View Full Version : Hated things

05-24-2005, 06:58 AM
And so the things you hate about WoW (animations, sounds etc)

For me it is the sound for Cheap shot.
Male humans laughing
"Rone hits you for xxx
You die" :sniffle:

05-24-2005, 07:27 AM
no storm

05-24-2005, 07:29 AM

05-24-2005, 07:35 AM
All the nonstop "nerf (insert class/race/ability)" threads

The gobble sound a murloc makes when they charge you

05-24-2005, 08:12 AM
I hate how there is no dynamic weather. It's always sunny.

- Arkans

05-24-2005, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by Odups
The gobble sound a murloc makes when they charge you

Ditto! I can't stand the sound they make.

I also wish there were a weather system. Seeing snow or rain would be really interesting to hunt in.

05-24-2005, 08:32 AM
I hate how rogues can incapacitate you for a full fight. (As a rogue, that will also have to be one of my favorite things)

I hate city lag.

I hate lag on a zep and getting dumped in the middle of the ocean... only to die because you just used your HS.

I hate dying due to lag.

I hate questing in TM.

I hate getting ganked by someone who is 20 levels above you.

[Edited on 5-24-05 by Parkbandit]

05-24-2005, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by CrystalTears

Originally posted by Odups
The gobble sound a murloc makes when they charge you

Ditto! I can't stand the sound they make.

I also wish there were a weather system. Seeing snow or rain would be really interesting to hunt in.

I actually like their sound. I hate it when I hear one gobble.. then 3 more. :(

05-24-2005, 08:48 AM

05-24-2005, 09:05 AM
I hate TM.

I also hate being ganked by someone so old you know hes just being a pain but also when he camps your body.

I love getting a ?? messed up because he is camping your body and not paying attention to the 10 Horde rushing at him because hes camping my body.

I hate that not every town has a flight system.

I hate people who let you clean out the room of bad guys and as you start with the last one or two rush in and take the chest.

I hate people who ask you for healing when you are a hunter????

I hate people who roll for stuff they can't use and you can.


05-24-2005, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by crazymage

Once I get cheapshot and kidney punch.. Paladin's won't be such a problem.


05-24-2005, 09:18 AM
I hate people who take the chests in a room you're fighting in. Makes me want to kill them instead of the mobs.

I hate people who invite you to join a group when you never asked, get offended when you decline, then challenge you to a duel.

I hate that guy in the group who pulls a mob, gets his ass handed to him, runs around and attracts more mobs and of course when he dies they come after you.

05-24-2005, 09:38 AM
I hate idiot members in groups.

I hate the TM ALL NIGHT RAID lag.

I hate Fear. It should be fucking level based not an Auto "I am a level 10 Priest and I can pwn you level 60 rogues".

The Korean
05-24-2005, 09:48 AM
Dude, fear saves my ass from all those gankers.

05-24-2005, 09:48 AM
It should be level based. Not automatic.

The Korean
05-24-2005, 09:51 AM
That'd nerf priest survivability.

edited to say: against ganking that is.

[Edited on 5-24-2005 by The Korean]

05-24-2005, 09:55 AM
I suppose. Everyone else's defenses are level based however (with the exception of those bastard paladins).

05-24-2005, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I hate how rogues can incapacitate you for a full fight. (As a rogue, that will also have to be one of my favorite things)

I hate city lag.

I hate lag on a zep and getting dumped in the middle of the ocean... only to die because you just used your HS.

I hate dying due to lag.

I hate questing in TM.

I hate getting ganked by someone who is 20 levels above you.

[Edited on 5-24-05 by Parkbandit]

I hate the fact that PB has basically retired the cow shaman in favor of a little gimpy skeleton rogue. You should be practicing your PvP for Battlegrounds. When's the last time Bayne has won a duel?

05-24-2005, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by crazymage

I agree. Can't stand them. I hate the fact that I blow every cooldown + prep, and they either hearthstone off, or I'm forced to vanish and stealth away after a 5 minute battle of futility.

I took down a level 60 Paladin in Azshara last night, I was literally ecstatic I was able to finish him off after our 4 minute battle.

05-24-2005, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by crazymage

Once I get cheapshot and kidney punch.. Paladin's won't be such a problem.


Wrong. They have a few ways of making those skills null and void. Not to mention they only need a split second to auto-heal/shield.

05-24-2005, 10:17 AM
Yep, paladins can activate their shield even while a five second kidney shot is running.

05-24-2005, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

I took down a level 60 Paladin in Azshara last night, I was literally ecstatic I was able to finish him off after our 4 minute battle.

Must be a rogue thing. I don't have any problems with a like level paladin. It's usually a long battle though.

100% Wool
05-24-2005, 10:21 AM
I love to hate the Shadowclan in the Bleeding Hollow server.

If anyone who doesn't know who they are, they are an all orc guild who roleplay and have 100 person meetings in the middle of town( they all line up and shit); and also run around yelling HOOOWAHH SHADOWCLAN!

Their roleplaying consists of talking weird.
EXAMPLE: guu awai dedphaze.

At first I liked them, but now the way they talk is just starting to get on my nerves. Sometimes I wish I was alliance on my server just so I could kill them.

05-24-2005, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by Tea & Strumpets

Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

I took down a level 60 Paladin in Azshara last night, I was literally ecstatic I was able to finish him off after our 4 minute battle.

Must be a rogue thing. I don't have any problems with a like level paladin. It's usually a long battle though.

Totally. Rogues generally dont' fare well against Paladins. The key to being a good rogue is killing so quick that they cannot react. Due to their shield, insta heal and plate armor, this isn't a reality for most rogues unless you catch them weak or low on mana. The longer a rogue is in combat, the more likely he is to lose.

Warriors are even worse. I don't even try and kill them these days.

05-24-2005, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue

Totally. Rogues generally dont' fare well against Paladins. The key to being a good rogue is killing so quick that they cannot react. Due to their shield, insta heal and plate armor, this isn't a reality for most rogues unless you catch them weak or low on mana. The longer a rogue is in combat, the more likely he is to lose.

Warriors are even worse. I don't even try and kill them these days.

I don't buy what Dar is peddling. When you get them in trouble, they don't shield/hearth away? It's not that paladins kill me, it's that they last long enough for more Alliance to show up and zerg me.

I had little problems with pallys until I hit around 50, not sure why that is, but I assume they gain another heal spell or shield around then.

Warriors...depends who it is. If I see someone in full Valor and a Reaper, I'll typically avoid them. But atleast with a warrior I know if I'm near perfect I can keep him stunlocked and get him down to under 20% or lower by the time he can attack me...which means he's not going to win. The damn paladin auto-shield and cleanse ability kill any potential stun-locks.

05-24-2005, 10:43 AM
My advice against Warriors: don't use evasion or the ability that increases dodge by 15%. Its your death sentence if you do.

05-24-2005, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
My advice against Warriors: don't use evasion or the ability that increases dodge by 15%. Its your death sentence if you do.

Yup. I never do, regardless of how much I'm tempted.

I'm actually 5-0 in my last 5 duels against warriors. Although 3 were against the same guy, a good friend of mine, and he's protection specced.

One challenged me yesterday while we were trying to put an instance group together. I whooped his ass. Although the last 2 minutes of the duel consisted of him hamstringing me and running away while I'd futilely run towards him plinking away with my crossbow until he'd intercept, and I could get a few more shots in. He was extremely frustrated.

Actually, in those last 5 duels, I've probably finished every one of them with over 70% health (But I do typically bandage vs. warriors).

05-24-2005, 11:48 AM
im a mage now (i know i know i switch too much) and i did something like 3450 damage to a lvl 31 paladin and lost after i ran out of mana.

05-24-2005, 11:59 AM
The official website. It never works right for me.

05-24-2005, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by Tea & Strumpets

Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

I took down a level 60 Paladin in Azshara last night, I was literally ecstatic I was able to finish him off after our 4 minute battle.

Must be a rogue thing. I don't have any problems with a like level paladin. It's usually a long battle though.

It is. I never had a problem with them as Bayne either. You just have to use your little earthshock on them when they try to prep a spell and save all your own mana to heal up with.

And it sucks ass that they can cast that save my ass sphere spell while in a kidney punch stun. Mother fuckers.

05-24-2005, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
My advice against Warriors: don't use evasion or the ability that increases dodge by 15%. Its your death sentence if you do.

Why is that? I don't understand how increasing your dodge ability can be a bad thing.. unless that other talent ability decreases something else important.

Evasion doesn't decrease anything.. does it?

05-24-2005, 12:10 PM
The long walk back to my body

All the "Miss"es when dual wielding.

When some dumbass in my group hits the guy I sapped (after I said I would sap him).

The fact that lockboxes never have anything good in them. If they had an occasional rare item green/blue item I'd pickpocket alot more.

The fact that to pick which weaponsmithing road you want to take - you need to be level 54.... to get a level 61 quest. (from what I've found on the net)

05-24-2005, 12:11 PM
Because Revenge give the Warrior a free attack for every strike of his evaded, blocked or parried. This attack cannot miss either.

05-24-2005, 12:29 PM
FYI, paladins can no long hearth while shielded, according to the paladins in my guild. Don't have a pally to test it out myself, though.

My most hated things in WoW are:

1) Frost shock (or just shamans in general).
2) The whole root and spam moonfire shit that druids pull.
3) The fact that TM has 100 guard spam and SS has 5.
4) Stealth being dispelled by a strong fart.

Most of this is null and void because my mage is about to hit 50, and mages pwn.

05-24-2005, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
FYI, paladins can no long hearth while shielded, according to the paladins in my guild. Don't have a pally to test it out myself, though.

Well that's good news.

Hey, what made you switch guilds if I might ask? I hated your former guild...although I must say your current guild is probably #2 on my list for all the hassles they gave me while leveling in the past. Now they seem like pushovers. (That's just a generalization of course...but I used to be "Oh fuck, it's the damn Stampede again." Now my reaction is more of "Eh, it's red.")

My most hated things in WoW are:

3) The fact that TM has 100 guard spam and SS has 5.

Don't make me turn into a 15 year old l33t gamer and call you a little nooblet.

You realize that the guard spam is in direct correlation with the # of opposing faction AND their levels, right? So when there's 30+ Alliance with a dozen 60s outside TM, that's why they get hit with 25 guards, while the Horde gets 15 players outside SS with only 5 or 6 level 60s, they get hit with 8 or 9 SS guards.

05-24-2005, 12:55 PM
wtf is TM and SS????

Too many acronyms in this game.

05-24-2005, 12:59 PM
TM = Tarren Mill
SS = Southshore

Horde and Allliance towns unfortunately sited in the middle of Gankville USA.


Another hated for me is that fucking Silithid quest in the field of giants

05-24-2005, 01:01 PM
Heh, I am nub.

I have to agree, I hated that Silithid egg quest, those scorpion swarmers were annoying as hell. Especially the first time when you didn't know the little bugs kept appearing.

There were like 50 of them surrounding me the one time, I figured they'd die when the scorpion died. They didn't, I ran.

[Edited on 5-24-2005 by Hulkein]

05-24-2005, 02:50 PM
I hate when people try to trick you into signing thier guild charter by offering before asking.

I hate when others get the chest when I worked for it.

I hate when others agro the quest monster I needed.

Walking back to my body even if its a short walk.

When people PVP the Quest people or someone I am selling my items too! Wait til I am done using it!

05-24-2005, 02:56 PM
What's up with the guild mobbing? I can't stand that! Why are people so f'ing fascinated with starting up guilds and then begging for people to sign up? I don't get it.

05-24-2005, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
What's up with the guild mobbing? I can't stand that! Why are people so f'ing fascinated with starting up guilds and then begging for people to sign up? I don't get it.

You need 10 people registered for your guild to make it exist.

What I've done in the past (with my alts) is charge people for my signature.

Usually either shuts them up or makes me money.

05-24-2005, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Toxicvixen
Walking back to my body even if its a short walk.

Also, when someone begs you to a duel when you're in the middle of a quest and then stalk you around your remaining time in game after your attempts to ignore them have been futile. Even though it only happened once...:D

05-24-2005, 03:11 PM
And when people who are like 20 levels or more above you try to duel you. Yeah gee. I'm 5 your 36. I SO have a chance!

05-24-2005, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

I don't buy what Dar is peddling.

You will buy it and you will like it! I usually cast a lot of purge and lvl1 earthshock if I see him try to heal. If things go right, he has to shield anytime he successfully heals.

Warriors are even easier, but I have a hell of a time against a rogue.

05-24-2005, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
You need 10 people registered for your guild to make it exist.

I know this. I figured someone who wants to start a guild would know this too. If he doesn't even know 10 people to sign up and has to beg for signatures, he doesn't need a guild to begin with.

I only help if they pay me too. :D

05-24-2005, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Toxicvixen
And when people who are like 20 levels or more above you try to duel you. Yeah gee. I'm 5 your 36. I SO have a chance! So true. The guy who stalked me around after I refused a duel was seriously like 15 levels above me so it was annoying that he was trying to in the first place. Then I couldn't kill him even if I wanted to. Sucked.

05-24-2005, 03:23 PM
I hate that frickin' PvP idiocy lags the game. And that people actually think they really stand a chance at getting the nice items. Hope they have their lives to donate to constant upkeep of rank.

05-24-2005, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by DeV
So true. The guy who stalked me around after I refused a duel was seriously like 15 levels above me so it was annoying that he was trying to in the first place. Then I couldn't kill him even if I wanted to. Sucked.

I had someone do something similar to me once. Once I started to challenge the size of his manhood he backed off. :lol:

[Edited on 5-24-2005 by Toxicvixen]

05-24-2005, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by crazymage

Once I get cheapshot and kidney punch.. Paladin's won't be such a problem.


Yes they will.

05-24-2005, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
FYI, paladins can no long hearth while shielded, according to the paladins in my guild. Don't have a pally to test it out myself, though.

My most hated things in WoW are:

1) Frost shock (or just shamans in general).
2) The whole root and spam moonfire shit that druids pull.
3) The fact that TM has 100 guard spam and SS has 5.
4) Stealth being dispelled by a strong fart.

Most of this is null and void because my mage is about to hit 50, and mages pwn.

1) They nerfed that. It is still our biggest damage spell with no prep and will still slow you down a bit.. but nothing like it used to. I USED to be able to catch people on mounts.. 2 or 3 frosts and even slow ass Bayne could catch up and deal out the pain. Now, it goes from 6 seconds of slow.. to 3 seconds of slow, to 1.5 seconds of slow.. so unless I get lucky and crit them both on the frosts and tag them with a lightning.. I have to waste one of my glues on them. Wasting glue makes me sad.

And I am so sure that I had something to do with you hating shaman :)

2) Agreed. That sucks ass.

3) I'll let Alorg explain that to you and I won't rub it in. Idiot.

4) Yea.. I hate humans for their extra perception. Fucking bug eyes.

05-24-2005, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by Keller

Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by crazymage

Once I get cheapshot and kidney punch.. Paladin's won't be such a problem.


Yes they will.

Yea.. I hear they can put their spell shield up during a kidney stun.. which sucks major league ass.

05-24-2005, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Keller

Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by crazymage

Once I get cheapshot and kidney punch.. Paladin's won't be such a problem.


Yes they will.

Yea.. I hear they can put their spell shield up during a kidney stun.. which sucks major league ass.

I don't fight pallys. Period.

They are priests with better weapons and much better armor.

05-24-2005, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
Yea.. I hear they can put their spell shield up during a kidney stun.. which sucks major league ass.

I think they can have it auto cast with certain mods when their health reaches a certain level...I've had afk paladins cast the damn thing.

Also, they have a cleanse ability that will remove one negative effect. Such as, I'll blind them, and instead of them running in circles for 10 seconds, they're instantly out of it after a second.

05-24-2005, 04:21 PM
Cleanse is nice, assuming you're not stunned and can use it. Divine shield I believe will bubble you up even through a stun, but cooldown doesn't make it easy to abuse.

05-24-2005, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Odups
Cleanse is nice, assuming you're not stunned and can use it. Divine shield I believe will bubble you up even through a stun, but cooldown doesn't make it easy to abuse.

I never realized how much I used/needed Cleanse until I started playing a rogue.

Now I go into STV and get Jungle Remedy's and carry a bunch with me.

As for hated things on the Paladin Side:

F'N BORING! (example:)

Ooh, there's someone.... no ranged attack so I guess I'll

Right Click!

hmm... not much I can do now but wait...

I guess I can refresh a seal.

Maybe heal myself once or twice.

They're dead... lets see, who to right-click on next.

05-24-2005, 08:53 PM
Yeah, watch out for paladins. They'll click on you and then sneakily run right up to you to attack. And then try to chase you down if you run.

05-24-2005, 09:29 PM
I don't believe (but I could be wrong) that the amount of guards generated by either SS/TM directly corrolates with the number and level of the invading force.

I've been in the middle of TM with 2 other people and spammed 20 guards, and I've been in the middle of SS with a raid full of 60's horde and only 4 guards getting hammered.

The reason for the guard spam, as was pointed out to me by my old GL, is the orientation of our towns. If you come into TM from the wind rider side, the guards don't multiply so fast. Likewise, if you come into SS from the gryphon side, the guards don't spam. If you reach the docks, however, a good amount of guards will spam.

05-24-2005, 10:14 PM
i saw rone get smoked like 5 times in tm over weekend, thanks for the hks !

05-25-2005, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by Blazing247
I don't believe (but I could be wrong) that the amount of guards generated by either SS/TM directly corrolates with the number and level of the invading force.

I swore I saw a GM post about this somewhere on the general forums under some general complaints and FAQs a month or two ago. They also said "number of players and their levels in the area", and didn't get specific as to "In the area" meant in TM, near TM, or in Hillsbrad in general.

05-25-2005, 09:30 AM
I'm a warlock and often get people sending me tells randomly asking for a summons. Normally I have no problem with this. If I'm in town and not in a rush to be somewhere, I'll always help a person out. And I don't believe in charging since a soul shard doesn't really cost me anything.

What I hate:

I'm working with a person trying to complete a quest and get a tell from some random person asking for a summons. I inform them that I am currently in the middle of something and would have no problem letting them know when I get back to town. They persist and say shit like "Please, I have to go to bed soon and I need a summons RIGHT AWAY!" I think when people ask me for a summons, ask me to go out of my way for them, they should be respectful when I say "Busy, I'll let you know when I'm free."

05-25-2005, 12:13 PM
<i saw rone get smoked like 5 times in tm over weekend, thanks for the hks ! >

I had 8k cont points, and achieved rank 7, Knight-Lt, in about 2-3 total hours of PvP (that's about all I play Rone per week now). So no, my friend, thank YOU and the rest of the horde for the easy HK's. :) Doesn't matter how many times you die, only matters how many people you take with you.

05-25-2005, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
<i saw rone get smoked like 5 times in tm over weekend, thanks for the hks ! >

I had 8k cont points, and achieved rank 7, Knight-Lt, in about 2-3 total hours of PvP (that's about all I play Rone per week now). So no, my friend, thank YOU and the rest of the horde for the easy HK's. :) Doesn't matter how many times you die, only matters how many people you take with you.

I'm also rank 7 (7K points last week) and I'm absolutely dumbfounded as to how you do anything in TM.

I always think (Hrm, TM sounds like a good idea, I could go for some killing).

10 minutes into it, after 4 lag deaths and one or two kills, I'm cursing myself for traveling all the way there.

I have a very good computer, video card, and cable hookup...so I don't know what it is.

Although, is it just me or does the game slow down more when it's loading opposing faction players that are coming into view moreso than when it's friendly players on your side?

It sure as hell does for me, wonder if that actually provides an advantage for the Alliance (IE, much less lag since you're loading half the sprites that the Horde are due to the number of players on each side in TM)

05-25-2005, 03:46 PM
PvP in TM is very difficult as a rogue, especially on the Alliance side. There are about 20 ways to successfully get yourself killed, and there is one single way to successfully get kills.

100% Wool
05-25-2005, 04:23 PM

Whaaaaaaaat? How is pvping as a rogue in hillsbrad hard? Are you kidding me? They have it the easiest second to only mages.

On my server, Bleeding Hollow the ratio of Alliance to Horde is 2:1. Now I'm horde, anytime my guild heads to TM we have a strategy that ALWAYS seems to work.

I'm not sure how it is in your server, but in Hillsbrad the fight goes back and forth from TM to SS

When the opposing side is flanking, all our rogues are stealthed. Let's say there are about 10 of them stealthed at a certain point. When the alliance start flanking us ( THERE IS always a group of trigger happy fuckers that run in first ) 1/3rd of those rogues unstealth and start tearing ass on that first group, now the alliance sees this and starts sending in more people thats when the rest of the guild comes in as the alliance reach that point again the rest of the rogues unstealth and its an all out war which we always win and start flanking them at southshore.

Rogues have it ALMOST the best as far as getting CP's in Hillsbrad.

05-25-2005, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by 100% Wool

Whaaaaaaaat? How is pvping as a rogue in hillsbrad hard? Are you kidding me? They have it the easiest second to only mages.

Rogues have it ALMOST the best as far as getting CP's in Hillsbrad.

Here's what I do.

I stealth, find a target all alone. Cheapshot. Screen freezes up. I see a couple DoT's pop up on my screen. Screen is still frozen. Game crashes.

Reload WoW. I'm dead.


05-25-2005, 05:21 PM
i dont really lag once everyones loaded, you need more bandwidth from your connection.

05-25-2005, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
I hate how there is no dynamic weather. It's always sunny.

- Arkans

No, there is a night time in certain places.

Originally posted by crazymage

Needs repeated many times.

I see many of the same hates.

Idiots in your instance group.
~Fuckers that don't roll for chests.
~Fuckers that loot the big chest guarded by a boss ... then hearth.
~Fuckers that bail in an instance once they finish the one part they needed.
~The fact that "Honor" in HK is nothing but a title that lacks any real substance. Ganking 20 levels below you should be a dishonorable kill, unless you are attacked first.
~Chest gankers.
~Channel spammers.
~Constant invites from people you don't know without explanation for what.
~Machine gun dual challenges that last until you hearth or take wing.

And many many more that will come to mind while I'm playing.

05-25-2005, 10:22 PM
Why a rogue has it hard at TM.

1) Vanish bug. You vanish, and either it a) doesn't work, or b) works, but 2 minutes later a guard comes running up to you, hits you, unstealths you, and runs away (has been confirmed by multiple people as a legimate bug).

2) Stuck in combat bug. This means I can't stealth, which means I can't PvP.

3) Flare happy hunters. Horde hunter shoot off flares like it's the 4th of July every day.

I do it, and am very successful at it, but it isn't easy. Rogues in the open drop quicker than any other class. Druids, who also wear leather, can heal, shapeshift out of snares, and run away fast. Cloth wearing classes have multiple means of escape- blink, mana/power shield, ice block, fear, etc. Rogues have zip, zero, zilch, and even less if you look at the fact that sprints never work due to frost shock (you wouldn't know this if you weren't alliance) and vanish is fuckin BROKEN.

05-25-2005, 10:23 PM
BTW, I guess I should amend this to say as an "alliance rogue", as you would have no idea of the problems I'm talking about- no guard spam, no frost shock, etc.

05-25-2005, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by Blazing247
3) Flare happy hunters. Horde hunter shoot off flares like it's the 4th of July every day.

Guess you don't see the fire works going off from Alliance hunters. Just as bad.

Me, I rely on mark and detect stealthed.

05-25-2005, 10:38 PM
Night != weather....

- Arkans

05-26-2005, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
Night != weather....

- Arkans

You said ...

Originally posted by Arkans
I hate how there is no dynamic weather. It's always sunny.

- Arkans

It is not always sunny depending on where you are during the night.

100% Wool
05-31-2005, 09:10 AM
I hate Tuesdays.

05-31-2005, 09:13 AM
Good news: At least the Test Server is open on Tuesdays.

Bad news: I forgot to change the settings on my router at home to be able to VPN into it to log into said Test Server.

Dillemma: Do I go home at lunch to change the router so I can come back to work and play the rest of the day?

05-31-2005, 09:41 AM
I will agree that being a rogue in any sort of raid is useless. They just aren't built for it. However its only rogues who can sneak into cities and kill random NPC's or people and its only rogues who can waylay a road and pwnify anyone who happens along.

05-31-2005, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
However its only rogues who can sneak into cities and kill random NPC's or people and its only rogues who can waylay a road and pwnify anyone who happens along.

Yeah, the one major attack I heard of that went well - there were basically 3-4 capped rogues at each Horde gryphon master that snuck in and took them out.

05-31-2005, 09:51 AM
Had a blast as a 30 rogue last night in Splinter. It was good because the sides were more even then typical.. and there were tons of level 25-40.. which are downable for a rogue.

Got about 15-20 solo kills in.. plus about 20 more zerg kills.

It was nice that we actually had enough Barren Fury members that we had to set up our own raid party.

05-31-2005, 11:55 AM
I hate hunters (be it alliance or horde) that give the rest of us a bad name.

A few days ago I was chased down by a capped hunter (9 levels difference) and managed to pull a mob of the 49-54 bears in the process. I pulled a feign in hopes that the hunter would not think trying to take me out with an ass load of bears on his ass would be worth it.

He bought the feign like a dumb ass and started rubbing it in ... laughing, farting ...etc ... while the mob of bears turned on him.

I watched his health drop to half, popped up and dropped him with an aimed/rapid fire combo and managed to mount and take off as I pulled the bears again.

Now, this VERY same hunter decided to get revenge last night in Jadefire run ... and I did the exact fucking same to him, with the exception of him not chasing me and me not pulling agro. He knicked off my health rather fast, but I downed a healing potion and a few shots later we were both at about a quarter health (Keep in mind that he had his pet out and my pet fell to a mob of satyrs). So I pulled a feign again knowing I would be dead in another couple of shots with his pet chewing on my ass ... AND HE FUCKING BOUGHT IT AGAIN! I dropped him a second time with a single crit ... aimed style.

I know I've done my share of stupid shit as a hunter and player in general, but shit ... stop giving hunters a bad name already.

05-31-2005, 12:16 PM
It's amazing how other classes by the feint.. hell, I've bought it a couple of times.. but for crying out loud, you KNOW THE FUCKING TRICK IF YOU ARE A CAPPED HUNTER.


I'm also hating vanish bugs alot lately. I don't notice them so much with mobs.. but the amount of times it goes buggy in PvP is annoying as hell. I think out of 20 vanishes last night.. 5 might have actually worked. And I'm not talking about the times where I have a dot on me.. I understand that isn't designed to work. I'm talking about the times it simply doesn't work as designed.

05-31-2005, 12:24 PM
Now that you have mentioned it, I've noticed a few rogues sticking around longer than they should have without a mark on them.

Conversely I think there is a bug/hack that is allowing rogues to dump the mark. Considering the amount of times I've marked one rogue (Polkeye or some shit like that) only to have him vanish on me .... and pop up unmarked seconds later ... I'm leaning toward hack or bug exploitation.

I say hack or bug exploitation because there are only a few rogues out of many that I've seen do this with my mark on them. At first I thought it may be something with the last patch making a level vs level check, but I had two sub-40 rogues dump rank 4 marks ... so it's not some sort of check.

05-31-2005, 12:30 PM
Feign is a lot of fun, I just got it the other day and am loving it.

I've used it mainly when I see a few horde coming down the road, I'll feign before they really see me, they walk by the body, I pop up and take out a straggler.

I've only used it once in a one on one battle and the druid must've been fooled before, because he spammed my body with moon fire.

[Edited on 5-31-2005 by Hulkein]

05-31-2005, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Considering the amount of times I've marked one rogue (Polkeye or some shit like that) only to have him vanish on me .... and pop up unmarked seconds later ... I'm leaning toward hack or bug exploitation.

I say hack or bug exploitation because there are only a few rogues out of many that I've seen do this with my mark on them. At first I thought it may be something with the last patch making a level vs level check, but I had two sub-40 rogues dump rank 4 marks ... so it's not some sort of check.

Or he may have had a restorative elixir which removes all magic (including hunters mark) from the person using.

05-31-2005, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Considering the amount of times I've marked one rogue (Polkeye or some shit like that) only to have him vanish on me .... and pop up unmarked seconds later ... I'm leaning toward hack or bug exploitation.

I say hack or bug exploitation because there are only a few rogues out of many that I've seen do this with my mark on them. At first I thought it may be something with the last patch making a level vs level check, but I had two sub-40 rogues dump rank 4 marks ... so it's not some sort of check.

Or he may have had a restorative elixir which removes all magic (including hunters mark) from the person using.



05-31-2005, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
I know I've done my share of stupid shit as a hunter and player in general, but shit ... stop giving hunters a bad name already.

So who is this brilliant hunter?

05-31-2005, 12:51 PM
I would agree with restoration ... If I knew the cooldown. In the case of Pokeye (or whatever it is) I have dropped 3 marks on him over the corse of 5 seconds. If the cooldown is under 2 seconds, I'll buy it.

05-31-2005, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler
So who is this brilliant hunter?

You would ask ... Farsomething or rather ... It was more the stupid shit pimp hat and green hair that made me recognize him the second time.

05-31-2005, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Nieninque

Or he may have had a restorative elixir which removes all magic (including hunters mark) from the person using.



There's also a spell that removes it...I believe shaman and/or priests may have it?

Also...Stabbed gets squat. You are a little lowly N00B and should not concern yourself with PvP. Why waste an elixir on you to get rid of a Mark, when you can just be one-shotted and die and get the Mark removed just as easily?

05-31-2005, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler
Also...Stabbed gets squat. You are a little lowly N00B and should not concern yourself with PvP. Why waste an elixir on you to get rid of a Mark, when you can just be one-shotted and die and get the Mark removed just as easily?

That's some funny shit. :lol2:

Also, for the fifth time, I'm so loving the megashot rifle. Although it's only 24dps, the thing is fast ... 1.3 or so. With a scope, using a mark, eagle, the faster quiver and mithril gyro (thanks Silth) ... I'm easily getting 64 - 70 dps out of it, with either like leveled bow the dps with buffs is only around 50-54. Even better is that I still haven't maxed out rifles.

The thing is lucky to boot. I did a triple crit with multi-shot the other night. Dropped a mage and a rogue in TM ... scared the fuck out of the pally ... he ran with immunity up.

05-31-2005, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
Also, for the fifth time, I'm so loving the megashot rifle.

Is that what you got from Maraudon the other night? Atleast something good came of that run...I figured Toj would walk out with some l33t gear but instead we barely found a usable drop for any of you.

05-31-2005, 01:42 PM
Gorloch was doing the feign death thing last night it was getting too funny to see him cast it with hardly any health and then up he pops just a few minutes later.

I obviously need to use that more. Heh

And that little rogue was driving me nuts last night. He would wait till i was fighting someone way above my level jump in and finish me off. I almost had him once caught him stealted and sneaking up maybe on stabbed I forget who had him almost dead and that stupid tiger with the even more stupid name cosmickittie, one swipe and I died.


05-31-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Littlefang
Gorloch was doing the feign death thing last night it was getting too funny to see him cast it with hardly any health and then up he pops just a few minutes later.

Heh, Grolock! :)

You're not alone, everyone spells it wrong.

I was probably actually overusing it a little bit, but it was a lot of fun.

05-31-2005, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler
Is that what you got from Maraudon the other night? Atleast something good came of that run...I figured Toj would walk out with some l33t gear but instead we barely found a usable drop for any of you.

Ya, I felt crappy being the only one coming out of there with anything worth while, and honestly I nearly sold it because I had just bought a bow, earned another similar bow as a reward for that quest ... and wasn't too keen on learning another weapon form.

But it rocks. I'm alternating back and forth between bow and gun. Arrows are cheep, locker space is limited ... so I just switch when I empty the quiver/ammo pouch.

Originally posted by Hulkein
I was probably actually overusing it a little bit, but it was a lot of fun.

Ya, I wish the timer on it was a bit faster.

Also never use it to go AFK, even in town. If you're not back in time to pop up when the timer expires ... you pwn yourself ... and no HK for it either.

Edited to add ...

Which I hate (to keep it on topic).

[Edited on 5-31-2005 by Tsa`ah]

[Edited on 5-31-2005 by Tsa`ah]

05-31-2005, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Littlefang
Gorloch was doing the feign death thing last night it was getting too funny to see him cast it with hardly any health and then up he pops just a few minutes later.

I obviously need to use that more. Heh

And that little rogue was driving me nuts last night. He would wait till i was fighting someone way above my level jump in and finish me off. I almost had him once caught him stealted and sneaking up maybe on stabbed I forget who had him almost dead and that stupid tiger with the even more stupid name cosmickittie, one swipe and I died.


What was his name.. Creeper?

Man, did Grolock and I completely pwnify his fucking ass.

Grolock just raised and started running away. I told him to come back and sit down.. that I needed some bait. I told him to just sit and eat and to put stealth tracking up. I told him that Creeper wouldn't be able to resist a free HK like that.

Sure enough, Grolock said "He's right behind me".. he pops up, hits Grolock with a cheapshot and I nail him with a cheapshot. I kept him stunned as much as I could and Grolock did the rest... threw up a mark on him and then just pummeled him from afar with fire.

It was classic.

05-31-2005, 03:56 PM
I must say I didn't think the trap would work that fast or well, but it was textbook.

You called it, he got pwnd for it.

We killed another guy who walked in towards the end, didn't we? Or at least roughed him up and made him take off.

05-31-2005, 07:06 PM
Stupid rogues camping the boats 24/7. :P