View Full Version : Official : Loot Cap Numbers

01-16-2021, 06:45 PM

01-16-2021, 06:54 PM

01-16-2021, 06:56 PM
It’s IP logged. That’s how they’re doing it.

That’s why I was rejoining, grouping, and doing the hokey pokey with my guys and I was still experiencing the slowing across all my accounts.

GG Estild and friends.

01-16-2021, 07:05 PM
I've always thought it was odd that the GMs make such a big deal about people farming silvers.

GMs: Here you go, guys! Plenty of ways to make silvers! Trading skill, first aid, survival, 1004, 604/skinning spell, skinning critters, gem cutters to make gems more valuable, etc etc.

Also GMs: Whoa now! You're making a bit TOO many silvers! That's not what we meant when we introduced these things!

01-16-2021, 07:06 PM
It’s IP logged. That’s how they’re doing it.

I figured they implemented some way to hit multi account people, just wasn't sure how they went about it.

01-16-2021, 07:31 PM
It’s IP logged. That’s how they’re doing it.

That’s why I was rejoining, grouping, and doing the hokey pokey with my guys and I was still experiencing the slowing across all my accounts.

GG Estild and friends.

It's not IP logged because my 2 accounts are still un-capped and I've made over 13 mil on my main account and probably 8-10 mil on the 2nd. I solo hunt both accounts. They're investigating the possibility that grouping with players is causing unintentional side effects. Treat the loot cap like the rona - stay away from groups until they vaccinate the code.

If anything is actually being done purposefully for MA it would more likely be via billing than anything else.

01-16-2021, 07:34 PM
It’s IP logged. That’s how they’re doing it.

I doubt that's the case because some of us have multiple internet providers and ALOT of people are behind VPNs. My guess is the grouped and linked account issues people are experiencing is probably a bug.

01-16-2021, 10:03 PM
It's not IP logged because my 2 accounts are still un-capped and I've made over 13 mil on my main account and probably 8-10 mil on the 2nd. I solo hunt both accounts. They're investigating the possibility that grouping with players is causing unintentional side effects. Treat the loot cap like the rona - stay away from groups until they vaccinate the code.

If anything is actually being done purposefully for MA it would more likely be via billing than anything else.

You're probably soft capped but don't realize it yet. You're roughly at 21-23m there combined.

01-17-2021, 03:05 PM
I've always thought it was odd that the GMs make such a big deal about people farming silvers.

GMs: Here you go, guys! Plenty of ways to make silvers! Trading skill, first aid, survival, 1004, 604/skinning spell, skinning critters, gem cutters to make gems more valuable, etc etc.

Also GMs: Whoa now! You're making a bit TOO many silvers! That's not what we meant when we introduced these things!

Buffets like you to come eat a lot of food but they'll kick your ass out after 4 hours too.

01-17-2021, 03:44 PM
Buffets like you to come eat a lot of food but they'll kick your ass out after 4 hours too.

New idea: Monthly buffet subscriptions.

What could go wrong?

01-17-2021, 04:55 PM
New idea: Monthly buffet subscriptions.

What could go wrong?

You've been here 4 hours. You eat like whale. You go home now.

01-18-2021, 01:14 AM
Wing buffet, unlimited buffalo wings no weekly cap

01-18-2021, 01:33 AM
Buffets like you to come eat a lot of food but they'll kick your ass out after 4 hours too.

Your analogy is bad and you should feel bad.

01-18-2021, 10:36 AM
Your analogy is bad and you should feel bad.

I feel fine, but i'm over here not crying about a video game, you do you though :D

01-18-2021, 11:29 AM
It should only ever be account based. I get that people MA, but you pay to do that. Free accounts are already heavily restricted.

01-18-2021, 11:35 AM
It should only ever be account based. I get that people MA, but you pay to do that. Free accounts are already heavily restricted.

But Estild.

01-18-2021, 12:32 PM
But Estild.

I heard that wizards were soft capped at 500k and hard capped at 1m and if those wizards hunt in the confluence none of those gem things drop.

Can you confirm?

01-18-2021, 12:51 PM
I heard that wizards were soft capped at 500k and hard capped at 1m and if those wizards hunt in the confluence none of those gem things drop.

Can you confirm?

If a wizard finds just one plinite in the Confluence, they are instantly hard capped until more wizard nerfs happen.

01-18-2021, 01:00 PM
If a wizard finds just one plinite in the Confluence, they are instantly hard capped until more wizard nerfs happen.

That's what it was! I knew it some kind of hard cap, just forgot what. Good thing that will never happen because those things don't exist

01-18-2021, 06:26 PM
I feel fine, but i'm over here not crying about a video game, you do you though :D

I had an opinion on something. I don't even come close to hitting the soft cap every month, much less the hard cap.

Lighten up, Francis.

01-18-2021, 06:30 PM
It should only ever be account based. I get that people MA, but you pay to do that. Free accounts are already heavily restricted.

I agree but then this whole thing is completely pointless. A few months ago I wrote up a whole new hunting script so my guys could all hunt together because I figured it would be a lot easier and better for everyone in the hunting area if my guys all fried at once then left, rather than having several of my guys zipping in and out of rooms to get fried.

Would be kind of dumb if they actually encouraged me to go back to having my guys hunt solo to avoid these loot caps, but then as you say it really should be account based because each account pays for access to this game and each account should be treated equally to other accounts, which is why I think this loot cap nonsense is dumb.

GSIV Rogue
02-05-2021, 07:51 PM
The "hard cap" may be 35m - but the diminishing returns effect starts to hit so hard after 20-25m you'll have a fun time reaching it even if you're farming nonstop.

02-06-2021, 09:31 AM
I just wish they'd tell us how group mechanics work, because it feels like it's applying more "cap pressure" than it should when in a group.

GSIV Rogue
02-06-2021, 10:10 AM
I just wish they'd tell us how group mechanics work, because it feels like it's applying more "cap pressure" than it should when in a group.

That's going to fall under "We won't tell you because you'll abuse the system" - definitely not "We won't tell you because if you find out what's really going on then you're going to be extremely upset."

Long story short is that you won't be able to run multiple accounts and make 35m per month each (grouped or not grouped).

02-06-2021, 10:50 AM
That's going to fall under "We won't tell you because you'll abuse the system" - definitely not "We won't tell you because if you find out what's really going on then you're going to be extremely upset."

Long story short is that you won't be able to run multiple accounts and make 35m per month each (grouped or not grouped).

Nobody has confirmed one way or another that linked accounts all share the same loot cap.

Even if that's the case, I don't care. But this nerf has spawned all sorts of bugs, and basically I just want to know things like...if you're in a group of 2 for example, person 1 one shots something and loots, but person 2 didn't do shit, does loot cap "pressure" get applied to person 2 in that situation anyway just from being in the group? Or is it applied only to people who are tagging mobs? And is it double dipping, like applying double the "pressure" that it should due to there being 2 people in the group? Because if so, that's probably a bug.

I don't see how shit like that can be abused, since once you cap, you're capped, and there isn't shit you can do about it other than wait until next month.

If linked accounts all share the same cap though, that's massively retarded. I don't farm with my alts anyway so it's a non-issue, but stuff like this is still something that they need to clue people in on.

GSIV Rogue
02-06-2021, 11:07 AM
Nobody has confirmed one way or another that linked accounts all share the same loot cap.

Even if that's the case, I don't care. But this nerf has spawned all sorts of bugs, and basically I just want to know things like...if you're in a group of 2 for example, person 1 one shots something and loots, but person 2 didn't do shit, does loot cap "pressure" get applied to person 2 in that situation anyway just from being in the group? Or is it applied only to people who are tagging mobs? And is it double dipping, like applying double the "pressure" that it should due to there being 2 people in the group? Because if so, that's probably a bug.

I don't see how shit like that can be abused, since once you cap, you're capped, and there isn't shit you can do about it other than wait until next month.

If linked accounts all share the same cap though, that's massively retarded. I don't farm with my alts anyway so it's a non-issue, but stuff like this is still something that they need to clue people in on.

I mean...I agree with and see everything you are saying. 100% all valid points. At first glance they are giving the appearance of transparency but in reality they are omitting enough key elements that everyone is still pretty much in the dark. I am all for pulling the curtain down as well but I don't have my hopes up. Especially when they are immediately stating things like "The only thing we can confirm is that the loot cap is working as intended" - etc.

Net end result for me is definitely going to be limiting my subscriptions to 2 basic accounts for the foreseeable future (Had plans on a third but keeping it as a F2P mule instead of another sub. for now).