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01-09-2021, 06:48 AM
MB: 1 bil silvers

8x undead bane t5 xazkruvrixis tomahawk with like 50 crit services

The harmonics generated tell you that the tomahawk inflicts more fearsome wounds when it strikes and has been infused with death.
The xazkruvrixis tomahawk resonates with your voice, indicating that it may be enchanted up to a bonus of 40 by a wizard and was last enchanted by Titaniae.
A strange necrotic haze sours your melody slightly, indicating that Dyreknor has infused the tomahawk with the fifth tier of permanent Ensorcellment.

This xazkruvrixis tomahawk provides an additional offensive bonus of +10 when employed against all undead creatures.

01-09-2021, 07:17 AM
MB: 1 bil silvers

8x undead bane t5 xazkruvrixis tomahawk with like 50 crit services

The harmonics generated tell you that the tomahawk inflicts more fearsome wounds when it strikes and has been infused with death.
The xazkruvrixis tomahawk resonates with your voice, indicating that it may be enchanted up to a bonus of 40 by a wizard and was last enchanted by Titaniae.
A strange necrotic haze sours your melody slightly, indicating that Dyreknor has infused the tomahawk with the fifth tier of permanent Ensorcellment.

This xazkruvrixis tomahawk provides an additional offensive bonus of +10 when employed against all undead creatures.

Greater or lesser undead bane?

01-09-2021, 10:41 AM
before I consider bidding - what is the wood grain on the handle?

01-09-2021, 10:43 AM
Beldar - does this have a lifetime warranty?

01-09-2021, 11:53 AM

01-09-2021, 11:59 AM

01-09-2021, 12:19 PM
Couple of questions:

Do death flares flare vs the undead? Cause you know, they're already dead.

Are the death flares a standard flare slot, or do they take up the script slot?

01-09-2021, 01:17 PM
I *believe* death flares work on corporeal undead.

I should honestly know this as I have a death spikestar, but I don't really hunt the undead.

If no one else knows for sure, I'll go try it out

01-09-2021, 01:28 PM
standard flare slot

** Your xazkruvrixis tomahawk emits an ominous black-green glow! **

The life drains visibly away from the shambling lurk, as it collapses before you, dead!
With a last inhuman twitch, a shambling lurk falls down, decay rapidly eating away at its lifeless body.

01-09-2021, 01:57 PM
how does a paladin not hunt undead? smh. at least you aint in voln.

I think most capped area's are pretty bare of UD with the exception of The Rift or P2play Reim right?

01-09-2021, 02:21 PM
I think most capped area's are pretty bare of UD with the exception of The Rift or P2play Reim right?

SoS and Nelemar both have undead.

01-09-2021, 02:22 PM
I think most capped area's are pretty bare of UD with the exception of The Rift or P2play Reim right?


Though I got a bad feeling that the new post cap areas are going to be chock full of super buff undead.

01-09-2021, 02:42 PM
SoS and Nelemar both have undead.

I meant more predominantly UD. For the most part aren't they just kind of sprinkled in versus being the centerpieces?

01-09-2021, 02:45 PM
I meant more predominantly UD. For the most part aren't they just kind of sprinkled in versus being the centerpieces?

Nelemar I think that's the case. SoS the undead is pretty prominent, 2 of the 5 critter types are undead and seems pretty even spawn rate. Let's just say I net quite a bit of favor hunting in there even using symbols.

01-09-2021, 02:49 PM
3 out of the 5 are undead in SoS and one of those 3 can raise the 2 non-undead into a shambler which is undead. So yeah it’s mostly undead.

01-09-2021, 02:57 PM
Nelemar I think that's the case. SoS the undead is pretty prominent, 2 of the 5 critter types are undead and seems pretty even spawn rate. Let's just say I net quite a bit of favor hunting in there even using symbols.

Oh if that is the case I cannot wait to check it out, I am painfully close but JUST out of reach of it so far

01-09-2021, 03:34 PM
3 out of the 5 are undead in SoS and one of those 3 can raise the 2 non-undead into a shambler which is undead. So yeah it’s mostly undead.


I thought shapers, fanatics, and sentinels are living.

Lurks and monstrosities are undead.

What am I missing?

01-09-2021, 03:52 PM

I thought shapers, fanatics, and sentinels are living.

Lurks and monstrosities are undead.

What am I missing?


01-09-2021, 04:21 PM

Weird, Wiki has shapers listed as living, and I think it is correct:

You gesture at a pale scaled shaper.
You hurl a freezing ball of pure cold at a pale scaled shaper!
AS: +564 vs DS: +467 with AvD: +65 + d100 roll: +38 = +200
... and hit for 77 points of damage!
Strange how the cold can burn.
A pale scaled shaper sinks to the ground, the fell light in his eyes guttering before going out entirely.
A shadow seems to detach itself from a pale scaled shaper, swiftly dissipating into the air.
The light blue glow leaves a pale scaled shaper.
The deep blue glow leaves a pale scaled shaper.
The very powerful look leaves a pale scaled shaper.
The white light leaves a pale scaled shaper.
The air about a pale scaled shaper shimmers momentarily before the evanescent shield surrounding him collapses.
A pale scaled shaper glances around, looking a bit less confident.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around a pale scaled shaper.
The scaled shaper no longer bristles with energy.
The wall of force disappears from around a pale scaled shaper.
The freezing ball of pure cold strikes a pale scaled shaper, blossoming into a much larger sphere of frost upon impact.

As a volner, I would expect to see this message:

You hear a sound like a weeping child as a white glow separates itself from the flesh monstrosity's body as it rises, disappearing into the heavens."

01-09-2021, 04:39 PM
Shapers are alive. Both shapers and fanatics can raise dead into lurks. Fanatics can also summon three lurks at once from nothing.

01-09-2021, 05:00 PM
Only lurks and monstrosities are undead in SoS.

01-09-2021, 05:04 PM
I bid 50m

01-10-2021, 02:25 AM
im selling Amerek's mom. 5 mil was the buyout, but ill take 50 mil.