you either. When Jenisi gets pissed off she turns into crazybitch and starts mouthing off. She's funny when shes angry. So why would I bother telling you anything she said?

09-22-2003, 06:02 PM
Because you don't know anything, stop making excuses.

09-22-2003, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Snapp
<<Well I dont see your thread. >>

His thread is posted in the wrong topic.. he wants COMPLAINTS about his GEMSTONE characters, but puts it in Off-Topic.

Cus he has a problem with RL and a game. So of course he's confused.

09-22-2003, 06:03 PM
Crazybitch, that was funny, you must not know her as well as you think. jenisi is a sweetheart, always has been always will be. so like i said before hush till you have something viable to say.

09-22-2003, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
Because you don't know anything, stop making excuses.

Okay, if you say so. I'm not taking the bait, as tempting as it may be. Period.

09-22-2003, 06:04 PM
We need a smile that does the smile and nod thing, would be perfect right now.

09-22-2003, 06:06 PM
Anyways I'm finished making this bitch feel like a twit
I=moving on.

09-22-2003, 06:07 PM
Hmm ... seems you two has had some of the famous Atheana Drug! :moon:

[Edited on 9-22-2003 by ElvenRangeress]

09-22-2003, 06:17 PM
OK I'm going to get this all out in one post. I'm feel the need to post after wasting a hour of my life reading this entire thread start to finsh. Grays.. I dislike him. I do not like anything about him, he has never given me any reason to respect him. And to be honest, I think he's a cocky little bastard. I still remember one time he said to me in game "Your just jealous of me and Atheana because we have a combined wealth of over 250m silvers" I was like Yup! You caught me! Anyways, I personally wish this thread would have been made about Atheana because her and Marietta are the only people I extreamly dislike and I have a personal hate for (as in if I met in real life on the street I would probally have a strong urge to punch their faces in) Knowing her, she's is going to beg for a reason because she can't bite her lip and just accept somone not liking her. She is the queen attention whore that has no self-confidence and is completely dependant on others. Man I feel bad reading this intense flame but I had to get it out. Get a clue Candi, you are as mature as the kids you will be teaching.

- Jenisi's player - getting it all out

Yeah REAL sweeeet. So she would punch people in the faces, eventhough she DOESN'T KNOW them and just based off of what she saw in a freaking text based game. Yeah thats just dripping with pure sweetness. No the girl for somereason has emotional issues and likes, has always liked to be a drama queen and like you she cant separate RL from a game.

People who have characters who are assholes are rarely assholes irl. Something you guys need to keep in mind, obviously.

09-22-2003, 06:20 PM
Seperate Rl from game, lets see I havent been in gemstone for almost a year now, 2nd of all, she has no problems, she is actually a really sweet girl.
Drama? Shit I wont even go there.

09-22-2003, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
Seperate Rl from game, lets see I havent been in gemstone for almost a year now, 2nd of all, she has no problems, she is actually a really sweet girl.
Drama? Shit I wont even go there.

Yeah, not a good idea, considering. I thought you were done with this thread?

09-22-2003, 07:16 PM
Forgive me here, I don't always keep a scorecard but... isn't Jenisi the former Jamni and Aquamarine?

Jamni used to drive me insane at merchants. Marietta of course was just another money grubbing teen who's biggest thrill was to get glam bags and thigh bands made at merchants.

Funniest thing ever was watching her throw a fit and get an altered yellow raincoat with little daisy buttons or some crap that was scripted....for 15 mil silvers. A few days later I saw someone get one altered at a merchant for probably the price of an emerald :D Sometimes there is justice in that world.

Oh, to keep on topic. I have had no interactions with Atheana but she does seem to have some cute rose and ivy outfits (at least she can design.)

I'm digressing ...back to more sniping and backbiting..


09-22-2003, 07:16 PM
She wasn't aquamarine ever

09-22-2003, 07:45 PM
I dislike it when people make judgements about a person's personal life based on their opinions about other people. You people who are preaching tolerance of Atheana aren't showing much of it towards the others expressing their opinions.

If you want to defend Atheana, do it by posting positive things about HER, not negative things about the people posting negative things about her. This is HER topic, not the bash everyone who bashes her topic. Totally different.

09-22-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by DCSL
I dislike it when people make judgements about a person's personal life based on their opinions about other people. You people who are preaching tolerance of Atheana aren't showing much of it towards the others expressing their opinions.

If you want to defend Atheana, do it by posting positive things about HER, not negative things about the people posting negative things about her. This is HER topic, not the bash everyone who bashes her topic. Totally different.

Your right. I lost sight of the topic for a moment. Sorry.

09-22-2003, 08:04 PM
OOH i figured it out now! gs4gurl is tiffilyn
or whatever, that EXPLAINS alot.

09-22-2003, 08:12 PM

09-22-2003, 08:17 PM
I'll just make a fact post.
I was Mariette, Jamni, Laney and Jenisi. In that order.
I started playing when I was 12 years old.
I dislike Atheana because she has always been rude to my charachters, acting immature, and always getting other people involed into her problems. As in if something happened between me and her in the game, like 5 different people would think to me why are you bothering atheana? Why is Atheana hurt? Leave her alone, or else. I don't talk to her in the game, I leave her to be.
As for gs4gurl, you seriously need to take a deep breath, go on vacation, do something seriously. I'm sick of watching you put posts on here about everyone, acting like you know everything. I know you were Tiffilynn, I know you posted on lizzie's boards, and I also know that you know alot less about me then you think you do. I am not a 'ho' irl, nor would you have any reason to believe that I was in the first place. And as per Jenisi, she doesn't cyber which I've already mentioned. It wouldn't suprise me if I found out you just sit around all day, talking gossip with your little AIM buddies about all the people you don't like. I think your the one that needs to grow up.

And one more fact. Making this thread was not out of cruelty, some things needed to get aired out. I already said tons of other topics were bringing up her name anyway making those threads off-topic. It just needed to be done. If I have a problem with something, I'm not the hold it in type.


09-22-2003, 08:32 PM
First, learn how to spell.

Second, right Jenisi may not cyber, but I know for a fact Jamni did ALOT. In fact, you bragged about it up in the treehouse, how you were proud to be a gold digger. Now that was years ago and I would HOPE you have matured since then. And maybe thats how you wanted to RP your character. So don't come here and try to act all innocent, because you certainly are NOT. Your antics back then would even shame the antics of Gracey.

Yes, this thread was made out of cruelty because YOU ALREADY went over this bullshit in the Graysalin thread. "Some things need to get aired out" You've already "aired" them out in various other topics. So making yet ANOTHER topic was simply pointless. Just cus your bored, or have no life, or in serious need to get laid. Who the fuck knows! And as for maturity... I think even starting this thread full of nonsense speaks for itself. Get real. Seriously.

[Edited on 9-22-2003 by GS4Gurl]

09-22-2003, 08:34 PM
Am I the only one that envisions GS4Gurl with huge bloody fangs when she posts like that? :D

09-22-2003, 08:35 PM
Do you have a job Gs4gurl? A husband? How often does he take you out?

09-22-2003, 08:38 PM
Jenisi, forgot to ask her if she has a life...

09-22-2003, 08:39 PM

09-22-2003, 08:47 PM
He takes me and our babygirl out all the time. Love how you change the subject. Dont you have to go color your hair or something?


09-22-2003, 08:49 PM
oh jenisi you have to color your hair OUCH that hurt!
Gs4gurl, whya re you on this site all the time dont you have a kid to take care of? or is gemstone3 more important then RL? guess so you fucking loser

09-22-2003, 08:50 PM
Erm I hardly play GS anymore and considering you hold the most posts it appears YOU need to get the life. I come and read to do something quiet while my princess takes her nap. Sometimes I do end up laughing at some of the shit people post here though.

Besides, like what you say about anyone even matters. You have like NO credibility just go look at your poll. It speaks for itself. Have a nice day.

[Edited on 9-23-2003 by GS4Gurl]

09-22-2003, 09:03 PM
LOL, about 120 of those psots were last night while i was studying for class. know the fatcs before you speak child

09-22-2003, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by Solkern
LOL, about 120 of those psots were last night while i was studying for class. know the fatcs before you speak child

Ha. Like I said...

Go look at your poll.


(edited just to highlight his intelligents)

[Edited on 9-23-2003 by GS4Gurl]

09-22-2003, 09:08 PM
Do you honestly think I care what people think about me on the boards? you must not have the life if you think i do, unlike you my online life doesn't aaffect my real life, you need to learn the diffrence between real life and online life

Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-22-2003, 09:48 PM
You know, I don't really like GS4Gurl, but damn man, you folks need to lighten up. Same goes for Solkern and Jenisi I suppose. I just am not liking how folks call others 'fucking losers' because they post to a board.

Edited to add:
Erm, don't like GS4Gurl isn't even accurate, I don't appreciate her ripping on my chars accent, so its not even a big deal. Just lighten up!

[Edited on 9-23-2003 by Suppa Hobbit Mage]

09-22-2003, 09:59 PM
id just like to interrupt this thread to say that tayvin is my hero ...

thats all

09-22-2003, 10:02 PM
I'd like to second that..

Tayvin would make a tasty hero. Mustard... lettuce..


09-22-2003, 10:03 PM
Thanks for confirming Jenisi. I was pretty sure you were Jamni. Jenisi does seem to be more laid back - but what the hell are you thinking hanging out with a jackass like Solkern?

I think if I had Solkern vs. No one to defend me, I'd take no one and be further ahead ;)

BTW, where you'd you get those flipping fingers GS4Gurl?

09-22-2003, 10:57 PM
When did Jenisi and I hanging out? her and I have had a past, a good one, that turned into hell.
I'm far from a jackass actually. If you actually knew me, you'd agree. but these are boards, I voice my opinion alot diffrently on these boards then i do IRL
I'm actually really quiet, Keep to myself, and I really dont bother anyone.

12-12-2003, 06:02 PM
I love Atheana!

12-12-2003, 06:30 PM
I'm encouraging everyone to ignore that post.

Please, let this shipwreck sink again.