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View Full Version : I retrieved my password for this. The fate of a gangsta.

01-28-2021, 04:13 PM
Hi guys!

So last night, Tierus and I were chatting and wondered what ever became of Seany Digital. I was like 22/23 when he was rampaging around about how he was a gangsta movie star and shit. Then he came to Ken's house for Thrilla and made out with Cheslica for awhile, they both left without really speaking to anyone else. And yeah, he was a movie star and we were all loser nerds. Also, he wrote a screenplay about the thug life.

Tierus found this:https://www.vvdailypress.com/news/20161025/defendant-acquitted-in-death-of-mma-fighter

There are several more arrests after his acquittal, for things like armed robbery and fleeing (unsuccessfully) from the cops with an active warrant. Searching his name is pretty crazy. Thus is the fate of Seany Digital. It's actually quite sad and shocking, but I admit that I definitely laughed.


01-28-2021, 04:24 PM
Wild. I need to go back to reread all the drama.

Welcome back, by the way.

01-28-2021, 04:24 PM
I remember hearing about this. Never saw an actual article though.


EDIT: Holy fuck he was in some uncredited role in Malibu's Most Wanted? If that isn't the peak of irony I don't know what the fuck is. :lol:

EDIT EDIT: Welcome back Spun :D

01-28-2021, 04:55 PM
Wild. I need to go back to reread all the drama.

Welcome back, by the way.

Share with the class please.

01-28-2021, 05:06 PM
Solid thread title, A+. Anyone with an account from early 2000's is always good to hear from again.

Miss X
01-28-2021, 05:07 PM
I'm so here for this....

Stanley Burrell
01-28-2021, 06:29 PM
I'm so here for this....


01-28-2021, 06:40 PM
Share with the class please.

I was gone for most of it so I'll post HarmNone's cliffsnotes:

Ok, here goes. Sean is/was the player of Izbin, a character who took great pleasure in killing younger characters in the game without reason, or warning. He played other characters who were equally as idiotic.

He came here to post long and loud about how wonderful he is as an actor, how wealthy he is for a kid, and how generally, all-round superior he is to anybody else, living or dead.

When he got banned for insults on others' real-life and making threats to other posters life and limbs, he came back to post as someone else, claiming he was "Sean's friend". Although it was known that the poster was Sean, the idiot refused to admit it and went on to insult people further while defending his "friend" Sean. He was banned again, came back again...you get the picture. He is sorta like the Energizer Bunny. He just keeps coming back and he has yet to bring a brain with him. ;)

That is the succinct version. If you will look up Izbin, using the search feature, you will find all kinds of reading material that will explain fully the enmity with which the mention of his name here is greeted. :D

HarmNone on one idiot

[Edited on 11-2-2003 by HarmNone]

01-28-2021, 07:30 PM
What always blew my mind about Sean's attitude was that he was clearly a GSIV player, enjoyed the game (for whatever reason), but held himself head and shoulders above the rest of us "fucking losers and nerds." Like, in 2005ish, I posted something about the first condo my then-husband and I purchased. He responded something like, "only poor people live in the desert" (I live in Las Vegas). But he really, really wanted to be revered and accepted by us nerds and losers. And the information he presented to try and gain that acceptance was silly... like his bit parts in movies, a nice car, money (obviously his parents' money, not his). I don't think he was actually evil, just kinda stupid and delusional. But this is a hard fall.

01-28-2021, 07:31 PM
I remember hearing about this. Never saw an actual article though.


EDIT: Holy fuck he was in some uncredited role in Malibu's Most Wanted? If that isn't the peak of irony I don't know what the fuck is. :lol:

EDIT EDIT: Welcome back Spun :D

Yeah, I can't think of a better movie for him to have a bit part in based on his path in life!

01-28-2021, 08:23 PM

Seany Analog
01-28-2021, 09:57 PM
yo what the fuck

02-05-2021, 07:54 PM