View Full Version : Oh hello

01-14-2021, 12:37 PM
:D :D

I am really bored.
I will probably disappear again really soon.

BUT HELLO! I hope you all have been well (except pk hahahahahhahaha).

01-14-2021, 12:43 PM
pk was driven off and we are now 99% political shitposting.

Welcome back!

01-14-2021, 12:45 PM
Welcome back. I mean, wait, why the fuck weren't the gates locked?!

01-14-2021, 12:54 PM
pk was driven off and we are now 99% political shitposting.

Welcome back!

Yikes (to the second part). I could stay on FB for that...

01-14-2021, 01:20 PM
o/ Welcome back.

01-14-2021, 01:25 PM
:D :D

I am really bored.
I will probably disappear again really soon.

BUT HELLO! I hope you all have been well (except pk hahahahahhahaha).


Stanley Burrell
01-14-2021, 01:26 PM
Hey! :hug2:

01-14-2021, 02:07 PM
:D :D

I am really bored.
I will probably disappear again really soon.

BUT HELLO! I hope you all have been well (except pk hahahahahhahaha).



01-14-2021, 02:25 PM
I'm slightly embarrassed that I'm having trouble placing some of your handles, lol.

I could never forget you tho, Ben. :D

01-14-2021, 04:09 PM

01-14-2021, 08:52 PM
ohai fren

01-15-2021, 01:06 AM
Welcome back.

01-15-2021, 03:12 AM
Holy shit. Welcome back.

It would be funny if pk showed up again. I almost forgot about him.

01-15-2021, 06:12 AM
At the risk of getting yelled at... hi?

01-15-2021, 09:43 AM

01-15-2021, 10:25 AM

01-16-2021, 03:18 PM
Holy shit. Welcome back.

It would be funny if pk showed up again. I almost forgot about him.

Dude, I forgot about him for the longest time. Now I just can't stop laughing.

At the risk of getting yelled at... hi?

Hi Backlash! It's been a long time dude, I have no reason to yell at anyone. lol

01-16-2021, 03:23 PM
Heyo, welcome back!

01-16-2021, 11:39 PM
Welcome back!

01-17-2021, 09:58 AM
It's wild how different this place is now. I remember nothing but boobs, cocks, and drama. lol

01-17-2021, 10:24 AM
It's wild how different this place is now. I remember nothing but boobs, cocks, and drama. lol

Still pretty much the same it's just focused in the politics folder now.

01-17-2021, 10:33 AM
Still pretty much the same it's just focused in the politics folder now.

Politics folder was always just a bag of dicks!

01-17-2021, 10:44 AM
It's wild how different this place is now. I remember nothing but boobs, cocks, and drama. lol

Most of the cool people left, only the chuds remain.

01-17-2021, 10:48 AM
Most of the cool people left, only the chuds remain.

Aw, man. I get it tho, obviously. Haha.

01-17-2021, 11:01 AM
Aw, man. I get it tho, obviously. Haha.


If you didn't already know this, people figured out how to see who sent you rep. I think you left shortly before this happened.

Many lols were had

01-17-2021, 01:43 PM

01-17-2021, 05:18 PM

If you didn't already know this, people figured out how to see who sent you rep. I think you left shortly before this happened.

Many lols were had

Oooh shit. Yeah, that was after I left. I imagine it was quite scandalous.

01-17-2021, 05:55 PM
Oooh shit. Yeah, that was after I left. I imagine it was quite scandalous.

We mostly just figured out that Wrathbringer is an asshole with a poop fetish and Parkbandit is a jerk. Nothing we didn’t already know, tbh.

01-17-2021, 06:04 PM
We mostly just figured out that Wrathbringer is an asshole with a poop fetish and Parkbandit is a jerk. Nothing we didn’t already know, tbh.

I just spent a few mins looking at a few choice ones.

Yes, Wrathbringer was all about the shart reps, and PB was mostly just calling me fat. lololol

I had a bunch from Allereli insulting my looks and calling me names, and Xaerve (I don't remember this person at all) with the really weird impersonator ones.

Comedy gold. Thanks for this.

01-17-2021, 06:17 PM
Did anyone ever find out ClydeR's true identity?

01-17-2021, 06:24 PM
we were supposed to figure that out?

01-17-2021, 06:55 PM
Did anyone ever find out ClydeR's true identity?

Someone who became a mod claimed it was someone but I can’t think of who they said it was at the moment.

01-17-2021, 06:58 PM
Someone who became a mod claimed it was someone but I can’t think of who they said it was at the moment.

So not Fallen then?

01-17-2021, 07:03 PM
So not Fallen then?

I was thinking Fallen when I wrote the reply but I’m not sure I’m remembering right. The mod told Tisket who it was.

01-17-2021, 07:18 PM
I was thinking Fallen when I wrote the reply but I’m not sure I’m remembering right. The mod told Tisket who it was.

Ah right, cool, hopefully she remembers for sure. I was hoping someone had finally solved the mystery!

01-17-2021, 07:37 PM
Ah right, cool, hopefully she remembers for sure. I was hoping someone had finally solved the mystery!

I think the mod ended up being Inspire though. Then he took advantage of his mod status to delete posts that were critical of him and he was removed as mod. It was a whole thing.

Then Whirlin became mod and created a new forum and he was removed as mod (or he quit, I don’t remember) and we have been without a mod since.

01-17-2021, 08:03 PM
It was Whirlin who said it was someone we wouldn't expect, or something. Inspire claimed to know too. I don't believe either one of them actually knew though.

01-17-2021, 08:09 PM
I guess we'll never truly know. That's all pretty fucking funny, though.

01-17-2021, 08:55 PM
lol, I see Methais was busy neg repping me up a storm after I blocked him on Facebook last year. I haven't even been here in like 7 years dude.


01-17-2021, 09:21 PM
lol, I see Methais was busy neg repping me up a storm after I blocked him on Facebook last year. I haven't even been here in like 7 years dude.


Team Trump has a strong/racist presence here and now that you've publicly called out one of their order the real red repping will begin. Rip in pieces your rep

01-17-2021, 09:40 PM
Team Trump has a strong/racist presence here and now that you've publicly called out one of their order the real red repping will begin. Rip in pieces your rep

Yah, 2020 was the year of the great purge for me. Anything remotely pro-Trump or anti-mask and I yeeted them from my existence. It's done wonders for my mental health throughout this batshit year.

01-17-2021, 09:41 PM
That's also why I always stayed out of the politics folder here, lol.

01-18-2021, 08:05 AM
and PB was mostly just calling me fat. lololol

You sure about that? One thing they forgot to tell you is that you can see what rep you gave other people as well.

Glad you're back though.

01-18-2021, 08:08 AM
That's also why I always stayed out of the politics folder here, lol.


01-18-2021, 08:10 AM
I think the mod ended up being Inspire though. Then he took advantage of his mod status to delete posts that were critical of him and he was removed as mod. It was a whole thing.

Then Whirlin became mod and created a new forum and he was removed as mod (or he quit, I don’t remember) and we have been without a mod since.

In Whirlin's defense.. he was a figurehead on the new forums, so he had to be there.

01-18-2021, 08:43 AM
You sure about that? One thing they forgot to tell you is that you can see what rep you gave other people as well.

Glad you're back though.

Yeah I'm sure!! I only checked a couple handfuls of the really mean reds though. I have so much rep and there was no way I was going to look all of them up, lol. I didn't check any green rep, so I wasn't talking about any of those you might have given me. Of the red reps that I looked at, that was the breakdown. I also had one from Whirlin calling me a cocktease (I probably was acting like one, who knows, I definitely said and did a lot of silly and stupid shit on this forum lol).

And yah, even 10 years ago the politics folder was the one I tried to stay out of because it was always soooooo vile. And I have very differing opinions on politics than many/most of you haha.

eta: Oh and yah I knew you could see the rep you gave others - I knew that when I was still posting regularly. It's always been at the bottom of the settings page with your rep power.

01-18-2021, 09:05 AM
Yeah I'm sure!! I only checked a couple handfuls of the really mean reds though. I have so much rep and there was no way I was going to look all of them up, lol. I didn't check any green rep, so I wasn't talking about any of those you might have given me. Of the red reps that I looked at, that was the breakdown. I also had one from Whirlin calling me a cocktease (I probably was acting like one, who knows, I definitely said and did a lot of silly and stupid shit on this forum lol).

And yah, even 10 years ago the politics folder was the one I tried to stay out of because it was always soooooo vile. And I have very differing opinions on politics than many/most of you haha.

eta: Oh and yah I knew you could see the rep you gave others - I knew that when I was still posting regularly. It's always been at the bottom of the settings page with your rep power.

I just wanted to correct the record that I wasn't "mostly just calling you fat".

I questioned your intelligence far more often.

My favorite comment to you was this though: "Pay Buckwheet the million years you owe him. And you better do it before pk steals everything from you. he's a piece of shit."

01-18-2021, 09:10 AM
It's true, pk was a piece of shit.

01-18-2021, 09:14 AM
It's true, pk was a piece of shit.


01-18-2021, 09:14 AM
Also, my reputation points with you was net positive.

You're welcome.

01-18-2021, 09:16 AM

Being too trusting and too kind is something that still bit me in the ass long after I left these forums, lol. But yah. I guess you did. We all make mistakes right?!

01-18-2021, 09:18 AM
Being too trusting and too kind is something that still bit me in the ass long after I left these forums, lol. But yah. I guess you did. We all make mistakes right?!


01-18-2021, 09:19 AM
Bahaha, you have not changed one bit! Lots of people may have gone, but your consistency is satisfying that sense of nostalgia that was really nagging at me. lol

01-18-2021, 09:36 AM
Bahaha, you have not changed one bit! Lots of people may have gone, but your consistency is satisfying that sense of nostalgia that was really nagging at me. lol


01-18-2021, 09:52 AM
Aw ok I did go back and look at a few greens, mostly since I left, and you left me several saying you missed me PB. That's sweet. <3

01-18-2021, 09:58 AM
Aw ok I did go back and look at a few greens, mostly since I left, and you left me several saying you missed me PB. That's sweet. <3

http://forum.gsplayers.com/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUTExMWFhUXGRkaGBgYGBoZFxoZFx0YGhgaGh odHyggGBslHRcXITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GBAQGi0dHR0tKy0tLS0rLS0tLS0rLSstLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS srKzctLSstLSstKy0tNysrNysrK//AABEIALsBDgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAEBQMGAQIHAAj/xABUEAABAwIEAgcEBgUIBQkJAAABAgMRAAQFEiExBkEHEyJRYX GBMpGhsRQjQsHR8BU1crLhM1Jic3SCkrMlNFOiwwgWFyRDRMLS 8TZVY2V1hJO04v/EABgBAAMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABAgME/8QAIREBAQEBAAIDAQADAQAAAAAAAAERAhIhMUFRAwQTYTL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/ALg9xLchZAcEBx4ewnZGbKNuUCh2eKrr6OhZcBUUSTkTqZI7qX 338pp/tn/ilz8KEtY itk7dWqfIKP4Vn1fVZ7dMnuLboHR8AH g2YO/dr3UQOJrsRmd3TI7CO8a7cqraLcSftA84B7xIpm2kIcSEgElJ1 I8iT4/wATXJz31 seurvyc/8AOW4ySXIPfkRpvyy VBL4tuwpP1oyk7hCDpOpiOVAONEpMHt7jTQHuM8vKp7VqOwMpI 7WYJhKtdxy00rXr 2T0Xnf0dc8SXohQWAkyfYRCUj d2dJkaz31qjiy6zR1iCNyQEmE8pCUmZM8 VDQ4VEZYTpkgAJPiIOpFaPsZXEtpQAjLEgCNhvG5E86xn9 r9n/sqG 40vQlRS6EkAwC2jWPSJnkKY2fFd2U5lLBnYhCACFeyR46xHhJi 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6sU36LpHabWtLWQycuYZc07nLv40Pw5wVd31j9OTdNtphw9WUE n6okHWeeWlOaWF2cxz37oqYHeCY86I4H4HvcUaL/XJtmZypUU51LI0UQmRoDpM7z3Uw4m6L76yZVcN3IuktgqcRk6t QQJKlJ7RzQBMedF5F5LWyU6gnu99H4ehKX2diM6R5a7VVrjEh1 HWCTpI8 6rvhPRTfutNPi/Q2VpQ4E9WTlJAI1nUiajw0 bgjGpU/JH2hv3QY 6qxH2RMDl5z NGX4v04kjCVvNl0qTluMmhC283seGqfSno6IsQG2INf/AIjROKappVGYeJ 6p3RlBVGpGUQO huK8HvsPdQy8hL3XGGXG9lqkDKRyVqNPGrbZ9Ed 6hK3r9LKzqW0tZwnwzZhJH5mn4UKei33g90 Cuf3VLZuEK0MEHbmDz17q9j3Dl9Z3bFm4pChcuIQ1cAHKcyggl SeShmBI8t6tP/AEOX4VmGINT/AFZo8KRTaqy6mYA1iTpCidvzrU9rdsK1BIP7Kp VKuLmrzCVBu5yupcSosuo0CimAoKG6SJHvq1W/RjibiEr/SKEZkg5eqOkgGPSnzzYLASlpJ9oADvpK oqXmU4lTU9kJMEnuOuo3rX6Fe/pP8ARBfQHCT9flMEdUXZy IEVZB0PX4M/T2T3yzVeJYW3TQWkpRlSNBOsjv HOk16 nOEuFMH2cs6DxNZusDvWsQaw13q0OvQEPCVtlJzdsJPPslMcoq TjzhO5wtpt164bfQ4soyhvLBykz47U4XjUIShCTBWUkgExm3PI nXl8aftWjAJ rdBOpO8n0JofhPo1vLu1bumr1DSXhmDfVlWWCR3 FI PeF3sJLHXPJf64ORlSUZeryTOus9Z8KJ6pXmr50JoIxHGARB61 PxcfIqDiLi97D8dvFNWxuA4wzmQF5IyJBCycqpiVCPGmPRP8Ar TGP22vm5STi f07ewY/6qn9xNNe 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jIt1WtsSC4pZlxcahMaAJnX0HrNwzx7dWDCbW4tDdMtgpbcbMK yckrSZBgSPKKSocOmp3rW4eUNATz50Wq024w44vMRYNsxbfRWV jtqcMrUP5gAHZSdPzvtZ8e3TNimw/R5VlY6nrA6IPZKM0R6xSVDhgan31MkSQDtrS8gZYP0g3LFk3ZO 4eXUpa6oqDgAUiCkaZdOzArFh0g3SLBFj jycrAZzlwDZGTNEesTSVvXcn3mpEp335czR5GMsOLbpvDDhf0G ZZcZ63rBH1mbtRHLNt4UfhXH96zZJslWPWFLXVdb1uhEFIJBHI R7qUrcI1B5VMhwqAJMmKXlQm4F4uvMKZFu7b/AEliSUFswtBVqpOohSZ19T6OU9LN0VLCcMIaIAbGcJKd5KtOcj TlFV0rPfzA dZzmdzT8k6XYPbuWSrJ9LfXLtytRbCokrBG8ciac8T8aXl8u1U LEtC2fS9BXOcp yNNNCdfGh3jB0rVLh76W04YYz0qPPOW bDilbDwcA63chK0lPs8ws04T0u3Z1GFKMf/ABP/AOaoD/8ALq/bT 7Vywj2FfnvpedFpVxZiGI4opp4oTaJtznZSDmX1kiFE ECNNPGrDZdLjyUpTc4ctbqY7TRGQmIzAEEpnX3164H1Z9KgcSA BAHupedGq/xDj9/f3VvdlgIatHUuNsZjKilSVHMYjMcoG2mvqy4h6QLu6 j/AOjlI6h9D rg7XVz2duc70a04e86HT41BcDVX576L3YHr/pJunnbd79GqAtlrcjrBrmacaP2dIDk lAcQ8Z3l3c2Vz9BLYtHFLyFzVwryADbT2T/AIqZ4UmQoHYpXPuFQPnSeY19RtRz3aNexXpKuXXbZ44YoG2Wtz UmUqaW2Rtt9alU67Dvo4dM9x/7sO5H8pzAzEezyGp8qQuPKyqE6FA2AG6EzEbDQaDuFVLEb1YzJ CtFFWYQIOYFKjtuU6Tvqe81emtOLcYX91e2t4qzhFqqUspVJJX 2SVKjeYG2kGrMOmC6O2FriJnrNIgGfZ7iD5VzXD75zOO1zzbD2 gc8jTQ5iTTxm4VATPZIAjQiICf3UpE FF6wHnD/Sfc21uhn9GqXlzHN1m dalbZf6UeMGkXSLxFcYshlKrX6OGlKOZS82YqgRECPYV7jUq31 Z4nkBsOeu/hJjukxFC9YVFQOswfWVH5rV76U70rX//2Q==https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/SftKJpvpIKD5Vcp0hqmKRPhg7ZxGr0iTY2tK1m-OH1p4PtnUNXwS3hfeYAwR47HmLTjelqIb-ZKAc9UKO8TE_7F6LJuYHBtk-2FnyFMUuMkiPQexB7rF89Ts9WbyRXfDEI1mBN_aVqtZwSdIxfd WZ3pN6xsemHWwX74

01-18-2021, 10:12 AM
lol, I see Methais was busy neg repping me up a storm after I blocked him on Facebook last year. I haven't even been here in like 7 years dude.


I sent you 3 whole negative reps while cycling rep and some random post of yours happened to scroll by in the process. Exaggerate much?

Thread: Merchant Feedback 12-15-2020 01:06 PM

Thread: Which Good TV Shows Have You Seen Recently? 11-09-2020 09:11 PM

Thread: Selling off my whole account 06-10-2020 10:51 AM
You still suck tho

lol @ you getting all butthurt over some mask meme though. That's almost as funny as you getting mad at Gelston because he likes the Johnny Cash version of Hurt.

Anyway, you'll get over it. It's not that serious.

It's true, pk was a piece of shit.

pk hasn't been seen since he crashed on time4fun's couch in exchange for letting her stress test her industrial sized dildo collection on him.

01-18-2021, 10:17 AM
The fact that you were red repping out of spite (7 years after my exit from the forum) because I blocked you on FB, after years of hitting on me via green rep, is giggly enough, sir.

And yes, I did unfriend you because you were posting lots of anti-mask rhetoric. No room for toxicity like that in my life. You did get big mad about it tho. I am sorry.

01-18-2021, 10:40 AM
The fact that you were red repping out of spite (7 years after my exit from the forum) because I blocked you on FB, after years of hitting on me via green rep, is giggly enough, sir.

Your reps were me literally scrolling down an old thread to cycle rep, which I usually send to old accounts that haven't posted in forever.

And yes, I did unfriend you because you were posting lots of anti-mask rhetoric. No room for toxicity like that in my life. You did get big mad about it tho. I am sorry.

Here's what actually happened:

Me: Posts mask meme

You: Waah waah I'm unfriending you now


But you had already had your hissy fit and stormed off by then, so here's me being big mad:


So far we've learned that:

- 3 random reps over a 6 month period while cycling on old posts = Repping up a storm

- Laughing at you being triggered over a meme and telling you to get a life = Big mad

- You're big mad over a mask meme


01-18-2021, 10:45 AM
You were big mad enough about it to send me a message, rather than just let it go if you really didn't care.


01-18-2021, 10:47 AM
You were big mad enough about it to send me a message, rather than just let it go if you really didn't care.


You blocked me on FB when I said "I disagree". I'm not even a Trump supporter.

Be truthful, you blocked everyone on FB that isn't a massive Berniebot.

01-18-2021, 10:48 AM
I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings Matt. However there really is no room in my life for racist, toxic POS like you.

01-18-2021, 10:49 AM
You blocked me on FB when I said "I disagree". I'm not even a Trump supporter.

I am sure I did block you for political reasons, as you were very conservative from what I recall. I don't remember the exacts tho, been far too long.

01-18-2021, 10:49 AM
You were big mad enough about it to send me a message, rather than just let it go if you really didn't care.


Remember how you were big mad enough about it to post an "I'm mad and I'm unfriending you!" comment before unfriending me, rather than just letting it go?


01-18-2021, 10:51 AM
I am sure I did block you for political reasons, as you were very conservative from what I recall. I don't remember the exacts tho, been far too long.

I never post any political shit on FB. It is a comedy and memes for me.

01-18-2021, 10:52 AM
Remember how you were big mad enough about it to post an "I'm mad and I'm unfriending you!" comment before unfriending me, rather than just letting it go?


I remember saying that what you were posting was gross, and bye Felicia. Yes. If I were big mad I probably would have messaged you to fight about it, or even responded to your message rather than just blocking you. Y E E T :D

01-18-2021, 10:53 AM
I never post any political shit on FB. It is a comedy and memes for me.

Maybe it was political memes I found distasteful? I honestly can't give you a truthful answer because I just don't remember.

01-18-2021, 11:00 AM
I remember saying that what you were posting was gross, and bye Felicia. Yes. If I were big mad I probably would have messaged you to fight about it, or even responded to your message rather than just blocking you. Y E E T :D

If you weren't big mad, you would have just fucked off in silence instead of taking the time and effort to make an "I'm unfriending you!" comment first.

Using your logic, the honest version anyway, either we were both big mad, or neither of us were big mad.

Sorry but you can't have it both ways.

01-18-2021, 11:03 AM
If you weren't big mad, you would have just fucked off in silence instead of taking the time and effort to make an "I'm unfriending you!" comment first.

Using your logic, the honest version anyway, either we were both big mad, or neither of us were big mad.

Sorry but you can't have it both ways.

I call racists trash all the time on FB. Or at least I did before FB started flagging it as hate speech, lol. It doesn't take any energy or emotion to do so.

01-18-2021, 11:05 AM
I call racists trash all the time on FB. Or at least I did before FB started flagging it as hate speech, lol. It doesn't take any energy or emotion to do so.

"B-b-b-but that's different!"


Try this: Show how little you care by letting it go.

01-18-2021, 11:06 AM
Okey dokey!

01-18-2021, 11:10 AM
Okey dokey!


01-18-2021, 11:14 AM
Maybe it was political memes I found distasteful? I honestly can't give you a truthful answer because I just don't remember.

I've maybe posted one or two political memes ever, and only because they were funny, not political. If you're going to block someone over that, better you are gone from my friend list anyways. Later.

01-18-2021, 11:20 AM
Unfriending: serious business

01-18-2021, 11:20 AM
I've maybe posted one or two political memes ever, and only because they were funny, not political. If you're going to block someone over that, better you are gone from my friend list anyways. Later.

Yeah man, I can't recall what went down, so I can't really comment. If it was before the 2016 election, I was pretty fed up with a lot of bullshit and it didn't take much for me to say bye. It took even less in 2020, to be fair lol. I'm sure there was something that made me realize I didn't wanna be friends anymore, I just dunno what it was. I wish I remembered. It's been a long 5 years.

01-18-2021, 11:53 AM

01-18-2021, 12:05 PM


01-18-2021, 12:06 PM
In all seriousness tho, block is like self care to me. No reason to take it personally. No ill will or any of that towards anyone over political FB shit.

Nathala Crane
01-18-2021, 01:14 PM
Ohaaaaaay, been a while. :)

01-18-2021, 02:10 PM
I know I left both red and green rep for Die. What can I say, we have a love/hate relationship.

01-18-2021, 02:20 PM
I know I left both red and green rep for Die. What can I say, we have a love/hate relationship.

You're a duplicitous ho.

01-18-2021, 02:24 PM
I know I left both red and green rep for Die. What can I say, we have a love/hate relationship.

Thems facts. I feel like most of our red was early on, late '00s? After that we became friendly.

01-18-2021, 02:26 PM
I know I definitely got a fair share of hate rep over siding with you on one thing or another, lol. I'll bet that was mostly Allereli.

01-18-2021, 02:31 PM
I know I definitely got a fair share of hate rep over siding with you on one thing or another, lol. I'll bet that was mostly Allereli.

But seriously, is Pk dead?

01-18-2021, 02:34 PM
But seriously, is Pk dead?

I have no idea. I haven't spoken with him since I left the PC. I seriously forgot he even existed for a few years lol.

01-18-2021, 02:36 PM
After that we became friendly.


01-18-2021, 02:36 PM
I have no idea. I haven't spoken with him since I left the PC. I seriously forgot he even existed for a few years lol.

Maybe msconstrew's ex-husband got his hands on his pencil neck.

Something happened to him.. he doesn't have the discipline or self respect to stay away on his own.

01-18-2021, 02:39 PM

01-18-2021, 02:41 PM
Maybe msconstrew's ex-husband got his hands on his pencil neck.

Something happened to him.. he doesn't have the discipline or self respect to stay away on his own.

Maybe he finally took everyone's advice and got his shit together. I mean probably not but you never know!


01-18-2021, 02:43 PM
I'm wagering he is either dead or in prison. Or posting under a new name to suit his new political values he just all of a suddenly picked up when he was trying to bang t4f.

01-18-2021, 02:53 PM
I'm wagering he is either dead or in prison. Or posting under a new name to suit his new political values he just all of a suddenly picked up when he was trying to bang t4f.

Haha, you guys would definitely know better. I dunno, dude was a giant scumbag but I can't genuinely wish anything bad on him at this point. He had a kid, I hope at least for the kid's sake that he turned his shit around.

01-18-2021, 03:08 PM
Haha, you guys would definitely know better. I dunno, dude was a giant scumbag but I can't genuinely wish anything bad on him at this point. He had a kid, I hope at least for the kid's sake that he turned his shit around.

To be fair.. his kid is probably better off without having that type of an "adult" role model.

01-18-2021, 03:28 PM
I have no idea. I haven't spoken with him since I left the PC. I seriously forgot he even existed for a few years lol.

You missed a ton of pk lulz in I think 2019, right up until he left or went to jail or whatever the fuck happened to him.

For starters, according to pk's detective skills, I'm apparently a gym teacher at some school in New Orleans, and pk was going to call them and get me "fired" from this teaching job that I've never had because of mean posts on the PC. :lol:

01-18-2021, 03:33 PM
To be fair.. his kid is probably better off without having that type of an "adult" role model.


You missed a ton of pk lulz in I think 2019, right up until he left or went to jail or whatever the fuck happened to him.

For starters, according to pk's detective skills, I'm apparently a gym teacher at some school in New Orleans, and pk was going to call them and get me "fired" from this teaching job that I've never had because of mean posts on the PC. :lol:

Wow things got really serious for him, lol. You trolled him straight over the edge of sanity, man. He never really could get out of his own way though.

01-18-2021, 04:50 PM
Yeah pk was saying he was going to get Kranar subpoenaed and have a bunch of people sued for libel. Methais used to have a link in his sig to it. Then he said people were sending him death threats, but wouldn't reveal who it was or what they said. Guy lost his fucking mind.

01-18-2021, 04:51 PM
Yeah pk was saying he was going to get Kranar subpoenaed and have a bunch of people sued for libel. Methais used to have a link in his sig to it. Then he said people were sending him death threats, but wouldn't reveal who it was or what they said. Guy lost his fucking mind.

It's sad but I can't stop giggling.

01-18-2021, 05:05 PM
Unfriending: serious business


Nathala Crane
01-18-2021, 05:07 PM
Yeah pk was saying he was going to get Kranar subpoenaed and have a bunch of people sued for libel. Methais used to have a link in his sig to it. Then he said people were sending him death threats, but wouldn't reveal who it was or what they said. Guy lost his fucking mind.

I mean, maybe whoever it was DID off him.


01-18-2021, 05:12 PM
I mean, maybe whoever it was DID off him.



01-18-2021, 05:40 PM
Hahahaha, plot twist.

01-18-2021, 06:15 PM
To be fair.. his kid is probably better off without having that type of an "adult" role model.

Lol - irony is dead

01-18-2021, 06:51 PM
pk lost whatever was left of his damn mind towards the end. Wouldn’t surprise me if he acted that way in real life and pissed off the wrong person.

01-19-2021, 09:18 AM
Lol - irony is dead

Haha is this you calling PB immature?

I've been gone a long time, I might need some cliff's notes here and there.

01-19-2021, 09:22 AM
Yeah pk was saying he was going to get Kranar subpoenaed and have a bunch of people sued for libel. Methais used to have a link in his sig to it. Then he said people were sending him death threats, but wouldn't reveal who it was or what they said. Guy lost his fucking mind.

I forgot about the subpoena thing. :lol:

And feel free to get me banned, not going to stop my lawyer from sending Kranar a subpoena for IP information on a couple of people.


I mean, maybe whoever it was DID off him.



01-19-2021, 09:24 AM
I forgot about the subpoena thing. :lol:



01-19-2021, 09:45 AM
I always imagined in my head Pk thinking he was so fucking clever when he did that too. Not even the right Matt.

01-19-2021, 09:47 AM

The best part is how it took him like 6 months or something before he finally caught on and realized that that was someone else entirely who just happened to have the same name as me. And I don't remember if he actually caught on, or if me or someone here just told him outright. :lol:

I think time4fun's dildo stress testing really pushed him over the edge.

01-19-2021, 09:47 AM
I always imagined in my head Pk thinking he was so fucking clever when he did that too. Not even the right Matt.

A quick google tells me that the name is the same but did he not even look at the photo? lol

01-19-2021, 09:50 AM
Haha is this you calling PB immature?

I've been gone a long time, I might need some cliff's notes here and there.

He's upset and he tries his hardest.

01-19-2021, 09:51 AM
The best part is how it took him like 6 months or something before he finally caught on and realized that that was someone else entirely who just happened to have the same name as me. And I don't remember if he actually caught on, or if me or someone here just told him outright. :lol:

I think time4fun's dildo stress testing really pushed him over the edge.

It took him a while.. he was in full rage mode at that point.. threatening to subpoena Kranar for everyone's IP addresses that upset him.

01-19-2021, 11:29 AM
A quick google tells me that the name is the same but did he not even look at the photo? lol

I know right? How do you get this:

https://1.cdn.edl.io/b3RMuM3q3n7ZrAzv7LGvmzDb6egDlp8NYpoLYmhtF2MJ9Jqr.j pg

Confused with this?

https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/95568152_10157907159757535_7672853671511588864_n.j pg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=2&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=Up6zPDAzyB8AX-g7cyt&_nc_ht=scontent.fbtr1-1.fna&oh=e0c5c5a59149ec80aee2b81d38b06e1f&oe=602CAB6D

Don't you like my super cool mask?

Apparently he's back at St. Dominic's again. I wonder if pk has contacted them yet.

01-19-2021, 11:39 AM
Don't you like my super cool mask?

Is it the only one you ever wear? lol but also :(

01-19-2021, 11:57 AM
I know right? How do you get this:

https://1.cdn.edl.io/b3RMuM3q3n7ZrAzv7LGvmzDb6egDlp8NYpoLYmhtF2MJ9Jqr.j pg

Confused with this?

https://scontent.fbtr1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/95568152_10157907159757535_7672853671511588864_n.j pg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=2&_nc_sid=09cbfe&_nc_ohc=Up6zPDAzyB8AX-g7cyt&_nc_ht=scontent.fbtr1-1.fna&oh=e0c5c5a59149ec80aee2b81d38b06e1f&oe=602CAB6D

Don't you like my super cool mask?

Apparently he's back at St. Dominic's again. I wonder if pk has contacted them yet.

Wait... you're a fucking Quaker??

Do you make cheese?

Also LOL at Androidpk trying to get you fired... everyone knows Quakers are self employed farmers!

01-19-2021, 11:58 AM
Mmmmmmm, cheese.

01-19-2021, 11:59 AM
Mmmmmmm, cheese.

01-19-2021, 12:03 PM
Oh my glob hahahaha


01-19-2021, 03:31 PM
Is it the only one you ever wear? lol but also :(

Nah. I do the mask thing out in public. I just think it's stupid because there are no standards to the masks, which makes most of them ineffective since most have no filter, while giving people a false sense of security. And that's before counting the part where almost everywhere I go, I see people wearing bullshit like bandanas that aren't really doing shit, or people with a shirt pulled up over their nose, wearing masks as a chin strap, etc. Nobody seems to give a shit if people are wearing it wrong, just as long as they have something on their face.

I blame Estild.

Wait... you're a fucking Quaker??

:rofl: no that's just been my profile pic on most things since the late 90s. Ironically enough for this thread, the Quaker thing started out as a joke between me and a couple friends because the Quaker dude looks really baked.

Also LOL at Androidpk trying to get you fired... everyone knows Quakers are self employed farmers!

He really was the worst detective in the hisory of failure.

01-19-2021, 03:48 PM
Nah. I do the mask thing out in public. I just think it's stupid because there are no standards to the masks, which makes most of them ineffective since most have no filter, while giving people a false sense of security. And that's before counting the part where almost everywhere I go, I see people wearing bullshit like bandanas that aren't really doing shit, or people with a shirt pulled up over their nose, wearing masks as a chin strap, etc. Nobody seems to give a shit if people are wearing it wrong, just as long as they have something on their face.

I blame Estild.

:rofl: no that's just been my profile pic on most things since the late 90s. Ironically enough for this thread, the Quaker thing started out as a joke between me and a couple friends because the Quaker dude looks really baked.

He really was the worst detective in the hisory of failure.


01-19-2021, 04:26 PM


01-19-2021, 08:25 PM

https://media2.giphy.com/media/l1J9znGMm5gHLDTCo/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47b9rdu14h63rjkn53f5dhlkw39way nu8o5cyw9keq&rid=giphy.gif

01-19-2021, 09:35 PM
Nah. I do the mask thing out in public. I just think it's stupid because there are no standards to the masks, which makes most of them ineffective since most have no filter, while giving people a false sense of security. And that's before counting the part where almost everywhere I go, I see people wearing bullshit like bandanas that aren't really doing shit, or people with a shirt pulled up over their nose, wearing masks as a chin strap, etc. Nobody seems to give a shit if people are wearing it wrong, just as long as they have something on their face.

I'm glad to hear that, for real. It's been emotionally exhausting doing everything you're supposed to and seeing people just act like this isn't even real (dick noses/chin straps, people partying in large groups without distancing and masks, ala dumb cunts drinking in bars singing along to Living on a Prayer lol). Feels like you're being gaslit constantly! I think the idea is that masks only work when EVERYONE uses them properly, so you wearing yours right and me wearing mine right only protects those around us. That's why it's so angering to see other people just not giving a shit. I totally understand why you feel it's stupid, cause it IS stupid when others can't be bothered. I've been basically in my house since March. I miss my friends so bad, I miss my life. I miss my happy place. I just hope we can all get the vaccines by October. If Vegas gets postponed again I'm going to be so heartbroken (especially considering that around New Years, our party hotel finally dropped to insanely low rates for our dates). I know the world is still going to be fucked, but I'd at least like to be able to hug people again.

01-19-2021, 09:38 PM
Also hold up, loot cap? You're not talking about farming an area into dust... there's an actual loot cap now? :x

01-20-2021, 09:54 AM
I'm glad to hear that, for real. It's been emotionally exhausting doing everything you're supposed to and seeing people just act like this isn't even real (dick noses/chin straps, people partying in large groups without distancing and masks, ala dumb cunts drinking in bars singing along to Living on a Prayer lol). Feels like you're being gaslit constantly! I think the idea is that masks only work when EVERYONE uses them properly, so you wearing yours right and me wearing mine right only protects those around us. That's why it's so angering to see other people just not giving a shit. I totally understand why you feel it's stupid, cause it IS stupid when others can't be bothered. I've been basically in my house since March. I miss my friends so bad, I miss my life. I miss my happy place. I just hope we can all get the vaccines by October. If Vegas gets postponed again I'm going to be so heartbroken (especially considering that around New Years, our party hotel finally dropped to insanely low rates for our dates). I know the world is still going to be fucked, but I'd at least like to be able to hug people again.

Get comfy then because it’s never going to end. It will be one mutant strain after another.

Also hold up, loot cap? You're not talking about farming an area into dust... there's an actual loot cap now? :x

They put in a loot cap on January 1. Soft cap starts at 15m, hard cap is 35m and resets monthly.

All this is going to do is hurt DR participation since the books for silvers market is going to dry up eventually as a result.

01-20-2021, 01:06 PM
Get comfy then because it’s never going to end. It will be one mutant strain after another.

Oh stop being dramatic.

In completely unrelated news: Doctors say wearing TWO masks is more effective than ONE. https://denver.cbslocal.com/2021/01/20/doubling-up-face-masks-creates-obstacle-course-covid-colorado-doctor/